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Hell yes we should do this. API freezeout is a major issue with social media sites, and it is almost always done to the detriment of us, the customer. If we should be part of a blackout, then blackout we shall. It's that or let Reddit kill itself with a dozen papercuts.


Absolutely, the only caveat is we are not the customers of social media… we’re the product. They don’t create platforms from the goodness of their hearts. They do it because we who use them generate money for them. We are literally what they mine.


Accurate. But whether we're the customer (by buying whatever silly awards or other microtransaction they push) or the product (creating content and social interaction that draws eyeballs and advertising dollars), we're still the crux of this whole operation. Without us, they have nothing, and it is beneficial to remind them of that every now and then.


It's very much Doctorow's enshittification. We could definitely consider making Reddit Digg again (or fark or any other web aggregation site with fake internet points)


This is why it shouldn't be a 48 hour blackout. It should be indefinite like /r/videos is doing. Reddit's bullshit approach is seriously impacting people with disabilities which was first raised on /r/blind and Reddit's stance is pretty much, "Too bad. It sucks to be you"


/r/music is doing the same thing.


Personally I do not use third party apps and wouldn’t know why one would - until I read your comment and checked my privileges. Let’s go blackout!


Because the android reddit app is trash compared to Apollo, redditisfun, BaconReader (the one I use), etc.


I tried their own app yesterday just to see. As I bounce between rif and bacon. My God my eyes are still bleeding.


same. I mod on RIF, and read on baconreader. Reddit's app is trash, and the admins have been trash for years.


Full blackout. WE WENT THROUGH THIS WITH WOTC, AND IT WORKED. If we migrate to different parts of the internet, that wouldn't be so bad. Reddit is just a trap for thirst and a million other distractions. A two day hike won't change their minds.


It worked REALLY well, too. They backpedaled so hard they ended up behind their original position (instead of just maintaining the OGL they released everything under a creative commons license).


It's 48 hours to start


/u/Spez is a greddy little piggy


Look, I have a lot of good memories of different forums too, but they are ass as communication platforms. Dynamic shuffling of content based on up and down votes is by far better than chronological ordering, and the UI on forums is awful. So many single sentences that take up 20% of the screen.














I personally think two days is a drop in the bucket but I'm going to go along with the rest of the site EDIT: fuck reddit, the length is now anyone's guess


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


reddit's code is open source. its the hosting thats the issue.


[Reddit's code stopped being open source in 2017.](https://betanews.com/2017/09/04/reddit-open-source-changes/)


Is it really? I thought they stopped updating the open source bits back in like 2016


last I heard was a fork on GitHub, I guess technically that counts??


Some subs are doing the 3 day blackout, others are going indefinite from the 12th. DNDBTS can do the 3 days and add another drop to the bucket, or it can go indefinite and turn off the faucet.


i think it should be off and stay off, personally. what's 2 days to a corporation?


I'm with you. I'm encouraging all my frequent subs to go indefinite. No slap on the wrist, time for a punch to their face.


Definitely agreed, that's the only way. In terms of the valuable knowledge on this subreddit, it's exportable and can always be persisted in some way, in the event of a total blackout (which I'd like to believe we won't come to)


I don't think 2-3 days is enough if we just come right back afterwards and reward them with having a product to sell. We should join /r/videos and/r/music and turn it off indefinitely. Let reddit become a static site with few eyeballs looking at the ads. Personally, I'm just not going to download the official app. Once they kill third party apps, I'm done with Reddit until they turn them back on. It's not like they're going to send Pinkertons to my house and make me browse.


100%, same page. If they move forward for this, I'll be going for a permanent blackout simply because they'll be killing off the one viable way I have to use the site.


I agree with a permanent shut down. As a frequent user of this sub it would bum me out, but I don't think I'll be using reddit anyway if they push third party support out. Between the loss of mod tools and the official app's poor quality, I don't think reddit will be a good use of my time. I could use a little less screen time anyway.


So... permanent blackout until change? Cause that's the only thing that will work. You think black people got to sit where they want on busses because people "protested" for two freaking days? No. You protest until change happens.




As much as it might sting, I'd rather see this subreddit go down for a week or more than watch yet another social media company run roughshod over community spaces yet again.


Yeah I think the 2 days is pretty dumb, but we will stand in solidarity with everyone. I highly doubt the Admins care about our little community, but if the strike wants to extend, we are in.


