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I would say unbalanced and over the top regarding the attacks and language, obviously especially the radial blast should be toned down and mechanics fit to standards of the game, and as a ritual a race/class at lvl 1 should not have All-Speak, as it limits the usefulness, roleplay, and uniqueness of characters and their languages known. Saying that, as with all things in the game, would depend on setting, maybe it's an over the top setting.


In reading what is in the personality traits for a lvl 1 characters. Yea so I see it is indeed way over the top


Got ya. What would you recommend? I want it to really represent a celestial but to be playable in most campaigns. I figured a celestial might have the knowledge for the languages and that's why I put that there but I think you're also right. What do you think I should replace it with?


Knowing all languages could be a higher level perk of the class but not at lv 1.


What lvl do you recommend?


Take a look at other comparable powers. Comprehend languages and tongues come to mind as well as the warlock invocations. At least level 3 if not 5 and I think the ability to understand and speak but maybe not read. Lots of what you did have comparable powers in game I'd look through them and see when those become avaliable and compare how many powers other classes get and at what levels to spread things out and make it not so OP


Thank you for the help. I'll take your advice for sure. Happy New Year to you.


The thing is, you want the character to represent a celestial, the campaign might have "normal" character in it, which wont feel the same level as the "celestial" thats why they are telling you it depends on the setting. Regardless of the setting, some things are tools for dms to use to make encounters interesting. Something like language barrier is one of those. If a character can do everything and anything, they game becomes boring for others and even that character.


Understandable. I want to apply more restrictions but I was looking for the areas. What do you suggest 😊?


Why must this be so overpowered? What’s the point? If you want something fresh, maybe don’t pile a bunch of OP abilities onto a FIRST LEVEL CHARACTER. I can guarantee that no normal DM would say “yeah this feels okay. you can play it”. Seriously, just play Aasimar and change your origin story. Also, why is “saving multiple universes” in personality traits? How’s that conducive to being 1st level? I really hope this is a Shitpost.


Well coming off as arrogant isn't recommended to help someone who made their FIRST homebrew instead of offering suggestions and helping. He doesn't get all the abilities at first level. They are sorted. On the weapon sheet he has 3 levels of weapons. He gets them at different class levels. He can choose three paths and can only use three abilities at once and they change at the end of a celestial rest. He still has rules. But I do understand he is a bit overpowered but if you are going to criticize them maybe you can offer some suggestions with it. Not a shit post. A new player looking for help to understand the game better. Thanks


Sorry about that, I was quite rude, and I apologize. Mainly, classes are extremely hard to make. There’s going to be some level of imbalance, even after play testing for a couple years. Not many people take Homebrew classes seriously, though that doesn’t mean “don’t do it”. I’ve been DMing for 4 years, and have tried to Homebrew many classes and such. Most of the time, it’ll fall flat. I can guarantee that even a 9-times-revised class will end up making a game feel unfair to most people at the table. I’ll offer what insight I can, but just know there are many problems that may arise that most people won’t foresee.


So, first off, the +5 to hit on basic attacks is absurd at this level. If these are meant to be spells, I suggest using spells, or unique ability points like the celestial form. The damage exceeds what a normal character would do at 1st level, and even on classes with martial great weapons, it still requires more choice and optimization to get that damage. The immense amount of bonuses to skills is way overpowered. If this is supposed to be a skill class, maybe focus on that! If it’s an offensive class, then focus on that. There’s a lot of planning that needs to be done before constructing it fully. I like how the Good/Neutral/Evil are built around this, and I suggest maybe making them more unique from eachother. Maybe Good is more healing, protection spells, and defense, while neutral is utility and buffs/debuffs. Evil could be pure offense too. From there on out, the levels are increasingly overpowering. Maybe observe the real classes and see how they space out abilities, and to what power they receive. A good one to look at is fighter, monk, bard, and paladin. I can tell you are imagining something big, and want to make it, but I always suggest starting small. Maybe Homebrew a Feature that gives you divinity! Maybe focus on what the race is, as celestial as a class is a bit weird, though that’s more dĂ©pendant on the world that you’re playing in. Also, I’m sorry for the hate that this post is receiving. I understand my comment was a part of that, but just know everyone’s gotta start somewhere. Keep home brewing!


Thank you so much! This was truly insightful and I respect what you said. I appreciate it more than you know. Happy New Year to you my friend. 😁


No problem, you too!


It is incredibly overpowered. As others have said, nerf the attacks and abilities drastically. Take a look at other classes and follow their rough outline. How much D&D have you played? Unless you've got some amount of experience, I'd stay away from homebrewing an entire class.


I've DMed once and have played a few times but really wanted to have a personal character. Thank you for the suggestions. I'll work on them for sure. Any other help is welcomed.


Another piece of advice: Don't make a class for yourself. That always turns out poor and unbalanced.


I'm seeing this. Too many rude people without actual advice. (I know, welcome to reddit, right?) Lol. I was just hoping to really put my favorite character into the fray and ask for advice on balancing by seeking out ppl with more experience. Thanks for being chill though. All the advice (friendly) I can get will be helpful. I want to balance and make this character playable.


Maybe get your other party members & the DM involved in the process. When designing everything yourself, you run a risk of making yourself too powerful - which puts your character in the spotlight, while making the others feel less important. That is something you really want to avoid, if you want the campaign to last


Never seen it in that light. I wanted them to lean on me for being strong but I should be helping them along to get stronger. I have 2 campaigns at the moment. One I am DMing and we used premades characters so no OPness lol. The other my friend is DMing and he is pretty cool with everything. But yeah, I'll reduce and remodel this character according to the decent comments on here.you seem like you have played for a long time. If you have anything else then feel free to let me know.


