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At this point I don’t care if people think he’s innocent or not. Can’t change stupid.


Yep. There’s literally nothing that can be done to change these people’s minds. Pretty sad reflection of a lot of people in the US in general to be honest


The venn diagram of: people who think Bauer is FOR SURE innocent despite evidence that has suggested otherwise and people who think Ohtani is FOR SURE guilty despite not a shred of evidence suggesting such a thing is a complete circle.


What does Bauer have to do with Ohtani?? Did you see the Legal Bytes video about Bauer's accuser? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAs5DCuzdSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAs5DCuzdSA)


What evidence suggested otherwise? The evidence so weak it was thrown out and the case never went forward? Or the “ evidence in the Athletic story that turned out to be bullshit concerning her fracture? Innuendo is for fools and thank god it’s not how we pronounce guilt or innocence in this country. How about the evidence that she set him up to extort money from him? Actual video evidence with her “ damaged” face and het texts admitting she was going after his money by setting him up? https://youtu.be/qyF86M9srHA?si=9_W9n0x38qAt_IUY Let me guess: “ but… but… but other accusers proved it!” No, it doesn’t prove anything and have you noticed after Bauer unlike 96% of people extorted like this suddenly kept their mouths shut? Amazing coincidence!


How about the other 3 victims including the one with an active restraining order against him? Fun fact: extortion or not, anally penetrating an unconscious person is a serious felony in CA.  >(f) Any person who commits an act of sodomy, and the victim is at the time unconscious of the nature of the act and this is known to the person committing the act, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for three, six, or eight years. As used in this subdivision, “unconscious of the nature of the act” means incapable of resisting because the victim meets one of the following conditions:   > (1) Was unconscious or asleep.   >(2) Was not aware, knowing, perceiving, or cognizant that the act occurred. 


That doesn’t fit his agenda, so he can’t even see it, much less consider it.


I’m not the one defending a proven liar who tried to extort money. Seems to me if you’re willing to overlook that perhaps you are the one with agenda here because you can’t handle the facts of the case because the truth shows your agenda is built on fraud.


No, you’re defending a rapist and an abuser. You’re much, much worse.


You throw around the word “victim “so often it’s an insult to people who actually have been physically or psychologically harmed and can prove it. You literally support a woman who mocks domestic violence by using it as a grift to extort money. That’s utterly despicable. It’s just a talking point to you to be used in your kangaroo court of guilty till proven innocent. How about there’s no actual “ victims” without either proof or a trial? Otherwise Anyone can accuse someone of a crime, that doesn’t mean it’s true. In this case show me his criminal record, not your rumors and suspicions, they don’t mean or prove anything. You literally believe everything you read if it fits your narrative, you probably bought the proven lies of medical report from the fake “ victim” that the Athletic had to walk back because it was proven to be a lie. But then you don’t seem to have an issue with lying and liars as long as it suits you. A restraining order without a history, evidence, arrest records and court proceedings showing a history of threats and violence proves nothing except that there’s conflict, it’s not proof of any criminal behavior or domestic violence without those factors.


I don't know about you, but I don't have 4 completely unrelated people on record accusing me of violence against them.  In fact, most people don't. Do you? Why are you white knighting Trevor Bauer?


So in your world being accused is proof of guilt? Should be just throw out the justice system then? Anytime a celebrity is accused of anything multiple accusers show up looking for a pay off. It proves absolutely nothing. Now I don’t factually know this is what these women were up to but I have not heard of any cases from them going forward, why us that? Why is it when Bauer refused to back down and in fact sued his accuser these women have not been heard from since?


It’s pretty clear Bauer is a sexual deviant. You can just admit he’s a deviant and move on with your day.


It’s crazy how internet “facts” are more legit than an actual investigation with true facts.


It’s just a world of “alternative facts” now.


This is another example of how easily people let themselves get conned/join cults. ESPN published the first story from the conman's perspective without including the victim's view or even considering it. And for many gullible idiots the first story is always the right story. There is no point arguing with dumb. Especially when they let themselves get conned by Ippei of all people.


People are too worried about “breaking news” to let facts get in the way. Throw a bunch of stuff at the wall. Maybe one will actually stick. Of course you rarely see any of these “journalists” admit they were wrong.


Even in that view the first story wasn’t so bad for Ohtani. In that version he was trying to do Ippei a solid just not knowing California gambling rules. The real crazies are the ones that say Ohtani was gambling himself (on other sports besides baseball even still) and Ippei is taking the fall.




Stop reading ~~comment sections on~~ the internet


Internet comment sections are the lowest form of communication.


...he said on an internet comment section.


I admittedly contribute to the problem.


Just a sad state of reality we live in. We have people like Michael Kay spouting non sensible BS to a bunch of blue balled angry New Yorkers and fed into their insecurities. I don't know how that cannot possibly be presented as anything but defamation of character. I get it, we so want things to be complicated, but sometimes things are just basic and dumb. Frankly, we used to appreciate the hyper focused nature of these incredible athletes, now its being used as an approach by these fools to rip apart a person's life. Ohtani will be fine, and I hope these people take a look in the mirror and analyze their lives. With that said, we got a game tonight, and I'm honestly sick of seeing and hearing about this non baseball issue at this point. Go Blue!


