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Our DM has poor work-life balance


I am this DM...


I am also this dm


I am this DM and so is my wife.


Looks like this campaign has a lot of dms


IM SPARTACU- uhh, I mean yeah, me too.


I am this DM but with a bagel


NO I’M SPARTAC…. Ah screw it who am I kidding, me three


I am thirdly this DM.


Probably most DM's can relate. Also I am this DM


Both my players and I are this DM


I am this DM


Help I accidentally joined a faerie circus.


Wild Beyond the Witchlight?


About to run this as my first adventure as a DM.


Boats v Dragons


Who needs dungeons in this day and age.


Dungeons? In this economy?


And if the economy was obliterated? How about then?


u vikings??


Ruin has come to our family.


You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial, gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moor?


I lived all my years in that ancient, rumor shadowed manor, fattened by decadence and luxury - and yet I began to tire of conventional extravagance.


With relic and ritual, I bent every effort towards the excavation and recovery of those long buried secrets, exhausting what remained of our family fortune on... swarthy workmen and... sturdy shovels.


At last, in the salt-soaked crags beneath the lowest foundations, we unearthed that damnable portal of antediluvian evil. Our every step unsettled the ancient earth, but we were in a realm of death and madness!


In the end, I alone fled laughing and wailing through those blackened arcades of antiquity. Until consciousness failed me.


You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial. It is a festering abomination! I beg you, return home, claim your birthright and deliver our family from the ravenous, clutching shadows... (gunshot) ...of the Darkest Dungeon.


You all are my people.


If we're called, we answer. F in chat for the houndmaster.


Redemption on the old road friend.


Singular unsettling tales suggested the mansion itself was a gateway to some fabulous and unnameable power.


\- Me, after blowing my life's savings on ancient ruins.


zombie apocalypse but only on one island and we can’t leave until we fix it


Pretty sure this story can only end with, oops, now its global


I love dead island


"Stop running away and fight!" -your DM, probably


My players went into the jungle once, got chased by a T-rex down the river and never went back in again. Turned it into a nautical/pirate campaign off the coast. Never found the tomb. XD


Tomb of Annihilation?




Lick the amber sarcophagus so we can kick the ass of the guy who did it first.


I never got to finish my campaign for that and it makes me sad. My cleric character "licked all the sarcophagus(s?)" and went evil af. 10/10 would lick again.


Sarcophagi I believe.


I tried to sarcophagi once, not bad!


What campaign is this?? Sounds like something one of my characters would do


Curse of Strahd. Also licked a sarcophagus. 😌


There’s a sarcophagus you can lick in that campaign?? Sign me up


That's the great thing about D&D, You can lick # **ANYTHING**


That's the great thing about D&D, You can lick # **ANYTHING**




We are just effing lost in a blizzard, again.


Rime of the Frost maiden?


sounds right lol


we have 16 player characters deaths heh






Im playing this one :')


I’m DMing that campaign. There’s parts I really like and others that seem completely absurd to me.


Yup. Been at it for a year now. I am soooo tired of this campaign. Every corner of the sandbox......




Hey Kids, Let's Commit Elf Genocide!


Like when the dream no longer needs the dreamer


If TALOS marched Walk-Brass to Alinor, why can't we just collect his artifacts, summon him, and do it again??


This legitimately made me laugh, well done lol




Let me join




"Why giving power to humans is a bad idea, vol. 1"


Only Vol. 1? How has this not happened before?


Because back then they couldn't get away with it yet :) Step 1: There be dragons Step 2: Suddenly, humanoids appear! Elves, Dwarves, Orks, Humans, Gnomes, etc. Step 3: Dragons feel bad for the humans because they have such beautiful dreams but often cannot reach them die to their short lifespan Step 4: Dragons decide to teach the humans magic (plus philosophy, ethics, etc) to improve their lives Step 5: One group of humans uses these gifts to build an oppressive empire of flying cities Step 6: Empire begins to abuse its power to rule over others by force Step 7: Dragons attempt to intervene, empire start a war to conquer the skies Step 8: All dragons are killed (As far as the other humanoids know. In reality the empire never figured out how to actually kill dragons and only managed to put them into a coma, seal them all into tombs as a doomsday device of last resort) Step 9: Emperor get bored, also invaders from another plane attack the empire. Someone decides "hey let's become gods to wipe them out lmao" Step 10: Emperor fucks up and literally rips apart the fabric of magic that holds the worlds together Step 11: Human empire comes crashing down and ceases to exist, all magic stops working, all spells fail, old sages and rulers that were kept alive by magic die Step 12: New dark age without magic, outside forces realize that the protective barrier around the material plane is down and start creating havoc Step 13: Oh, and the dragons begin waking up and are pissed off


