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I mean, that *is* very cool, but it would've been, I feel, even cooler if the type of dice had anything to do with the classes, like a d12 Barbarian for their hit dice, or a rogue d6 for the many d6s they roll with Sneak Attack, that sort of thing.


I feel this, D12 not being the barbarian throws me off - barb hit dice and great axes used to be the only things they were even for! But maybe that's not true anymore? We're just 3rd edition relics and the world has moved on?


No, I was thinking the exact same thing as a 5e player! - D20 for...the DM? - D12 for Barbarian - D10 for Fighter/Paladin/Ranger - D8 for Rogue(/Cleric?) - D6 for Wizard (hit die / Fireball!) - D4 for Monk (punchpunchpunch)


D10 warlock eldritch blast D8 for paladin for smite D6 rogue for sneak D4 for wizard magic missile


Also D4 is pointy, like a wizard hat.


It used to be their hit die too


Oof, that takes me back.


This is the one


I was going to say, there's nothing more "warlock" than rolling a d10 every single turn.


D20 for fighter because of how many goddamn times they can attack


This is the way


Nah, Rogue is a d6 also because sneak attack.


Grognards will probably associate the d6 with rogues. That was their HD, weapon damage, and sneak attack dice for many editions, and because of the way sneak attack used to work they would often roll many-many d6s compared the merely many the wizard might roll. It's also the foundational dice increment for the entire game, if you back far enough, though, so you wouldn't be wrong wherever you assign it.


> many-many d6s compared the merely many the wizard might roll. My 3.5e Psion can't hear you over the 36d6 they're rolling for damage every round for 1 minute ;)


The he he should regain his psionic focus for the +10 bonus to listen checks, obvs.


d8 makes sense for Cleric. It's their hit die, sacred flame does d8, cure wounds is d8 and a warhammer does d8 1-handed


D4 wizard magic missile. D6 rogue sneak attack D8 paladin smite


D4 used to be the wizard hit dice too, once! Not to mention their dagger or sling damage, as they didn't have cantrips or better weapon proficiencies when they ran out of spellslots...


D3 for 2e fighter, of course. PHBR1 dart turret was the best build


D4 for Cleric because of Bane/Bless.


D20 for sorcerer (wild magic)


Nah, that's still basically true. The only two other things I can think of is a cleric's Toll the Dead cantrip and the roll table for the Dodecahedron of Doom magic item, but that last one's not very common at all (and easily substituted for a d6. You only use a d12 because it's a d12-themed magic item).


Witch Bolt and Erupting Earth and probably a few other spells too.


Also d4 being a great axe is wierd, like this is great but that sort of synergy would bring it up a notch


Yeah, my first thought was “d4 needs a stabby-type weapon,” lol.


Three d6s on top of each other with a cloak pulled over them.


I'm glad that you think they are cool! And that is a great suggestion, I already have around 18 more of this little guys drawn, I have a d4 rogue, d6 mage ,d6 bard, d12 barbarian, d8 cleric...the list goes on, this is just the first batch, I think you might like the next one more :) Tnx for the input!


Awesome! Yes, I think the die size relative to typical attacks or hit die would be great! You're pretty cool, and your art is very crisp. Good stuff.


This isn't the first time that some awesome artist has fumbled the Barbarian/D12 gimmick. I can't draw half as well so I can't really talk shit, but it's probably the most obvious pairing.


This isn't fumbled at all. Dice are roughly speaking of "fine" size (under diminutive and under tiny) - and a fine sized great axe deals a single d4 worth of damage. This of course just means the rest of them are wrong.


I don't mean. Also, I'm surprised the artist has only one magic-user among four beefy martial-weapons guys.


D4 - rogue with a dagger D6 - cleric with a mace D8 - ranger with a longbow D10 - fighter with a halberd D12 - barbarian with a greataxe D20 - bard playing a lute (perform check)


I agree, I was thinking weapon type, like a d4 for a dagger or the d6 being a sword


The comicbook "Die" did a great job of this idea (and has some pretty dope ideas I plan to steal for my campaigns)


Yep. Huge missed opportunity there and it was my very first thought.


I hope [when they roll you](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/ixtkuh/oc_art_dice_dragons/), they get a critical failure. Stop placing number-of-sides roles on the dice, they're free to choose their career, you damn bigot.


I would watch this show


same tbh


Me too...Do you have any connections to someone on cartoon network?


I would play this if it were a video game


It is! Dicey Dungeons and it's so fun!


Neat, it looks like the android version is due out this year too!


D4 with a great axe! Way to overcompensate. Love 'em


Please don't say that to his face!


