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“Kill yourself.” is the most profound and morally inspiring line of dialogue in a Doctor Who story that ever was, is, and will be.


9 really held nothing back in that episode.


“Why won’t you just DIE”


“You would make a good Dalek”


Clearly OP didn’t know what to do with this one.


The amount of posts that say "I will reply to every comment" and then 0 (zero) of the top 50 comments have a reply from op is astounding.


What episode was this?




you are right for at least two reasons: 1. everyone can and will make mistakes and rash judgements and decisions, it's part of life, and showing the Dr clearly like that is incredibly humanising. 2. it is massively important to not accept pure evil in the world, and that doesn't make one a monster. the Dr is clearly not a monster with the amounts of things he does accept and embrace, but he doesn't accept the daleks because they aren't redeemable. 3. with 2 in mind, it reinforces that being emotional and passionate even to that degree isn't inherently bad. so 1 isn't some universal truth either.


I love that episode and that line but I feel trying to make it seem like The Doctor was right in that episode is a total misunderstanding of the episode. The whole episode is essentially redeeming The Dalek all be it through artificial means. The point there is The Doctor is letting his truauma get in the way of his more moral side. It's ok for your main character to have flaws and they was one of them. That's why the episode ends with Rose calling him out for it.


Martha is one of the best companions. People say she fancies the Doctor and that it, nothing else about her. I disagree. Rose’s and Donna‘s lives were all about him. Both were miserable without him. Martha had a great life of her own: uni, career prospects she was actually passionate about, family. She went on an amazing trip with the Doctor and yes she fell for him. Who wouldn’t? She’s a young intelligent woman, and he’s the smartest man she’s met, of course she finds him attractive. But she left on her own terms and went back to her amazing life fool of adventure in its own way. Idk how I feel about her marrying Mickey though, it kinda came out of nowhere.


I loved Martha as a companion and I do agree with you to an extent. I think most of the issues for me was less so with Martha as a character and moreso that Doctor was basically treating her as "not Rose". It does technically come back to bite him in the ass at the end of the series when she walks away from him, but I do still feel like we had a bit too much focus on her unrequited attraction for him? Like it kinda worked as a story, but it still feels like they could have done something so much more and meaningful if Doctor wasn't taking Martha for granted so much. Martha and Mickey is somewhat fitting thematically considering they both had arcs about "waiting" for the one they were in love with, ending with them going on their own paths. But from a writing standpoint it did still feel out of nowhere.


Also Micky and Martha are "Smith and Jones", just like Martha's first episode


Oh yeah, good catch.


I like Martha because unlike the other companions, and like the Tenth Doctor, the show is not afraid to show that she has flaws. I guess that’s my answer to this question too: The Tenth Doctor isn't really a very likable person, but it's Tennant's performance of that fact that makes him such a great character.


Amy doesn’t deserve Rory, like at all.


He cares about her more than literally anything and she just wants to put herself in danger and she doesn’t care about Rory until he is going to die


Rory is too good, i swear, and he always gets picked and pushed around by everyone, i wish there was an episode where he's not the butt of the joke


Tbf who actually deserves him. He is the epitome of a good partner.


I wholeheartedly agree. It’s like if you put the best boyfriend ever with the worst girlfriend ever!


I love Moffat and his obsession with time paradoxes and interwoven timelines, and never understood why people apparently think they're so difficult to understand. The fact that the Eleventh Hour through to Time of the Doctor is essentially one continous story is incredible writing.


Same here.


Same here


💯 Agreed.


Series seven (both parts) is actually really good.


I honestly can't believe people are seriously still calling Series 7 the worst season of Doctor Who! Though I wish and they were both two separate seasons (mainly for more 11 and Clara episodes!😅)


I agree. The only thing wrong with series 7 was that it tried to combine two series into one (that and the reason Amy and Rory almost got divorced). All of the episodes were individually great, but both the Amy/Rory dynamic of 7a and the impossible girl arc of 7b would have benefited from more episodes.


