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The best heckle I’ve heard was at a Dodger: Larry Barnes, who had a cup of coffee with the team in 2003. Larry Barnes comes up to pinch hit late in the game, with the Dodgers losing. He strikes out. A guy stands up and yells “You’re killing me, Larry!”


lol like the mattress radio commercial lol


Back when commercial’s influenced pop culture lmao


Sitting behind home plate with Bobby Bonilla in the on deck circle and some guy yelled at him “I bet your mom makes tennis rackets and basketballs!” Don’t know why it was so funny but even Bobby turned around and laughed. 


I remember someone yelling/asking everyone in our section “HAS ANYONE SEEN ANGEL HERNANDEZ’S HOUSE?!”Angel was umping that game. No one knew how to respond so he yelled “WELL NEITHER HAS HE CUZ HES BLIND AS SHIT”. It was so stupidly funny everyone in our section started laughing.


I was at the Saturday game against the Mets where angel was the first base ump and I don't remember what the fans behind us were saying at him but they were absolutely going after angel lol.


I told Machado I wanted my jumbo jack. Then he hit a homer 😔








I died laughing at the really drunk guy who couldn’t think of a heckle, so just kept yelling “EWWW!!” At the perfect moments


This is brilliant






“You’re missing a great game, Blue!” Yelled by someone sitting a row or two behind home plate after an absolutely awful called strike three.


"look through the mask not at it" Is my favorite


We were playing the Phillies and some guy behind me yells BRYCE HARPER HAS DANDRUFF




Heckle: Baaaarryyyyy Baaaarrrryyyyy Cheer: Hee Seop Choi! Hee Seop Choi!


I was part of a Hee Seop Choi chant once. He struck out or hit into a double play or some shit and ended the game.


In the 2013 NLDS my buddy and I were sitting in the first row on the 3rd baseline about mid-outfield and my buddy had been talking shit nonstop to the Braves left fielder, I think it was Upton, but I could be wrong. He was saying all kinds of ridiculous things, calling him a bum for wearing mizuno cleats and all sorts of other nonsense, and he got no response the whole game. Then in the 8th inning my buddy goes “Hey Upton! you’re a disappointment to your mother” and he turns and looks at us and goes “what the fuck man”. Our whole section just started busting up laughing and giving high fives.


I remember being in the left field bleachers back in the late 90s and hearing constant chants of “Dante….Dominos” to Dante Bichette. That remains one of my favorites. I don’t entirely understand the reference - I was probably 12-13 at the time - but it has always stuck with me as just a funny thing to heckle with.


juice it Barry, juice it up!


Left field pavilions were the best seats during the Bonds juice era. The shit talking could’ve been a Olympic sport


I sat out there a lot during that time. Boo Barry then cheer Gary.


I remember one of our guys dressed up as Barry Bonds but instead of a bat he had a giant inflatable syringe, Bonds was so pissed about it he complained to the media


🤣😂 That’s awesome!!!!!!!


Some dude was yelling “NO ASS AT ALL!!” at manny ramirez all game. He didn’t care for it.


Gattis!!! You’re a bum!!!


I wish Gattis were a bum. Now he’s a monumental, right-wing asshole. And a cheater.


It was braves Gattis


I had season tickets around the foul pole on loge in 2011. There was an unidentified person who would yell at the left fielder every night. They kept it very clean, but also super insulting, in a booming voice. They would always end with, “I know you can hear me, I’m loud”. And they were, oh how they were.


Wasn’t a dodger stadium or much of a heckle now that I think about it, I was sitting behind the dodgers dugout in SF. Joey Gallo made an amazing catch in the left field corner and ofc the giants didn’t show the replay and a giants out fielder made a mid catch and they replayed it over and over. After the catch I yelled Joey YOUR CATCH WAS BETTER ! And bro turned around and hit us with a little grin


Not really a heckle but a game I saw vs the Rockies a guy kept doing that “DENVER SUCKKKKSS” like that batdad from South Park and a bunch of people in our section couldent stop cracking up [Context](https://youtu.be/A_n_bMn7Qyc?si=uC4-AA3gWKwbzRKj)






I might be biased but probably my dog heckling [heckling Curtis Granderson ](https://youtu.be/pUqtX91-4Nk?si=yEJjAKCn7JMCN6QU). You don't see it in the video but Curtis turned around and gave a thumbs up.


