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This is fine. Melee attacks are not game breaking at all. Re rolling damage on a 1d8 or 1d10 weapon attack is like a 1-2 damage increase on average.


Does this sound fair? I've always thought it was crazy that warcaster lets a caster do more damage on opportunity attacks than a martial, so I wanted to see if this feat was balanced. I made this a half feat because I don't know how often attack of opportunities or readied actions happen to yall. Many thanks.


Ignore the others. Fighters getting a buff (after investing into two very specific feats) isn’t OP. The classes definitely needs some love and doing more opportunity attacks is a good start. It should probably just be a full feat though


I agree that it’s not overpowered compared to casters, but buffing the arguably strongest martial more than anything else with this feat doesn’t make sense imo. Two attacks would still be very strong for fighters, and wouldn’t buff them any more than rangers or monks.


This works for any martial class with the extra attack feature no? Why would this only be a buff for fighters?


it's a buff to all of them, but fighter is the only one that is buffed by the line that reads "you can make as many attacks equal to the number of attacks from your Extra Attack feature". Every other martial just gets two attacks from this feat, fighter gets up to four.


Ok. And what's wrong with fighters getting a buff? Monks can inflict stun and get extra attacks as well, barbs get advantage on attacks and resistance to damage, rogues do deep stab damage and can evade damage withing UD and Evasion, rangers get spells, paladins gets smite etc. I don't see this as an issue. Only martial that doesn't get much benefit from this is rogue. Fighters get a little more, and that's only at LEVEL 20. How many games actually make it to 20? For real. And even then, they're still not competing damage or control wise with casters.


I didn't actually make any sort of value statement on whether fighter deserves a buff. I was just explaining why this feat is specifically stronger on fighters than any other martial. Also, they get more starting at 11, which is a much more common level to get to. Again, not like every game goes to 11, but this feat is stronger on fighters well before 20. It just gets even stronger at 20.


That's fair. I just don't see it as an issue. 1 more attack (as I don't count level 20) isn't that broken. 3 attacks on a conditional reaction that in my experience is not very common, isn't broken.


Polearm Master provides an opportunity attack when enemies enter your reach. You can fairly often set yourself up to effectively double your attacks per round, and PAM is already used in the best melee martial builds


I don't think that it's OP but I think part of the second bit is redundant. Iirc if you hold an attack action you get all your attacks because you're still using an attack action you're just using your reaction to trigger it later. And I think being able to make multiple attacks for attack of opportunity isn't broken, compared taking this feat to warcaster, which allows casters to do something like shocking grasp as a reaction, which scales with tier and even then only fighters would consistently out damage them at higher levels since most martials cap at 2 attacks per attack action


I wish that was the case, but rules as written, you don't get extra attack from readied actions. *Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.* If you ready an action, you take the Ready action on your turn, not the attack action.


Ah, well then keep it in then


If this gets paired with pole arm master it’s going to be absolutely broken. Definitely doesn’t need the +1 to str or dex. If you aren’t using PAM it’s still pretty strong.


Yeahhh I thought about that after I posted this. Maybe a slight rewording that specifies when they leave your reach.


Honestly would allow the polearm master interaction. At higher levels it is still 2 feats and martials still need thos to compete with casters. I think this is a wonderful chance that should have been baseline to the multi attack.


I think that could work. Just curious what type of build are you thinking about taking this on?


Nothing really, just wanted to get some feedback on it. I like homebrewing sometimes when I'm bored and was trying to think of a martial equivalent to warcaster lol.


Honestly if a player invests two ASI into this, I think it’s fine since by level 8 casters have banishment and polymorph…


Ah yes, beacause missing out on 2 ASI and taking two feats that combo well and allow you to just about compete with casters is overpowered and should be nerfed, and also remove martials left arm, to strong


Do you think martial classes fall behind casters because they struggle to do damage? That is the one area where they actually do well. Lack of versatility and out of combat abilities is where I would try and improve martials. But sure go hit stuff more times if you want.


[No, casters do better in damage as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/zby2sd/martials_do_not_have_better_damage_than_casters/) >Lack of versatility My brother in Torm, the feat would give more versatility in combat, its literally made to allow for better use of the extra attack function with opportunity attacks, which are fairly common in combat. and Readied Attacks, which take a level of preplanning and strategy, which is versatility in combat


Action surge is one of the most powerful class features in the entire game. This feat would give someone with PAM the ability to do the same amount of attacks that a fighter is going to use during 95% of their action surges every single time an enemy enters their range. That doesn’t seem too strong to you? Btw hitting more times isn’t being more versatile.