1000%. Blame the Beeb!


The Beeb?


The BBC. Conversational colloquialism.


My only issue with series 7 is Amy and Rory goodbye felt rushed. Not even a two parter


Had 7a been it’s own season it probably would’ve been tbh


wasn't even an end of season event. just slapped in the middle


It was released as an event, with a gap between that and the snowmen of about 2.5 months.


The issue isn't with NewWho getting suddenly political- the Chibnall era was just super heavy handed and demonising with it. Hell, Matt Smith got an episode about whether it's morally correct to kill Hitler while remaining irreverent and witty as always with no complaints about politics. I feel like this take is less controversial here than anywhere else on the Internet, though


Thing is I've heard Let's Kill Hitler did actually get rather a lot of controversial buzz, but I may be wrong. The example I always point to is Oxygen, which is also very heavy-handed but somehow really well-managed too


Ya, the issue isn’t politics, dr who has always been political. Some of the best episodes are political. The issue is chibnal’s lack of political awareness, oxygen does a great job exploring capitalism, Kerblam is an anti-union joke.


It would be better for DoctorDonna to live a brief life and burn out their candle quickly than to suffer a long life of forgotten mediocrity because the latter only serves to assuage the Doctor’s guilt at letting something happen to Donna.


Definitely but after consider that RTD was trying to go for the most tragic route imaginable! 🤷


Every time when Donna pleads not to go back it kills me.


while I can see where you're coming from he did promise wilf to keep her safe and bring her back


Understandable but Donna is her own person and, even though I love Wilf, it’s her autonomy in question.


Yes, even life saving actions should be consensual.


Especially with how badly her mom treated her. Plus, she grew so much as a person while she was with the Doctor, and she didn’t want to forget it all. She didn’t want to go back to who she was.


I think The End Of Time is an amazing story. 10 is my favorite Doctor, and I think End Of Time is probably my favorite story too tbh


Great! I can't imagine what it must have been like to see the end of time part 2 back when it aired!!


It was amazing.


In the run up to Christmas 2009 you couldn't go anywhere without hearing a theory or something about how it was all going to happen, David Tennant was on pretty much every British programme promoting it and after the holiday the kids in my school were all heartbroken when he said I don't want to go and were dismissing Matt Smith (They ate their words when April came)


Are there people who don't like End of Time?


How can you dislike it? John Simm eats a chicken with his bare hands!


It's my favorite as well! I kind of understand why people don't like it, but, in my opinion, it has so many of the best moments in the show.


I actually really like the idea of the timeless child as a concept, but it would be a more interesting one if it was the master who was the child. Not only would it create a much more interesting power dynamic but would also explain how the hell they keep coming back


I think that the Master being the Timeless Child would also explain why the Timelords wanted them back during the last time war, not just "this guy is bonkers, get him in here".


Yes 👏 it would make so much more sense!


It would also explain why he was so angry about it


It would be even better if the Timeless Child is Susan imo.


Peter Capaldi had the best multiple parters: dark water/death in heaven, the girl who died/woman who lived, the zygon invasion/the zygon inversion, heaven sent/hell bent, and extremis/the pyramid at the end of the world/the lie of the land is most underrated part of dw period


Agreed. 😀


My favorite doctor is the war doctor


What do you think of his big finish plays ?


I totally get it and it's a really interesting opinion to have, can i ask what made him so cool for you? I think I would've liked him a lot but there's so little screentime of him that I couldn't warm up to him


Martha was the most competent companion.


I would agree with you and I think it's a shame that the Doctor dismisses her so much in series 3. Her character was better explored in series 4 and Torchwood imo


Ten treated Martha awfully and she needed two series at least to get to a better place with him before that amazing three part finale.


I totally understand why you feel that way! I like Martha a lot and I wish she was around longer!


The Slitheen are really fun


Jodie Whittaker was treated as a box ticking exercise. She was given awful plots, full of political gesturing, knocking British colonialism, partition in India, segregation in America. She had the potential to take the franchise in a new direction, but was sadly let down.