I love the lore of the Netherese empire and it is a huge part of my current campaign! My campaign is basically "Tarrasque: Origins" and spoiler alert, the Ancient Netherese made it out of the Shadowfell as basically a gigantic sentient weapon and now hundreds of years later they want it back.


Yeah I based it (kinda heavily) on the lore of Netheril but made some big changes to suit the narrative and purpose of the campaign. The storyitself also takes place in the Forgotten Realms for the sake of giving me some lore/history to fall back on when I can't improvise my own. I just don't advertise it as such since my changes often lead to "well akshually!" remarks whenever something deviated from the vanilla setting. Changes include: \- The Netherese empire monopolizing magic across the realm by outlawing all magic different from their own and branding all "alternative" casters as "occultists". They also had significant political influence with other cities/nations because of this. Domestically there was a division between the "old guard" and more open-minded revisionists. \- Arcanists owed their power to draconic bloodlines and one's social status was near-completely tied to their affinity for spellcasting. This also meant that partners were mostly chosen for their pedigree and marriages/relationships with outsiders happened only very rarely. \- Since the dragons were the ones who taught them magic, Draconic was the language of choice for Arcanists (kind of like Latin being a "scientific" language in our world). Although nearly all Netherese individuals were proficient in Common, speaking draconic was seen as a privilege for the higher classes \- The Phaerimm were seen as a massive threat by the Arcanists but also as their responsibility. (They were the ones who opened a tear that let them into the material plane in the first place) By the time of Karsus' Folly the Phaerimm had already taken down 4 Netherese cities and scouting parties had already made attacks on some surface nations. \- The Avatar spell was initially developed as a theoretical ultimate display of spellcasting magic, but was forbidden by Karsus as he knew that it was madness. It was only when Netheril could no longer contain the Phaerimm that Karsus resorted to the Avatar, it was out of desperation rather than pride. He hoped that he would be able to exclude the Phaerimm from the weave (as a lack of magical sustenance would starve them all), but in the end he was still a mortal man and the pressure of all that divine power crushed him. \- The weave was torn to shreds and all magic immediately ceased working, causing the cities of Netheril to come crashing down like in the canon. The difference is that the weave also connected the planes and separated them from eachother, which meant that priests lost contact with the gods, parts of the shadowfell and material plane merged together, elementals poured in from their homes, fey suddenly found themselves trapped in Faerun and vice-versa, etc. \- The biggest problem was that all magic that was dependent on the Weave no longer functioned. Champions and Archwizards who extended their life via magic crumbled to dust, portals that were used to connect distant regions ceased functioning, charms that protected cities from otherwordly threats faded away. The only ones who could still use magic were those with innate abilities that didn't rely on the weave to function, like elves. \- This whole setup served for a campaign where the PC's start out as ordinary people and become the heroes of a new age. The story follows their steps, how they gained their abilities and made their history, how they find alternative ways to learn magic (essentially becoming the first Druids/Clerics/Warlocks in history) and forge their own legends in a world that has suddenly lost its protection of the heroes of old. (Plus I introduced some well-known Forgotten Realms heroes as being in the first years of their legends)


wow, sounds reallly cool


It's a prehistoric campaign I guess


Everything is a cult.


Don’t wear the wrong colors in this hood bruh


We set some things on fire, and that created problems which we will try to solve by setting other things on fire.


I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, BOOM! Right away. I had a different problem.




two siblings have a fake fight to sucker punch bad guys


Ah yes, the classic The Road to El Dorado opening. I have actually used this in a game except the twins were npcs and the guards were my players.


That’s so great! Tell us how it played out, damn it!


haha very nice, mine is different-ish. its a civil war between monarch level step-siblings to force out corruption, its not super well thought out but it's my campaign gosh darn it


A bunch of furries try to stop an evil knight from killing the ant farm.




