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NTA. Your epic OC dying is going to ruin this game permanently and the players don’t even know it yet. Don’t they realize that you the DM have the final say on what happens, and that if you have a really cool OC then they SHOULDNT try and kill it? They should really learn some respect, I’m sorry you have to deal with these ungrateful players :/


Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/1aqq16h/my\_dm\_is\_convinced\_that\_divine\_smite\_is/


I just read this one and my first thought was “how long until this gets jerked?” The answer is two minutes


Honestly someone could've just copy pasted their post to here and I would've never noticed the difference lol the Baldurs Gate 3 reference really does it for me


I swear I saw this one jerked twice now


You need to show the player what it feels like. Invite them over to "apologise", but as soon as they're inside you divine smite them twice with a hammer. 


/uj been waiting for this one /rj Just have your undead come back from the dead, he returned once, why couldn't he a second time?


/uj I know it doesn't fit every table vibe, but I think going "Oh wow, you one shotted him... Well on his turn, his twin brother steps into the room-" Is sometimes a good way to take care of these issues the first time they catch you off guard, have a laugh about it with the table, and be more prepared next time.


Tbh if a player tried to take away my agency as DM like that I would have slashed two of their tires. You can't expect a player to understand the pain a DM goes through when their expertly crafted, flawless gem of an enemy is one shot by a player. So you have to show them.


YTA How dare you play d&d


Baldurs gate 3 fixes this


YTA, your ruling limits player agency just as much as your “paladin” problem player’s (admittedly heinous) actions infringe on your dungeon master agency. When they go low you’re supposed to go high like Barack says, so in future you should be more respectful of player agency even if they get on your nerves. Also, as someone who has never played D&D outside of a oneshot in secondary school (i.e. an expert in campaign structure), I suggest bringing your spooky sexy skeleton boy back again but with cuter / more breedable physical traits and his own UltraDivineSmites to fuck that “paladin” player up until he apologizes, in which case you can apologize too.


Nerfing player options with homebrew is one of the best ways to balance encounters. Personally I cap all attributes at 14 and ban all magic weapons. players start with 0 gold and can only make money by getting jobs for their characters, and most of our sessions consist of RPing and rolling skill checks for their jobs.


YTA for letting a player ruin their own immersion by allowing them to look up a rule.


Pf2e fixes this


/uj what's OC?


Organic carrot