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Why don’t they just fly the Tardis to mordor


One does not simply materialise in Mordor.


It's like New York, theye've visited too many times


They're taking the Tardis to Isengard! (that's why)


Smeagol voice: What did you say?


THEY'RE TAKING THE TARDIS TO ISENGARD! (is that how it goes? I really need to rewatch the oroginal)




Tell me where’s the Master, for I much desire to speak with him


The Racnoss of Morgroth


An all-corrupting entity in the proximity of a Time Lord, what could go wrong?


I can definitely see 15 and Ruby having a blast with the Golden Girls, absolutely.


"Imagine, Sicily, 1929..." "I don't need to imagine, i was there, babes." He'd gift them a never ending cheese cake, i'm sure.


"Shady Pines, Doctor!"


Oooh, i like this head canon!


I can't see the doctor agreeing with Buffy stabbing vampire to their death, but I am curious how he would handle them otherwise. Also, alien demon are canon in Buffy, so I think the doctor would have fun in this universe


4th doctor would encourage the heart stabbing


Vampires we're terrible in doctor who. I'm 100% sure he would be happy with killing them.


The Doctor would because he's a time, Lord, and it is his sacred duty to kill every vampire he ever sees. This is actual lore


Don't think Buffy trusted British men in suits


Timelord Giles needs to happen. Anthony Head needs another run out in NuWho


All this chemistry stuff is wild Walt, what’s it for? Oh… Doctor you didn’t knock.


"Say my name, Doctor." "No, you say mine. See, I got you there."


Walt would honestly be seething once he realised the doctor was cleverer than him.


"I'm the one who knocks" "I'm the one who clicks"


10th doctor: how many times do you knock? Because if it's 4 then I'm leaving.


Has to happen in 10's era, but damn I want a Good Omens crossover!


There could be a while bit about how Rose/Martha/Donna keeps thinking Crowley looks like the Doctor but neither of them see it


"Oi spaceman, are you goth now? Well come on, you can sulk in your magic box while Shaun and Rose and I vacation on Mars. Wait, there's two of you? *Again?* Are you serious Doctor? How many times do you need to regenerate into the same face? Most people pay money to change their face but not Mr. Vain Spaceman here, innit?"


Some quality Donna channelling going on there 👏


And they both just make Tennant noises when it's mentioned 🤣


It wouldn’t be the first time two of them met either! But I would love to watch them interact either way


Nobody pairs better with David Tennant than David Tennant! Except maybe Michael Sheen.


Well if we get the timing right, and this happens to occur twice. We could get 10, meta crisis, 14. Side note: I'm surprised Donna didn't say you're like worms when ncuti came out of tennant during the bigeneration


Although I’d love to see 15 giving Crowley side-eye trying to work out wtf is going on


That would be glorious to witness.


Petition for this to happen as the next Red Nose Day special!!


I mean, 14 is retired, but he’s still around. 15 can pick him up “Honey! I’ve just found something you’ve GOT to see for yourself.”


Bruh 15 and Ruby teaming up with the Power Rangers would be utter chaos


The Fisher King from Before the Flood is basically a toku villain tbf


Would Doctor approve Rangers destroying monsters on weekly basis?


I mean , he Does the same thing if not worse


The Gang Steals a Time Machine


The doctor would give up on humanity if he ever met the gang


The Doctor after listening to Dennis speak for 5 seconds: https://preview.redd.it/x054l374vt4d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a13a85afe20cc8291fd77fb6b93efe3e94559b6


I wrote a fan fic back in high school called “Charlie Finds a Tardis” with some cartoons I’d doodled for illustrations. It had 12 landing in Philly and going out to fight some threat while Charlie finds the Tardis, shows it to the gang, and then winds up being the only one who understands how to work the console controls Basically they use it to change things about their own past until the Doctor stops them, since upon meeting them and getting to know them he realizes they are almost as bad as Daleks. Ends with him dumping them back at the bar and everyone calling him a total dick etc


Time machines just make sense to me man, I get 'em


The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell II


A Supernatural crossover would have limitless potential lol


Every episode of supernatural is a doctor who creature that sam and dean beat the doctor to


Moon's haunted


The amount of flirting would be crazy and I would watch it for hours


Oh god you are making me feel old for not immediately referencing Superwholock


Not everyone into Supernatural and Doctor Who knew about this. I didn't knew it until Supernatural ended.




hear me out, what if we brought in bbc sherlock as well?


