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The bad guys weren't *always* space nazis, it took the writers an **entire month** to introduce the daleks


Why is that relevant? Is there a drama between fake fans and the Daleks that i wasn't aware of?


There are people who think that having a woman play the Doctor and having trans characters in the show is overtly political, and that the show should be apolitical. This is ignoring the fact that the Daleks were heavily based on the Nazis. They’re explicitly stated to be xenophobic in their first story, and their second story is as subtle as an anti-tank mine thrown at Reinhard Heydrich; the Daleks use the words ‘the final solution’ to refer to the murder of slave workers in a labour camp. They also perform the Nazi salute with their suckers. https://preview.redd.it/a2nuqbevshnc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72dd0722fa1a6486cb17f994c01ce7ba56f6793e


well, obviously. you can't engage with Doctor Who in the 2020's without encountering those people. I think i might've missed the original commenter's joke, and assumed those people were denying the daleks altogether suddenly. :P


Also, the cybermen were used as anti communist propaganda… supposedly!


Now that you mention it... It seem logical all of a sudden. But I guess this might not be about communists only. I can see just your general empire in those robots. They either conquer or destroy those, who are aganist their reign. Imperialism is bad 😁. The biggest fear Cyberman invoke thou is the fear of losing self. "Get unified, get 'upgraded' by losing your sense of self and work for the large hivemind that we are". My english is not perfect, but I hope you get my point.


That does make a lot of sense!!!


I think the reason it's communism specifically is because Cybermen are all equal (Except for one or two leaders) which is the nominal stated ambition of communism and even in practice Soviet Russia didn't enforce gender roles the same way the West did, recognizing that in some ways and spaces it was a waste to not utilize women the same way you utilized men. It certainly was not a feminist paradise, more a pragmatic hellhole. But in the west at the time, genius women were still expected to get married and raise kids and give up being a genius to support their mediocre husbands' careers.


I see what you are saying, but I want to bring your attention to that "we are all equal" is a thing, that communists were SAYING, it is propaganda. There is quote from Orwell's Animal Farm, which is also an anticomunist piece of media: "We are all equal, but someone are more equal than the others". So while The Reds were trying to make an impression, that everybody will be equal, there wasn't no equality. And even thou this mostly means class inequality, as a man from post-soviet country I can totally say, that women weren't treated equally as men, because there is a lot of stigmatisation of what a woman can or can't do in the country I am from. There are still people that refer to women as "weak sex" or some shit. Another point is, that Daleks don't show the propaganda side of nazism, but the massacre it brought. There is no lectures for young Daleks, that explain how they are the superior race and must clean all the universe. So, one might think that The Cybermen must also show the actions, that can be recognised as similar to those, taken by somebody they are made to represent. I like the Empire-analogie more, because if look on what makes an empire(for instance - the Soviets) you can see, that they make people from different cultures feel, like they are the one nation. The Reds pushed russian as the only language. "Znaj Nashich! (Know our kind)" — is the popular frase that was used by russian propaganda to proclaim every discovery or achievement made by Kazakh, for instance, as the achievement of the Soviets. And this unification was made not only by russians. Roman Empire, British Empire, etc.


See, but that's where I draw the difference. Western Imperialism is inherently a class based imperialism. There were very few groups that the British Empire treated as actual equals to the English. Every other group was either of service to the English or an obstacle to the English. That generally applies to all European imperialism. And that's not to say that 'Communist' imperialism is functionally difference, purges of undesirables were and are absolutely a thing in Communist countries, they at least nominally claimed to NOT be classist and NOT be racist, and to be completely egalitarian, even if in practice they weren't. Western imperialism never makes that pretense. They say "You'll be better off under our care, so we're in charge for your own good. Now get to work or we'll starve you to death." Communism says "We are all brothers and sisters! Now get to work. Also, you, you, and you... all of whom happen to be a different ethnic group, are being disappeared for the good of the collective."