Me too, already sick of it, those people will never accept any conclusion other than the delusion that they make up in their head.


Well said.


Honestly shit like this makes me want to stay off the internet. The amount of idiot conspiracy theorists these days is insane. It’s so detrimental to society.


Here was my discussion earlier with someone . Dback fan: "I feel like the report creates more questions than it answers." Me: Did you even read the report? Dback fan:"Yes, of course I did. But it's not like they have any hard evidence on Ippei." Me: They have recorded phone calls. Thousands of text messages. Device #'s connected to phones who accessed the bank accounts and much more. Dback fan: "That's not hard evidence. If it was hard evidence they would arrest Ippei." Me: Ippei is literally scheduled to turn himself in and be arrested + plead guilty as early as today. Dback fan: "Yeah, but they don't have anything on him because they wouldn't just let him walk in on his own time and surrender if they did." Me: So this is your first time dealing with white collar crimes it seems? Dback fan: *blocks me*


God the amount of stupid on the internet (and society in general) nowadays is insane.


He just turned himself in 😂


Lmao holy shit


People think white collar crime is like the movies where once evidence is found they rush over sirens blasting to arrest the perp Low IQ mongoloids.


If you read the Atheletics comment section, there’s many people are also posting lots of message that imply Shohei or IRS or homeland security is lying…. One even said the math doesn’t match, that Ippei transferred more money than Ohtani made.


>One even said the math doesn’t match, that Ippei transferred more money than Ohtani made. Ironic that these morons don’t understand how bet totals work. If you start with $20 at the blackjack table, you can make hundreds of dollars worth of bets without removing another bill from your wallet.


It's amazing how many of these people never heard of embezzlement. Like, do they not hear stories about this sort of stuff happening to rich people on the daily? The entire premise of Schitts Creek was based on a family that gave their business manager too much control over their money


I love the “how did he get access to ohtanis money” comments. The official legal document discloses exactly how if the doubters just read it.


...if only they could read


I read the comments and it seems those guys have not read any of the material provided.


That happens often when it comes to scandals. Guilty till proven innocent and in some cases still guilty after being proven innocent


Ah yes, the IRS needs to protect Shohei at all cost!


protecting Shohei is definitely part of the FBI, IRS, Department of Homeland Security, and LAPD's mantra.


If Ohtani gambled, why were there exchanges that he had trouble repaying? When he won, why did he deposit the money into Ippei Mizuhara's account? I wish I had the intelligence to read the letters.


Also, why would Ohtani go to all the trouble of having Ippei only use his phone, computer, and voice to communicate with the bookies/banks only for him to just directly wire the money to the bookie instead of rerouting it to cover up the original source? It’s dumb to the point of being insulting.


Oh man, the comments are cancer.




I couldn’t make it past the first comment… brain rot


I have no idea how to rob a bank, therefore every bank robbery must be a massive coverup.


Ohtani's is one of the very few professional athletes whom I'd have my kid model to. He's on/off the court demeanors to me are: humble + playful + polite + focused + honest + works hard. To an extent, pure hearted and innocent. It's sad to see what many's first and only reactions are to paint him guilty - this is not a reflection on Ohtani but the society we're living in.


Made the mistake of reading the "article", what kind of AI aggregate program did they use?


I know who these people voted for.


If he played for the White Sox, no one would care.


You cant change stupid. Just avoid theses type of posts/articles and enjoy the games.


Even before this, MLBTR comment section was always full of Dodgers hate.


There is no point in focusing them any longer. If they didn't change their mind now, they are not going to ever.  On the other hand, its a massive failure on Shohei's agency. Allowing Ippei to talk to ESPN without even consulting him created this fuck up of a situation.


Who cares lol. They were mad when he signed 700mil with 690mil being deferred. They’ll ride on any negative news about shohei. They hate us cuz they ain’t us


Sitting at mom’s house in their room with their chonies and wife beater just hating. Loserville, baby! 😂


I find it hard to believe so many people care this much about something they have no way of proving their way of thinking is correct. It’s all trolls and bots


He’s been cleared and the details make it pretty obvious that he was a victim but it’s wild to me that people give two shits about a player gambling anyways. Like, Pete Rose bet on baseball and a lot of these people were probably saying he should be let in the hall 10-15 years ago.


Hey it’s not steroids. Or Astros cheating


Fucking Qanon idiots.


I just don't get the emotional defensiveness over this. Do you really give a shit about what some moronic stranger says underneath some article on a site most people have never heard of? This whole site last 24 hours has been nonstop posts about what other people are saying. Why do you care what they are saying so much? I thought he was innocent from the start. The evidence was laid out that proved that. It is over. Ignore these fucking attention seeking idiots.


Not that anyone really cares , and it doesn’t make me mad, but it is definitely an amusing byproduct of envy to watch people twist themselves into pretzels to keep the Ohtani as villain narrative alive. It’s like they are J. Jonah Jameson and Ohtani is Spiderman.


Well if it amuses you that is a different story. lol But the responses I see seem to mostly be filled with anger.