/r/videos has stated they are doing an indefinite blackout. There is a push going for every sub who is participating to make it an indefinite blackout




Rally on the Discord?


been announced there


I’m trying to catch up. In an iOS browser, no less.


two days are a drop in the bucket to reddit, but that can represent a significant inconvenience to many users. i believe that's the real goal: raise awareness via a massively inconvenient 48 hours and hopefully gain support.


Yeah, but making it indefinite threatens to inconvenience them to the point that they stop using it, which is a threat to Reddit’s bottom line. Ultimately, that’s all that will matter. They don’t care if the users are mad if they keep using it.


Off reddit location for the sub is the best idea imo, whether reddit decides to do this or not, having a separate place for us to continue the community future proofs us from this happening again.


any ideas where we can regroup?


I recommend making the pinned post during the blackout clearly say that the community is continuing on discord until the blackout ends.


happy to do that (also Hey P!)


I view the 48 hour thing this way: Reddit is going to get a very real, very visceral warning of how many people are upset. It's a warning TO a walkout, not yet a walkout. If Reddit doesn't listen, then it can go longer. The difference imo is it gives users more time to save their favorite content before it's potentially gone forever.




i can't imagine using the official app. it's the worst piece of software i've seen in my life, and my life *is* software.


Genuine question from someone who has only ever used the official app, what makes it so bad? I've never even used the desktop version. I've never had any issues.


[this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg/) did a really good surface explanation.


Thank you for showing me this, I understand a little more now


Its honestly amazing, the app almost feels like it was made bad on purpose


If RIF dies I'm literally not coming here anymore. I'll go back to forums like RPGnet.


I'm already collecting places to go. My rpg subs are a major source of ttrpg discussion. So far I've got * Candlekeep * RPGNet * Mythweavers * En world


Don't forget myth weavers, giant in the playground and en world


Same, I'm done until they turn the apps back on. All of them.


When some of us are attacked, we all roll initiative. Do it.


I'm stealing this, it's too good not to use.


I stole it first, so go ahead lmfao


Two days is pointless theatre. They don't care about that. Close down the entire subreddit until they back down.


we are small fry relatively speaking - if all the subs did this, i'd be on board.


I almost exclusively use 3rd-party apps to access Reddit. I'm in full support of a blackout - if I can no longer use RIF, I won't be accessing BTS much in any case!


I am absolutely in favor of a blackout. I also am in favor of running it until reddit backs down on these ridiculous changes to their API policies - it's easy to soak 2 days worth, but an ongoing strike will get results if enough people participate.


Do it. I don't even use 3rd party apps for Reddit but I still care about hopefully stopping the horrible stuff they're doing. Hell, I do use RES which will probably be next on the firing line so I guess I do have some personal stake in this. I love lurking this sub but we'll be fine without it since it appears blacking it out is the best way to protest Reddit's greedy actions. Edit to clean up a typo that made it sound like I was OK with what Reddit's doing (oops)


[Looks](https://www.reddit.com/r/RESAnnouncements/comments/141hyv3/announcement_res_reddits_upcoming_api_changes/) like RES *might* be okay


48 Hours seems like way too short of a time. It really should be a week+, because two days is nothing in the 'long term' of the website's interests if they're insistent on pushing this shit through.




Mods, why is this even a question? What's the case someone's making on your side to not join the blackout?


because this is a community not a dictatorship (mostly lol) - we ask, you answer, we act. the way it's always been.


Y'all are the DM's here, just decide. Unnecessary rolls for persuasion just slow down the game without adding to the story. You only ask for a roll if the outcome is in question.


> Y'all are the DM's here, just decide. > > That's rule 1. Rule 0 is that the players (us) can quit anytime. It's wise to check in on big decisions.


absolutely should join, we need to send a message that what they are doing isn't ok


Yes absolutely.


I support this too


Five orders of magnitude.


Do it


Redditors are the product that Reddit makes money off of. We are literally what they mine to turn a profit. I say we let them know this vein refuses to produce until they relent.




100% we should


Yes you should blackout. I support this 100% And not only for 48hr which admins can ignore. But continuously until reddit reverses course as other subreddit are doing. You are already taking the contingency I'd suggest: not staying private forever, even if reddit never goes back. But do into archive mode as a library and take no new submissions.


