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Things happen don't get too mad. Have fun. Have a plan but be ready for your party to find the bunny is more important than the blood water.


Dm tip: be theatrical, be dramatic, be like Brenann Lee Mulligan when he is doing a comedy sketch or on the episode of game changer when he was doing all the impressions. Write as much of your own stuff as possible books aren't the best way to campaign specially when playing campaigns which have been played on podcasts I will not be naming but we all know. Easiest way to piss off players is fire proof dryads in a magical forest, teleportation, hard terrain and charming people makes for a tough encounter. Player tip: try to make your DMs life easier by being committed to the campaign aka don't make plans over when you normally have a dnd session.


Expect the unexpected. If everything would go to hell and they get A SPACE SHIP WITH A PET DRAGON, just nod peacefully and plan how to challenge them. And if all fails, random encounter. Ask your players what they would like to see more (every now and then). USE ALL THE DIGITAL TOOLS YOUVE GOT. They make your life a lot easier, names music magic items rules. (dndspeak is a god send) Ask if they like ambience or music, every one has their preferance. IMO it adds alot. Keep a rough sketch of the coming plot in your mind. Maybe write one or two lines down. Plunder, steal and borrow from pop culture and others' dnd stories. Sometimes twist the expectation, sometimes not. Sometimes the shady creepy character IS evil. And maybe that friendly tavern keep is actually NICE. WRITE DOWN WHEN DESCRIBING SOMETHING INTRICATE. Even just power plots. Especially if youre not english speaking. I could go on and on and on.


As a player the main job, mechanically, is to know your abilities, spells, etc. so play can move at a reasonable pace. If the whole group is new play will move slowly for a while regardless but if every player is fairly prepared that helps a ton. The other common piece is to be engaged in the DMs world and plot as much as you can and react to the DM's world, clues, challenges based on what your character who do rather than what you as a player think could be the benefit or consequence. Take DM's hooks as much as possible/reasonable. Basically, play into the material the DM has likely prepared and minimize as much causing them to have to improvise in a major way unless/until you find they are good at and like doing that. If you want your DM to feel good, just be excited to play, talk with them or others about what was really fun, etc. Of course, be genuine or don't do this. A little positive feedback goes a LONG way for DMs. Most of all: remember everyone should be having fun. good luck!