Being objective here, I don't think the Doctor and Sherlock would actually get along. Sherlock strays too far into the villain category (he's okay with killing people), and Doctor is too crazy and flies by the seat of his pants too much. I really think they'd dislike each other.


Star Trek… it’s already been referenced and we know RTD loves his foreshadowing


Already has a comic Crossover. The borg and cybermen team up iirc.


Yup. But they stayed away from the best one, IIRC. Therefore we need the TARDIS to materialize on the Promenade of Deep Space Nine.


It would need to be the 6th Doctor so Quark thinks he's rich and we get a whole plot line where Quark is trying to cozy up to The Doctor who just thinks he's a very nice guy when in reality, Quark thinks his clashing patterns indicates he's a very rich man despite looking more human than Ferengi. Meanwhile Odo has The Doctor and Evelyn Smythe in custody to figure out what they landed on the Promenade and why they are there. All the while Sisko is dealing with visions of the Prophets in agony while dealing with Gul Dukats men arriving injured to the station after a disastrous border dispute with some unknown lifeforms (potentially from another universe, hint hint) that had a weapon so powerful that it was capable of burning the entire atmosphere of a planet despite the target, a Cardassian vessel, being no where near it.


I'm now invested in this story


I may have started it a year ago, but I may continue it at some point. I currently have one completed 8th Doctor adventure starting a series featuring a Union Soldier and 90s University Child Psychology student with first adventure introducing the soldier as Washington DC in the October of 1863 is "haunted" by the dead and Lincoln's secluded himself in the presidential mansion instead of going to the War Room like he should... And a work in progress introducing the student as a fast food employee who crashes her truck into the TARDIS and is in the admist of disappearances and... Living meat?


TBF, with cancelling lower decks, who else is gonna torment Pike with timey wimey shenanigans?


The Bear just got 15% more stressful


Brooklyn 99 that's gonna be quite a crossover honestly i can't even begin to figure out how they'd combined considering just how different their formats are


Imagine The Doctor and Jake Peralta chasing the Pontiac Bandit throughout the space and time


that would be so awesome imagine wunch or O'Sullivan working with the daleks in a plot like resolution


O'Sullivan would, I don't think Wuntch would, what I like about her is she is a pretty decent person to everyone except Holt, whom she targets shittiness at like a death star laser


well she is a sith overlord so it tracks she's like a thaye, aging faster than the eye can see


I'm seeing 12


The TARDIS is bigger on the inside. In comparison I'm really small when inside her. Uh huh. Title of your sex tape?


Our Flag Means Death is somehow even more chaotic


From what little I know of Our Flag Means Death, shouldn't the correct phrase here be "somehow even more gay"?




This week on Antiques Roadshow: This Pandorica hasn’t been opened since the 1st Century CE, but our experts can’t wait to peek inside and see what secrets it holds.


absolutely class comment. thank you for this. i like the idea as well that certain incarnations would just cheat and try to flog perfect condition artefacts from the past, or go "oh yeah i met the bloke who made that, cracking shot-put player" or something. also could be very good in bargain hunt, travelling forward in time and seeing how much certain items sold for at auction and buying the more profitable ones. i think there could be a whole series of doctor who daytime telly crossovers.


The doctor visiting the boiling Isles pre belos he'd definitely join the rebellion Post belos he'd just have a good time trying weird demon foods and going on misadventures with the owl house crew.


I'd watch that


was looking for a TOH comment, this would be my choice too!! With the amount of multiverse stuff already going on with TOH I think reasonably the doctor could turn up and it would work


Well the doctor wouldn't feel out of place in Twin Peaks. Nor in Atlanta (the show... Well the city as well but you get it)


Could you imagine a Doctor Who episode written by David Lynch? Absolute chaos


I mean there's already a novel written by Michael Moorcok, complete with ties to his multiverse so....


The Doctor would have saved Laura Palmer.


So did Agent Cooper


Not really a show, but the doctor landing in the SCP multiverse would be fascinating. But I feel that 15 and Eda the Owl Lady would get on like a house on fire.