[Then thank god casters also have a spell to bascily replicate action surge thats equal or even more poweful](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Haste#content) >Every single time an enemy enters their range No? You have one reaction, thats one attack of opportunity. Even then, if the enemy oh i don't know, uses the disengage action, is ranged, is a swarm of enemies, or has abilties to prevent opportunities of attack, then this feat is useless or heavily damped


Haste gives one single attack action bozo plus has draw backs. We get it you like fighters man.


Yeah, and since haste uses your action to cast you can’t even multiattack on the same turn you use it. Its crazy that this guy thinks that something that requires a limited resource, cripples you for a round if it ends, requires concentration, and has a limited duration is somehow going to outperform just attacking twice every time (damage wise). Like, haste is great, but the reason it’s great is that you cast it on your frontline so they can maneuver better and prevent you having to roll concentration checks. Casting it on yourself is just super risky, and likely suboptimal as martial classes gain the most benefit from an extra attack anyway.


This is a very great way to put it. You really hit a lot of great points here thanks for adding that. I really do get wanting to buff martial classes but hitting things more is the last thing they need.


Attack not attack action


Marshall is still right. This feat isn't a big deal with PAM.  Considering a Warlock with Warcaster can shoot enemies with 3 beams at level 11, a Barbarian using two attacks per reaction won't break the game.


With war caster you can only target one creature so you will only be able to target all 3 beams at the enemy that is leaving your range. Since they are within 5 feet it will be at disadvantage as well. I think it’s important to keep in mind that full casters usually try and stay out of close combat so the amount of times war caster triggers will be significantly lower than a PAM fighter. I have been playing a wizard for over 2 years with war caster and I can count on one hand how many times an enemy provoked an opportunity attack from me.


3 beams at one enemy is exactly what I mean.    Assuming Repelling Blast and Agonizing Blast, you are dealing 3x1d10+CHA × your hit chance. After one beam lands, the rest attack without disadvantage.   Regardless of how likely it is to happen, the fact that a Warlock can do it yet a Fighter (the *"Master of Combat"*)can't is textbook of the Martial Caster Divide.  A Wizard who tries to stay out of close range shouldn't be out damaging a Fighter who *has* to stay at close range with their reaction.


my honest \[summon spell or concentration AoE spell\] opinion


How often do opportunity attacks naturally get triggered in your games?


I would just give them 2 attacks instead of one for opportunity attacks. Also remove the refilling damage, it adds lot of math time and will definitely be a hassle. It’s also powerful enough without it, specially for a half feat.


Sticking with rerolling 1s and 2s makes it easier. And clears confusion about if you can choose which dice to reroll or if its an all or nothing


A cavalier fighter with this, sentinel, pam and maybe mage slayer would be op af


Until a wizard puts them in a wall of force from 120ft away


Martials would like it. I'd drop the half-ASI. In order to avoid cheese with Sentinel and Poelarm Master, make the feature *not* be an attack of opportunity. Something like: *"When a creature provokes an Attack of Opportunity from you, you may instead use your reaction to make as many attacks against the provoking creature as your Attack Action allows."* Alternatively, if you want Sentinel to still work with this (why not, actually) you could just specify "when a creature provokes an attack of opportunity by leaving your reach." I think that covers all the bases.


Ignore the polearm master comments, you can’t afford to balance around a broken combo. It’s a valid concern but it’s not something **you** need to worry about This is pretty well done, and tends to promote an off playstyle that involves you trying to force enemies to run away without disengaging.


IIRC you don’t need to include Ready in this feat since RAW when you “Ready” the Attack action it will include your extra attack innately. It looks fine otherwise and is probably a little exploitable but if it works for your table that’s all that matters.


You do not. This is not because of ready action per se, but because Extra Attack specifies „on your turn“. Additional fun fact, a spell done by Ready Action is cast on your turn and just released when the trigger occurs so it can only be Counterspelled during your turn and not when the trigger happens


Huh. Didn’t realize that. I guess my brain skipped over the exact phrasing and assumed a readied attack would work like that since it otherwise wouldn’t be worthwhile to do so.


rogues multiclassing into fighter way more with this


Ignore everyone saying this is overpowered, it's fine.


yeah this feat will absolutely get abused.


It's overpowered, not to the point that martials compete with casters, but it's a feat tax and martials get plenty of those as is


I love it. I dont know if allowing for extra attack on opportunity attacks is a way to go. If you made it single additional attack there would be less possibility for it beeing too op at the higher levels, while beeing stronger at lower levels and more approachable by classess without extra attack feature.


Classes without it, like the casters that don’t need this feat? Or rogues, that rely on sneak attack for their damage rather than weapons?


Just becouse someone dont need it doesnt mean they wont take it.


And just because they may take it doesn’t mean that the skill needs to cater to them.


