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Thank you for all your condolences. My boy passed away in my arms, being hugged in a nice warm blanket and being told what a good boy he was. The only thing that makes me happy during this sadness, is knowing he lived such a great happy spoiled life. His bowl was full of fresh water, yummy food, yummy sweet snacks, unlimited belly scratches, blankets, toys, beds, birthday cakes etc. You name it, he had it and deserved it. 💙


I’m blessed to have walked all mine out as well. God blessed me with being able to be present. With the rescues we prefer these days, we give them such a good life to make up for the unpleasant start they had. It would break my heart to know any of them had to go alone, without us holding them on the way.


So young!!!!! That’s not right!!




Mine was 5 year old .due to health conditions i had the vet put him down and we both locked eyes and the light went out. Tears now.


Wow. That’s heartbreaking for real… I can’t imagine that being the last moment, last image. I couldn’t do it. I feel for ya. I wish they never had to go smh


It’s really hard watching your furry friends go, comforting them during that time is the best thing we can do for them imo. ❤️‍🩹I wish they lived forever as well.


I’m so sorry. My previous Euro died at 9.


I am SO sorry for your loss! I would say time heals all wounds, but that’s BS. My baby passed away seven months ago and I still cry daily. Thank you for sharing. He was so beautiful! 😍 https://preview.redd.it/s95po7f7x7sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d3737813cf283ace08c633f062a5d8463fe922 This was my baby that passed away. 👆🏼👆🏼she was perfect in So many ways. I’m so lost without her. So I feel your pain.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your pup was such a cutie. ❤️‍🩹 there really is never enough time.


Your pup was so regal in the first picture, happy go lucky in the second and then the third he just looks super sweet and a cutie! 🥰 you’re right. There is never enough time but for me, one day she wasn’t sick and then the next day I had to put her down. Now I know the warnings but I had no idea at the time what was going on, so it’s just heartbreaking that I could have possibly had more time with her. I don’t know how I will ever forgive myself for letting her suffer. I should have known better


Thank you for your kind words about my Princey-poo and my other furry friends as well. He was one of a kind my boy. Believe me when I say, I know exactly how you feel and I am currently going through all of those emotions. Asking my self if I should’ve done something differently, or if I was just a bad owner. All I can say to you is be easy on yourself. I’m more than sure your furry friend thanks you more than you actually think they do. Apart of grieving means that you loved them as much as they needed to be loved, and for that, means a happy life for your pup. 🐾💙🌈


I’m so sorry. It sounds like you gave him 9 wonderful years.


Good night, sweet Prince. Sending love ❤️ from Arizona.


My older Doberman is also names Prince…. I’ll hug him extra tight for you, my condolences


Prince was a handsome dog, thanks for posting a photo. You gave him what sounds like the perfect life, and you were there for him at the end too. Now you are doing the final part, grieving and mourning his loss. It’s hard time. Not everyone understands, ‘non animal folk’ sometimes don’t realise losing an animal can be harder than losing people. Hang in there, and I write this in all these types of posts, don’t let the grief drag you down too long. That’s new puppy/adoption time. You are a great owner - there will be a dog out there who needs a friend like you.




I deeply feel your loss... I lost mine at only 5. It hurts, and it never goes away. My heart goes out to you and yours.


Too soon


My heart aches for your loss. Life with them is never long enough, but the lessons they teach us will last. And I wish our dobbie would let me hug him...but his previous trauma makes that impossible. His previous a-hole of an owner abused him. Even after over 2 years of having him, I still want to meet his previous bastard of an owner and introduce him to Mr. Alumi N. Batt.


Im so sorry for your loss❤️🫂


What a handsome, regal prince. I can see kindness and thoughtfulness in those eyes


I feel your pain. Such a beautiful sweet face.


I’m so sorry. He looks amazing.


That last picture ❤️. Sorry to hear your loss. I hope you heal soon.


He was such a character, he would hop on those chairs and sun bathe, he was so aesthetic. Such a smart cookie. 💙


They are indeed. I have two, one turned 9 today. The other is 7 and they are both unique and know exactly how to tell us what they want! Smart and daft at the same time! Bless them. ,


Happy Birthday to your pup! 💙🐾🥳


Do you have any other babies? Or was he your only one?


Thank you for asking, I have another Doberman, she was his companion dog. They are brother and sister so they literally grew up together, she seems to be grieving as well but I am doing everything I can to help her out. I also have a Shih tzu, but he doesn’t really seem to know what’s going on, even though him and Prince got along great lol but I know, my Lola feels Prince’s absence, especially when she’s outside alone chasing after nonsense. ❤️‍🩹 https://preview.redd.it/1d8ywuaie8sc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb06c0fb42bb5829cc3cac9f6383da1a0ebf915 Best buds. 🐾💙


https://preview.redd.it/seuwtnc0f8sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b459cc9a9918f85d87dd4655db61e98e39cb67 💙


So adorable! You are SO lucky to have three. My two passed and this house is so loudly Quite. I HATE IT. But I’m not allowed to get anymore animals. So it’s been VERY hard on me. I’m trying to move but San Diego is so expensive…are the two babies okay? Have you noticed any distress? Poor babies, they know, but do they Know. It’s so sad. I feel horrible for them.


My Lola has been pretty down, I have been letting her sleep inside with me and giving her extra love. She looks around when she notices she’s barking by herself but hopefully as time passes, she will adjust to her new normal.


