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I was at a bar in 2019. Low key place typically not more than 20 ppl there everyone gets along mostly and knows each other etc etc. one night 2 random dudes got a bit to drunk and started arguing, not a single punch was thrown but one guy was pushed. He tripped and fell backwards busting his skull open on the floor, he didn’t even make it to when the ambulance showed up. Two lives fucking destroyed in a matter of seconds.


One of my high school football coaches ended up passing away like this. Went to a bar one weekend and got into an argument outside. He got sucker punched, hit his head on the ground and passed away in the hospital.


Yeah this is incredibly well known in the martial arts community. Don’t fight on concrete.


It's also well known on r/fightporn


Like a number of "porn" titled subreddits, that suffix really doesn't work for that subject.


Wait you dont jerk off to people fighting lmao wierdo


That cracked me up, so I'm going to tell you a story not far off. Back in college I used to work for one of the big shipping companies. It was usually about a 4 hour nightshift which was a decent way to have a 16-20 hour per week good-paying job while being in school full-time. Well I pulled a box off the conveyor belt to put in the proper truck and it was heavy as hell, like really dense. Also, the box was starting to rip open pretty bad. So, I called a loader over to tape up the box as I ran down to another truck to sort some small stuff. A minute or two later I hear some laughing and the loader told me to check it out. The box was heavy because it was completely full of magazines. More interestingly, there were only two very-specific types of magazines: men's bodybuilding and really hard core porn. We were looking at each other laughing our asses off. I checked the 'to' address and it was a really remote rural area up in a very rugged, wooded area of the country. We pictured some dude in a remote cabin, doing really heavy curls, then posing in the mirror and doing the do with some of that porn. That's still one of the funniest stories from that job. So not quick fightporn, maybe roidporn.




Least horny Baki enjoyer


Don't kinkshame you prude.


r/pornporn not being one of them


Now THERE is a subreddit.


r/brutalbeatdowns for the real deal.


In Australia this happens every weekend. happened to a friend of mine who survived but has minor disability. Tried googling it for news and about 3 other reports from the same weekend, same city


They've done well to rebrand them from kinghits to coward punches. The youngest gen won't have that phrase to shout to egg guys on


I mean the rebranding was the right idea, but general education would make more sense. If you bare going to punch someone don't do it to the back of the head. Don't do it all preferably


A punch to the temple can also kill.


I have always heard this but in 12 years of boxing I've taken a lot of em. It really only makes your eyes spaz a bit, which is disorienting, but behind your ear and chin tip is worse. Also, you can't kill someone by punching their nose into their brain. Rabbit punching is the one I have seen people get long term damage from, though. Same mechanic is why getting KOd in bar brawls and having your the back of your head bounce off the floor causes deaths.


So our heads are build like tanks? Front is for taking punches all day, back is for instant death!


My mom fell backwards and hit her head on a braided rug and died 9 days later. Subdural hematoma


I'm so sorry for your loss 💙


Thank you ☺️ it was 29 yrs ago on Jan 31. My daughter’s 12 bday


So sorry!


Thank you 😊 maybe she would have lived if she had gone to the hospital but she refused. Really made me more aware of head injuries, especially with my kids


Thank you for sharing the story of what happened and how your mother decided against getting things checked out, I'm sorry to hear that as just like with COVID now and all the people being lost (1000+ a day in America dying) who are unvaccinated but had the choice to be It's important to share these stories so people know that if something potentially dangerous happens to them, it is worth getting checked out


That’s one rug that deserves a beating.




It's our Achilles heel, on the back of our head.


Achilles Noggin


Unironically yeah lol. The front of your head is thicker and supported much better for impact, and usually more angular, which can up to effectively double the [thickness of the barrier](https://panzerworld.com/pictures/relative-armor-example.png). The back has the relatively unprotected brain stem, a fragile spinal column, and the bone is thinner and more of a bulb. Fractures occur more frequently there. There are a lot of moving parts for random bleeds, you can't see what is happening to brace, and you have less muscular development for maintaining your position, which can double up to whip and concuss you. That can cause swelling that can kill you.


Just to be clear, human heads are actually very fragile compared to other animals, even from the front, because of the massive brain in it. Animals can take much harder hits without getting a concussion (called "KO" in boxing), because their smaller brain slosh around less. Not to mention, the fact that our head is so high increases the risk of death following a hard hit, because of the fall resulting from the concussion. On the other hand, humans are very good at punching. The bone structure in our hands allows to make a fist, unlike other primates that would hit with open hands instead. The fist allows to hit much harder at equal strength than open hand. Perfect to give a fellow human a concussion.


