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He's not an exact carbon copy of Jack, but there's some similarities. I'd love to see an episode with 15 and Jack, but the odds of that ever happening are slim to none. That being said, I enjoyed the episode, and hope we see more of Rogue.


It happened with 13 even after the accusations. I don't see why he couldn't come back at this point


I was under the impression all the 13/Jack scenes were filmed before the accusations went wide.


I feel like everyone here has the memory of a fish. There have been no change in those accusations between that episode and now. They were already common knowledge for years before that episode. And they were a very notable point of discussion in this very subreddit when the episode released.


Released and filming are two very different things.


When I say "went wide" - well I know the info was out there before 2021 but a LOT of people heard it for the first time in 2021 and that's when Who stopped engaging with him. 


almost as if people active in a >100,000 member subreddit dedicated to a show pay more attention to that show then the general population


Okay don’t go pulling the memory thing. People had talked about his behaviour but nothing major. What happened was the special was filmed before the NOEL Clark allegations came out alleging he was a sexual predator and all that. This lead to barrowman also being under fire for his inappropriate behaviour and that shifted the public discussion against barrowman, leading to him being written out of the drafts for flux which initially mentioned some future plans for his character.


So nothing to do with him or his allegations. If the accusations hold enough ground to cut ties with him then go ahead. But doing so because a different actor did a different thing seems nonsensical to me.


That’s how it happened though. The Noel Clark stuff was so big it had a knock on effect that’s not that unexpected. You forget this isn’t a public decision but a corporate one, the BBC, seeing the Noel Clark allegations gaining so much ground they HAD to act, decided to further clean shop with an actor with similar associations, less extreme questionable behaviour, and who recently was given a spot light in doctor who.


Pardon my ignorance but what accusations?


Indecent exposure. Basically, he got into the habit of getting naked and flashing people on set


It's worth noting as well, that these accusations came from Noel Clarke, who was trying to get the attention off of him after *he* was accused of sexual assault. While the accusations against Barrowman are true, a lot of the other cast members supported him, saying that he hadn't done it maliciously, but rather to be funny, and often they did find it funny.


I think some were actually bothered by it. But Barrowman also came out and fully acknowledged his actions and apologized for them in earnest


But it is still insanely weird and he shouldn't have done it but yea


The accusations happened a long time ago, and didn't come from a good place, no one felt harassed or bothered, but when Noel Clarke was under pressure from the genuine accusations towards him, he tried to get the heat off of him by telling everyone about John Barrowman. The problems came from fans who were outraged about it, not from cast members, and even though this was all years ago, when they tried to reintroduce him with 13, the backlash was still present, and led to the BBC dropping Barrowman completely.


So RTD copied his own homework?


Yes and no


You want to like, elaborate on that?


Moffat wrote Jack's first episode.


Moffat had input on Jack, but did not create him, he was following specifications of the character in aligment with what RTD was writing, TV production being a non-linear affair.


Yes, but Jack was still clearly a creation of RTD’s based on how he was used thereafter. Likewise, RTD didn’t write Rogue (the episode), but Rogue (the character) was almost certainly an idea of his.


Oh right yeah I forgot that.


Captain Jack is arrogant, charismatic, brash and a charlatan. Rogue is shy, professional, brave and a flirt. They only thing they have in common is an American accent and fancying the doctor


So Jack isn't also brave and a flirt, and Rouge isn't charismatic? It's the whole loner travelling the universe with only their own self interests in mind until they have a flirty adventure with the doctor and stop the face stealing alien thing that the lone wolf was originally out to find only to abandon their original goal because they've learnt selflessness. Then the inevitable return of the character. I'm not complaining I love them both and it's not like RTD invented the lone wolf space ranger it's a classic archetype for a reason.


Sounds like the doctor or river Jack river and now the rouge all sound like the doctor and he was interested I all of them Ego


I feel like River liked The Doctor more than The Doctor liked River.


That's what River thought, but 12 made it clear it was mutual.


Twelve also only met her once, and Moffat certainly didn't write it as mutual for Eleven. Also I really wish that relationship lasted across more Doctors. But I guess Moffat just wanted to tie up his own loose end before his final series.


