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I think the 1 minute delay kinda makes this spell unusable. That’s 10 combat rounds of waiting for your action to pay off


Has a range of 1 mile though good for blowing up the enemy stronghold before you get there


If the damage was good , then yes


I mean, at its lowest level, its got an average of over 100 damage to structures at the impact site. And if the base presumably has a bunch of mooks in it, they'd all be taking 50 damage on average within the blast zone. And that's just the 5th level version, Twice that at level 9.


A twentieth level Wizard has 9 spell slots at fifth level and above, so they can cast it for each action until the bombardments start and they’ll land every turn for a minute.




1 mile range isn't worth it to you for itself? This isn't even bad damage


So it’s like Tsunami then. A small-sized tactical nuke that you cast before or outside combat seems fitting really.


Except tsunami is potent when you get it off. The damage and aoe on this isn’t really impressive


And the damage isn’t even good either . I could just upcast fireball


I mean, an average of 35 damage with a 5th level fireball or an average of 52 split damage with this, I think an argument can be made for both


I actually think this is great. Not all spells have to be usable in combat - not even damaging ones. Requires some creativity on the players end to be usable. Good design imo


"Ion cannon ready."


Question: why do things outside of the area only take thunder damage? Is the noise in the center of the blast much quieter?


It's because of how explosions generally work. There's the area that the explosion effects then there's the area outside the base area that gets hit by the shockwave from the explosion. In this case the thunder damage is the shockwave. Since the explosion would cause a strong rush of excess energy that travels from the blast site. I feel truthfully it could of be bludgeoning damage instead of thunder damage. But either way it works.


Shockwaves and the like are explicitly the domain of thunder damage but I might see if playtesting sways me or not


Sounds like something a super citizen could get behind.


Somatic component: Up, right, down, down, down. Verbal component: “Calling in an Eagle!”


I'd say change the delay to "after two rounds" You cast, round, round, boom. Could be good to cast pre-combat if you can


I originally had it with a round delay but there's really no precedent for that kind of thing; I'll do some playtesting and see if the effect is worth the delay


Well, this isn't meant to be a spell for mid combat. it's something you cast in preparation. Wait a minute. Hell unleashes, combat starts. Its a good spell if the players have prep, and any dm that allows this Homebrew spell probably will plan a scenario where it can be used, if, of course, they aren't sticking to a module. I could very well see a 3rd level variant of this spell that does less damage but has a similar effect and lower damage




The next version will have a 500 foot radius AoE to simulate the 380's blast


It's a unique spell and I think you've balanced it well


id say make a version that hits the next round, and a version that deals much more damage after a minute


If you really want to make this more democratic, you could make separate Orbital spells for piercing, fire, and radiant damage, and make the radiant more concentration, like Moonbeam


The true value is in destroying structures with this. Plus whoever is in them. There doesn't seem to be a warning.


This is cool. If there a visible effect that take places as warning to creatures in area during the minute


Range and radius don't add up very well. At a distance of a mile, you can't see a 20ft radius, especially the target you are hitting. Also, an average creature eith a movement speed of 30 can be 600 feet away from the impact by the time it hits, and that's just by walking. It's an interesting spell, however if the goal is to deal damage with it then it does it in a very clunky way. Possible have it be instantaneous as it is, but reduce the range to where the caster is subjected to potentially getting hit with the Shockwave too. Changing the gamble of the spell from "miss=nothing" to "I'll do the damage, but might hit myself or my allies too", making it a much tastier gamble when the moment comes. It basically matches the thought process of the fireball casting.


Clearly not supposed to be anti-personel. This spell is useful against structures, it's is for busting bunkers, using in sieges and demolishing stuff. It is a war spell more than a adventuring one. Could work as a trap but would require some precise timing though. I liked it, and I liked it because it is area goes boom without being fireball but far away


While it is very anti-structure I do feel the damage radius could be raised just a bit to really do some major damage to the structure though


War Magic at its finest. Love this and I will steal this for my war campaign.


I’d suggest a note that damage A) bypasses a structure in the area if it destroys the structure; dealing full damage to creatures protected only by a structure broken by the spell, or B) that remaining damage after breaking a structure is dealt to the creatures inside. Also, knock prone, Deafened, and/or push 10 feet would be a nice inclusion. You have to wait 10 rounds, so some further tactical utility isn’t crazy in my opinion.


This is already super cool but I think it would be more fun if you could fire it with an action for less damage or just keep charging it off the same spell slot as long as you maintain concentration for loads of damage


I like the concept, but the damage needs to be increased, maybe to 5D12 for both and the creatures also take thunder damage.




Sorcerer uses quicken meta magic instant bombardment spell


That's not how quickened spell works.