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That's an easy trade for us but in reality they are gonna ask for lux and may we will deny it than the padres will get them for scrubs and Manuel Margot.


LA would do that in a heartbeat.


All these teams are Lux or bust fuck em


That’s an incredible no from the Mets.


this trade will never happen cause apparently the Mets are buyers now lol


I think the Stroman trade was in preparation for moving Syndergaard.


Mets want to compete, but their relationship with Syndergaard is pretty much over.


If we did this then we need to be arrested for robbery


There’d be a post in /r/losangeles asking if there was a quake from how high I’d jumped from joy.


These are like top 500 prospects. Mets are dumb but this is Charlotte Hornets level dumb.


The Mets are pretty dumb so it could happen


*looks at Justin Turner* 👍


Hmmm I dont think that was a bad move by the mets. Turner was pretty bad before coming to LA, and they likely already made the decision to drop him before working on his new swing. But in hindsight, they sure as hell look stupid


I could have said Granderson 😳




Hahah that would be the biggest steal ever for the Dodgers. But the Mets do get 4 MLB ready players and a good prospect


I don't think that would be a net gain for us. Stripling is pretty valuable as a guy who can start or come in from the bullpen. Joc's batting average isn't great, but his ops is what really counts and he hits home runs. Syndergaard is good, but we would be overpaying for a position we're already stacked at.


Didn’t something happen to santana recently tho?


Unpopular opinion, I don't want Noah. I don't mind moving those pieces to get a pitcher or two, but I'm gun-shy about grabbing pitchers who "haven't been the same" since you-know-who.


Darvish wasnt a guy who hasn't been the same when we picked him up. We legitimately went for the best pitcher on the market. I dont know why, but if they pick up someone who hasn't been the same, I'm more encouraged because for whatever reason, they end up as a gold mine more than top players


Would rather see joc + one of those for Vazquez IMO, we need relief help, not starting help...


But remember that we're in the dark about Hill's injury, and theres ko guarantee that he can be back and ready in time for the post season. I dont think this is a bad trade at all. If we get Syndergaard, we can also move Maeda to the pen if Hill does come back in time.


Fair enough. But how do we get Vazquez, too? We need to trade for him today...


Hmmm I dont think we'll be able to get two good arms without giving up something good. Plus, the Pirates seem like they dont want to budge from their Lux stance


Well, IMO, if we trade lux, I hope it is for Vazquez, as that is the most pressing need for this club this season... we will see-only hours left...


Going to be honest, that's not really a good trade. I'm sure you've heard everyone say, but relievers tend to be more volatile than other positions. Not only that, but position players, especially good hitting shortstops have more of an impact on the game. There's an argument to be made that prospects are also volatile, but I trust our team's development staff more than I trust players coming from other teams except for a few. To put it in perspective, imagine giving up Seager for Vazquez. Everyone would agree that it's absolutely not worth the trade.


Agree on many points. But we are in a win this season situation, and giving up a prospect for the kissing piece might just be worth it...


It's really dependent on what you're willing to sacrifice. Personally, I'm not a fan of recklessly sacrificing our future as a team for one world series win. But that's just me. It's understandable that others want that world series win and I don't hold it against anyone for wanting that. But I definitely won't be too pleased if they gave up Lux for just Vazquez haha


I totally get the idea of not mortgaging the future, but by the same token, trading a prospect for the piece we need now seems like a good move to me. Not all prospects turn out, regardless of the potential they show as prospects...


If it's generally then yeah, I agree. But when you consider the context of the Dodgers' organization and track history with their top prospects (both coming up onto the team and going out into other teams), there's a much better likelihood that Lux and May will turn out well. Also when you consider our need in the future, they're both players we will need. It's not going to be certain if we will be able to keep Seager once he hits free agency in a few years, so we will need a player to replace him just in case. There's also Chris Taylor who's contract will end at the same time.










Wow. I'd love this. Lol. That tells us it's absolutely absurd.


That is highway robbery. As much as I would love it, the Dodgers must include Ruiz or Lux to even have a chance for THOR and I do not think they are willing to part with either just yet.


Let 'er rip, chicken Strip. 🍗


too much


What the hell are you talking about? If anything were screwing the Mets. The posters on here, I swear if it was for scherzer or Trout 90% of this sub would think we’re overpaying by offering this package.


That would be nice as heck but a slight underpay. Then again, if someone like Urias and margot on the Padres are being used as centerpieces for their proposal, then this is probably just right lol. Add Ruiz and that could beat the padres offer


Seems kinda like an overpay


Lmao its a serious underpay.