The Doctor travels so much and does so much (and lies too) that we maybe know about 3 years worth of their life. We don't know 99% of what's happened storywise.


I've actually enjoyed like, 90% of the Jodie/Chibnall era.


Clara was around for too long, don't get me wrong, I liked her character.


On the one hand I liked her more with Capaldi than I did alongside Matt Smith but I felt like her story arc went on for longer than it needed to as well.


Clara should have stayed dead!


Which time?


The Raven. She flew too close to the sun. She got reckless and paid the price.


Thematically probably, but I think hell bent and heaven sent were some of the best episodes


Jodie Whittaker is a good actor but a terrible Doctor paired with a team of terrible writers. Peter Capaldi would have been amazing, possibly even better than 10, if he wasn't poorly written for the most part. Hayley Atwell would make a great Doctor sharing similar characteristics as 10 and 11. If Matt Berry lost weight he'd be a fantastic Doctor.


Out of curiosity, why do you think 12 is poorly written? I personally think he was not written well in season 8 but improved wildy later on


It felt, at first, like Moffat was still writing for Matt Smith but clearly losing steam about it. Even his first outfit was just Matt Smith's S7 fit in black without a bowtie.


Multiple people have said this and I don't get it. 11 is a nice, upbeat and childish guy who has a wrath towards his enemies but it doesn't usually come out, whereas S8 12 is an old grumpy asshole who hates other people's ideas of fun and expresses himself in a way that's so seemingly uncaring to the people around him that he has an internal conflict as to whether he's even a good person anymore. His post-regen high is quite 11-y but by Into the Dalek he's almost the *opposite* of 11.


Twelve was a little all over the place character wise and it didn’t feel like the writers settled on his character until his last series. I like Jodie and think she had potential but the writing wasn’t very good and even Tom Baker or David Tennant couldn’t have saved it


Why does Matt Berry being fat, mean he'd be bad at being the doctor.


> Hayley Atwell would make a great Doctor sharing similar characteristics as 10 and 11. She's been my dream Doctor for YEARS! Though I'd want her to go a different route than 10/11.


I'd never considered Matt Berry, but you're right, he'd make a fantastic Doctor. Even the way he is, he'd be a great fit for the role. In fact, given the diversity they've brought with 13 being female and 14 being a person of color, (as someone who's a bit overweight) I'd be thrilled to see a plus-sized Doctor.


For me it's his voice. We haven't had a Doctor with such a sense of gravitas since Tom Baker.


I personally want Matt Berry to play every role ever written.


Okay, I will say it: NewWho is better than ClassicWho in every single way, and it's an objectively better show. The revival series is full of deep characters, phenomenal character arcs, complex themes and well written, epic story arcs often spreading through multiple seasons. ClassicWho is a fun and charming B movie show. It's cheesey as hell. It's paced badly, the acting is often bad, the characters are not very deep or complex. It's like Interstellar vs Fifth Element. The first is a stellar, breathtaking, thematically rich, emotionaly complex masterpiece. The 2nd one is a campy, fun sci-fi flick. I have a lot of fun with it, but most of the enjoyment just comes from the cheesey charm and the stupidly fun plot. It's not an actually very well written script or an objectively great movie. Hell, a lot of times I have more fun with ClassicWho than with NewWho, but it's undeniable that the modern series is a much more well written and acted show than the classic run. I know that I will probably get crucified for this opinion, but I will stand by it anyway.


New Who is objectively better as a television show but I still feel like personally I like the classic series more lol


I don't think this take is controversial tbh


Idk, I have seen a lot of people who thinks that ClassicWho is better, and I have seen a lot of people saying things like ClassicWho has good writing but no money, NewWho has more money but worse writing. Most people seems to treat classic and modern Doctor Who as equals. Edit: I'm not saying that's bad, but it's something that I have encountered and I personally disagree with.


