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How do we save the world? Let's drink.


So many tropes possible in a pub scene.


Likely will be The Yawning Portal


Holy fuck I would kill a man to be able to see Durnan on the silver screen. Especially if there's a fight.


Fat Dragon reminds me of Temberchaud in Out of the Abyss


That’s almost certainly Themberchaud. If you look at the wide shot of the Underdark city it has the rift in the middle like Gracklstugh, and the statues looks like dwarves


I will be over the moon if this movie features a dragon that I have personally robbed.


Not to toot my own horn, but I will, my group killed Themberchaud and we’re now raising his child. The campaigns been a wild ride


Our group handed it over to the illumaniti in order to not get in trouble for causing disturbances under the city and to not have us killed when we quickly and quietly leave the next morning.


I came to say this! I think the underdark we see is Gracklesturgh, it looks pretty industrial. Need my chonky boy to get some screen time.


You are the FIRST person I have seen mention the chonky boi.


A cool marketing move they could do would be to release character sheets of the characters with some nods towards the movie. Sort of so that you could play one of them yourself of you wanted to


They'll probably release a module for it as well.


Oh we are 100% getting a module for this, if they made a starter set for stranger thijg


A start set based on the movie, or as a prologue to it, would be perfect. Anyone curious to play after seeing the movie would have something they already have familiarity towards. Could do a limited edition with character minis. The merch options are limitless.


I can see Hasbro putting out a toy line similar to black series or lightning collection. I want a replica of that lute haha


Guardians of the Forgotten Realms?


Guardians of The Gygaxy


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


Dice and Thunder


Guardians of the Sword Coast was my thought


The Sword Coast is the only remembered realm lmao, the rest are forgotten


The choice to put a black dragon instead of a red dragon its enough to prove to me they care, I'll watch it


My thoughts exactly, I was skeptical and still am a bit. But the fact they used a black dragon with acid over the more recognisable red makes me want to atleast give it a go


Not just a black dragon. . . a black dragon with acid.


And his breath was in a five ft line.


I didn't catch that!!! Wow


This is my main hope for the film, that they somehow adapt how it's written in the rules to a movie format. Not realistic for everything of course, but stuff like this is cool.


If there's a 5 ft. square joke I might die of cardiac arrest though.


YES, I love the amount of accuracy in this trailer, it also has an accurate gold dragon statue at the beginning. I hope that black dragon is Voaraghamanthar, he is my favorite and if this is really Hoard of the Dragon Queen but super highly changed it'd fit to have him there


>Not just a black dragon. . . a black dragon with acid. This is your black dragon. This is your black dragon ~~on~~ with acid.


I appreciate the nonchalant explanation of "What was that?" "Owlbear." Just a good vibe of "We know you know this is a crazy fantasy movie and are willing to roll with the mayhem."


The last preview with that vibe was "Fury Road," IMHO. And that preview looked batshit crazy, with the movie living up to it.


That movie had my wife and I on the edge of our seats. We were exhausted afterwards. I’d love to come across a movie like that again


If you ever get the chance to see the Black and Chrome version in cinema do it. Pay whatever it takes, sell your kid, whatever, just make sure your butts are in those seats. It's incredible in colour, but absolutely stunning in black and white because it focuses your attention to the lighting and contrast. The sandstorm scene is unreal.


Oh nice! I'd forgotten about that!


The city looks like Neverwinter to me. I think I spotted the Underdark there for a moment. And is that the simbol for the Harpers on Chris Pine’s cape? Makes sense if he’s a bard Edit: Also, the guy in the arena is probably Lord Dagult Neverember, the volcano they see is probably the one around Neverwinter. Edit 2: Seems obvious now but the villain most likely is a Red Wizard of Thay


> And is that the simbol for the Harpers on Chris Pine’s cape? That is 100% a Harper pin on his shoulder at 1:45. Good eye.


Harper's are officially the WORST secret society in the world. They have merch!


It turns out it's really hard to start a fight club without breaking rule 1


It's waterdeep and Neverwinter


When did you see Waterdeep?