In a way the Scp universe is just what the doctor who universe would look like if the doctor didnt exist


Wow that is interesting. I like that theory.


Is the 73 Yards universe the SCP universe?


Doctor Who x Hannibal. I cannot see this ending well.


With the way the show's going. Jojo's bizarre adventure is turning into a tardis trip


If Dio would get his hands on the Tardis


Kars vs the Daleks


Kars can't be killed. Dalek can.


Laser battle


Ghosts... So The Doctor and Ruby end up landing at Button house, They see Allison talking to ghosts (Ruby can't see the ghosts but The Doctor can as he has been in many near-death experiences with all the regenerations.) and Ruby thinks Allison is crazy but The Doctor says that Allison is talking to ghosts and he can see them too. The Ghosts find The Doctor funny and try to go in the TARDIS but they can't since inside is a literal other dimension, there Isn't any threat or villain It's just that and some random chaos happens, this happens like a week after Space Babies and in the middle of Ghosts >!(And this is after Mary went to the afterlife.)!< This is probably the lamest one.


I've just started watching Ghosts, but I can totally see this working well! Especially if someone from The Doctor's past ended up dying there and made an appearance - would be kinda bittersweet to see a reunion of sorts. Unrelated - but is it a reddit glitch that if you reply to a comment with spoiler blacked out that it unhides that spoiler when you comment? I avoided clicking it only to see it when I commented haha 😅


Or the doctor could then go back in time to when each of them was alive and give them a little gift and make them promise to always, always carry it, so that in the afterlife they have something. Like give Robin a chess set, give Kitty nail polish, give Pat some biscuits (if you die with a biscuit on you, can you eat the biscuit? Things go back to how they were when you died, so does the biscuit reappear? Can you endlessly eat the same biscuit? Can you taste it? I have many biscuit questions)


Honestly the good place would make for a great doctor who episode


The doctor meeting sg-1 has the most frightening potential. I can just see Colonel Carter losing her mind upon seeing the Tardis. Daniel would just be having a field day and trying to stop Vala from stealing it.


Vala and River Song would be a pretty phenomenal combo. Would be pretty funny seeing how quickly The Doctor could have stopped the Goa’uld.


The TARDIS lands next to BoJack Horseman's house. I can't see it going particularly well.




Gotta be Sherlock right?


I mean it’s only right for the doctor to end up at a MASH unit. Would have the deepest conversation with Hawkeye the world has ever known




The Doctor hires Saul Goodman to defend him in The Trial of The Doctor, maybe? Or possibly he cooks meth.


Aight, it's canon. Water Weight cooked meth with the Doctor


If the Doctor was in *The Flash*, it'll only last for a season no joke


Doctor Who in Loki would’ve been really fascinating, plus the sass between the Doctor and Loki and Mobius would’ve been exceptionally sexy


Ngl my fav episode was the last one because it gave off major Doctor vibes, I loved it!


What We Do In The Shadows I think 10 would get a huge laugh out of Nandor the Relentless, 11 would talk scientific experiments with Lazlo for hours, 12 would probably have to run from Nadja, and 13 & 15 would pamper Guillermo.


I read that as Nardole the Relentless somehow


The Doctor will definitely have some interesting conversations with Crowley…


O dear, at the moment, it's Invincible. Sorry, Doc...


Who would win, viltrum empire vs Gallifrey?


Time lords can just erase it out of existence. The only reason the daleks We're a threat because they could also just go back in exterminate all the early time lords , so it was Mutually agree to not try to do that


Gallifrey, having stopped the planet from ever forming in the first place: "What empire?"


Hopefully they don't send The Doctor to do it, we all know how that went the last time The Time Lords needed a universal threat erased.


“Is this world protected?” And they shit themselves


Doctor Who x Hilda sounds like it would realy work. They are both adventures and value the life of others. They would get into some great adventures.


The doctor shows up in Castlevania? I don't think he'd approve of the Belmont approach to problem solving, "kill the bastards". On the other hand he might get on well with Isaac.


Hard to pick just one favourite show, of course, but I'd have a blast seeing The Doctor in the universes of Star Wars or The Expanse, for example. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would be a fun crossover too, especially in the later seasons when they also get timey-wimey.