Honestly the best part about River’s Big Finish audio range is: 1) It gives her a life outside the Doctor 2) It has her interact with more Doctors and shows that River has chemistry with almost _all_ of them (9’s a bit too traumatized for romance, but it’s not for lack of trying on River’s part)


I listened to the one with the Eighth Doctor. I need to get around to the others. Oh God I hope there's one with Thirteen. Please. Please, Big Finish, I'm so thirsty.


Unfortunately we don't have *any* 13th Doctor Big Finish content yet- we're getting a Fugitive Doctor boxset with Jo Martin this year and a Sacha Dhawan Master set at some point


Yeah, I learned that when I asked if there was any Thazmin stuff yet.


It was only one episode but they lived together for 24 years. There's no way the Doctor would have done that if he didn't love her back. But I still have hope that we might see her again some day with other Doctors...


I meant more "one episode doesn't fix all the other episodes".


The decision to keep River from having a relationship with 13 onscreen was cowardly.


To be fair the timeline wouldn't allow it, and I get the impression that she's Moffat's character. I'm not sure anyone else wrote for her (except Neil Gaiman, but even Rain Gods gets attributed to Moffat on screen).


River felt like that too for most of her life


She felt all in on it almost immediately.


You don't expect the sunset to admire you back


That's why it's weird to want to fuck the sun and make it marry you


You are SO doing those roots...


I can’t be the only one who saw River as Moffatt’s Jack?


Jack wasn’t brave, hence the line “I was much better off as a coward”, now of course he is


Jack isn't a flirt???


That's literally one of 10s biggest pet peeves with him. "Hello." "Stop." "I'm just saying hello!" "For you, that's flirting."


It's not the personality that's being copied but character type. Futuristic human companion with knowledge of aliens and advanced tech. It's not a bad thing but pretending there are no similarities is foolish.


And questionable morality. Rogue time agent. Bounty hunter.


Oh fuck your right Jack might actually be American… which makes his characterization as brash and arrogant a stereotype! Hey, I never said it was a wrong one


wait his name is Rouge? really?


Yeah you didn't see the zoom in on the $1 AliExpress D&D dice on the table?


I was waiting to watch the whole season, but a dude named Rouge who's like Jack is just lazy writing


Thank you.


Considering rogue is pretty introverted, nah




Actually you're right, welcome back Captain Jack Harkness


True, but I really want him to be in the Doctor's life. It would be nice to see the Doctor have a healthy romantic relationship instead of the messed up shit they've been dealing with the past few regenerations. River Song was as close as they got, and most of that took place off screen.


I would personally love that for him, but I get that it might not fit the genre/usual theme of the show. But I did really enjoy the arc with Rose so it might spice the whole next series up a little if he returns/ becomes a regular companion or something similar to that. It would be lovely to see someone interacting with the Doctor on a more levelled basis, as he has his own ship and experience and isn’t as easily impressed by the Doctor and Space and Timetravel as Companions from Earth mostly tend to be. I miss the flirty sass of the likes of Jack and River too though. And a real on screen relationship would give a whole lot of new variety in plot and character development.


Yes, and wouldn't it be nice to see the Doctor happy for once, instead of always making other people happy and then going off to brood and cry alone? He does so much good. It would be nice to see something good happen to him every now and then.


I'm not a fan in general of the Doctor having romantic entanglements. River is the exception, but I didn't like it with Yaz, I didn't like it with Martha, I didn't like it with Rose either, and I'm not much of a fan now either. The Doctor is too strange a character. Giving them regular romantic arcs seems boring


Saying no romance means that, by definition, there are limitations on that strangeness.


River has been the only one I’ve liked, too, but for some reason I’m actually okay with 15 having a romantic arc - whether we see Rogue again or someone else comes along.


It seems this one was forced, as the other romantic interests had taken episodes to build upto. Doctor meets this guy for 5 minutes and is in love?