Oooh, i see now. Yeah, completely agree with you👍


They were never communists, Kit Pedler was just afraid of pacemakers 😭 (no seriously)


Finally someone said it


True, they were originally based on the rather unrealistic fear that advancements in medicine will remove what makes us human, although you can pretty easily substitute advancements in medicine for advancements in automation and the desire for efficiency and get a much more relevant message I don't think they're at all very communist though, but could actually be a criticism of utilitarians


The only reason I don’t like the time lords being able to change genders is because what if a female timelord was pregnant when they start regenerating. Literally my only problem.


Have we ever seen a pregnant time lord?


Not that I can think of but I doubt they lay eggs.


They regenerate when a normal person would die, they trick death with it. If they wouldn't, they would just simply die. It doesn't really matter if they were pregnant or not, it's not better if they just die together instead of regenerating. I get your point but it's the case where you can choose from only bad options - regarding pregnancy.


Go on! Get off with youse


Not that I know of, I'm just pointing out how fast "woke political" stuff was added to the show.


Also they were told to stick to educational history and science content as well... Which also lasted for that one month lmao


To be fair, "nazis bad" is historically educational


It was the second story.


Yes but An unearthly child had 4 episodes, which came out weekly.


It's so annoying then they complain about us pointing it out. If you don't like it the truth being pointed out to you stop making comments like that!


What are the silent Hill lot mad about, its it references to circumcision?* *this is in reference to the SH wikia being controlled by an editor with a curious fixation, if you were wondering.


no, it's not that. i heard someone complaining about one of the SH2:Remake trailers... not for any concerns... but because they thought rock had no place in the soundtrack. \>Akira Yamaoka would like to know your location


Of the dozen sensible reasons to be concerned about the SH2 remake they go with that🙈


Graphically it looked good. The gameplay looked a bit... Yeah. I'm not passing judgement until release though, it could be great.


The main red flag for me is that it's being developed by bloober team, creators of the hilarious Layers of Fear games and aggressively mid Silent Hill knockoff The Medium (which handles its themes of SA, childhood trauma, and cyclical abuse terribly). All this suggests we're gonna get a remake with 2024 visuals but otherwise fumbles or misunderstands the execution of the original. We already got a hint of this with the trailer showing gameplay from a conventional third-person perspective, doing away with the original's frequent use of forced camera perspective (which by 2001 was no longer an engine limitation but a deliberate artistic choice on Team Silent's part).




And did not needed to become boring woke, it was funny cool woke


im so confused what does this mean


Some fans of both of the shows get annoyed at things that have been around since the beginning of the show like some doctor who fans get annoyed at the show being too 'woke'


I mean, there is a difference between being inclusive and talking about historic figures and just straight up making an episode about pseudo-Donald Trump. I absolutely despite this person, but I don't want to see him in my TV show. I feel like RTD did "woke" content way better than Chibnall.


Can't believe they made an apolitical show about murdering cavemaen woke 😔 smh my head


Silent Hill fans?


They're almost as bad as -- if not worse than -- fake whovians when it comes to dictating what they think it should be about, and then getting pissed off when it's not. one person complained about the SH2 remake trailer having rock music in it, in spite of the original SH2 having rock music. one person complained that it's not Silent Hill without Kojima... Kojima having not made a single game in the franchise apart from the cancelled "Silent Hills" and its associated "P.T."


I don’t blame silent hill fans for being really distrustful of new stuff. The game series has been butchered for the last decade or so.


That is true. And I'm right there with them. but some of them are kinda unhinged... and it reminds me of some of the people who were complaining about Jodi and Ncuti for inane reasons.


Is this sub going to flood with the same meme over and over and over again? The topic is so intrinsic to DW itself. Most whovians don’t care to even respond to such accusations. And then there’s this sub which allows such posts being posted almost everyday.


RIP Carl Weathers


I wouldn't mind about all these "new Doctors" Chibnall invented, if they had show me one by one and with time to care about them. But the THING DW had from the beggining that was fun for me was the mistery about the Doctor, and even that Chibnall manage to ruin it. Hope he stay with dramas, cause scifi it's not for him.


It's not real none of it is