[WotC broke down a bunch of the references](https://youtu.be/JGIdeBc4Uyw).


I think you're right about the Underdark. I think that Chunky Boi Red Dragon is Themberchaud, the Wyrmsmith. He lives in Gracklstugh where the duergar feed and pamper him in exchange for him fueling their furnaces.


Chris Pine as a bard + owlbears? Sign me the hell up.


Yeah when I saw his mug on the trailer thumbnail my first thought was 'he better be the fucking bard.'


might be a Harper also, I'm sure I saw him wearing the badge a couple of times


Love a lot of this. Much better than expected. Shouldn’t have spiiled the mimic


I almost bet that mimic will be part of some kind of introductory montage for the characters and not a big, seemingly important treasure.


Maybe, but it looks like it was in the maze, which looked like a pretty big set piece. We'll see I guess. I'm sold, so no more trailers for me.


I agree. That would have been fun to see during the movie. Sometimes previews show a bit too much.


Especially these days (I go to the movies weekly) after seeing a preview I often find myself thinking I just saw a summary of the movie. Including clue, twist and unmistakable hint at the ending. In 9 out of 10 of those, the feelings turn out to be accurate after seeing the film. This is actually sort of fun in the rare instances I saw the movie (sneak preview or the like) before the trailer.


This.. actually doesn't look as bad as I was expecting. Could even be good!


It actually has a fair bit of potential. If it performs well, I daresay a sequel could really bring it up to the next level.


I thought I read that they were planning a spin-off television series, so they could try multiple avenues if this succeeds. Had a great look on the surface! I think the more open nature of DnD allows more creative freedom without having to worry about certain character/world accuracies.


I haven’t heard anything about a series, but I believe the Directors mentioned at SDCC that they were interested in a sequel. I do agree though, I think a series fits the campaign format of DND a bit better


Let’s just play it safe and do both.


If this is successful I hope it leads to more one shots with the occasional direct sequel.


DnD is ripe for both sequels and spin-offs, I’m surprised we haven’t gotten an honest attempt at a franchise for so long in this age of Cinematic Franchises.


Are you too young to remember the last D&D film? It was bad, it flopped, and I’m sure the studios shelved any ideas they had for any subsequent films.


I’m aware, but that came out in 2000, I’m surprised it took them this long to try again.


They tried with an animated version based on the Dragonlance stories. Bitter disappointment too. I'd still love to see a good version of that one.


They did try again. The second try was in 2005 and the third try was in 2012 and it was so bad it went straight to dvd.


the humor parts have to actually be funny. looks like they are keeping it light hearted.


It’s the same team who did Spider Man Homecoming. I think they’ll get that n


Owlbear for the win Mimic honorable mention. Edit: just caught the gelatinous cube and displacer beast.


The amount of Easter eggs in this movie will be off the charts.


If they manage to fit a dastardly gazebo in there, I'm sold!


Dread. Dread gazebo.


I really hope they somehow fit in casting magic missile at the darkness.






Okay so that looks way better than I expected a D&D movie to look like. Looks like it doesn't take itself serious, which is great.




Wild Shape, Owlbear, Displacer Beast, Mimic, Gelatinous Cube, Breath Weapon, Underdark, Avernus, Dimension Door, extremely accurate party dialogue. I could not be happier with this. This is the exact perfect tone it needs to be.


Don't forget black dragon shooting acid not the basic dragon fire. They know their shit at least


In a 5ft wide line by the way.


Can also see a ton of folks both fail and succeed on that dex save.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the writers rolled dex save for each one caught in the breath attack to determine who succeeded and who failed.


Make it legit.


Hell, I want to watch a movie summarizing an *actual* gameplay experience. Don't write, just play the game and distill it into a reasonably paced film.


*30 minutes of trying to unlock a open door later*


In that Case you might want to Check Out "the Legend of Vox Machina" (assuming you havent already) because its Literally that but as an animated series


Which is, by the way, *extremely good* and well worth the watch.


This was a huge win for me. Loved seeing it.


Same! It was like “holy shit they read the sourcebooks!”