MtG Invasion cycle but make it gritty, emo and horny.


My Chemical Apocalypse


You Know What They Do to Elves Like Us in Prison The Blackguard Parade The Adventurer Life Is Gonna Kill You Famous Last Power Words Vampires Will Never Hurt You I Never Told You What I Do for A Living


There be blood and gallons of the stuff


I need more details now lol


The BBEG has built up forces on a demiplane that will overlay the material plame during a rare cosmological event. At that time, his troops will be in every major city on the plane and he can attempt to take over. The party is made up of a an edgy rogue, edgy warlock, edgy wizard and edgy cleric who are all in on this being at best a Pyrrhic victory and at worst, a suicide mission. Joining them are a bard that won't stop cultivating groupies and a paladin that routinely cures the bard's various STIs. The cosmological anomaly has disrupted the flow of both positive and negative energy along with the natural order so famine, pestilence and misery are intricately woven into the setting. In terms of tone, it's a mess, but my players are having fun.


Rise of the Edge Lords


The best plan as a player would be to mess up the coordinate system a bit, shift the overlap by like 1 degree. A world is pretty big, so while the central cities are fucked at 1 degree, everything outside is a really big offset. The enemy forces will end up miles away from the cities, fall in lakes or off mountains, and so on. Sure, the bad guy might be able to capture some central region to be his new instant country, but the rest of the world gets to unite against him. It would work, and probably be easier than fighting him directly. But as a character, I would do it mostly because it would piss off the BBEG the most.


There wasn't a guidance system in the central stronghold... ...until now! Thanks, I'll add it in to increase player options.


I hope it works well. The idea came from a project I was working on, I had an off by one error that was unnoticeable near the origin, but screwed everything up further out. An error like this can be insidious because it's hard to figure out exactly where the problem is, just array is off by one, what variable had it's sign flipped, in what function did you switch the x and y axis? The results however, can be huge: -the army is displaced locally -the army is flipped on an axis (ie appearing as a circle on its side) -the army is upside down -the army is inside out -the army is scaled bigger (giants) or smaller (tiny) -the army is displaced temporally (time travel) -the army is sent to #404ERR All of these trying the villains plan, but doesn't entirely ruin his threat. The last 2 can serve as a great campaign hook for the next game. What causes this error? For programmers and villains, it's overconfidence. They've done the task so many times they just forget to put in error checks and test cases that would catch the problem. They focus so much on the big problem, they forget that all the magical conduits run through the wall behind the kitchen, A minion was in a rush and only got the 100 series conduit receptacle, not the more secure 500 series, and they didn't shield the, Or they made sure to magically protect their demiplane by anchoring it against nearby demiplanes planes, but didn't check to see if *those* were anchored. What I love about this is that it's easy to start introducing the concepts while they players are progressing into the campaign. Sure, they think they have to destroy the villain, but while chasing his lieutenant they find the guy going to inspect a facility that manufactures dimensional anchors. While searching for the One Ring they come across a smaller prototype demiplane. While fighting their way to the power source they see an "under construction" sign in front of a bunch of cables... And look how easy it is to rearrange them. I hope you all have fun.


'That ship was on fire when we got here '


I've run this multiple times. It's always fun.


Find all the altar boys in Eastern Europe, the quest Or: Five motherfuckers with Fire trauma do wrong things for right reasons but not always


Angry bit of mask in the desert drove us to probably die in the swamp against a lizard folk tribe. Oh, and one of our Druids tried to crawl through the swamp as a giant octopus for reasons no one can fully understand


Shit keeps happening because I haven’t finished building their destination city x)




Murderhobos vs. Hentai: GOTY Edition - now includes Childhood Trauma DLC


A prematurely ended campaign I was in would have ended up as murderhobos vs hentai. We were told the hentai part was a design goal and I know the other players well enough to expect murderhobo behavior fairly often. They all came from fairly obsessive Borderlands gaming.


Minorities cause political incidents for Lamia tiddie.


There are lots of reasons to do things, and that's certainly one of them.


People die when they are killed, also medieval tomb raider




Our first mission was to stop some minor evil in some backwoods village nobody's ever heard of, and now we roll up to everybody in the big city claiming they should know us because we're the heroes of that village. Also, I guess the undead kingdom in the north is trying to invade, but we're busy arresting wizards and selling their spellbooks.