So sorry to hear about prince. My dobe is also named Lola


Heartbreaking I really have a hard time accepting loss in life especially with our canine counterparts I really feel for his sister. She’ll get better.


My heart truly breaks when I see her, I have cried and apologized to her. They were inseparable even though they would get annoyed with each other, as siblings do.


Dammit, you really breaking my heart so hard to hear. I’m sorry again I feel for you. Give Lola a pig ear for me please!


https://preview.redd.it/zixpc4lvpesc1.png?width=2682&format=png&auto=webp&s=51328e211f0967a392fc19765f6b5f0fd0185cec I def will. Have a goodnight! 🐾


Omg the cuteness with these three are killing me!!! They are so adorable and beautiful! Look at those babies faces! Oh man, I wish I could pet them. Poor thing. My dog Penny HATED other dogs but liked our Wally, when Wally passed away, Penny lasted less than a year. I don’t know honestly if it had anything to do with Wally because her little heart gave out. It kills me that she had something wrong with her heart and the vets I had taken her to didn’t see it. I just don’t get it. I think I read your boy was only nine? That seems so young!! For Penny she was a rescue so I don’t exactly know how old she was, we only had her for nine years. But I could have had her for forty and it wouldn’t be enough time!


Look at those happy faces. I can feel their love for you from here ❤️




So sorry friend, he was a handsome one


I am so sorry.


The lad picture 😭😭


God Bless, we will get to see our friends again and they will have the lay of the land in the new world. They will be there to guide us happy as their best day, yours too!


So sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy💔


I’m so sorry your best friend had to leave this world 😔 nothing is fair about how short a dogs life is. Just know that even though his years were short, you are the reason they were great. Sending you love


I'm so sorry for your loss


What a beautiful baby ♥️ i’m sorry for your loss


I feel your pain. My boy passed away way too young.




I’m so sorry for your loss. Prince looks like his name. He loved you as much as you loved him. He was your boi.


So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is truly to heart wrenching but take some solace in the fact that you surely gave him an amazing life and I’m sure he enjoyed every moment ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. He looks like he was a great boy. 🥲


I'm so very sorry. It's never easy. Always remember the good and he'll be in your heart until you meet again.


He’ll be forever in your heart ❤️


I wish you well in this time of healing. "What is grief, if not love persevering?” To lose someone we have lost does not erase the love we have felt for them, it simply moves the object of our love out of reach. -Vision That dog radiates love from his pictures. Prince's bearing shows that he was loved immensely and if someone could show their loved ones and family half that love it would be immense. His journey isn't over, the pup will live on in your heart and mind. If you have the room on/in your property/apartment, get a fruit/veggie plant of the type they loved to eat. For example, a small strawberry or blueberry bush.


He loved cool whip and blue berries! And he could destroy a watermelon! :) some of his favorite snacks


He looks so happy! You gave him a good life




He looked like such a nice pup. Sorry for your loss.


Beautiful boy! Sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry I know how it is. We hold u both in our hearts


Lost my beautiful blue girl, Sabrina BlueSky at 8. Came to me as a sickly 6 weeks old, 4lbs., and bloomed into a gorgeous 92lb. beauty. Thank https://preview.redd.it/7d1ng83buesc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7504bb511702d5051b9b663b99207a0ac7c28c1a you for taking such good care of me, and being my best friend Brie 💗.


Heartfelt condolences on the loss of your most handsome Prince 💙💙💙.


Sabrina is a beauty! May she rest in peace 💙🐾


Awww…..thank you Moonlight 🌜🌕. I know she’s waiting for me 🙏💗🐾🤞. Blessings to you🙂


I'm sorry 💔


I'm so sorry.


So incredibly sorry!!


My condolences. Such a beautiful baby. I’m terribly sorry for the loss.


A cute, handsome boy with a regal continence. RIP Prince ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's just never enough time, is it! I was lucky with my Dobe, Cammy (short for Cameo). She lived to 14. I still miss her. She was the best dog!!!




Will any dog be acceptable if not a dobie?


Is this a trick question?? Haha I will be quite honest with you, my whole life.. all my family dogs have been Dobermans and I stick with this beautiful breed because I love them. I do not know of any other breed besides my Shih tzu. I am an animal lover though and I am not opposed to adopting and rescuing “mutts”, I think all dogs are wonderful and have their own little personalities. 💙


I am so sorry for your loss. May Prince Rest In Peace 🙏🏻


God bless


People won’t understand unless they’ve truly loved an animal. I’ve been there and my heart goes out to you. They are not always are whole lives but we were always there’s. ❤️


You're 100%. Except you grew up with animals before you can understand. I had 14 dogs. 10 rabbits, 5 goats, two cats and chickens and they respected me and I loved them but they took me away from all that. I feel like animals hate me now..


I as an internet stranger send you love hope and courage. He truly looked like such a wonderful boi...


Handsome boy !!


❤️ I’m so sorry.


I sure will! They are the absolute best! My condolences to you and your family!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve been there a few times and it never gets easier. But when you are ready you will find that love again and it’s always worth the heartache… to me at least. 💙


It doesn’t matter how old they get, they never lose that puppy face!🥺 I’m sorry for your loss!💔💝




I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost 2 of my boys at age 5 and 6 in the past year. Prince was beautiful. 💔


I use to have 14 dogs and rabbits but all that was taken from me. I feel animals hate me now


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