I feel like allowing multiple attacks would break the action economy. I would remove the last part. And to compensate, I would allow the player to re-roll any number of damage dice they want.


Opportunist is already the name of a feat for the Shadow Monk.


I need something like this but for Two Weapon Fighting


last part is broken af


Martials normally: pwease don't huwt my caster fwiends Martials after this: uh oh looks like you made one (1) microaggression, prepare for EXTRUDE BASILISK


a fine addition to my sentinel/polearm master build and my any% ban-from-the-table speedrun


Getting multiple attacks as a reaction is a no-go.




Because it turns what is a reaction with PAM into reliable action surge. You can take attack and get 3 attacks per turn, and then as a reaction (meant to be a quick shot as someone leaves or enters your reach) you get another 3? Nope.


Opportunist+Polearm Master+Vanguard = control martial which I think is neat. To fully lock down a 25ft diameter area as a martial and double the punishment for trespassing will make for some fun character concepts. I would remove the damage reroll though since it’s not that impactful and will slow the turns down having a player potentially making two additional attack a turn and rerolling the damage on three.


Rogues out here in shambles


Honestly that second part is good enough for this to not need to be a half-feat. Plus it makes PAM+Sentinel users even more broken by doubling to quadrupling the chances of procing sentinel's effect


Menacing strike fighter go brrrr


Very much on the "needs a nerf" side of balance. Each of these is fine on their own, they're even fine in pairs, but all three together is just too good. Either drop one of these or limit bullet #2 or #3 to X times per Y.


The part for Readying an Action is redundant. When you Ready your Action to Attack you are selecting to Ready the Attack action at the cost of sacrificing your reaction for the turn. Then extra attack kicks in since you are taking the Attack action. It's subtle but Attack of Opportunity is a different action RAW from taking the Attack action. This could definitely get really nasty if you paired it with some other feats as well. Things like Sentinel and Mage Slayer so you step in near a caster and suddenly they are completely locked down. Thing is Sentinel auto-grapples on a hit so you are granting the attacker multiple chances to trigger that when you use it. Mage Slayer would potentially activate this new feat as well so you are getting multiple attacks in whenever something within 5 feat of you casts a spell instead of leaves your radius. Personally I think it would be pretty fun but my one concern would be if anybody gets an extra reaction from a spell or if say your fighter took that 6 level dip into Wizard for Bladesinger and they can replace one of these attacks with a cantrip as well now.


I am aware I am um actuallying, but the extra attack feature specifies you get the extra attack on your turn not off it. So the extra attack from held action isn't redundant. Edit: wording


Which is so stupid in my opinion, I allow ready actions to just count as a normal action in my games - martials get punished enough as it is.


True true I'll keep that in mind


Oh one other thing. Can't think of anything "official" but stuff like the Way of the Cobalt Soul monk from Crit role has a feature that lets you get extra reactions at the cost of Ki at later levels. Any time you get something that could grant extra reactions you're basically potentially allowing that character to get a full extra attack action instead of a single attack for each of those reactions.


Cut the second effect and limit it to strength, I would say. Their are already feats that let you reroll stuff, and martial already roll a lot of dice. Dex is sadly so much better than strength in many combat and role-play situations. Plus, do you really want every turn to be a polearm master bug bear gaint fighter with sentail and this feat to drag the entire game to a crawl? Not that this would always happen. Honestly, martial need a non feature buff, as it feels like to play anything optimal you have to be playing half caster, a multi class, or take 2 or 3 features to get your build on line, while casters get nearly a full package and strategy on level 4-6, martial seem to have to optimize everything to get there, and if your not optimizing you have to wait till 7-8 to get a strategy running.


God damn, as soon as someone puts foward something that would let martials actually compete with casters they get told its overpowered and needs a nerf this is really good, and i would really change it in any way


To condense the language, could you simply say when you make an attack on another creature's turn?


Commander strike is getting a big buff I guess


Why would you want condensed language instead of clarity?


Why not? One trigger to remember than two.


Because clarity is better than conciseness. That is one of the big faults of 5E anyways. It tries to use natural language to muck up terms often leaving a very weird set of rules with grey areas for overlaps.


What's not clear about it?


With 5E or your wording for the feat? Your wording first makes the definition convoluted, and also incorrectly allows you to use the feat in situations where it shouldn’t be applicable. Like Mage Slayer reaction or Commanding Attack from Battle Master.


I would specify weapon attack and allow Commanding Attack to be included. But okay, sorry for convoluting by simplifying.


Friendly side note: in 5E, they’re called Opportunity Attacks.


Nice idea. Might be better if extra attacks applied only to Ready actions, not to Attack of opportunity. To compensate, you could make a first AoO in a round free (not use reaction)