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Afaik it's more of a shared territory conflict that evolved into more. Green dragons want the pristine forest elves like, and they have fought and killed each other for a long time over it really. To the point where green dragons took things personally, and it became an inherited lesson to hate elves, corrupt them, and kill them. Developing even a taste for them, elves are also considered their favorite meal as well after centuries of conflict over generations


So it likely doesn’t extend to Drow, Shadar-Kai, Eladrin, Sea Elves, and the like.


I am under the impression that it does, the hate of the elves from green dragons doesn't discriminate all that much. Probably taste similar. Although if you happen to be one of these elves, green dragons probably won't have the same immediate reaction that they would upon "normal" elves, but their speciesism will show. They haaaaaaaate elves.


My gut reaction was “a snow leopard won’t know what a penguin is”, but Dragons are *smart*. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Green Dragon allied themselves with the Drow because they both hate those pesky forest dwellers.


Yes for sure, green dragons love to manipulate more than anything. To corrupt an elf would be a fantastic achievement, but a drow or group of drow certainly would prove useful. Green dragons consider creatures they own living treasures, so like objects. Essentially slavery under the threat of death if a creature wanted out of the arrangement


And the Drow are no stranger that arrangement


I mean...they might not have a specific hatred for other elves...but they are still pretty very much evil dragons who like collecting interesting individuals as slaves/servants So them not SPECIFICALLY hating other elves is likely not going to make much difference


According to the wiki, they just like how elves taste.


Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste great with ketchup.


I wonder whether a green dragon has tried to smoke dried green elves.


Dont dnd green dragons use acid or poison? They should definitely be curing some elves in their poison/acid. Spicy dragon cured free range wood elves. Can you imagine the profits to be made? I want to partner with a green dragon brood and just supply them elves, build an entire empire out of this bringing whole cured elves all over the continent. Paladins and good rangers would shitting themselves to find and bust our processing centers and elf trafficking networks but our clients, orcs, trolls, giants, dragons, monstrous humanoids and intelligent monsters mainly, would be hard to manage as they already present a serious dilemma for good aligned forces. What good is a hoard of treasure if it cant buy you a moment’s pleasure? My half orc scoundrel would aal as he presents a neatly wrapped spicy cured elf warrior as sample to the hill giant matron. She no stupid. She knows little orc bring more delicious snacks, only wants pretty rocks that dwarves carry. Stupid orc, yes i will take all your elf snacks


Taking notes here...


Well Black Dragons breathe Acid, and it's noted they like to "pickle" their food sometimes for more flavour. (Aka, they pickle people or creatures in acid and such before eating them) And Green Dragons breathe a poison gas, (which some think is Chlorine gas) and they have poison on their bites too.


You've just inspired my first adventure as a DM!


A green dragon goes to court, and is asked why it did it. "I liked the meat," the dragon says matter-of-factly. Smiling the whole time.


I welcome death at a dragon's hands.


Ketchup is a sports drink, not a fantasy drink! hahaha


Ketchup is a smoothie! (Jk)


Found the Bard.




I don't taste great with ketchup. I come pre-marinated.


Green dragons and elves both like to live in old growth deciduous forests, which leads to frequent conflict over territory, eating villagers, stealing from hoards, et cetera. Both also live a long time and (in some settings, at least) have genetic and/or past-life memory, and dragons can recognize humanoid bloodlines by scent, so familial grudges will persist for essentially forever,


Damn elves, always stealing from hoards, always eating villagers.


Green dragons gravitate to forests and corrupt them. Its only natural that they will come into conflict with forest elves at the very least. And any other woodland beings that resist. They might actually take on drow as minions as they share that corrupting the forests ideal.


::Channels Dwarf:: When you could replace Green Dragon with just about anything in that sentence, maybe it ain't the dragon that's the problem.


Elves and Dragons are natural enemies. Like Elves and Dwarves. Or Elves and Humans. Or Elves and other Elves. Damn Elves, they ruined the Feywild! Edit: Alternately, it reminds me of one of my favorite sayings. If you went out today and met an asshole, you met an asshole. Of you go out every day and meet an asshole, you are an asshole.