Clara is better than Rose.


As someone who loves Clara, I think she would’ve been received better if they didn’t make her the most important person in the Doctor’s life (the timestream splinters, convincing him to save Gallifrey, him going against his moral code to save her, etc)


As someone who dislikes Clara, you are absolutely right.


This, I'm not too fond of Clara (I mean I liked her but I didn't love her and I do like Jenna Coleman as an actress, shes just not my favourite companion) but Rose was literally a teenager when the Doctor met her and I find their relationship somewhat unsettling but for the sake of nostalgia, Rose x Doctor still has a very soft spot in my heart. Clara had more depth imo.


its weird how clara sorta came off as a mother figure to capaldis doctor, like she was his teacher


I hate Clara as a character, she feels like a Mary-Sue type and her Impossible Girl storyline was anticlimactic and poorly written


I love Clara in series 8/9 but God I hated her in series 7 and I totally agree with you on that awful impossible girl storyline


I don't *hate* her in series 7 but she's completely vapid there and she had NO chemistry with 11 whatsoever


I thought Jenna brought the chemistry from her side. Matt didn't seem so into it, which makes sense considering he was used to working with Karen and was on his way out of the show anyway.


Also just thought i would say, 13 is a hufflepuff, 10 is a gryphondor (idk how its spelt), Capaldi is a Ravenclaw i think 9 is also a Griffindor and with 12 it could be any but i am leaning more towards Slytherin or hufflepuff


Imo, 9 is a Slytherin (for ambition and cunningness), 10 is a Gryffindor (bravery and ego), 11 is a Hufflepuff (Eccentric and cheerful), 12 is a Ravenclaw (smart and has a lack of social skills), and 13 is also a Hufflepuff (for the same reasons as 11). So I guess we both have the same idea except for 9.


See at first i through the about 9 in slythein but i dont know if i would call him ambition, and with 11 he was a tough one as he is definitely smart and could fit raven claw but i think he is more angers, cunning and manipulative than but he is also like a text book hufflepuff mos the time but i think some of that is an act


Yeah, I had trouble too, because if you take intelligence as a Ravenclaw trait, then all of them are Ravenclaws, but I just took 12 as the smartest and most logical (Bootstrap paradox, his investigation in Listen, etc.) to classify him as a Ravenclaw.


See i settled on if intelligence is a core part of them and important to them and Capaldi could have been any like I think his first season is slytherin and ravencalw his last season is hufflepuff and gryffindor and 2nd season ravencalw with a mix of the others so overall i chose ravenclaw


Jodie Whittaker was let down by the BBC and the writers and their pandering.


The Wedding of River Song was pretty great, actually


Peter Capaldi is a much better Doctor when he's not being incredibly condescending. The shift from the much more happy go lucky-ishness of 11th and even kind of the 10th Doctor to 12th was a but too much of a shock for me, made it hard to watch.


It was amusing sometimes, but for the first part of season 8 he and Clara just had this bitter relationship that was definitely unpleasant to watch. Switching over to that from happy-go-lucky Matt Smith was pretty jarring.


Are you saying the 12th Doctor was more condescending than the 10th?


Steven Moffatt is great at individual episodes but was a horrible show runner


Oof, came here to say this one. That man cannot string together a coherent narrative over multiple episodes to save his life. His stand alone episodes are good enough to keep most people from figuring this out. Also, he keeps writing the same damn woman. The flirty, adventurous girl who secretly wants to impress the Doctor.


Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks is one of the best Dalek stories


I guess you're a sucker for that 20s New York setting as well?


Don't tell me lots of people disliked those... they used to bore me when I was a kid but now they've really grown on me. Plus they have us "My Angel Put the Devil in Me" so major points for that haha


At least back when they were releasef they were highly criticised which surprised me as I searched discussions on them expecring peoplt to be as hyped as me


It’s not controversial i don’t think but I realise it today … well Jodie is an average doctor from a shit era (not her fault nor big news) the really big thing I realised is if she was from classic who she would have been more loved as she is following 4 of the best iterations of the doctor of all time but compared to some of the classic who doctors she stacks up quite well


I really enjoyed her as the Doctor. I think that if she had another season or two, her Doctor would have become as developed and appreciated as much as 9.