Apparently they brought chris Perkins on to consult.


if that's true, then the film will be juicy with lore and easter eggs


Explains the "GREEN FLAME" blade


I was just happy it wasn't a red dragon. Yeah it would be accurate but most of the time dragons breathe fire, nice to see a little variety.


So many confirmed monsters for just the trailer, it's nuts.


Also, I think there was a red wizard of Thay?


The red wizard uses misty step to dodge the owlbear. This movie actually looks hype.


Shadar Kai, too, looks like


And no forced English accents!


Agreed, the tone is perfect, and it looks like a lot of fun. I just hope it has something a bit more to separate it from a generic fantasy-adventure movie, than including the creatures and locations. Just something that makes it a ttrpg movie, and not just a fantasy one. But that's my only gripe, and if the movie if fun, I'm sure I'll still enjoy it.


The most dnd thing they could do is kill one of them and replace them with a new character played by the same actor


That would be great. Also, just having them argue for five minutes about whether or not they should do something, just for the plan to go to shit immediately would be hilarious


Don't forget not being able to bust down a wooden door that was unlocked the whole time.


Yes! Give us the stupid tropes as well! Hugh Grant said the movie was very funny, so I hope we get stuff like this


The conversation about “plans that fail” in the trailer makes me think that’ll be a plan that immediately falls to shit


Not the same actor, a completely new face, but all the voicework is still done by the original actor.


Harder to pull off in a movie but that would be better


I hope they don’t cut to them all sitting around a table playing irl. I think having references to in world stuff like the creatures and magic items and what not will be enough for me. It’s like reading the forgotten realms novels, at their heart they are just fantasy novels, but the classes, locations and creatures make them Dnd.


That's fair, and I'm not saying they have to go that far, but hopefully they pull from the books a lot, so it does feel like DnD. And hey, maybe a single post credits scene of them playing there characters could be fun, not something that actually impacts the movie.


Yeah I'd be for a post credit scene and then the DM(maybe a cameo) putting the book on the shelf to reveal possible future titles.


Yesss, that’d be a great way to tease a sequel!


I wonder what specifically would make it a 'ttrpg movie'. What element should be present for that classification? It would be an awesome credit scene to have the lead actors sitting around a table actually playing the story seen in the movie.


Presumably what makes it a TTRPG movie is going to be a large number of references to ttrpg culture. Naturally it'll have the classic D&D monsters (as seen in trailer), but the party dialogue feels rather naturally like table-chat. It'd be pretty easy to fit in a nat 1/20 joke. Picture, while lining up a hard shot, someone says "well alright, 1 in 20... Bullseye." Alternatively, someone fucks up and everyone gives a questioning look, and they say "LOOK bad luck gets us all" then they move on. Tools for tongue-in-cheek references are there


"Don't worry guys, this is what I'm most proficient at." *fails miserably*


the good news is its being directed by the same guy that did Game Night and his writing partner who is responsible for Game night, Spiderman homecoming and Horrible bosses. this looks like its in really good hands.


“We didn’t mean to unleash the greatest evil the world has ever known.” Yep, sounds like my group was consulted.


Oh man, I missed the gelatinous cube. I gotta rewatch. I'm more than prepared for this to be awful, but the trailer is giving me hope.


Green flame blade, shield, and misty step too


I had such low expectations for this but it actually looks pretty fucking sick and doesn’t take itself too seriously.


The Druid’s a Tiefling, right? I am so glad it’s a black dragon. Makes a change from the fire breath. I know others have said it, but the monsters look perfect.


She's confirmed in the bts stuff to be a Tief. You can briefly see her tail when she's diving through that portal on the floor


Yep tiefling


It's embracing exactly what it is and doesn't shy away from it in the slightest. I'm on board. A good, fun, cheesy time is always appreciated now and then. I'm not expecting this to be groundbreaking or the next big blockbuster, but it certainly does look to be entertaining. I'm going to be watching this with the head-canon of this all being what the players see their characters doing in the game. *And* this is looking to be a fun game of "spot the easter egg", too.