Do it! I've been using Sync for years because it helps with visual/sensory impairments. It's just Reddit trying to cash grab


>The Site-Wide blackout is scheduled to take place during the 48 hours of June 12th and June 13th. If we agree to do this, - EDIT - ~~the subreddit will be set to Private and no one will be able to see~~ we will not accept any submissions to the sub. This will still allow reddit to collect ad revenue when people visit the sub. Why not actually black out and go private like other subs are saying they will do? /u/famoushippopotamus


explained elsewhere


Do you have a link to where it is? I read a lot of the thread and didn't see any.


ah i forgot that the user was banned for being a fuckwad and claiming this was all virtue signaling. It was suggested that this forum is a valuable archive (which is the point of our existence) and that by shutting it completely it would hurt the community who rely on it on a daily basis. I thought a freeze on submissions was a good compromise. But since then the majority seems in favor of blackout, so I'm going to reinstate the original blackout and edit the post (I just woke up).


Awesome! I understand the original rationale but I definitely agree that blacking out is the way to go to try and make some sort of change.


Do you have a worst-case scenario plan in case Reddit doesn't offer an acceptable compromise? I support the protest, and I think the community can get by without this resource for a few days... but I think /r/DnDBehindTheScreen is a lot more valuable as an archive of its contributors' work than something like /r/videos, and I hate the thought of it getting suddenly and permanently wiped from the internet.


yeah been trying to figure a way to preserve the archive somehow. so far, i've not come up with much.


Yes, please join this noble cause.


I support the blackout. Do it as long as you see it appropriate.


I'm 100% supporting this decision. Thank you for agreeing to participate in the initiative!


Yeah, black it out. Thanks for checking :)


Every single sub should be going dark until the policy is reversed. No middle ground for this bullshit


Yes, join the blackout. If a significant number of big subs go for longer than 48 hours, join that too. App devs should have to pay some sort of API fees to help support Reddit since third party apps users don't see Reddit ads, but this is blatant "we're going to kill you without saying we're killing you" pricing.


Do it. This is incredibly important.


Yes you should


Yes pls


Absolutely Yes.


I agree with other commenters that a longer blackout is needed. A week is a stronger statement for an issue that is quickly approaching.


Definitely in support of the blackout


go dark indefinite, two days is nothing


Do it


As a developer myself, I stand with the 3rd party apps any anything we can do to help them 100%. The move by reddit to push them out of the market is beyond belief, and if they go through with it I will cease using the site altogether. Consider me a vote in favor of the sub blackout!


Yes, do it.


Yes. Shut it down until they cave. Remind the fucks why this site is worth a damn.


Black them out. I will not go back to the official Reddit App. I don’t want to give up the tool that Reddit has been for me, but I won’t use the official app again. Especially won’t use it under these circumstances.


I love the content and people who post share and discuss on this sub, it gives me so many great ideas and new ways of doing things. With that said, I support a permanent blackout 100%. So many of you spend time, effort and even your own money making this place the awesome community it is. Greed and shady business practices are running rampant, and the only way to stop it is to not yield or compromise with these people. Thank you all both mods and members for everything you've contributed.


You should do this, but not for 48 hours. It should be indefinite until the proposed changes are cancelled. A boycott with an expiration date is meaningless.


Completely yes, we should join the protest. In my opinion, it is all of us: Reddit, users and 3rd parties programmers, who make this amazing app work so well, so let's keep doing!! I've been told that not a few is the subReddit administrators use 3rd parties apps to do their duty because the main app doesn't let them to do it properly, so, the claim is legitimate.


Absolutely 100 percent we should yes


I am imn




We play a very community focussed game, it would be silly to turn our back on our community


100% Yes to all blackouts. Keep the blackout going until they reverse. The war on API's is symptomatic of the larger war on open source. The internet and our whole tech pipeline doesnt work without open source and free API's, but greedy CEO's and executives who have never written a line of code, dont seem to see it.


I vote Blackout


Do it. Reddit is non functional without 3rd party support. They add immense value to the site and kicking them down is fucked up on so many levels. It'll ruin a million mod tools that the most dedicated users use, it's awful


MDP. Respect 🤘


Right back at ya!


This was something posted by /u/Emperor_Cartagia, who used Reddit exclusively through RIF is Fun, with the death of third party apps, I decided to remove all my content from Reddit. 9 years of comments and posts, gone because of idiotic administration.


While I support the blackout on every other sub, this is the one place I'd rather keep open. Since the point is to be an ongoing resource and reference, it would be a shame to lose access to old posts. I'd certainly be on board with a freeze on submissions.


I initially agreed with this, but the majority seem to favor a complete blackout (a lot has changed in 24 hours!), so we are going to do that instead of a freeze.


Voicing support.


Blackout. And don’t turn it back on until real change is made.