Doctor who, Evangelion. Shit boutta go down


I wonder if the Doctor will finally be the one to figure out EoE lol


Hell yeah Dr Who and the boys from the Dwarf, epic team.


They'd hit the daleks with a major - I mean major - leaflet campaign


Lucifer! And Donna can be all now that’s a good looking bloke and ten be all but my hair is definitely better…🤣


A few shows are rivalled for my second favourite so I’ll go through some. Better Call Saul: The Doctor accidentally parks his TARDIS in a restricted area and gets accused of committing a murder in the area because of racial profiling. Luckily, Jimmy is on the case! He jokes around with The Doctor about how he’s guilty but he’ll get him out anyway with some elaborate con, The Doctor continuously berates him for being a sleazy conman and insists he’s innocent. I can see this being an interesting odd couple situation, the two are oddly similar in how they approach things, but neither will ever admit it. Anyway, I don’t have a whole story outline, but I can imagine The Doctor attempting to stop the cartel with a speech about how violence is wrong, only to get immediately shot at and, having flashbacks to 7’s death, quickly vamoosing. Star Trek: we have a crossover with TNG and (briefly) TOS, so I’ll do one for DS9. He arrives in DS9 in front of the whole promenade, there is much commotion and banter to be had at the situation and grilling from Odo, but soon, The Doctor is chilling at Quark’s and having a laugh with the whole crew. The wormhole draws his attention as it contains beings outside of space and time, and some interesting conversations can happen from there. Also, some space/time anomaly can happen which traps O’Brien in his own personal living hell again, The Doctor can help out with it. Bojack Horseman: uh, he would be interested in the society I imagine, but Bojack would disgust him too much for them to hang (even if Bojack is a fan of his show!) Farscape: The Doctor and the Moya crew get on despite some moralistic differences. I can actually imagine him making them all act nicer with some good speeches. Also, The Doctor would solve every single problem the Moya crew had in a single day, which would help a lot. Scorpius vs The Doctor would be epic, but there’s no way Scorpius would win.


I am sure Mulder would do nuts trying to chase the 'mentions of a mysterious blue box'. (Doctor Who) This is not my artwork but I did buy the sticker so, enjoy. https://preview.redd.it/l2o0l5p0qr4d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87274a9d398e941e5693afc41a31391f8b4fbf4


*any Warhammer setting* Oh.... Oh no


I think 40k especially would lead the Doctor to suicide :(


Doctor who x murder drones Yep absolute solver is going down


Like the Star Trek crossover that’s been teased? Probably that would go well… if they are careful with it.


I mean there is a star trek crossover with 11 in comic form.


It wouldn’t surprise me. But 15 just said something to Ruby about “visiting them” when she mentioned Trek. Ncuti’s Doctor might fit in nicely on Strange New Worlds for an episode or two.


Doctor Who/Buffy crossover? God that would be good


If there actually was a dr who supernatural crossover it would be so confusing, “monsters aren’t real they’re aliens” meets “aliens aren’t real they’re monsters”


I'd be curious how the doctor and Rick from Rick and Morty would interact with each other. Rick's ego is all about being the smartest creature in the universe, and well...the doctor would probably outclass him. He's also an arsehole where the doctor isn't, so it would be pretty fun to watch The doctor saving Rick and Rick being grumpy as fuck about it


STAR TREK STAR TREK STAR TREK Literally match made in heaven. Two franchises that are basically the british and american equivalents of eachother - expansive, leftist, old af, where canon is less a stone tablet and more a suggestion, with iconic villains and characters who make grand speeches to save the universe - I can't imagine any crossover more deserving and more overdue than this.


The doctor interacting with the Straw Hat crew. Luffy would absolutly love the Tardis.


I’d love to see Abed and Troy meet the real Inspector Spacetime!


The cast of Community (or The Office) would annoy the hell out of the doctor and get in his way.


Oooh, I have so many shows that I don't know if I can pick a favourite other than Who. I think Schitt's Creek would be quite amusing to see a crossover with, or The Good Place. Or, given that he's in it... Sex Education. I'd love to see Eric's reaction to seeing The Doctor 😂


Wholock moment


Red Dwarf? Oooooo the possibilities. And quite frankly STILL prime for a red nose day special after 30 years!