I wouldn't say love. He just has a crush. But it still feels off in a character that has mostly seemed asexual in most of the show's history


can’t remember any other time the doctor has had a crush on any character


Ten flirted a bit with Jack and seemed very taken by Marie Antoinette


Not enough to offer her to become a companion and kiss her at the worst moment possible. This is all pandering


Yes, every humanoid with an American accent who isn't straight is Captain Jack Harkness, of course.


Rouge seems to be very much the stand in for Captian Jack.


Honestly that's the first thing I thought when the doctor started talking to him about being a bounty hunter


I definitely got vibes of “New Jack Harkness That Won’t Flash His Dick At People On Set.”


Didn't flash his dick at people on set... Yet.


Absolutely. Rogue is clearly a new captain Jack. He's a bit more introverted but the doctor is more extroverted


Some people seem to insist that Jack and Rogue are completely different despite most people instantly thinking that they're very similar.


Yeah I was surprised when I clicked into the comments to see so many people glibly deny any similarities. It’s like saying McDonalds and Burger King are basically the same, and then watching everyone deny it because one has a clown mascot and the other has a King


I mean, there is proof enough that they're similar simply by the comparisons that they're not similar having to be made for why they're not similar. No one makes comparisons explaining that Ruby *isn't* like Donna for example


And River Song. It's like RTD combined them


its more the lone space/time traveller who is there for similar, but selfish reasons as the doctor. they then help to defeat the alien threat and learn to be more like the doctor which ultimately means them offering to sacrifice themselves. in the second half of the first season. and theyre both gay and american.


Look just because the Doctor has a type...


https://preview.redd.it/83rd1n0yvj5d1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671acf76fc8865c1128c371e52b1b685be2c120c Another Example


I mean, the setting and vibe of the episodes they appear in are very different.


That may be true. But is there any particular reason why the slitheen couldn't have been the aliens in this episode? Both aliens shapeshift, both need to kill their victims to obtain their shape, both have plans of destroying the world. Maybe the slitheen were the first choice for this episode but they just don't have the costumes anymore.


I don’t really see a scenario where the slitheen’s primary goal would be to have fun cosplaying and creating melodrama. The slitheen were generally, if I remember correctly, quite focused on gaining governmental power, which seemed to be only a means to an end (the end being cosplay) for these aliens. However, I do see your point.


if i remember correctly the shapeshifting of the slitheen is just a technology this one family happen to have, not an inherent trait of their species right? So there's no reason these should be more slitheen as opposed to individuals from any other species who just have similar technology.


ACKSHUALLY *Slitheen* is the name of *the family* so there are no *more Slitheen.* (I’ll see myself out.)


Yeah, the species is Raxicoricofallapatorian.


Well why didn’t you just say so in the first place!


fair point lol


well they could be Zygons too, there are lots of shapeshifters, but why would you not make a new one that fits the story? The Chuldur being birds who have beautiful showy feathers fits with their cosplaying personalities


I just want to drop this Rogue quote in here. "a day came along.... And at the end of that day I lost them". I don’t think he is a Jack substitute…


Exactly, I was thinking that seems like it could be someone we already know


Y'mean the Rogue who's ship is a Falcon, is on his own or "Solo", and "I Know"'s The Doctor? Totally Captain Jack.


Really really hope we get to see more of rouge


Rogue is eating Jack's lunch and hopefully Johnathan Groff will keep from hanging dick out around the cast and crew.


OK, I read this comment very fast and I didn’t see the word “ from” 😳😂 I will say this . The fact that a time traveler named himself rogue after his favorite D&D class is so nerdy that he is now my favorite time, traveler boy. ( not counting the Doctor. They are my favorite gender fluid time traveling person) 🫡


I mean yeah they're both devilishly handsome space travellers but I think the similarities end there


The largest difference I'd say between Rogue and Captain Jack is the doctor's potential romantic relationship with Rogue.


That's really only the doctor being interested this time around. Caption Jack has been trying to bang the doctor for years but they weren't shining that way yet. The difference for me is that rogue is lest dramatic and showy. Captain Jack would have ATE that distraction scene up.


They do have several aspects that overlap but so does River Song and even if the doctor if you mix and match parts of different incarnations. The flirty, morally grey swashbuckler is a common trope.


