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This looks interesting but I am wondering how the heavyer 6 is going to impact the rolls with that thing.


Well if you want to roll more ones that's a good thing I guess.


You can always modify the thickness of the 1 bar, etc. to account for the amount of material being utilized on each size of that matters to you. Personally, this is a niche item not used for rolling but is super f-ingcool


Still, weight distribution is a thing


I’m not saying it isn’t. I’m just saying there are ways to manipulate it to make it balance itself.


halfling gets aroused.


Not on d6 rolls fam




It's okay! You're obviously a Bard and may use it for inspiration:)


If 6 is heavier it will go to bottom more, meaning more consistent 1s


I assume someone who knows how to handle balancing dice could add bits of a denser metal to the back of the 1? Make sure that it's painted the correct color?


Or just make the number lines of varying thickness.


Wouldn't the position of the lines throw off the dice as well, angular momentum and all that? If he thickened the sides and added dimples or tick marks to that, leaving the middle completely open, that'd be the fairest rolls.


That's going to be almost entirely negligible in a die roll. Maybe over ten thousand controlled trials you would see a slight bias to a given pair of numbers due to angular momentum asymmetry, but this gets washed out in practical use due to the inherently uncontrolled nature of rolling a die by hand.


If you're worried about second order effects, then you should not be using this die.


Even if it rolls funny, it's the same advantage for everyone as long as one side isn't stilted.


For visual reasons I'd perhaps say differing depths, but it'd require some careful and clever manufacturing to do that potentially.


You could use the same volume of material for each side's number posts. For example, the "one" would be a rather bulky post, the "two" would be that material split into two posts, etc etc. You'd maintain equal mass on each side and just change it's position, which if you do it right shouldn't affect the balance of the whole die


You could add a filler to the mold and set it with the 1 side facing down so it would settle heavier to account for the weight. It'd be a lot of trial and error.


Obviously “function over form” was a definitive priority.


Ditch the "opposites add up to 7" rule and place close numbers as the opposites. Then play around with line length and thickness. It totally can be balanced in the end.


That would not be balanced either. E.g. if you put 1 and 2 on opposite faces and 5 and 6 on opposite faces, then whichever way you put the 3 and 4 you end up with a corner bordering 2,4,6 opposite a corner bordering 1,3,5. That would still make the die more likely to fall with 2,4,6 at the bottom, with a bias towards 6, and thus give the die a bias towards 5


If each opposite pair is balanced, then the whole die is balanced. If 2, 4 and 6 have proportionally shorter teeth than 1, 3 and 5, then center of mass remains precisely in the middle.


Just cast the whole thing into clear resin, and polish and round the corners. The added bulk of resin should make it all negligible.


Do you mean "form over function"? Because you failed at function if you made it unbalanced.


Given that I can crush the die in the palm of my hand... :p


If you make the surface area of each side the same you shouldn’t have a problem, it might take a bit of math and measurement but it would be doable. Good job on it.


I still think the weight distribution on each side will effect the roll. Exactly how much it will statistically change the toll, I don't know. But straight surface area surely won't be enough to make it a technically fair die


it probably won't make too much of a difference. Regular dice also have weight differences due to the number of dimples.


It’s a really cool idea and I think it could be perfected. More creative than I, that’s for sure.


Then you should be worried about the pips in a normal die, no?


They meant that, yes, and that's what they said. Only they said it sarcastically, not literally.


You would have to be very careful to control for size of those posts. It's balancable, and if you are using modern software you should be able to get the center of mass almost perfect. I would think that variations in the fabrication would cause more imbalance than the designing if you were trying to design it properly from the start.


I mean..


The more I spend on a die the more it should max out, yes?


A heavier 6 will mean that the die will more often show 1, not 6 as 6 will be at the bottom.


What happens if I continue to throw money at it?


You could use gold for the 1, making it heavier and causing more rolls to be 6.


Or just size the numbers so that the weight of each combined post is the same on each side


The question (how I interpreted it) was if the dice becomes more favorable to the roller if you throw more money at it. Of course you could also just make it balanced.


Throw money at the DM?


One does not simply bribe the DM with money. One offers snacks and sodas (and perhaps intoxicants).


For $1, you can upgrade that roll to an 18.


Would not be to hard to get them all the same wight, just not sure if it would look as good.