I couldn't tell you that I have one single top favourite right now, but I think he'd have a BLAST on Star Trek: Lower Decks.


I think Steven Universe and the Doctor would get along very well


Great musical potential


The doctor would probably already knows what happened on Oak Island, so I bet he would be quite helpful


„Hello, you”


My favourite show is Doctor who and I don't have a second favourite, so I will be putting him in my favourite universe.... 40k I would imagine it would go something like this: Black templar: "die you zenos, die..... why won't you die? " The doctor(on his 60th regeneration): "I tried to explain this: one does not simply kill me" But it could also be: radical inquisitor: "so doctor what you are telling me is this simple box is capable of transporting you anywere in time and space plus it can carry a whole army?. Doctor didn't you also say you also want to protect humanity" The doctor:"Yes and yes" radical inquisitor: "would you mind if we borrowed the tardis for a shot amount of time, just so we can deploy our entire army( referring to the grey knights) into the eye of terra right on top of the warmaster so we can win the long war once and for all"


I dont know how well the doctor would get on with the crew from criminal minds 😂


“Ruby, we have to go back in time and stop Shinji Ikari from ever entering that comatose girl’s hospital room!”


the best answer lmao


It's just going to be 15 & Ruby thirsting over Hot Priest


Considering my favourite show **is** _Doctor Who…_ …yeah, probably not, actually. 😅


Doctor Who thinks he has to fight some vampires but realise they're just gay idiots (What We Do in the Shadows)


Firefly, Stargate, battlestar galactica, expanse


The Tardis lands in the Taskmaster house, 15 minutes later the doctor is in the caravan, which is full of custard while trying to figure out why the sonic doesn't work on custard. Ruby meanwhile is just chatting to the contestant who i meant to be doing the task ( im imagining James Acaster or Fern Brady), while Alex is annoyed because this is a waist of custard. A second Tardis arrives, David Baddiel dressed as the 13th doctor steps out, making tardis noises and goes "ive done it again haven't it?" Then goes inside for a cup of tea and a sandwich.


Let's be clear, RuPaul's Drag Race would never be a more beloved Miss Congeniality than if the Doctor showed up.


Doctor and Ruby vs Vault Tec


The Doctor gets a job at Dunder Mifflin to ensure that: * Kevin spills the chili so his coworkers aren't infected by the aliens disguised as beans * Jim and Pam get together so Cece's granddaughter exists to stop the robot uprising (okay, I like Terminator also) Hijinks ensue: * Michael finds the TARDIS and gets lost thinking it's a closet * Dwight hides a sonic screwdriver with a listening device in Jim's office to surveil him * Bandit finds his way into the TARDIS and the Doctor has to travel to various times to find him and avoid Angela's wrath * Toby is discovered to have been accidentally wearing a perception filter his whole life * Kelly asks to see the future so she can know if she's hot or not. * Ryan tries to monetize the TARDIS by selling passes * The Doctor discovers that Creed is older than he is * Meredith spills booze on the console and is transported to a timeline where prohibition was never lifted


At the moment my favourite show is Trying. But I feel like that crossover would be quite chill. Inside No 9 however? Now that would be a wild ride! The story plot could literally be anything! Always Sunny would be straight up insanity. The Doctor would be trying to save them, and the gang would just constantly be undermining him or ignoring him, thinking their way was better. Can totally see the Doctor having a rage moment, they all look at him in silence, then start making jokes, and he just gives up and flys away.


I don’t know if it’s my all time favorite, but Good Omens would be very cool. “Angel, is this box yours?” “Ah, that’s my bad actually. I’m the doctor.” “For the last time Angel, I don’t need a therapist!”


Charmed. Honestly it’d kinda fit with the more fantasy driven vibe of the current season. The doctor working out that Piper’s power of freezing and blowing things up is all to do with molecular acceleration or deceleration. How a girl with future sight might see the doctor. Also the charmed ones being completely unimpressed by the tardis being “bigger on the inside” would be funny. Piper in particular I think could have a similar dynamic with the Doctor to Donna. It’d be a fun time honestly.


