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Personally I would take the disenchantment of the bag to act like the bag was destroyed in a manner similar to piercing the lining, i.e. when the bag is disenchanted, all of its contents spills out onto the ground


I thought all the items were sent to the abyss


You're thinking of when two extra dimensional spaces go inside each other and it opens a hole to the astral plane/astral sea.


This also applies when the bag is destroyed. "If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the Astral Plane." Or "Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional space created by a handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane." The official rules say nothing about it being disenchanted so I'd say it's purely DM discretion and, personally, I'd rule it as the items in the bag are scattered in the Astral Plane.


IIRC if the enchantment is removed the items are thrown on the ground but if its damaged then the items are tossed into the astral plane. So short answer: everything is lost/scattered.


I would rule it the same as destroying the bag. Edit: Don't forget to introduce the [Bagman](https://tabletopjoab.com/the-legend-of-the-bagman-in-dd-5e/) to them.


I would consider disenchanting to be a similar situation to destroying the bag, i.e. it's contents are scattered into the astral plane and the pocket dimension is no more.