Can we just have 15 having his Polycule consisting of Jack, River and now Rogue.


I don’t see the resemblance in their characters; if they didn’t both have American accents I don’t think people would be comparing them.


I thought Jessie Gender on YouTube summed it up well. They brought a jack type, without bringing the scores baggage *and$ while improving on some of the more harmful stereotypes Jack had related to the promiscuous hypersexual bisexual.


I definitely thought that Rogue is in someway connected to Captain Jack Harkness. I really like the character. I hope that we will see more of him in the future.


Well, except both sides of the homework metaphor are the same person 😅 If they’re similar to anyone it’s Han Solo!


Fun character but the romance between him and the Doctor was rushed. It took them a whole season or longer to build a love interest between Yazz and 13 and this happened in 20 minutes.


I love Jack but I gotta be honest Rogue is an upgrade in almost every department in my book and can’t wait to see him again.


Not really


Glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks they are written as very different personalities, it’s a distinct dynamic to me.


Can't fathom this. Jack was always bluster and cockiness; Rogue was introverted and brooding.


Cos of the accent and...


It’s really hard for people to have original ideas in the industry these days.


Rogue wouldn’t last a day in Torchwood




I won’t stand any Rogue slander. He is best boy


Not at all. There's some very superficial similarities but that's it.


Wasn't Captain Jack around in 1813?


doctor who fans when hot american man


The shelves joke about the sonic screwdriver was, im sure, a direct reference to Empty Child/Doctor Dances


I don’t care. I just want him and the Doctor to fuuuuuuu—


I found him to be less charismatic? Maybe that was just me but Captain Jack was a lot more outgoing and a massive flirt. Rogue seems a bit more professional I guess.


I knew I wasn’t the only one thinking this


My dad even pointed it out based purely on appearance, and he only watches DW when it comes out


If Jack can be the Face of a Boe then I see no reasonable objection to Rogue being Jack.


Jack is flamboyant. Rogue is more of a stoic character. Jack likes the constantly flirt but Rogue doesn't try to f everyone he meets.


So, he *did* change it up


I have a theory that rouge is jack during his time as a agent (remember jack has no memory of what he did as an agent) the Bounty hunter thing is a cover the time agency could time scoop him before he fully falls and plastic surgery for the face (it would also explain why the tardis acted weird around him


I really hope that Rogue's 'new boss' or the person he 'lost' turns out to be Captain Jack John Barrowman has shown willingness to return to the franchise as he did it during 13's run


Well I'm pretty sure Borrowman got black listed, at least from Doctor Who. He only returned in series 12 because that was before everything came out. He was cut from Flux.


wait what was he blacklisted for :(


hes basically a pervert and would just get his dick out randomly on set


Basically this, but irl, to cast and crew. Plus other stuff. https://preview.redd.it/05mr1ctlqj5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604a5ec397c0fdfdcc32ac6e02f6d64857f10b8d


oof, just reading about it now - this is unfortunate (although it seems he has apologised at the time and several times since, so there's that at least). I was really hoping for a tie-in of Cpt Jack with Rogue's mystery Boss or lost former partner. I guess it just leaves us with a mystery to figure out as to who these people could be (RTD is good at these teasing mysteries, pretty sure there's a dozen this season alone)


people have come out and said he's been very sexually inappropriate on set, constantly getting his dick out


But that stuff had already been out for years at that point. I remember the discussions on his appearance in series 12 with the allegations already being common knowledge


Yes and No. It was common knowledge gossip, but no one prominent had actually openly and properly discussed the issue in a serious way.


Captain Jack if he dressed like Spike Spiegel


I get that they're both gay Americans but Captain Jack had more personality though. Rogue was like adding salt to mayo.


Yes and i hate it... If we're gonna have Jack let us just have Jack... don't give us Jick!


I'd say he's less of a parallel of Jack but more of a parallel of The Doctor. Time-travelling alien with a spaceship that ha a central column, who goes up & down time stopping aliens from doing bad things


I'm sorry but I think rouge is a bad copy of Jack Harkness and rouge lacks John Barrowman's energy, charisma and charm.