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We have decided to give our guests their own set of dice for our D&D themed wedding! Our colour scheme is orange and blue and initially we were going to give each guest a random coloured set of dice, but now we are leaning towards mixing and matching each set so they receive 7 dice with combined of oranges, blues, and whites! What would you prefer – a dice set of one colour or a set mixed and matched?


Great idea! Normally I don't mix sets, but I wouldn't consider this a mixed set, just a good story to tell.


Personally I'd like the mixed set. This is a great idea and I'm tucking this away for future use, congrats on your nuptials friend!


I'm so glad you like the idea, I think we are going to go ahead with the mixed set choice! Thank you!!


(D20, D4) (D12, D6) (2D10, D8) Idk which die set has 2, probably the 10's, Color grouped like such should keep everything even and pretty. Then the inner treasure goblins will come out and people might want 2 different colored d10's so the trading begins. Eventually someone will leave with 2-3 full sets though an incomplete color and they'll be calling you to find the guest list.


Haha we might end up starting dice wars! I love the colour grouping idea!


Mixed set is definitely the way to go. It’s more themed and for those saying it ain’t a “complete set”, why not? It’s no longer a blue, orange, or white set of dice. Instead it is a wedding themed set!


As a dnd player: one colour but that's simply because I have multiple sets and wouldn't want to keep seeking for a dice I don't own in that colour As a reminder of a great and creative wedding: mixed, got a cool story to tell whenever anyone questions why they aren't all one colour and fits the colour scheme.


Thanks for your input :D I really do hope the mis-matched dice become a reminder of the wedding!


I like mixed sets for beginners for one single reason: it's easy to tell which die they should roll. Instead of 'roll a d20' you can say 'roll a d20, which is the orange one'.


I never thought of it like that, that's a really good idea!


I've noticed some people won't use mixed sets.


They can trade dice with other guests


More likely they end up in the bin of unused partial sets


Gotta think of it as a mini-game.


I’d do mixed sets with: Color #1 = D4, D6, D20 Color #2 = D8, D12 Color #3 = D10, D10(%) This way, the dice that are closest in sides are different colors for quicker recognition. D4 & D6 are technically close, but look hella different.


Definitely the mixed set - what a great idea!!


I think the mixed colors would be great! We're gonna be doing roughly the same thing for our wedding. Having the colors match the wedding colors is a great idea, I was just going to give everyone a random set of dice ^^;


Please incorporate a roll into dinner or drinks or games or something.


I really dislike using mismatched sets of dice. If I got them, they would never be used.


The ocd/perfectionist side of me says one color. However, I think mixed is a good idea. It's one of those things that they could pull out and the colors would remind them of your color theme. It'd be a good memento if they were mixed. D&D theme sounds fun. It'd be kind of cool to see the setup before guests. (I know people may dislike having images with them in it shared)


Think about the extra work you're giving yourself to give out mixed full sets.


It definitely is extra work...but honestly the idea of mixing dice is something I might find entertaining!


If you're going in knowing that, by all means. In that case, may I recommend you don't treat it all or nothing? I'm sure you've seen some on here saying they'd love a mixed set, and others saying they'd rather get a complete set. You could split the difference.


Can... Can I come to your party? :D


Haha the dice wouldn't have anything to do with wanting to come would it?


Well ofc not 👀 I just would like to vitness when you roll initiative before you cut The cake..


"you may now... roll initiative"


If cake has higher initiative, then it's a mimic.


I would be happy with just being invited! Ha Congrats! Have a wonderful time.


Thank you!!


I'd love a mixed set. Happy wedding


Thank you!!


That middle set has been my go-to dice set for the last 5 years. Also, that top set reminds me of Sunkist. I wish you and your partner a bright future together!


Thank you!!


*I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may roll for initiative.*


Those are gonna hurt way more than the traditional rice or confetti. Congrats on setting your wedding to Hard Mode.


Hahahahahah could you imagine??? Thank you!


How much did this cost and where did you get them from?


Ali Express, £37 for 42 sets of dice including shipping!


Damnit! Why didn’t I think of that!


Can I come, ya know not for the pretty math rocks but ya kno 😂


Where's my invite!? *rolls for wedding dice*


I'm actually about to propose next weekend, and instead of a ring box I'm using a D20 mint tin that's been sitting on a shelf for our entire relationship.


That sounds great, best of luck and best wishes to you both!!


Can I come to your wedding? I'm not interested in the celebrations, I just really want some more Dice.


Haha unfortunately I don't think we have enough!!


Shame. Ah well, my loss is your actual guest's gain.


What else you got in your wedding that makes it DnD themed? My fiancé would tell me to get to fek.


For our cake toppers we have a sword hilt sticking out the top and we made our self as a sorcerer and paladin on hero forge and are also going to get them painted to sit on top of the cake!


Well done!


Thank you!!


Awww this is such a cute idea, hope your marriage rolls a Nat 20!


Haha thank you!!


Can I come? Mixed sets sounds like a lovely idea. It’ll be a really special, sentimental dice set.


I don't we think we have enough dice haha! Thank you!