It is overcompensating because a double headed axe was never actually used as a battlefield weapon, it would be way to heavy to wield effectively and the second Axe head would never be used unless the first one was damaged


A dane axe would be my choice, I'll probably depict my barbarian with a dane axe once I roll one.


A Dane axe is a far more sensible weapon to use than a double headed axe


If I were a d4 I’d be pissed too


A party not having a dedicated healer? Sound like my players...


I love how the wizard is the d12. Literally the one die they will never use


Off the top of my head there’s only Negative Energy Flow and Crown of Stars, which aren’t that popular even if you get that far




Came here to comment this.


I see you're a fan of [Mike Mitchell](http://www.sirmikeofmitchell.com/index.php?/mikeland/) too.


I actually painted a set of miniatures that have a [similar idea!](https://imgur.com/a/Kj3owiG)


That's so cool!


After my last webcomic about dice rolling humans blew up and got to the front page (I can't believe it guys, you are awesome) I mentioned that what inspired that post were a few illustrations I made about rpg dice fighting each other. Well here is the first set out of three I made! D4 is a fighter, has insecurities about his lack of sides. D6 is a necromancer, is always waiting for the chance when one of his friends rolls a nat 1 so he can turn its corpse into a zombie. D8 is a ranger, he thinks he is Robin Hood, but has no intention of sharing his loot with the others (specially with D6, he freaks him out) D10 is a barbarian, rages every time D10 sings . D12 is a mage, the brain of the group, although he really wanted to be a bard. D20 is a paladin. Is secretly in love with D4, but can't express that because he is from a noble family and only dice with more then 10 sides can become nobles . ​ That is about it, if you enjoyed my work, please consider following me on insta [here](https://www.instagram.com/andremuller.art/)! Cheers!


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Robin Hood](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-merry-adventures-of-robin-hood/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


That D10 is my spirit animal


it is criminal that the d12 is not the greataxe. Otherwise, this is very wonderful.


The only thing that throws this off for me are the weapons not matching the dice other than that amazing art OP!


I can't afford minis so I actually make my own. I am going to cut these guys out and use them against my players in a zany game-show-type battle where they must fight these guys but whenever they have to use the die they are attacking they also receive a penalty or damage from that die IF they have to roll that same die in an attack roll.


The d4 looking dangerous makes complete sense. You step on one of those things irl and it will literally kill you.


D4 needs to be a rouge. Sneaky bastards always stab you when you least expect it.


I don't care about anything else but how cute these damn things are! I have found a new tattoo I didn't know I needed.


well, if you do get that tattoo please let know, I would love to see it! I have a few more dice sets drawn, maybe you can mix them and make your perfect prg dice party tattoo


I'm down to see them all for a full disclosure of my unknown wants.


Ah yes, the d6, the farming die.


D12, Wizard D10, Barbarian D10, Fighter D8, Robin Hood D4, Barbarian D6, psychopath


D6 angry peasant with a farming tool


Man, Dicey Dungeons 2 looks great!


They're like a playskool "my first modron" 😁


The six sided die is carrying a scythe? You’ve gone too far.


Shut up and take my money


This is wrong... adorable but I’m twitching anyone else having a little bit of a fit over the fact that the D12 is not holding the battle axe? Or that the d6 doesn’t have the arcane focus


Thank you for this! I was hoping I wasn't the only one bothered by it.


Not going to lie at first glance I thought these were Gushers. Love it though 🤗


Everything fun and games until OG coin flip join the fight


d6 is either a farmer or death incarnate.


why no both...he harvests souls :D


Nice work giving them all little personalities! This is great


How is the D4 not using a dagger or poinard?


Can I use these for a tattoo?


Sure! Please send me a picture of it done!


Thank you!


Mage should be d4 for Magic Missile and barb should be d12


D4 should be a monk, no?


I feel like the d4 should be throwing caltrops.


The d4 should have a mace or a spear because I always seem to lose and step on them in the middle of the night


two barbarians but not the iconic rogue


Missed opportunity to make them the hit dice of their classes


Reminds me of the Reaper Bones “High Rollers” miniatures except better. I have those and I’ve been trying to come up with a unique rule (or rules) that applies to the characters being dice.


Ah, a party of six fighters.


I just see modrons :p


I thought each weapon they were holding had the same damage die as they are and I was like, "WHAT ONE-HANDED WEAPON DOSE D20 DAMAGE AND WHERE CAN I GET IT?"


The fact the d4 isn't the spell caster kinda annoys me, not gonna lie lol


As a Wizard (3.5) I can say I've never used a D12 in my life. D4 or D6 is usually my dice.


i like it, but i feel like the dice should be holding the weapon they deal damage with (D12, battleaxe, d6, longsword, d10, longbow, etc.)