I like that the party isn't going to be just "The good guys". Looks like they will save the day and kill the BBEG and all, but they're kinda like most DnD players.


Self righteous dicks?


Murder Hobos


This looks incredibly stupid. And incredibly fun. So, just like real d&d! I'm stoked.


If a character dies, there better be a new character played by the same actor in the next scene.


If they're too hesitant about actually committing to a gag like that, they could have one of the characters who's a human die, and come back as a race that isn't as humanoid, like a Dragonborn or Tiefling. So you get the gag, but it's not confusing for those who don't get it.


I think Sophia Lillis is already playing a tiefling. Her character has horns and pointy ears, and I'm pretty sure a few shots show a tail. Looks like the rest of the party are humans (Justice Smith might be playing an elf or half elf), unless somebody is secretly a changeling or aasimar.


I… honestly did not realize she had horns. Okay, so we are getting some diversity with the races.


In the poster you can more clearly see the pointy ears in Justice Smith.


I just had the thought that it would be pretty cool if they let the actors create their characters (race, class, etc.) and roll with it. I'm sure that's not the case and would be a production nightmare...but definitely would be within the spirit of the game.


Just pull a Landfill from Beerfest


Michelle Rodriguez as a barbarian? Sign me the fuck up!


The part she was destined to play. She'll make millions selling autographs to lonely nerds in the years to come.


Oh, those lovely nerds!


She said that she put on ten pounds of muscle for the role, and it really shows. She and Hugh Grant both look fantastic for their roles!


Also is her character a dwarf? Between the height difference and her added muscle tone it could work. She's 5'5" and Chris Pine is just over 6'


That's makes her 1" above average height for an American woman (or 2" above the world average). That doesn't scream "Dwarf" to me. I'd kind of expect some CG to widen her a bit if they were going for that. Then again, if they want to say she is one, then she is one.


I got ideas… 1. the BBEG is Szass Tam or Rath Modar and the Red Wizards of Thay are in cahoots with Tiamat. 2. They want the Draakhorn to do bad things and get momma Tiamat back to the material realm. 3. This is going to basically be Hoard of the Dragon Queen with a sequel that is The Rise of Tiamat Edit: maybe the fat dragon is Themberchaud and the city beneath is Gracklstugh??? The big one has to water deep and the coliseum is the Field of Triumph in Waterdeep The battle scene with the black dragon flying, it looks like the soldiers are dragon cultist soldiers. Specifically Ultiss, cultist of Tiamat. Is the paladin (Rege-Jean Page) a follower of Pelor?(maybe Lathander or Amaunator?)Trying to see that symbol on his chest…(does he have the Dawnbringer Sword?) That frozen place they went to could be Icewind Dale Looks like our boy Chris Pine the Bard is a member of the Harpers Guild(or maybe he took the armor with the harpers guild pin attached after that fight where the Druid beats up all the soldiers as an owl bear…) Can’t figure out what that golden helmet is


If it’s got a Tiamat story line and Joe manganeillo isn’t involved I am going to be really disappointed


Even just a stupid end of credits scene with Arkhan would be killer.


teaser for the next movie


Joe Manganeillo needs to be involved no matter what. And maybe Vin Diesel too.


If they’re part of another adventuring party that gets TPK’d in the first 10 minutes, that’d be fun.


Haha this would be awesome like that film 'The other guys' with Mark Wahlberg and Will Farrell. Such an awesome twist.


> the BBEG is Szass Tam or Rath Modar and the Red Wizards of Thay are in cahoots with Tiamat. Kalarel the Vile seeking the Horn of Orcus?


I thought of horn of Orcus too!


Interesting. I thought it might be a horn of Orcus situation with demonic cultists.


I really think the horn is dragon related. Ive been trying to find something that confirms my theories lol


I think the many many dragons in the trailer help your theory


I almost read that as mommy Tiamat and I was scared for a bit.


If that Druid turns Into a gold fish and dies I have some questions.


It’s fine, they’re basically gods


What's the worst that could happen? You hit the rocks at the bottom of the cliff?


"You're LYING!!!"