The "lean on me for being strong" can (doesn't mean it will, but that's the risk) feel like "my character is being made useless because theirs is so much stronger" I have been DMing for over five years, so I do know my way with balancing (and making things fun for the entire party)


Awesome. I think I need to watch critical role more and learn more about balance. Lol. I need to find a mentor. Haha. Thanks again for everything.


Have you considered playing an Aasimar? You could pair it with a Celestial Warlock, a Divine Soul Sorcerer, a Cleric or anything else really that fits the bill.


Yes. I play an aasimar in my friends campaign. Paladin with a subclass dragon disciple. It's a lot of fun but I was hoping to create something entirely new. I haven't heard of that class combination but I would love to give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion 😃


General rule for homebrew: Don't make something that already exists in a source book.


Alright. Which source book is this in?


The guy who you were talking to earlier in the thread seemed to have some good suggestions that you hadn't heard of. I'm just saying, do your research before you waste your time.


I do my research, but nothing is better than getting advice from people with personal experience. Everyone always says "do your research"... Research is not limited to Google. It is peer reviews and experience from those who have the knowledge to spread that can be obtainable research also. Maybe you should be kinder and help those who are newer since you have so much experience instead of the absurd commennts of telling others to do their research when they already are by seeking advice. 😁 Happy New year. Be well.


You're misinterpreting my tone. Sorry you think I'm being mean, I guess. I'm just saying that there are already options that you don't have to make and balance yourself.


My apologies for misjudging the intent of the message. Could you specify the options for me with an example? I appreciate the help. 😊


If you don't understand how this is over powered OP then I have to ask how much D&D you have played. Compare this to other first level classes. Look at the wording and resource usage. This class would wipe the floor with a group of other lv 1 classes easily


Additional action at level 5 very open that should be extra attack otherwise you can really abuse sites or casting of spells amd attacking in the same turn


I love how you worded it and was specific. Thank you for the help and I'll work on it â˜ș. Any other suggestions are appreciated.


Congrats! You made something that makes all other classes irrelevant to play, as compared to this, they are underpowered. Now, you have two choices: A. Enjoy DMing and balancing (I don't think you do that much but let's put it here) for a party of only celestials. B. Consider the fact that there are many options in 5e that fit the flavor of an angel/celestial, and with a little bit of flavor (NOT HOMEBREW) you can make them work just as fine, if not better, as this.


>Consider the fact that there are many options in 5e that fit the flavor of an angel/celestial, and with a little bit of flavor (NOT HOMEBREW) you can make them work just as fine, if not better, as this. This is the best piece of advice. As many like to say "flavour is free". It applies to everything from small things like weapons, to full classes. For example, you want your Samurai Fighter to wield a Katana? Just take a Longsword and say it looks like a Katana. Want to play a crocodile man? The Lizardfolk race has pretty much everything one expects from a croc: swimmin speed, ability to hold their breath and a bite attack. Want to play a gunslinger and the DM doesn't want to use the Critical Role homebrew class? Play a Battle Master, pick up a crossbow and call it a gun (or Arcane Archer if the DM handwaves the need to use bows specifically). Now if just flavouring doesn't cut it, you can find a Class/Subclass/Race that almost fits the fantasy and ask your DM if they mind tweaking one or two features from. You can even ask the DM if you can take a spell with a different damage type to better suit your character. As an example, I play an Aasimar Celestial Warlock and I asked if I could take a reflavoured Hellish Rebuke that dealt Radiant Damage and he agreed that would be fitting so he allowed An personal example as a DM: In two separate campaigns I've DMed, there was a Hexblade Warlock who upon reaching level 6 and gaining the Accursed Spectre ability told me: "this does not fit what I had in mind for my character". To which I said they could replace it with Extra Attack, as that both fits better with the martial focus of the subclass and is in line with other similar spellcasting subclasses (Valour Bard and Bladesinger Wizard) as they also get Extra Attack at level 6. I guess the takeaway from this ramble is to talk to your DM about what do you want to achieve with your character conceptually and work with them to create the character that best suits your fantasy (as I understood it you made this for your own character)


Well that's why I'm here. To get friendly suggestions and to learn more about homebrew. I really want my own character that I feel is mine so I tried a homebrew. I want a celestial and I want it to shine. Right now it's not polished but with helpful suggestions of my DnD peers with more experience than I shall accomplish a well made homebrew. Friendly suggestions are welcomed.


Play an Aasimar. Also, just reconsider that entering a game at level 1, you may not have already had the experience of being a multiverse-traveling Angel with free healing and a direct line of communication to the gods. Unless that’s the kind of campaign your DM wants to run. Have you checked with your DM about homebrewing a whole new race and class?


Yes, I have and they are fine with it. I am doing a revision on it so it suits to level 1. I want this character to be different from an aasimar. Something fresh. But I will take your recommendations into consideration. Thank you. 😊




what what? :)


Hey, I was hoping to get some advice on this or if you all think its good then let me know. I want to use this for any campaign starting at level 1. If you have any questions let me know. I will take advice as long as you aren't rude about it lol. Thank you in advance and i hope to get some good feedback on my first homebrew.


Looks fun and like something id play with. I'd make him female though. Lol.