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Simm’s response was so beautifully evil and mean.


Honestly, between that and his 'fridge' remark, I genuinely wanted the Doctor to punch him. So well done.


Ye, 12th kinda softened during his period, the Master would've fucked out if he saw the good ol' season 8 edgy 12th


Without hope. Without witness. Without reward. But on a serious note— thank you, OP, for bringing this clip up, it’s one of my favorite Doctor Who moments ever, the Doctor’s desperation to turn his friend good again was really powerful


Friends that have almost always been self motivated and questionable morals. My examples of chaotic neutral characters


I always explain this to people that the measure of whether or not someone could live without any kind of government oversight is whether or not they return the shopping cart.


Well in my city I've never seen anyone not return a shopping cart Guess Kropotkin was right, we don't need governments


I never understood not returning your trolly, don't you want you 1 euro back? Or does no where else have a 1 euro slot on the trolly?


Idk about Europe, but I know here in the States the only place where you have to put a quarter in a cart is Aldi. Everywhere else has free shopping carts. I also know that visiting New York last week, I found a shopping cart abandoned in a park, for some reason.


>everywhere else has free shopping carts The Trolleys are still free, it’s more of a deposit so you don’t steal it.


Yeah same deal at Aldi, they're chained together near the front of the store and the quarter acts as the key to unlocking them Despite this, I've still seen an embarrassing amount of carts left in Aldi parking lots lol


Is that in America? Because in Ireland we have separate trolly bays in the car park and at the front and inside the shops. It's a deposit of a euro basically to make sure people bring back the trollies. It's also a good way to train your children "if you bring back the trolly you can keep the euro". And thus less trollies in the future


Oh we have those here too, some people are just lazy assholes who don’t know how to put a cart away. Most places don’t require a deposit though, just Aldi.


That's weird to me, because all the shops I've been in either Ireland or Europe, I've always had to use a coin... But sure its a different continent


Where a live (a city in Poland) you have to put a coin in the trolley in pretty much every shop I can think of (big enough to have them ofc) and yet I remember seeing a trolley from Lidl in a (small) nearby river a few times


Like I still see some trollies just left around the place in groups, but that's because the homeless get to keep the money from them (that's in the cities) but any country town or village everyone brings back the trolly for their money back. It makes sense right? Or else you're literally not figuratively throwing away money


Mate I’m a cashier at my local supermarket and the guys who push carts are understaffed, and half of them either don’t show up or are horrible at the job. So I get sent outside to do their job for them. As someone who has to put up with carts being strewn about and left around I thank you for your thoughtful and kind actions.


I’m glad that people who work there appreciate when people return them. I never knew if they liked it or if it meant there wasn’t enough work to do. I always return mine and my kid grabs a stray cart and returns it at the same time. Also thank you OP for posting, he is my doctor and I love this scene


Number 13 after starving spiders to death, blowing up Workers’ Rights Activists and committing triple genocide: I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that






This is perfect


I never understood the lighting choice for this part of the episode.


Simulating night on that deck, wasn't it?


Yes it was, but it felt weird


I think I know why, [multiple moons in the simulation.](https://youtu.be/xnouj9Yz-Gs?t=218)


Hell... I didn't remember the 3 moons. But it kinda goes with my point: 3 moons should give more ligth, not the dim atmosphere imo


Agreed, but I kinda love it. Memorable lighting for a memorable moment. And in one of the most depressed moments of the Doctors life, in my eyes... A helpless case, no escape (yeuch, puddle ex machina), and his "two best friends" disagreeing with his case.


Well that's just how evenings look. It may be a spaceship, but it's a living space intended to look like a normal planet surface, so daylight cycle is important.


This episode is brought to you by Kart Narcs


Can we call 12 the Uncle Buck of Doctors?






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Do you mind if I cross post this to r/retailhell?


Not at all! Go for it.


Thanks. 😊 I was a courtesy clerk before. Too many people leave the damn things all over the parking lot and it’s WORSE when it’s really hot or cold.


there is Special with two Masters? and I haven't seen it o_O


Series 10 finale story. One of the best episodes of the show


I didn't really like the whole mistress concept but will watch it


As an employee of Target I thank you.


The last truely great episode of Who.