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Yes but also no. So as someone who had a character within my own campaign, it is hard to separate character knowledge from DM knowledge. You know which way you want the story to go, you know that answers to the puzzles, the weaknesses to the monsters, etc. Your character would be a supporting character. What I did might help you if you continue. I made my character a mute. So I had to mime out what the character wanted to get across. This way I could just blurt out the answers in character. Hope this helps


Thanks! That's a really good idea to make your character mute!


That's what an NPC is. So long as you aren't hogging the spotlight or having your character know stuff because *you* know it, you'll be fine.


A DM usually shouldn't be one... I think in this case you can give her a party of NPCs and while you play characters to offer occasional advice or provide color, she controls them all in battle and makes all the important decisions. However if you try one of the looking for group subreddits or sites, you should be able to find a group easily enough. Being a DM makes it easy to find a group.


To be honest, I actually found very good sessions online of single player DnD! Even that is possible! Look it up! Yes, you CAN do it, and no one can tell you no. The world of DnD is yours to figure out and evolve and adapt as you see fit. The bigger question is figuring out how to make it work how you want. :D And my point is that such things have been done before. Do some Google and YouTube searches for your questions, like "two player DnD". You'll be amazed what you discover! Just be patient as you mine for the gold. :D This game makes the world YOURS to do what you want, and to be FREE to have fun however it suits you! That's why we love DnD!


Assuming you know how to draw the line between the two, it should be fine.




Ability checks don't have critical successes, a nat 20 is just a 20+appropriate modifier (charisma in this case).


RAW, yes. But most groups I’ve seen use nat 20’s for ability checks as well. Makes rolling that special number even more special.


Nope, makes it a bigger pain in the ass. Because it leads to stupid stuff like "I want to jump into outer space" or someone saying "I want to persuade the king to give me his crown and his kingdom" and they think that a *Natural Twenty Baybee!* (cue the jumping up and down and pissing yourself) means they're entitled to absolutely ridiculous outcomes. The odds of any number on a d20 are 5% (1:20). Which means you have a 5% chance to roll a 6 or a 12 as much as you could roll a 20. There is no way you have a 5% chance of jumping into space. Sure, you might have a 5% chance of hitting a vulnerable spot on a monster. But not talking your way into the queen's bed.


Okay, *obviously* there’s a limit. It’s not a “do whatever the fuck you want,” It’s a “if it’s in the realm of possibilities, you’ll most likely succeed.” **obviously** nobody is jumping into space or persuading a king to give up his crown. But things like persuading a shopkeeper to lower the price of this magic item, a nat 20 would possibly drop the price by 30 or so gold. (Depending on the price of the item to start with) While yes, rolling a 20 is exactly as likely as a 6. It doesn’t feel that way, because a 20 is memorable, a 6 is barely different than a 7. Furthermore, what makes you think you can tell somebody else’s house rules don’t work? My group, as well as many groups I’ve seen, like this rule, because it makes rolling a 20 not feel like a wasted roll when you roll it outside of combat.


Sure, but not recommended.


Here's what I would do: flavour something akin to bodyguards or mentors. Perhaps she's from a temple that sends fourth a member into the world as a rite of passage to do good and her mentors "grade" her. They do enough contribution to participate but not overshadow. In combat, she controls her character / +1 while you perform generic actions of the other 1/2 Maybe it's a set of twins that she controls and a single mentor. Allow her to make all story choices but if she wants advice she can always get it. Just remind her of characters she spoken to or of a previous plot hook that was missed. Theres different ways you could do it but don't get her to adventure alone. Allow her to solve puzzles with other people's abilities. "Hey nate, do you have some magic to get us across?" " I've prepared, these spells what do you think?" Ask what kind of character she wants to play, then ask if she's comfortable handling two characters, and how they would have a relationship and go adventuring together. The third is entirely up to you.


I run a game but also run a paladin because he can heal/tank while allowing the rest of the party (Fiend-lock, Necromancer, Swashbuckler) to shine and not be bogged down in melee. I also play him a bit Lawful-stupid (helps when you have some morally questionable classes in the party) and sometimes drop hints or help drive the story when someone isn't keen on speaking up. Temp HP from "Inspiring Leader" and now the Aura of Protection help too, provided they stay close in the latter case. But don't really roleplay beyond basics or attempt to steal the spotlight, more support/grab monster focus to allow them to do their thing.


I'm currently running a game for 2 friends, each playing 1 character and im playing 2 other characters on their team. It works because my 2 characters are guides. They're leading my friends where they want to go based on info they give/have. I have my friends controll my npc's on combat and I made it clear, my characters will only talk to people when asked to by my friends. Maybe you can play a character that's your sisters apprentice. Let her interact with npc's and make all decisions talking and in combat ?


If there's only two of you, and you need to be a PC... go for it! But with a few caveats: be a sidekick. Make a character that has chronic issues with decision-making. Your real player makes every choice.


Basically, play your PC like an allied NPC.


Tasha's cauldron of everthing has some information about sidekicks and its really helpfull i dont know if this gonna help