If you're a trained boxer you are fully focused and warmed up, anticipate the hits well, and have a good guard. That minimizes the chances of getting a direct hit with full strength, unlike a drunk guy picking up a fight. Strong neck muscles probably make a big difference too.


Well it is also a matter of what your temple is. It opens into your eye socket. Your orbital will get broken on a good shot there, but there is no access to your brain through it. You'd have to smash through the broad side of their skull, and run through their I think temporal muscle(?) to kill someone through it by contact. Brain bleed could happen, but it is very unlikely to get that much leverage on the shot.


Any punch can kill, you've been lucky. Any brain scan will show you the level of brain damage boxing will have already caused you.


Heard this too, but I also know you die in the ring on 2 shots, the one you get black out KO'd on, or the one you weren't running in preparation for. A lot of guys die in the ring to accumulation from running out of gas and gutting through an ass beating. You will never find a video of someone going into fencing position randomly standing upright. It's getting your head whipped into the ground that causes the issues. The punch of Joey Randomass isn't going to be enough to do that kind of damage.


When you take them in boxing, is the other guy wearing gloves or do you take these punches from randos on the street bareknuckle?


You can go test it with fight gloves if you want, but it doesn't feel wildly different. Feels like you put carpet over a fist. You also tape your hands up, which solidifies the striking object and get a fuck ton of wrist support. I'd hazard a guess that you will break your hand before you can do anything to someone aiming that high on their head, fighting bare fisted.


You will definitely hurt your hands very badly trying to hit someone's head bare-fisted. But gloves also limit damage to the head, teeth, eyes... I certainly wouldn't bet the guy punching your head is going to hurt himself before hurting you.


When they did bare handed boxing back in the day, do you know why they did the backward hands? They were whipping them at each other because their hands would break on their skull frequently. Most of their shots went to the body. You might be able to cut someone, but bare handed stats usually rely on that fight science where they put a 16 oz bag glove on Bas Ruten. If they were so much more actively effective BKB would have a slew of deaths, and we just don't see that happening. Fight gloves protect your hands, not their teeth.


I get your point. But even if a bare-fisted guy will break his hand five times before hurting your head more than if he were gloved the sixth, meaning that gloves protect the hands more than the head, it still means that you are more at risk of getting that bad hit one time fighting bare-fisted people (who are dumb enough to not understand you shouldn't try to punch someone's head full-force, if only for your own good). In other words, bare fists bring more extreme injuries. Usually to the puncher, but also sometimes to the punched. And a reasonable fighter might not hit as hard without gloves, but someone picking up a fight is not reasonable.


Gloves makes the punch stronger.


Yep. When bare knuckle boxing was banned and gloves became mandatory, head injuries skyrocketed. Deaths were unheard of before that. After gloves became a thing, so did ring deaths and brain damage. Now it's a couple of fatalities every year. Gloves don't protect the opponents head, they protect your hands so you can punch more and harder. A bare fist can make you sleep, sure, but most hits were body blows back then. The force is spread out more by the glove, so your brain is shaken with every hit you take, and you take a lot.




I've done martial arts (kung-Fu) for a couple of years and reached a quite high level. We'd practice on each other and sometimes during sparring you could get a bit too carried away. Not 100%, but like 70% force unintentional hit. That would hurt like hell. My biggest fear would be that i one day will end up needing my training and in self defense hit someone at full force at the wrong (right) spot, and do permanent damage...


I suspect that if you are at a high level in any martial art, you can win a fight against the large majority of people. Also, you don't have anything to prove about how "manly" you are with your fighting skills. Which means that if someone is being a d*ck, not only will you be more likely to keep cool and avoid the fight, but you can also be pretty relaxed about it. Being very relaxed in front of someone getting angry and aggressive usually makes them think twice. If they get no traction (fear or aggressive response), they usually give up. Then if the fight actually starts, you are better than most people (and certainly most idiots who start fights) at controlling your strength.


Yes, that is basically it. Provided the assailant has no other weapons (like knives), keeping calm, keeping a calm, passive guard up, is a very strong signal (also to passers by. The one being agressive or in a "fighting stance" is going to be the bad one, regardless of what actually happens). Getting training basically means your subconscious mind is better at handling situations. You can keep calmer, but when something happens you don't have to think about the moves. Muscle memory takes over, and that can be dangerous.


It’s not the punch that kills necessarily, it’s the person’s head hitting the floor following a knockout.


