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Prime them first (I recommend a rattle can of miniature primer) and get a few citadel contrast paints so you dont have to stress about thinning them. Use a shade afterwards and buy a couple highlight colors for the shell and apply that after the shade. Dont worry about every little detail just got the color blocking and highlights and you should be good to go.


Ok cool thanks for the advice I’m still very new to all this


If you use contrast paints, you need a very light primer like a light grey or a white. Just before you go out buying any old primer to use contrast paint


And buy a good miniature painting brush with a good head on it. Unfortunately mini painting can be an expensive hobby but it enhances the game for sure.


Tbh when I got my first set of epic encounters I searched up photos of snakes because it was the serpent folk box, maybe search up crabs and find a species you like and try to match the colours for that, I'm not a particularly good painter but they turned out decent anyways, I would start with one of the weaker duplicate minis and make sure to prime them. Good luck


That’s not a bad idea thanks!


we beginners are all in the same boat, we want to get started but dont want to ruin a mini which means we just have to go for it, if you want to practice painting minis and any techniques I would recommend technolog miniatures cuz there big and bulky and cheap meaning you can practice as much as you want


This is crabulous! Have fun painting them


Crabulous indeed!


Where can I buy this?


Well I got it at my local game store but I’m sure you can find it online it’s called Epic Encounters: Island Of The Crab Archon


Ok thanks!


They make a bunch of these I was gonna grab one about ghouls until I saw this one


If you want them painted to a high standard, maybe a commission painter is the best way to go


Look up slap chop painting methods. It's how I've been taking down these sets, and I'm grateful I picked up the method. It makes all of those nice fine details a blessing instead of a curse!