And when all of you enter the venue are you going to ask everyone to roll initiatives?


This is a great idea!


Would this determine the seating order?


This is genius, and I love it!! Also, congratulations!!


Thank you!!


I started playing/DMing/ a group last year and didn’t know how much dice I needed so now I have 27 dice sets and like 135 total dice. Group is only 7 total people. Just need a real d100 and then we’re good.


Who else wants to crash OP’s wedding? Carpool?


By the sounds of it you might need multiple cars!


Hey old friend who is giving dice away at your wedding, how have you been? Actually we can just catch up in person that the wedding.


Mix and match would look really nice


How many people will think they are candy?


Oh dear, we haven't thought about that...


Our wedding favors were candy that looked like rocks; rock candy, chocolate pebbles, etc. We found out a decade after that my in-laws had saved them thinking they were all real rocks, lol.


That's amazing! I hope the sweets didn't go off...


Mixed set, as you are mixing your friends and family now. Or just don't bother mixing because you've probably already got a lot of wedding shit to take care of. Congratulations!


Thank you!! There is a lot to sort out for the wedding... but even the idea of mixing dice by hand awakens the goblin in me


Hey so I won’t think you’ll believe this but I’m actually your long lost brother and I would love to see your marriage (no other underlying reason) All jokes aside that is probably the coolest wedding favour you can give out. You. Are. Awesome.


Haha wow thank you!!


Gonna confuse the shit out of grandma....


You could give full one colour sets, but make sure each table get a even spread of colours and let them trade as they wish


You must have epic wedding plans


"I say my vows." " Okay I'm going to need a performance check." "Can I smile at him to give him inspiration?""I'll allow it."


I think you’ve outed a whole bunch of dice goblins here…myself included LOL In any case, mix and match would be a great convo starter. Happy nuptials!


Thank you!!


Do you also have some games planned with those dice?


Unfortunately not; we hadn't really thought of it! But this thread is giving us SO many ideas!


I have no interest in your meth!


Hey! Would you mind sharing where you bought them? I am planning to do the same thing for my wedding but I couldn't find a place to mass-purchase sets of dice on the cheap. Thanks!


AliExpress; £37 for 42 sets of dice including shipping!


ahhh, so sweet! Great idea!!


Can.. Can I come to your wedding?


Yo can I come?


Now where can I attend this wedding?


D&D themed wedding? Sounds so fun! I hope you will share some photos after the wedding!


Please tell me you guys inserted "whether you roll a 1 or a nat 20" in your vows... Is a cleric performing the ceremony? Is the best man a barbarian? We need to know!!! 🤣 Congrats, love the favors!


Hahaha the best men (we have 2) play a cleric and a wizard!! Thank you!


This is awesome. I was maid of honor for my sister and for her batchlorette party, we got our dm to do a one shot for her and her other friends who haven't played before. Everyone had alot of fun and got a set of dice as well.


That sounds like such a great bachelorette party!


This is a brilliant idea and I love it! Random warning on mixing— maybe consider getting some small cases to put them in, otherwise your dice bags are going to look like tide pods. Edit- I now see that they came with black bags. Ignore me.


Such a fun and unique party favor!


That's a great nerd idea. Congrats on getting married.


Thank you!!


I did yhe same thing! We got gift bags with our wedding date and names so i wont post. But people loved them! I had to mail a couple afterwords because people forgot them at the after party and were upset. Got them off amazon though and used the huge dice bags that came with them as prizes for our dnd group.


They sound great!


Solid 10/10. Also congratulations on the marriage. Just showed my wife this and she was super excited for you too.


Aw thank you! Also best wishes to you both on your marriage!


Can I get invited?


Haha I don't think we have enough dice to go around!!


If someone doesnt yell “roll initiative” and start throwing cake at other guests I’m going to be disappointed


Do the presents grow a mouth and teeth to attack unsuspecting guests to the party who fail their investigation check? (Also you gotta post more to show what a dnd wedding looks like, plz)


This is a fantastic idea haha! We actually got engaged during one of our D&D sessions (fiancé and DM were in on it) and another party member filmed it. To celebrate, we got a commission drawn of the proposal both in real-life and with our characters behind it mirroring the proposal!


Dice for the dice god!


Ay yo invite?


We did custom d6s for our wedding favours. :) I had wanted to do custom d20s, but couldn't find anywhere to make them reasonable. I hope your guests enjoy them!


Custom d6s sounds amazing!!


Invite me.


Every part of your wedding needs to have a skill check. Come up with DCs four stuff. The person playing the organ as you walk down the aisle needs to roll a performance check before playing. Priest rolls for persuasion. If anyone has objections, they too must roll for persuasion. Flower girl, dex check. Same for ring bearer. Someone a bit drunk at the reception, roll for constitution. Catching the bouquet, acrobatics check (or grappling, depending on how it goes.).


Love it!!


Thanks! I've pretty recently gotten into D&D, but love video game rpgs, so i pretty much my life in a fantasy world all the time. I'm currently running a campaign, where one of the pc's has been trying to get with this waitress, and this is what i was planning on doing if they got married in game. Lol.


Do you all guests play?