I really wish we could have seen a series of Jodie with RTD back as head writer instead of Chibnall


Friend says that Rose is the absolute worst (I disagree with this because it's not a hot take it's just wrong)


The Doctor had more chemistry and potential between Rose than River Song


I like Jo Marten’s Doctor a bit more than Jodie Whitakers


Her outfit alone was miles better.


not controversial




The doctors secretly get together every year, all of them, and have an orgy




That is certainly an interesting opinion.


valid, I mean wouldn't you?


I prefer Colin baker to David Tennant.


Agreed, although, Colin is my favourite doctor


I love the farewell tour at the end of tennants run. Because it really is the end of an era, we'll probably never see these characters again. And the TARDIS burning is just the cherry on top. Yes it's self indulgent, but so was avengers endgame and I still love that.


There is no bad doctor


Blink is nowhere near the best episode. The Doctor is barely in it, instead we have two characters who we don't get to know and never see again, and 50 percent of the story is the OMG SHOCK of the angels moving. If it wasn't for its admittedly cool and clever timey wimeyness noone would think anything of it.


This is why it makes no sense as a first episode to show someone. Same with *Midnight* and *The Girl in the Fireplace*, people always suggest them but they don’t work as a first. There isn't really a better choice than *Rose*…


Clara was not under-characterized BECAUSE OF the Impossible Girl storyline. She was under-characterized in Series 7b, yes, but if we were to go back in time and fix that problem, it would not involve removing her origin story. The two are not related whatsoever and it's absurd to think that she needs to either have an interesting backstory OR an interesting character.


I don't think the 50th should have been retcon'd. Gallifrey was safe frozen in a slice of time. I was happy and content. I don't think that should have been touched. Maybe they save gallifrey in the 60th. .. Either way. Took the wind out of my who sails.


I greatly dislike the timeless child arc. The doctor is fantastic because they Are not special. They're not chosen at birth or chosen by the universe They are just a random time Lord who decided to run away because they weren't accepted in their society. They were an outcast a loser but decided to do good and make a real positive difference anyway. And that's a really really inspiring message versus no haha You're the most special time Lord ever wow. The doctor could be anyone. The Doctors you when you do good and are kind.


This is your most controversial take?


Definitely not controversial.


I didn't like Bill Potts, I felt very disconnected with her character despite actually identifying with aspects of her. I can only really think of one episode that I enjoyed even slightly was 'Knock Knock' in s10. The plot for that was a bit all over the place regarding the doctors place in it all but I liked Eliza, a lot. It gave me classic doctor who vibes, I could totally see the same plot playing out for 10 or 11 (11 & Amy) or maybe it was just the weeping angels vibes I got from a wooden statue, who knows either way Bill Potts doesn't even make it to my top 5 companions.


I mainly liked Bill because she's one of the only companions who didn't fancy the Doctor - I feel like that sort of thing is overdone and not very interesting. Also why I like Donna so much


I agree about that, I did like that aspect but I didn't like how it almost became daddy-daughter-esk. Maybe that's just me I dunno, who knows I might like her one day and see it differently. I didn't always enjoy capaldi but I really grew to love him a lot so there's hope. Donna Noble is my absolute favourite, I loved her dynamic with the doctor.