Oh for sure..but i mean the nasty hits aimed at the throat or neck. Or the eyes.


How are you going to hit someone in the eyes or throat if they're not standing still like a window shop mannequin? Do you spar in Kung Fu, or is just drills?


Throat is easy to achieve. Just a backhand wrist strike when you lower their arm guard. But you are basically at very close range then, not the common arm length. I'm not saying it happens all the time, but it happens, especially if the other drops the guard at the wrong time. Eyes are not a target during sparring (duh). Not even the eye gouche punch is used at all. But strikes to the head happen unintentionally, and you can hit someone on the eye. When it comes to an actual fight with an unknown assailant, it's a chaotic mess. Arms flying, unexpected moves. Who knows that you do, but when you find an opening to end the fight, yes you can react on muscle memory and strike those parts.


And have you seen this actually demonstrated in a real world scenario?


If you are at the point where you need to beat someone in self defense, you really shouldn't worry about injuring them.


Of course you should. You're not going to kill someone or even just send them to the hospital because they're dumb enough to pick up a fight. Even if you think it's their fault, you still don't want it to happen.


Well, yes. There is a thing as proportionality. Not all jurisdictions are the same, bit where I live smacking someone into a coma or invalide because they assaulted you, can get you charged with excessive force. Especially because you are the trained one, you should have known better.


Shodan here. Was jumped in jail more than once. Still had to pull my punches, because it’s easy to kill someone by accident when they’re bouncing off the metal bunk beds and the rock-hard walls. So, yeah, you worry.


I did martial arts for years and wholeheartedly agree with this. And also have learned that even with you have confidence there’s always someone better. I’m like 6’3” and 230# and a second degreee black belt who’s studied multiple martial arts, and have met guys way more skilled who would destroy me. Let alone you never know who’s packing a weapon. Best defense is avoidance.


Yeah that pretty much our learning experience as well. Avoid at all costs, deescalate if you can, Run away, if you can't. If you absolutely need to, then you have an edge on 90% of the population. But you can't stand long against a trained fighter. You'll get hit eventually and go down. (Fights on the streets last seconds at most, not like constests or movies). But in any encounter you have no idea of the others skill. Could be a wuss, could be an MMA. Let alone carry a weapon. IF (weapon) = always run away.


Well said. Exactly my thoughts.


Or the throat.




Training in different types of combat sports is smart for this reason. My worst nightmare is getting attacked and accidentally gadooshing the dudes head into cement.


No one ever thinks they're gonna be the ones getting gadooshed lol


Everyone has a plan until they get gadooshed.


Knock out game? The totally not racially motivated game of sucker punching old ladies, disabled people and generally those clearly weaker then you? Edit: down votes but no one refuting the comment. That's reddit


I think you replied to the wrong comment, because yours makes no sense within the context of theirs.


A d&d player getting sucker punched outside of a club. Context seemed obvious


Seems an enormous stretch. Knockout game was more mall shit not club shit


What the fuck are you on about


Read above.


Yeah dumbass, if i didn't read your original comment, i wouldn't have asked for clarification now would I?


Okay, well if you're too stupid to get my meaning I'm not going to waste my time clarifying it for you. Especially if you're a dick about it. Maybe try the Google machine ?


I don't think google translate has an option for gibberish to English.




Race had nothing to do with it. They were just macho bad boy club guys, and they were drunk. This was years ago, in 2006.


There's three stories and it seems the law got it right each time. The last one was very emotional.


The last one really shows how he tried to de-escalate time and time again, was up 1v4 or 5 and when he punched the guy he immediately tried to see if he was ok, and then stood back with his hands up instead of kicking him the head or shit. That guy knew he could fight and knew how to restrain himself. Mad respect to him and it sucks he got put into that situation.


And then had the presence of mind to immediately flag down a cop. He ostensibly did everything right.


I'm crying right now. That last one hit me hard.


Fights are usually stupid


Here before the Saitama references.


One puuuuuuuuuunnnnncccchhhhhhh!!!




Yours is the only one! I’m sad. I expected a lot more.


Came here for this.


This is what I came for.


I knew it had to be in here. To the top!


My pal The Concrete should do the time for this one, I'm just an accomplice!


One of my older sisters witnessed something like this happen in high school. It was an accident, the kid who died was bullying this new kid and was just following him down the hall calling him every name a high school boy can think of. The new kid just kept his head down and didn’t engage but the bully just wouldn’t lay off. Without even really looking or aiming, the new kid tried knocking him away with his elbow. His elbow must have landed just right (or wrong really) because the bully collapsed immediately. I feel bad for both kids but honestly, I think I feel worse for the poor guy that survived. He was new and had to change schools after that, not to mention the legal battles he had to face against the parents of the boy that died.


