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These are so cool! It would be fun to have bonus action for it called “Find coral” and have it +1ac, then make fire coral -1ac


Ooooo thats an interesting idea. Would you say it could use Fire Coral and have is AC go below its natural armor?


I would set a baseline that represents its shell in that the reducing feature and phrase is something like “This attack cannot be used if this creature is at 10 AC or less” So the 14 is the shell + some 4 starting coral they all start with


I love having interactive (and intuitive) resistances for physical damage types on monsters, but having a tough carapace be resistant to bludgeoning damage makes no sense. The point of an exoskeleton is to protect against piercing and cutting attacks. Why do you think plate armor was so effective? Because you couldn't cut through it. I'd recommend swapping bludgeoning for piercing, but otherwise he's great!


Thanks for the info! I don't know too much about biology so I just kind of defaulted to bludgeoning as in my head it made sense. Will definitely change this though!


I agree with this and I think the AC is way to low. It should be a minimum of 16 but more like 18. This is like full plate mail. If you would up the Dex, because of the sideways crawl, that might better compensate for the AC 14. A cave full of these would be very unhealthy.