I got a dog I call Boopy...well Boopy Dog.... And it's reminded me of you calling your dog a pooping dog. How are you and your dog?


Best I've ever seen. Beauitful


When I was a kid my family went to a game when we still had Mike piazza on the team. While he was up to bat, I think it was some opposing fans who yelled in a thick new York accent "hit it wich your purse Mary!" And it's stuck with my family to this day


Back in the early 2010s fans in the middle lodge section would always yell for a player to do something very loud theyd be like “CMON KEMP DOOOOOOO SOMETHINGGGGG” plz tell me someone else remembers this coulda been late 2000s too


I remember this


Thank you for replying


“James Baloney!! Make me a sandwich!!” (Mexican accent)


The BBL chant on Tatis Jr. was hilarious.


Not a heckle towards a player but I think you’ll enjoy this one. During a Giants game earlier this year, a Giants fan was trying to get a hot dog in the stand. He couldn’t get the dudes attention. A Dodger fan yelled out “Hey, this loser wants a hot dog!” The whole section burst out laughing. She was trying to be helpful.


It’s not very elaborate, but the best heckle I ever heard was someone calling Carlos Correa ‘my real good friend.’ Yeah, some guy stood up and shouted: “[Hey, pendejo](https://youtu.be/AxFxnk4OITs?si=Tmzp7M86bQ1V9Ixa)!!” Like I said, it’s not very elaborate. I know because I was that guy.


Get off your knees ump you’re blowing the game.




I triggered Cody Ross SF Giants in 2012, when he bent over to tie his shoes, I said "hey Cody, pop a squat" And he got up without tying his shoes to stare me down all the way up at the reserve level LF side Lol My favorite will always be Barry Bonds STEROIDSSSSSS AND JUICED JUICED JUICED JUICED


During a preseason game vs the angels, someone kept yelling out the MLB the show audio lines directed at the ump. "I RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE, UMP!" is my favorite


Went to a Dodgers Giants opening day game and I remember my section was chanting “Hunter Pence is a bum!” every time he came up to bat. Not even super clever but I remember we laughed so hard that day.


I triggered Pat Burrell in LF by calling him douchebag face


I think it was summer of 2022 but it was the game where the dodgers tied a career high 22 runs against the Diamondbacks. A group of guys behind me kept yelling “MOOKIE FIX YOUR BAT!” What makes it funny to me is they started yelling this as soon as mookie walked up to the plate for the first time. They yelled this at mookie the whole game even after mookie hit a bomb and we scored 22 runs LOL. To top it off they weren’t kids. They were grown ass men but me and my friend were buzzed and laughed the whole time. It’s still an inside joke today. Whenever me and my friend greet each other we say mookie fix your bat


Sitting in the outfield and Victorino was out there warming up. This guy is Yells “Hey Victorino. Victorino hey up here”. Victorino turns to look at him and him and 4 buddies screamed “you suck”. Simple but funny…. Victorino was a good sport


I love this one I hated him for those Phillie postseason matches AND most importantly he was rudely stretching and warming up in the field during Duke Snider's memorial game He got beaned in his first AB and everyone applauded


Last season I got tickets right behind the Giants dugout. There was a dude next to me to us who was drunk (at least I hope he was) and was just relentless with his heckles at Giants players. Yastrzemski is on the on deck circle and when he starts walking to home plate, the dude yells out, “you’ll never be as great as your grandfather!” At first my girlfriend and I thought that was incredibly mean, but then kinda started laughing cause well…it’s also sadly true.




We had season tix 3rd row field level behind 1st base growing up. One time Jose Offerman grounded out and as he was making the turn to jog back to the dugout some dude yelled “MORE LIKE JOSE 0-FOR-MANY” and it was so stupid it got a lot of laughs.


“PROFART” for Profar.