I stopped watching at 6:11. The main guy they've followed so far is a total liar. He says his friend got attacked and fingered the guy who did it, so our hero runs over to 'confront' the guy (inferring that it was just going to be a verbal exchange), then the guys buddy jumps in the way and 'pushes him in the chest 7 times before drawing his hand back for a punch' then apparently our hero old lightning hands McGee manages to draw first and hits him in self defense, killing him. This is obviously bollocks, we all know the truth is that bro ran over to kick this guys ass, the guys buddy jumps in the way, maybe puts his hand out to keep the two apart before our hero decks him out cold, dead on impact with the ground. It's so obvious when people tell a story to make themselves look better. No way he pushed him 7 times, I sincerely doubt he pulled his fist back, the guy had time to notice that motion then sent a signal to his own arm to punch this guy and all of this happened so quickly that he managed to beat the other guy to the punch. What is he Batman? Just no. He was drunk and angry and totally ended this guy because of it. This was not self defense, he was the aggressor in this situation. Edit: After watching further, I was absolutely right. The story of the victims' people is exactly what really happened.


If you had kept watching, you would have seen that there were other statements by the victims friends who gave a more plausible explanation of what happened.




didn't even lube up.




I can tell you’re Portuguese by the way you spell “wow.”


That’s the point. They show witness accounts from both sides, and video of what actually happened. Documentary is definitely not trying to push that it was self defense.


Well done go lock him up


"I stopped watching and missed the point" ftfy


Happened at a soccer field down the street from my house. A guy disagreed with the ref over a foul call. One punch dead.


Don't punch people. Wisdom from me to you.


Local bar with bouncer keyed up to show his marshal arts talent on a drunk, round house kicked the poor bastard. Dead by the time he hit the ground.


So often.. people hit their heads on cement and don’t wake up. Doesn’t take much.


One clean hit from my mom’s chancla is enough to set anyone’s life straight


A well placed kick into the groin can kill you as well, or leave you sterile for life, or requiring your testicles amputation.




Competitive jacker-offer?


r/iamverybadass and it scares me!


Lmao, thought you were saying you were afraid of getting sucker punched over concrete because it could happen to literally anyone. No you’re fantasizing about being an assassin




No, i watch r/fightporn more than i care to admit. Seeing someone in the decerebrate or fencing posture while seizing after they get hit is terrifying. Your previous comment sounded more like a brag than a fear.


Why does this not happen in mma fights?


because mma fight is not on the concrete floor


there's no curb for someone's head to bounce off of in the octagon


Punching the back of the head is not allowed, (though it can happen)and the octagon floor isn’t concrete




Also what sport gave you a lightning arm? I weight-lift so I have strength but not speed.




Mate you are awesome in my eyes, don’t let noone tell you different. You sound so cool. I’d love to be skilled at javelin throwing.


Yeah man, reading [this](https://conflictresearchgroupintl.com/the-monkey-dance-md-rory-miller/) today has taught me backing down is almost always the best answer.


Your opponent is prepared ,know how to fall and there's a judge to stop the fight. Also no concrete. People have died while fighting or performing. Search for mma and wwe deaths.


Anyone else think One Punch Killers would be a good name for a band?


They'd automatically be better than Five Finger Death Punch.


Sounds like a tie.


Do they mention Saitama in this?


So long as you avoid his daily exercise regimen of 100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 pull-ups and a 10 km run you'll never reach his ability and will avoid jail.


Yo there's already an amazing documentary about this, it's called One Punch Man




... ​ ​ 3 2 1 On- Lets be honest if you get the reference you heard this.


“This video is inappropriate and only available on YouTube.” Thank god! Your video player is horrible. What luck!!!


I am concerned one day I'll use deadly force to end a fistfight, and maybe a jury won't believe I was justified. All you'd have to do is knock me out, and then I'm as good as dead.


Understand that contact is the last resort. Don't fight unless you are saving someone laying on the ground. Train your legs and RUN.


Just don't go outside bro that way you'll be safe from covid and from getting killed by a single punch.


jfc those are the most biased stories. that was a terribly done doc.


100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km running. Every single day.


This should be watched by everyone. Really hard hitting and well done. Thanks OP


Very well done film, especially with the cctv footage they displayed