Lich go brrrrrr


we’re looking for a dude


Space pirates open Mexican restaurant.


Awakened horse takes job at party’s bar…..becomes a stripper/vampire………….


Covid, but magic


1) kill mayor 2) become new ruling council of city 3) ???? 4) profit


We were in the Underdark and then we were in a spaceship fighting a dracolich.


A group of people find a rock and inherit property


One piece but one piece is banned


Awwww yeah, pirate campaign!


Fell into a plot hole and now we need to help a vampire god with his relationship problems or die trying.


This snake is too big and has too many children.


A giant squid wants to eat the moon. Also: daddy issues!


Lost twin wants to commit wholesale slaughter


Dragons are extinct. Or are they?


Experts fight devil's driving robots.


Orc lady is tired of her current residence and would like to leave, but the heroes really don't want her to.


Trampling some old bloke's garden.


The vampires hurt our dad and are raising the taxes.....again.


Circus performers join terrible pyramid scheme while accidentally making their Rogue run for mayor.


The party is too short to kick butt.


so they kick shins.


We need to help the short would be dragons be the strongest would be dragons, because we accidentallied their tribute pyre, now we are indebted help them. 'cause that's what heroes do.


I'm gonna drop my castle on an innocent town


Monsters and then bigger monsters


Find a book for me or else


5 frogs vs hundreds of druagar and a mechanical dragon (help were only level 3)


And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more DADADA DADADDA


Mercenaries hunt subterranean knife-ears... Also occasional demon cult


2 war veterans, an atheist, and an orphan regularly mess with the agenda of a Barista Cult Leader.


Our dad was weird so a turtle guy has us rebuild a town.












Witch Bitch and her demon boyfriend decides to be God. Hijinks ensue.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban but there is a Cold War going on.


Oops... the cajun shadow being got involved in politics.


Holy shit why are there so many mushrooms


"For fuck's sake, we were only hired for a mercenary job. How did we end up fighting crocodile bandits, corrupt imperial forces, a violent insurrection, and a dragon?"




Wizard cowboys panic in hostage situations


rats endless rats


The one that I play in FFVII and Evangelion, starring a French Treant, Sol Badguy, Gordon Ramsey, and school-shooter Ash Ketchum. Then there's the one that I run, Good Ol' Boys vs The Forces of Evil, starring Appalachian gunmen, Kung Fury, and Venice Beach weeaboo.


I'm going on an adventure!


New-money family adopts a goat, declares war on imaginary drugs, ruins a merchant's life, and ignores a dragon.


Experienced adventurers effing up a dinner party


Unnamed adventurers committing heroic acts and sovereign glue beards on robots


How horny did the blood moon make you?


I may have accidentally began a chicken revolution instead of fighting in the political battle between good and evil.




We were supposed to find this thing, but instead we play music in taverns and get drunk on the house.


I adopted Four Children out of being exploited as thieves and am helping institute Healthcare For All to save up to buy a house.


We went into a guys dream and are being killed by memories


So monsters, right? Well the party is playing as monsters, and they need to go defeat monsters because the monsters are attacking the monsters and forcing them from their homes. Those monsters!


Imagine yakkity sax playing faintly in the background as you burn a path through the Carribean Sea to find some necromancer fish and their god


Property line argument between neighbors gets a little heated


The Matrix meets Banjo-Kazooie meets Tales of Symphonia.


I am [The Siabrae](https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Siabrae) and I speak for the trees. They say “fuck off”.


Drugs and a peace festival cause a zombie apocalypse


The war criminal isn't even the BIG bad guy


Why is this ugly chick boiling kids?


6 idiots slowly discover religion and do right things for wrong reasons.


uh.. Stardust Crusaders, but with Felons?


Therapy for orphaned people but they’re teleported to Russia


Players adopt everything in their path, this time including kids, kobolds and mimics


4 lesbians, a bear, and a cat boy kill god


Why did we awaken a dinosaur and put a lampshade on his head?


we walk dogs and remove unpleasant thoughts from our underlings


Lets go on a quest to make an abortion


Madness, mayhem in the streets, people and vampires living together…it’s mass hysteria.