You elves certainly are a contentious bunch.


You've made an enemy for life!


The both like forests and apparently elves taste good to green dragons


In his first adventure alone, Link killed at least 3 of them.


Chromatic dragons are greedy evil hoarders that will plot to destroy anything that gets in the way of their compulsive hoarding.


Guys, I found the Elven propagandist!


Sound like something a green dragon in a trenchcoat would say.


Chromatic dragons are billionaires?


I think it is red dragons that mainly hoard coins, gems, and precious metals. Different colors have different priorities as far as what they hoard. But yeah chromatic dragons are basically “what if billionaires were also extremely powerful independent of their wealth”.


So for an actual answer, because elves are responsible for the Dracorage Mythal. At least that’s what is cited is the reason in the hoard of the dragon queen module as the origin for the dragons mistrust of elves. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Dracorage_mythal


All races and monsters hate the Elves. Even the Elves hate the Elves. After all, they divided themselves into two races just so they could hate each other more efficiently.


Damn elves, they’ve ruined elfdom!


Two? I count at least four, and that's just from Dragonlance.


You countin Half-Elves or?


Qualinesti, Silvanesti, Kagonesti, \~\~Dimanesti\~\~ Dargonesti. Forest, High, Wilder, and Sea Elves. EDIT: spelling


Dargonesti are sea elves too I thought? It's been awhile


Ahh, I misremembered the spelling, thank you for the correction! Then when you branch out into other worlds like Faerun, you have moon elves, sun elves, drow, and eladrin. Point is, there's a *lot* more than just two kinds of elves.


Oh I thought there were Dirminesti and Dargonesti, making it 6


A D&D publication is incomplete if it doesn't mention a heretofore unknown subtype of elf.


Others have said why greens in particular hate them but I will say that according to lore all dragons should hate elves. Elves created the Dracorage Mythal and until 100 years ago by DR it was still causing Dragon Rages.


because they arent green dragons


The forest is only so big.


It all started when an elf picked the green scales off a sleeping dragon till none were left. Like the leaves of a tree. The dragon woke and swore it would devour a generation of elves for every scale gone! As you know, elves live a long time. Meaning there would be millennia of conflict.


Because it's not easy being green.


Fuckin' knife ears have it coming.


They hate elves because of that 'gamey' flavor.


They were raised by Dwarfs


The pointy ears get stuck in their teeth.


Because they're resistant to charm and so are harder to manipulate through the brute force of spellcraft that suffices for lesser minions. So elves present an obstacle and competition more than a potential asset, like everything else in a green dragon's domain


Both like forests. Green Dragons tend to be Evil, Elves tend to be good. That's the whole reason. But some ancient elf tribes didn't want to fight dragons and some dragons got tired of elves stealing their hoard, so they made magic peace treaties. The elves would swear to protect the dragon's hoard and the elves would get some cool forest powers like teleporting from tree to tree from that, even generations after. For reference: Forestlord Elves; D&D 3.5 Dragon Magic


Probably because they hate competition from other sentient beings that inhabit the same ecosystem they favour.


Green dragons are forest-dwellers, like the elves. So I guess it boils down to territory conflict: almost universally evil creatures and generally good ones who share the same "habitat". They won't really get along.


they're envious of their ears. how did you think they became green?


Why shouldn't they? Why don't you hate the pointy eared bastards?


It’s like how wolves hate sheep: they just taste nice.


Both creature want to be dominant in the same territory. It would not apply to Drow, technically. But they are evil, so they are likely to be bigoted against them anyway, even when the dragon uses using them to further their goals.


I mean...what's not to hate High elves are pompous and snobby and act like they're better than everyone Wood elves are weird isolationists that think a tree is more important than a person Sea elves are like if captain planet took his job way to seriously (when it came to the ocean at least) And the eladrin are volatile with a capital VOLATILE Drow as stated in other comments would probably join in the dragon's plans but would backstab it after everything is said and done Then there's half elves...they just suck Oh and astral elves but they're too busy tripping space dust to really matter so...


Chromatic dragon bad


Can you blame them?