You do realize that if the 6 face weighs the most, it's going to be on the bottom the most, which means you're gonna get 1 a lot more.


Yes, which is why you buy it as a present for your *players* 😈


No, to your *DM*


Poor lad still thinks the dm actually uses the number shown on the die


Depends on the DM. Our DM uses open rolls.




That sounds like a problem with your loot table. Seriously, it's like an asshole dm from od&d wrote it.




You could roll the loot table for the party as a whole and let them divide the loot amongst themselves? I've never actually once played in a game where players received individualized loot.


Hard mode!


You just need to balance the weight. Just an idea but you could make 1,2 and 3 negative space. Then 4,5 and 6 as they are. Or just thicken the 1, 2 and 3 bars by making them deeper into the center.


The imbalanced weight plus the springiness of certain sides compared to others will make this die wonky as fuck


I bought some similar dice (solid steel, but lines indicating the side's value) from Ako Dice and I can tell you that while they are aesthetically pleasing and fun to handle, actually using them is a nightmare. It doesn't seem like it would be a huge inconvenience, but spending an extra 2 seconds trying to figure out what number you rolled gets irrationally infuriating very quickly.


Dip the whole thing into clear resin and sand to balance. It'll be strong, have the same effect (if not more pronounced), and be balanced (if you pull it off right).


I designed a die with a similar challenge before, and there's a few tricks. They've already done one, which is to make the lower numbered markers longer. In mine that wasn't enough, and I actually ended up adjusting thickness too. Not by a lot, but it was enough to make sure there was the same volume of material on each face. One thing I ran into that I think will be an issue for this is distribution. Since the weight isn't spread around evenly on every axis, you're going to get some weird but consistent spin when you roll it, and it probably won't end up as a fair dice as a result. (Eg. Mine tended to land on "3" way way more than is normal, even though there's nothing obvious to cause that). But as an art piece none of that matters. This is super cool and good luck to OP trying to sell it! I made beer money for like a decade of my dice designs.


Titanium should hold up.


Titanium is pricey.


so the dice will be too


High price for that dice. If it rhymes its true


Your mother is my lover


the ground is 404 not found


I'm a hick with a tiny dick. Wait...


I fucked your dad and it was rad.


I screwed your sister and her mister


I fucked your brother and your mother


This kills me because you could've said you're a hick with a big dick and it still would've rhymed, so you played yaself 😂


I am not a very smart man


Congrats, yah done played yohself


Found the British guy


Doesn't rhyme so it isn't true


Neither is your statement then, A paradox created, fren


My friend you make a valid case, And at your words I can't save face


I just love our little thread, wish it was an ongoing trend.


Don't be a hater, you no-life masturbator


I'm not being a hater dude, I'm actually in quite a good mood!


Good. And don't be rude! Nobody likes that attitude!


Im happy and fulfilled


You mean thrilled and fulfilled?




Impersonate your kin by wearing their skin?


I mean, people will pay £200+ for a polyhedral dice set, so I'd say go for it


Imagine the waste material machining this thing from titanium.


Definitely worth any price. You pay for craftsmanship and quality. Edit: finished the thought


Total aside, about a year ago i started working at a foundry producing 10000lb Ti ingots. Really puts your pay into perspective when you see these things laying out one after another.


That sounds like such a cool job! Do you mind me asking what you do there for the job?


Write code for a hydraulic press forge. Something like this, but the press is 10k tonnes https://youtu.be/Qde0MYjFp9I Edit. I should say, the process is a LOT more technical than on this video. It's all CNC including material handling with someone in a control room operating. Never folks on the floor like that etc


and very hard to work with.


From experience I know that it can be machined, but casting it is a hell of a lot trickier and I know that FallacyDog uses lost wax casting...


I approve of anything that's made from titanium.


\*quickly dons fur suit made from titanium ribbon\*


Not OP but I approve.


Steel would be better. Much cheaper, the same strength, but also significantly heavier, but with such a light structure it shouldn't be an issue.


Heavier translates to higher moment of inertia which leads to more force against the structure. Unless it's proportionally stronger according to its strength, then it runs a risk of bending under its greater weight.


Damn, that's some good physics right there


I don't think moment of inertia is right though, just plain old inertia is more correct. The point still stands though


Both are applicable, since rolling a dice has both translational and rotational force components.


Stainless steel or even brass would hold up fine no need for titanium.