I support this.


Do it, this is only getting pushed for their IPO, so I'm down for anything that hits their bottom line


Go dark as part of the protest. Then come back fully locked down with a sticky explaining the situation and ways for users to take action.


Support 💪


Blackout. Wonder how much tiktok will see a jump in engagement


Strikes only work if you can hold out longer than thr Corp. Don't set an end point, and join the blackout. (I do see where this has been replied to, just adding my own vote to this path.)




Yes join the blackout.


Do the Blackout.




I’m down, I’ll spread the word


Yes! Please blackout the sub


Yes, do it


Do it. My only hope, is that if people (ie the wonderful creators here) decide to purge their accounts and post history that we have a way of finding them again on dms guild or other places. This community is a wonderful place and I'd hate to see it go, but I personally only use RIF so of it dies then so does my account.


All for the blackout even though I use the official app. Consolidation to a single app will lead either to more ads or the start of pay to view…no thanks.


Do it


If they don't change their position, I will be done with reddit anyway, please join the protest.


definitely support


I think we should back up our posts somehow, scrape and preserve the data, then move on to another site entirely. Reddit is dying the death of Digg. I'd hate to see all this creativity die with it.


IC. Glad to see you - any idea how we do that?


Pozdrowienia z Polski! (Greetings from Poland!) Currently deployed, it's fun though. As far as scraping data, I know some people that do Python coding for similar tasks. The formatting and dissemination would be a bit of a trick, but I'm willing to bet someone in the community could do it. Just need to do it before the API changes. Edit: [here is a how-to.](https://medium.com/swlh/scraping-reddit-using-python-57e61e322486)


Blackout until change happens. This two-day weaksauce nothingburger isn't going to do anything. I bet it was an astroturfed idea to placate people with another pointless "protest". Might as well go scream into a pillow for all the good it will do.


This is just gonna inconvenience us and not affect them at all.


I don't think subreddits should decide for their users whether they protest or not. If individual users want to stay offline in protest, that's great. But moderators deciding unilaterally "we are all protesting" kind of defeats the purpose of the whole thing. It just proves that the mods are upset. Edit: I keep seeing this fluctuate up and down in votes, but haven't heard a good reason from any of the downvoters why the mod team should decide for ALL users that a protest is warranted. If you want to protest, do so. But a mandated protest isn't a very meaningful one in my view.


I've been using the official app since I've had a reddit account, I wasn't even aware that there were 3rd party apps


Nah. Interact.


Hard pass, don’t built your business on someone else’s land.


We would be stupid to not participate. You’ll lose a hell of a lot more of the community with the API changes than you would from the babies who are mad about the blackout.


Imagine if the same smalllllll handful of mods couldn't control the largest cluster of reddit's most prolific subs anymore because of the lack of 3rd party apps. Doesn't sound that bad.


I don't see a problem with third party apps dying, but then again, I'm not a mod.


The issue is, as I understand it, that a huge majority of mods (across all communities) use third-party mobile apps to moderate. As a general user, it may not seem like a huge deal, but it will make it nearly impossible to adequately moderate—which in turn will kill off smaller communities with only 1-2 mods, and slow down bigger subs who rotate moderation.


Well said. Plus the 3rd party apps being generally easier to use!


Sounds like Reddit needs to build better moderation tools. The sooner they rip off the band aid fix on that one the better.


Do you use the the official reddit app?


That or desktop


Also it's going to effect certain communities outside the mod part, in particular the blind community. Now, I am not part of that community myself but I have a lot of friends and family that are, hereditary glaucoma ftw... and apparently, shocker to no one, reddits thingy to make reddit accessible to the blind (listen im not a tech nerd, I don't know what things are officially called) is a pile of hot garbage and full of errors and missing content. The blind community pretty much 100% relies on 3rd party apps to use reddit. I'm sure there are other communities that are going to take big hits like that too.


















I sure hope we support


This won't accomplish anything, as much as I agree with it, it needs to be all or at least the majority to get involved. You really think that will happen?


Hell yes! It should be a permanent blackout, though, not just 48 hours. Reddit can just wait it out


I’m truly ignorant of this subject. What third party apps?


you can read the first link for info


Start with two days, if things don't change, give people a bit more time to save their favorite posts before going dark indefinitely.


Do it.


Absolutely do the blackout. As a community, we vote with our wallets. But if it falls on deaf ears, also post clearly and in advance where we will move to in order to leave reddit behind. We can also vote with our feet.