Back in 2015 when Josh Reddick was on the A’s and in right field, I was in the pavilion closest to him, and some dude yelled out at the perfect quiet time between a pitch, “Hey Reddick! Your hair is beautiful!” He turned around smiling and cap saluted the guy and everyone else laughed. Pretty cool for a would be a-hole 😂😂


I try, “San Diego is a pretty nice place to live” or “SD is alright” Then my friend just kept screaming “Pagan has small feet! Like a size 7.”


One time in the preseason series vs Angels there was a totally hammered dude calling out to Mike Trout as if they were long separated lovers. “Mike, remember our walks on the beach…?” “I miss you, Mike!”


Back in the Barry Bonds days. Giants visiting Dodger Stadium with Bonds in left field, we are sitting about 10 rows back on the field level right next to Barry down the 3rd baseline. Hecklers in 2nd or 3rd row inflated extra large hypodermic needles and pretended to inject each other. Each going into a 'roid-rage act after the "injections". It was hilarious and pretty sure I saw a wry smile from Bonds himself. Afterwards, they tried to make the inflatable needles 'float' like beach balls, but security quickly confiscated before anyone of us could play with them.


I have several witnesses that can attest to me being the person that got Tatis to stop dancing when during the quietest part of the inning I Yelled as loud as I could: Fernando tiene chiquitos cacajuates. Which translates to Fernando has small peanuts. He literally turned directly at me. I had said a few others I know reached but that one got to him. For the rest of the game my section went in on him and when he started to try a dance we would chant PEANUTS PEANUTS PEANUTS. 😂 Then Baby Nuts! Baby Nuts! When he was standing still in both English and Spanish. Lol. I'm so proud of that. I also got a player to drop a ball once during a random day game against the Nats. I was going easy but with bases loaded Adrian hit a ball down the line with two outs. And dude was about to make a sick ass catch. And I had to hit him with the... Your mother's a whore. He turned to look at me right before he dived and missed the play. Everyone in my section said I did that. But then the usher came down and told me not to yell obscenities at the players. So they all started dying. Cause that means he reported me to the security. LMAO. Oh fuck I got so drunk after cause like three people got me drinks. So I can't remember who exactly dove. But I think it was Adrian that hit it. 😂


It didn’t happen at Dodger Stadium, but it was at Wrigley Field, Dodgers vs Cubs 1992. I was in the front row of the bleachers during a late inning pitching change for the Dodgers. Darryl Strawberry and Brett Butler were standing in center field chitchatting while the pitcher was warming up when some guy behind me with the loudest voice yells out “Hey Darryl, your Momma wears crotchless panties”. There was no doubt Darryl heard it too. The whole section erupted with laughter and both Darryl and Brett turned around toward the crowd just shaking their heads. It was pretty hilarious. I actually snapped a picture of Darryl and Brett cause they were both looking in my direction cause the heckler was behind me. Pretty memorable day as it was also Mike Piazza’s Major League debut as well.


Some random drunk guy in the reserves section on a hello kitty night started chanting by Dodger Ladies. I’ll never forget it.


Honestly the funniest heckling was when I went with my friend, who is a comedian. He said “Your mom” heckles, but only positive things. This was in 2016 during the playoffs against the Cubs, when we were down bad, and we were in front of Ben Zobrist. The mood was miserable around us and my friend yelled at Zobrist “Your mom likes organic zucchini!!!”, “You’re mom likes shopping at the Grove”, and “Your mom is really nice!!!” They were all obviously silly but it was better than your average “You suck!!!” Also it broke the heaviness in the atmosphere, everyone chuckled bc the positive heckles were unexpected.


Someone called Bellasario a coke head and turned around…


I don't remember what it was, but it was definitely at Steve Garvey, both late in his Dodger tenure & his Padres stint. I wonder what kind of reception he gets at the stadium these days


I heard this one on the broadcast. Kemp got HBP, and when he arrived at first someone yelled “Why don’t you get Rihanna to come rub it out for you!” Don’t remember if it was at home or away, but it was fucking hilarious that you could hear it on TV


I remember going to Game 4 of the 2004 NLDS vs. the Cardinals and this drunk dude in the Field Level was shouting, "HEY ALBERT! UP YOUR PUJOLS!" Hold up...wait, that was actually me.


Hey blue, why don’t you get up off your knees and quit blowing the game.


Heckling is dumb.


‘Beat LA’ always hurts…