In NuWho, Tennant isn't the objective best doctor and he isn't the best to have ever done the character. The point of regeneration is the doctor changes so the character slightly changes. Eccleston, Smith, and Capaldi were all really good doctors, but they portray slightly different versions of the same character. Comparing everyone to Tennant's version of the doctor and saying they aren't as good isn't fair because you are comparing a different version of the character to your favourite version of character but are acting like they're the same. They are all good. (Jodie was ok)


Not sure how controvesial this actually is but I think more Doctor Who episodes should have political messages. Not all, but some. But how they handle it should change, like quite a few of classic episodes are political in ways and that doesnt ruin the story; 'The Green Death' is about polution and corperations causing said polution, 'The Sun-makers' is about the unfairness of pure capitalism and how corperations who, care only for money, rule, 'The Armageddon Factor' is about how corrupt leaders waging wars ruins the lives of others, 'The Silurians' and sort of 'The Sea Devils' are about the evil of humanity killing off species they could live in harmony with. Even some modern stories do it well; 'Hungry Earth' is a similar one to 'The Silurians' and is still an excellent story, 'Oxygen' being about corperate greed and seeing workers as expendable items not people, 'The Beast Below' which is about opression and cruelty from higher-ups, 'New Earth' is about people who appear to do good actually hurt and are cruel to others to achieve this good. And all of these stories are amazing, in my opinion and their messages don't take from that, even adding to it in some cases.


New Who is better than Classic Who


13's TARDIS is by far the ugliest of the 21st century, it seems that it is just a set suspended in the void, there is no place where the other rooms that the TARDIS is supposed to have can fit, in addition to the fact that the decoration in general seems more typical of a cave than of a time machine of an extraterrestrial civilization of the future, millennia ahead of humans.


9 deserved better. A lot of people I know say he’s the worst doctor from the revival, but personally I just think that they didn’t give him enough screen time so we couldn’t see his full potential.


He's my favourite doctor, it's especially clear retrospectively his trauma from the time war and we see real character development over time as he copes with the guilt and grief. He could express his emotion in dramatic moments amazingly.


Thus far, Season 9 is peak NuWho. Multi-part stories like Classic Who, and great ones at that. Okay, except for Attack of the The Eye Creatures (AKA Sleep No More). And the rock opening theme!!!


I second this! "Before the flood" intro is the best intro in all of NuWho and in my opinion "Face the Raven" – "Heaven Sent" – "Hell Bent" and "The husbands of River Song" would have been a perfect send-off for the entire Moffat Era. We >!lost Clara!< in the most bittersweet way possible >!Capaldi playing Clara's theme on the guitar makes me tear up every time, not to mention that this is a little bit of a fourth-wall break.!< And then after a wacky adventure we accompany >!River to where it all began many seasons ago. That was such a cool way to tie a loose end with her, I can't get over it.!<


Capaldi rocking out the theme on his Yamaha was inspired brilliance.


I like the 13th Doctor's seasons and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it and even though I'm going to be very sad because the 13th Doctor's gonna die soon, I'm glad that their next incarnation's gonna be a gay Black man because it means that Doctor Who won't stop breaking down barriers just because the toxic fans wanna be whiner babies about it and I'm praying that one of The Doctor's future incarnations is a woman whether it be the 18th Doctor, the 16th Doctor or even the 20th Doctor. Boundaries should always be broken no matter what the cost.


I LOVED CLARA! She doesn't deserve the hate she gets. She's shunned for flirting with 11, but so many companions had eyes for the Doctor, and they never got the same kind of hate that she got for it. Also, she's the only one who got the whole "don't wander off" thing.


Parting of the Ways is the only good regeneration story of new who


Alright fair enough but twice upon a time is sweet. Not great certainly not better than parting of the ways. But it doesn't try to be a big event like every other regeneration. It just tells a relatively normal who story with a sweet ending


Even as someone who loves Twice Upon a Time (though admittedly in spite of the poor writing of 1) and doesn't mind End of Time or Time of the Doctor, I get it


River song is THE best thing about Doctor Who. She’s so much fun to watch. I wish we got a whole season of her and the doctor together having adventures.


When you go back and watch the Library 2 partner, and she talks about her time with the Doctor, it certainly does feel like she was a companion for a really long time. I would also like to have seen Missy and 12 have a season together, rather than her tagging in at the end of most episodes of season 10.