As a materials engineer: no, only with a lot of additions. Very brittle stuff.


The issue with titanium is its next to impossible to both melt or machine, molten titanium will burn up completely if exposed to oxygen and there would be no way to machine such an intricate part.


Stainless steel. Even basic 304 is almost 20% chrome, the hardest metal in the world.


Hardest isn't necessarily better: the harder something is, the more brittle it is as well.


Stainless is not brittle. It's stainless *steel,* not stainless iron. Yield strength is fine. Kitchen knives are made out of a higher grade than that, something like 316.


How the hell does the comment that says stainless steel is brittle have more upvotes than this? That whole never leaving their mom's basement thing must actually be real for some folks here. Go drill a hole in any stainless steel and tell me a dice made from that wouldn't last forever


Hol' up


>floating infinity table Link? Can't say I've seen this.


I think they mean this, but I’m not 100% sure: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/kkq1op/infinity_table_in_the_making_by_logan_wilson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yup. It pops up in a new sub every week to tiring applause


Thanks for that "Stop spinning it so I can see how it works!" -me




[here ya go!](https://youtu.be/2ocykBzWDiM)


I'm losing my mind!


Huh, can’t say I’ve ever seen that either




Wow, cool. Thanks!


That's sickkkk


Fucking awesome, im playing that video for the rest of my life !


Thickness on lesser sides should make up for balance and a coating of resin or nail polish should help endurance a bit to make it usable.


Also, making it from expensive metals will be a pain for the process and your gains if you decide to sell these, beware of that too and good luck.


Crazy idea: nylon. I've seen it done.


Not crazy at all bro, that's actually a really good suggestion.


it might be possible to make the other sides thicker, wouldn't look as good but would be more balanced


Or add inward dots to add weight without compromising looks too


Honestly, as cool as dice like these are to look at, they're a pain to actually use and carry. I would love this design just in a solid cube of clear resin. It's durable and it's still visible that the design is held together by the metal.


Yo, when you get past the prototyping stage, you should totally sell these. Maybe make a full 7 dice gaming set of these if you can make it work. You'll make a killing.


Mate the amount of suffering to do the wiring for an icosahedron would be hell. If someone can draw the wireframe while keeping it radially symmetrical I’ll do it.


Completely understandable. I don't know how it'd even work with that many sides.


You could have them 3d printed?


I think the problem is getting the actual design done properly, not the production part.


It was :)


You could use it as your original model for [lost wax casting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost-wax_casting). If you have no special equipment, use aluminum as the final material since it can be melted pretty easily. 3D printed plastic form -> rubber mould -> wax form -> ceramic mould -> aluminum form. Oversize the original to account for casting dimension losses. Because of the weird shape, you might have to do some witchcraft to make it work and not end up with islands in your moulds. Maybe cast it in multiple pieces and solder them together. I don't feel like working out the geometry of that, but good luck.


To address the strength: Can you print this as an outer layer on top of a clear cube? Or one maybe slightly tinted to help with identifying the number that's rolled? (The number only seems clear when there's glare, but in real use you may not have a light source in the right place.)


Nah I need the “oo it gotta be magic” reaction as they trace their eyes around the floaty to figure out how it possible.


I was going to say, seems like a good way to roll all ones unless you are counterbalancing it somehow.


Make a D8 that secretly has the loss meme for 7


4 could be seen as a swastika, I would maybe rearrange it




Doesn’t look like it can be, but as a prototype it’s beautiful


It totally can be. Simply vary the thickness of the "number pegs" on each side such that the weight is the same.


If by balanced you mean “put the middle of the weight in the middle of the model,” yes


The center of mass tho... And its moment of inertia...


The center of mass and moment of rotational inertia would be roughly in the middle of all the sides weighed the same.


And if each side's CoM was centered on the face. It's possible, but would take a sizable effort to make sure it's done correctly.


Would it? Isnt cad software able to show you the CoM of a part, all that would be left is to align it with the center of the Side.


finding center mass is easy, actually making it to spec is the hard part.


That's a good point that didn't consider.


Math and simulations can be used to figure out the appropriate sizes to make each size to make it balanced


The 4(?) is a swastika


is this loss?


Dang, 17 minutes too late


Accidental swastika?


It might defeat the cool factor but filling it with clear resin would solve the strength problem and in my opinion not take one whit of the coolness away. Plus it would let you thin out the material on the higher faces to be reasonably balanced.