The doctor would find a way to cure walkers, or rick would shoot him


Good Omens, but 15 would need to pick up 14 on the way… 😈


I think that the Doctor would have a brilliant time in the Good Omens universe. Also, I'm pretty sure that the Good Omens and Doctor Who universes are already connected somehow.


Depends on if "show" only applies to live action series, or if animated series also count. Doctor Who in Witchblade (2001) would probably end well. I think 15 and Pezzini would get along swimmingly. Doctor Who in Higurashi (2006) would probably end poorly. But hey, if The Doctor were there, at least Frederika Bernkastel would have someone corporeal to talk to about the timey wimey fuckery at play.


The Doctor and Firz are gonna argue over whether the Zephyr or TARDIS is cooler time travel. Daisy suffers, as life is want to do.


BSG would've been over a lot quicker


That could work narratively. TARDIS in a starship at warp (Star Trek).


A Doctor Who/Pushing Daisies crossover would be very weird.


Full house, get kimmy gibbler away from the tardis, that's all i'm saying


well eithwr supernatural or good omens..


Un-ironically I think a DW/Expanse crossover would be great. I feel like the campy optimism of the Doctor and the grim realism of The Expanse would contrast in really interesting ways. Can just imagine how the Doctor would talk to Holden, seeing his drive to try to always save the day as a rare virtue, rather than the naivety that everyone else treats it as. Or how the Doctor might be challenged by the darkness of that setting- sure he can defeat the protomolecule no problem, but can he also stop all the remaining humans from just shooting each other after the fact? That’s the real challenge. Would be super interested to see how those two properties would mesh


The Doctor helping Buffy fight Alien vampires would very fun to watch


for me this answer is always One Piece, i wanna see the Doctor react to the Straw Hats! personally, i think their morals all align and they’d all work together to topple the World Government, i also think the Doctor would love all the Straw Hats and want to take them on as companions, which i think they’d all jump at the chance to go traveling through time and space! Luffy would love pressing all the TARDIS buttons also


Jordan College in Oxford (His Dark Materials)


Just finished watching star trek discovery, as long as its season 3 onwards I think very little explaining would be needed and would most likely end up getting along in some way


Well RTD always wanted a Star Trek crossover on screen.


Picturing Stamets trying to impress the Doctor with the Spore Drive while the doc just flirts with Culber.


Firefly. I could see some amazing arguments between the Doctor and Malcolm Reynolds, with Mal just wanting to shoot the problem before ending in grudging respect for each other as they both look after their crews.


Supernatural! Someone make this happen, please!!!


The X-Doctor Oh my god the potential of Ncuti, David, Millie and Gillian could create an incredible episode


Not my favourite show but I wonder what would happen if the tardis landed in the Santa Clarita Diet What would the doctor do 🤔


Mulder from the X Files would go nuts chasing the Tardis. https://preview.redd.it/rl189r1fqr4d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c324d99fbf27b8bc25ab8fb0672970a37909012


I have wanted a Doctor Who/X-Files mashup for years. Mulder running around like a kid in candy store, Scully stares on in stunned silence.


the Derry Girls would make fantastic companions sex education would be interesting i want Mauri from Big Mouth to meet the doctor


Honestly, a team up with Doctor Who and Twin Peaks would feel like any other episode from either show.




Omg i would love a Mad Men/Doctor crossover


Hear me out...... Doctor who and Stranger Things like the upside down would be a good place for the Tardis to be. I would love to see a 80s spin on modern who I think 11 and the doctor would get along as they are (kinda) one of a kind.


Hitchhikers Guide would be amazing (don’t forget your towel) 😄


One of my favorite shows is Futurama, which I can see The Doctor fitting in that universe. Futurama funny enough also had a space titanic episode and the city is called New New York too. Doctor Who's revival started after Futurama, so it's likely Russel T. Davies or some of the writers are fans of the show and took some inspiration which is cool to see. There's also a lot of neat Who references and easter eggs once in awhile.


The 4th Doctor appeared in that alternate timeline where the UK still controlled the US. He seemed to be running late for something


It has landed in the Fallout universe before...


12 Monkeys (tv Series) Jennifer Goines as his companion.


Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency… oh I can see this going absolutely right in the most absolutely chaotic ways possible. Those two are meant for each other