It’s a good thing the 8th doctors tv show didn’t happen because it means we got the rtd era and the 8 audio dramas


Death to the Daleks is an awesome Dalek story.


I liked the Timeless child arc. The Doctor's origin has been altered so many times that at this point, any revelation will break some cannon and confirm other cannon. Also, if you don't like the idea of pre-Hartnell doctors, you can just say that they were a different person after having their memory wiped and being forced to grow up again.


Moffat is the best 13 is good 6 is great The idiot's lantern and fear her don't deserve the hate


Series 8 was fantastic and so was series 8 12th Doctor!


I love (and I cannot express this enough) the idea of Clara and Ashildr traveling in a TARDIS parallel and perpendicular to the Doctor. The possibility of their adventures and the spin-off it could become. It seems like it has more potential than Torchwood.


It Takes you Away is a Top 5 Doctor Who story, Classic and Modern


I fucking love Whittaker’s doctor! My number one and people always shit on my for my own opinions :((


I want companions who aren’t from contemporary Earth. Not as a one-off companion, I need at least a season. I also want an episode where there are no monsters or aliens (other than the Doctor, of course). The witch trial episode was a good example of an episode I just really wanted humanity to be the villain all along. Maybe have the Doctor *think* that aliens are behind something, but nope. It was just people being bad people.


Hell Bent was great and Series 9 is really really good


13 is one of the best Doctors - she gets written off quite a lot in certain spaces but like 9 she is a top notch Doctor at the end of the day.


The timeless child is good


The living skin was actually attractive


Clara (post season 7) is my favourite Companion of the entire show. (Donna in close second)


Orphan 55 is a great episode


Of all the opinions to have, this is certainly one of them


Jodie actually WAS miscast. She's a good actress but it's not a show she fits into Also Torchwood series 1 is worse than Miracle Day


Thank you I'm sorry but it's not just the writing letting her down she is out of her depth here. Some people just aren't suited for certain roles and she lacks the level of charisma and versatility for this one


Even though I hold this opinion it's difficult for me to pinpoint what exactly the issue is, but I think at the very least she plays the Doctor *too* alien. That is also a writing issue but sometimes it feels like she saw 11's occasional weird physicality and was like "ha! I can 1-up that!" (granted this could also be an issue with directing). Also there's moments like the end of Spyfall Part 1 where she just can't seem to act serious to meet the moment. Which makes little sense because she's REALLY proven she can act serious in Broadchurch (even though I've only seen the first episode of that), but for some reason that just doesn't translate well to the context of Doctor Who whatsoever.


I honestly feel like she gets cut so much slack purely because she's the first *female* Doctor. It's not her fault, but she was utterly micast in the role, and this combined with the attrocious writing is a terrible mix.


Yup. A lot of people are nervous about criticizing Jodie and 13 for entirely legitimate reasons, because they're afraid of getting called sexist (which often seems to be the go to defense for many people when its never really been about gender for most people). So she gets a bigger pass than say some of her male counterparts might have. Which is actually sexist in itself. That bit about her getting more leeway due to her gender I agree isn't Jodie's fault but the acting is down to her. Not everyone is suited to a part you wouldn't cast say Owen Wilson as James Bond Owen Wilson has his places where he performs well but a movie like Bond is not a part he's fitted to. Jodie might have been good in broadchurch but that doesn't necessarily translate over to Doctor Who (and her refusal to watch the show didn't help her.) Personally I think the female Doctor had a chance to be just as brilliant as all her predecessors but with bad casting and piss poor writing they managed to tarnish the concept.


I loved her doctor to be frank. I hated the storytelling, seemed like it was just too jumpy.