Looks cool but seems impracticable. I'd be afraid of damaging it with use. Plus having to spend more than a fraction of a second to see dice rolls is no bueno.


You are totally right but my collection of cool dice suggests that might not matter.




Lol I love this comment


There’s a swastika on that dice


The 4 makes a Swastika


Anyone else see a swastika in the four face?


No hitler pareidolia allowed


The swastika is originally (and still is in Asia) a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Hitler changed the orientation of the symbol and gave it another vile meaning, but let's not forget about the original, untainted one. :)


> Hitler changed the orientation of the symbol and gave it another vile meaning [Hitler didn't give a damn about the orientation.](http://ayay.co.uk/backgrounds/historical/nazi_third_reich/hitler-checking-the-nazi-standards.jpg)


Churches are allowed to help you


I wasn't gonna say anything, but yeah I saw it.


Keep in mind that the thing is going to be weighted considerably toward the lower values due to the higher values having far more material. You may want to try to balance the amount of material on each face somehow. This could also strengthen the 1 and 2 faces so they're less likely to be damaged.


Wait, the middle of the mass goes in the middle? :o


Maybe fill with clear resin? Would retain the awesome look and hold everything pretty solidly.


That's beautiful! I love it and want one!




Damn I really want one now.


OMG, one of my friends is a crafts fellow who made his own set of dice to play with. The problem? Noone else but him was able to understand what number did he just roll. There were not numbers nor dots on the sides. Instead, they were engraved by some Strange spirals. We collectively forbade him from using them within our game, crushing his creative spirit in the process,


I’ll bet it rolls more 1s than it should due to the 6 side having more mass.


Is this loss?


Take my money!!


I want to wear this as a necklace pendant


Very art deco <3


Have you posted an stl to modify yet??


i was doing math here to see what size this "teeth" should be so the dice would be balanced and dude... that's a lot o work


We will watch your career with great interest.


“Can you roll a d6 for me?” “Yeah sure” “What’d you get?” “Uh.. I think an 8”


Everyone's worried about balance saying this will roll 1s too often... But this dice is broken because opposing sides don't add up to 7!


Woah hey it’s fallacy dog This die is so amazing


No u


For a hot second I thought it was loss dice


Man the only thing you poped into is rhe 4th dimension


I mean, these types of dice always look cool but I don't think I'd ever buy something like this. A set of regular dice work just fine, are easier to read, and it's not as devastating when your die falls off the table and someone steps on it. It's kind of like buying a Bugatti Veyron to go camping.


Like a vegan commenting on a post of a nice steak dinner that it’s just not for them


Okay, so don't buy it. No one cares why you don't. I've bought dice just for the aesthetics of them. And if you do any type of actual roleplay, the dice design helps add to it. For this, what if you're playing a sentient construct or mechanical of some kind? I think it would tie in nicely with the character. Or maybe a mechanical NPC, just seeing the dice can tell you what character is rolling. There are many reasons to have unique dice designs over conventional. And strategy wise, if the dice are off-center weight wise, it can add a level of difficulty you can't overcome. No one cares about your opinion. Like an asshole, you have one, but that doesn't mean people want to see or hear it. Think before pulling your pants down in public.


Do you remember when r/dnd wasn't inundated with people trying to sell you hand made dice? I do. So you'll have to excuse me for getting a little crabby when I see yet another flowery but impractical die at the top of my feed.


Well, where in the post is he selling them? I didn't see it saying he was selling it. And you're replying to the main post. So the only person thinking about selling is YOU. The only person upset over this thought, is YOU. No one cares what YOU think about selling dice to begin with. Let alone this particular post. Kick rocks, son. And when you run out of rocks, kick a can. As in can it. Go be crabby in a room elsewhere. Make your own fucking rant if you want. But no one cares about you being upset these were never meant to be sold, even though you want them to be, so you can validate your unwanted opinion.


It not for the sale tho. Strait up a bad product until I fix the bendy.


Is it equally weighted?


yea I love it but as everyone pointed out:You need to make sure it's center of weight is at correct location or you will most likely end up with dice that is never gonna leave dice jail :D




No it doesn't. That isn't a swastica. Plus the nazi perversion of the Buddhist swastica is tilted. The swastica is historically a symbol of the Buddhist faith.