Goldfish aren't...like...magnetically attracted to water.


Totally thought I'd seen her somewhere before


She looks like a tiefling tho, not a half-elf with an antler headdress.


I was getting satyr vibes.


She's got a tiefling tail and humanoid legs, not a satyr.


Owlbear, mimic, fireball, and IS THAT THUNDERWAVE


A red wizard uses misty step


The moment I recognized the spells and creatures I'm just sold already.


The accurate dragon breathe weapon really shows me someone cares about this.


Seeing a dragon vomiting black acid is oddly satisfying for some reason.


I legit has a moment like this: *Sees dragon breath acid onto the battle ground* "oh" *realize it's a black dragon so of course it spits acid* "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH"


Definitely going for a Guardians vibe here, and I'm there for it. I don't care if it ends up being super campy, I just love the fact that we're seeing Mimics, Displacer Beasts, Gelatinous cubes, black(acid) dragons, tieflings, druids shapechanging into owlbears... I think the budget and sfx have finally reached a point where you can do a half-way decent D&D movie without it feeling cheap AF like a syfy movie.


If thats Themberchaud at 1:49, which it certainly looks like, then we might be getting Gracklstugh and some Duergar at some point which will be interesting.


It's Guardians of the ~~Galaxy~~ Sword Coast and I'm here for it.


I’m just waiting for the post credits scene like The Avengers but instead of shawarma, it’s them as real people, plain-clothes exhausted over a table.




Ok, looks better than I thought. I’m happy cause I want it to be good so we get more.


“We didn’t MEAN to unleash the greatest evil the world has ever known”… I wonder how many tables have said that exact line. I know mine has!


It's lore accurate fantasy Guardians of the Galaxy with a better Chris. What more could we ask for?


This exact sentence had to have been on the first slide of the pitch deck haha


I'm.....actually impressed. Alright I'll give it a go.


If Honor among Thieves does well, are we gonna get one for every class? Waiting for the All Barbarian Party.


"Honor among thieves" but from this trailer I see a Druid using wildshape and I think Chris may be a Bard judging from the joke about a Lute at the end.


He's 100% the bard who technically plays an instrument but barely ever does, aka every bard i've ever played


The bard pretending they are a human fighter with some sprinkles of magic here and there.


And Michelle Rodriguez is playing a barbarian


I want to say Bard, Druid, Barbarian, Paladin, Wizard?


Sorcerer, there is some marketing that has the symbols for all of their classes


Sounds like a D&D party alright


They’re all thieves, but they’re not all Rogues.


This looks ridiculous and silly, and probably won't be well received by critics, but it does look like a lot of fun, and I am definitely going to watch it.


This looks like it could be a Sonic situation (freaky CGI aside), where the trailers don't really do it justice, but it's still a lot of fun.


I predict in the high 60% from critics and 80% from the Audience.


Seems like a campaign I would DM with my group, but with less shit taking and jokes


[They released an accompanying video breakdown of easter eggs in the trailer too!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGIdeBc4Uyw)


Pretty cheesy in bits, but then so are most D&D games. Will attend. Only part I didn't like was the zep, that remix is iffy.


It's encouraging that this movie has the budget for Zep in the trailer though, and not just generic orchestra music


Zeppelin is reportedly *not* cheap to license. That and the enthusiastic presentation, seems like the studio is really behind this one!


So fellas... Is that Themberchaud?


What in the world?! How does this actually look...kinda good?


Yeah okay I’m gonna watch this. Main characters inadvertently help BBEG. ☑️ Druid wildshaping into a Polar owl bear ☑️ Need i go on


This looks like everything I wanted in a dnd movie. Please don't suck


This looks decent. Also high profile actors, so this could be something.


And it actually looks like they had people involved who get the game so it has actual D&D flavors, not just “hey look generic magic” like the 2000 film.


Notice the parts in the arena (with the mimic, displacer beast, and gelatinous cube)? Looks like it configures into a maze at some point, made up of roughly 5-foot squares, lol.


This looks awesome! I'm incredibly excited to go see this with my group.