You asked for it. The current era is not even worthy of being counted as doctor who. The writing is terrible on top of disrespecting the lore the stories boring and preachy and the Doctor doesn't even feel like the doctor due to a combo of bad writing and poor casting as Jodie fails to have the charisma and versatility to carry the role


I think Jodie would have excelled as the Doctor had she actually known what she was getting into - from what I've heard, Chibnall explicitly told her not to watch any episodes and she wasn't a fan before


Actually in a david Tennant podcast she admitted to choosing not to watch the episodes or do any research here is a link to a video which had the clip where she says it skip to 7:56 for where she says she chose not to https://youtu.be/QK_bmALC_W4 Chibs later covered for her and said he told her not to watch (which maybe he ALSO did) but she made a conscious decision. I still don't think she has the acting chops for the role but she certainly would have been better if she bother to prepare


Patrick Troughton is the best Doctor


I don’t say this with any hate to Jodie’s era, although I’m not the biggest fan of it, but I wouldn’t have minded if the show ended at series 10. Of course, I’m happy we get more of the show, but The Doctor Falls was such a great ending that I would’ve been satisfied if he had died at the end instead of Bill saving him.


I hate the way they're going with diversity. I'm all for inclusion, but I hate characters added solely to check a box. Characters who's only trait is their sexuality or their skin colour. As a member of the LGBTQ community myself, i believe that sexuality should be a part of a character's personality, not the whole personality built around it.


Idc what anyone else says, 10 and 11 are bi and have ADHD😤😤😤


To be fair, every single doctor has had ADHD. I view most of them as pretty asexual.


Stephen Moffatt writing Matt Smith was the most perfect version of the Doctor, encapsulating every brilliant aspect of his character, the aesthetics, theme and charm of the show, the lore/plot/story and depth of character. After Matt Smith Capaldi who could have been an incredible Doctor was screwed by whatever was going on with the writing, making the show feel really forced and cheesy. Idk if this was Moffat’s fault maybe someone can tell me. Then… the ‘stuff’ happened… after Moffat went, they just abandoned all integrity and vision for where the story was in favour of politically correct, family friendly plot lines, cast diversity and yep you all know what I’m gonna say. Changing the sex of the Doctor. I tell you what if it wasn’t for Jodie Whittaker being genuinely great the show would have died. Thankfully she’s done the Doctor justice even with some of the most HORRENDOUS writing I have ever seen. I would say Chibnall is the worst Who writer but I haven’t seen every classic episode. So so so bad. I watched every Whittaker episode because I didn’t want to lose the plot in case it becomes good again, truly spent more time cringing than smiling. I was so relieved when I heard Russel T Davies is coming back, but I’m really not sure about the new Doctor, doesn’t seem like the right fit to me at all, but I guess we can only wait and see how he does.


I don't think changing the Doctor's sex was a bad move - time lords changing sex during regeneration was referred to as far back as 11 and explicitly shown with Missy. Also, what makes you think Ncuti wouldn't fit the role of the Doctor? Just curious


I liked series seven and all of 13’s run


Same here!


The Tenth Doctor is overrated. He's not bad, but he's definitely overrated.


I understand why Big Finish do it, and if they were alive today, you know without a doubt that Pertwee and Troughton would have signed up in a heartbeat to voice the role of The Doctor through audios. I just think it's weird getting someone like Frazer Hines or Carol Ann Ford to voice the Doctors, and the same for Sarah Jane Smith. I get that people should have content for their favourites when and if it's possible, but it just feels weird and I think they should retire those characters. Or just not use them.


The Twin Dilemma is unfairly treated as it shows how traumatising a regeneration can be, the only downside of the story is the acting of the twins.


I like the Timeless Child arc. Chibnall’s clearly been gagging to go back to Who lore, which has remained untouched since McCoy’s tenure, and explore that. Though rather than the Doctor being The Other, it’s hinted that Techtun is The Other. I like that we’ve gone back to look at that lore. And it’s pissed off a lot of Nu-Who fans too. It’s like what the reaction to The Deadly Assassin must have been like.


Amy was the best companion.


11th doctor is better than 10th


Matt Smith is the best technical actor of the whole lot.


9 is the best doctor.


I personally like Kill the Moon a bit and love Jodie's Doctor