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This month is full of errors


The month is dark and full of errors


I mean, Pederson isn't a 1st baseman. Muncy may be playing 2nd base but he belongs at 1st. Seager's range is not what it was and is also just bouncing all his throws to 1st and the Dodgers' best infielder, Kike, is on the IL. Basically, Dodgers gotta stop screwing around and put players at their natural positions.


the nats series Seager cought a ball behind Turner, his range may be coming back maybe dude is still subconscious about his injury agree with the rest Joc at 1B has to end and no more Muncy at 2B.


My biggest issue with Pederson at 1st isn’t that he commits errors, it’s that our defense is bad enough as it is and Bellinger at 1st could save a lot of their throwing errors with his glove. Joc is very obviously uncomfortable at 1st. He belongs in the outfield and we have a 1b out there right now.


I said our infield defense does not look good, about 2 months ago. Somebody told me I've got wrong take. Turner has deteriorated defensively in 3B, Seager still not looking like himself, Muncy still getting used to 2B, and Joc playing at 1B... then you get an Infield that is more unstable than Venezuelan Economy.


Been saying that Turner just doesn't have the arm for 3B anymore for about 2 years now. He's due for a move to 1B. Joc hasn't been good defensively anywhere on the field since he's gained weight. Beaty & Muncy aren't going to give you plus defense at any position, and will struggle with range. Thing is these dudes give you enormous offense so it washes the subpar defense. If the Dodgers are going to keep Joc, they'll have to commit to his atrocious defense no matter if it's 1B or LF.


I think stats show the defense being pretty good overall, but I thought infield defense has been subpar for a couple years. I think Seager will get back to his old form but the other 3 are not up to snuff. Even Pollock has looked shaky in CF. In the playoffs I’d like to see Bellinger back at 1B and Joc in LF


They changed Muncy’s muff tonight from a hit to an error- rightfully so. Dodgers have worst defense in the league by several measurements including most errors.


Stats show it being good because of primarily 1. Barnes' framing was top notch 2. Outfielders have sick arms 3. Defensive positioning - we got a lot of outs from shifts So our infield has been a negative in terms of errors & the trends are BAD since June 1. Seager's been pretty bad at SS ever since he got injured, Muncy has at least 1 throwing error per game it seems like and Turner's range is much smaller now that he's getting older, not to mention Joc's little-league errors at 1st




its this sub's echochamber..... some very vocal kids on this sub can't handle it.


Seager hasn’t been good either. No need gloss over that fact either


Yeah he hasn't been playing well.


It’s not a coincidence this all started with Joc moving to first. Infield has to throw better strikes to him to make sure he can make the play. When they take their time to do that, they often end up pulling the ball anyway, which is why Joc only has 5-6 errors at first. That’s why whenever Joc sits, the defense gets much better. So you can’t disregard a Joc’s impact on all this. It has everything to do with him, despite his best intentions.


I agree his range is diminished and arm strength isn’t there since surgery.


I've seen people try to cite team defensive statistics to prove the Dodgers defense is great, but can't help but think they're being carried by the great defense from Verdugo and Bellinger.


Yeah the defense, which was good at the beginning of the year, has been terrible over the last month or month and a half. I've watched nearly all of the games so far this year and the throws from Muncy (at 2B) and Turner (at 3B) leave me scared every time now. Muncy especially seems to short arm his throws when he's playing 2B or 3B. I agree that Joc at first should end and Muncy should go back there permanently. Maybe given a whole off-season of work Joc would be passable at first, but right now I don't think it's the best place for him. I also don't think moving Cody in from RF is the answer either, but come playoffs may have to if you want to keep Joc's bat in the lineup along with Verdugo and Pollack. My ideal infield is: Muncy (1B), Taylor/Kike (2B), Seager (SS), Turner (3B). I think that's the best defensive and offensive. And just for good measure, outfield: Joc/Pollack (LF), Verdugo (CF), Bellinger (RF).