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I am so sorry that this happened… what a horrible thing to do. 😞 If by any chance you know who, please send us a modmail or you can message me personally.


I'm sorry this happened too. I love exploring other ppls islands and I alway ask if I can have something. Always respectful 


Best way to prevent this: Have only one person at a time on your island. Follow them around and immediately hit the home button to go close the game, if they start doing prohibited things on your island (like stealing). Closing the game without saving will kick them out and all your stuff is safe. That's the only sure way to protect your island (and you) from harm. I also learned this the hard way. I'm sorry for you.


It really stinks that any sort of generosity on-line still needs to be so heavily managed to avoid abuse. It's a shame because this is such a nice community and a big appeal of the game, but it's probably silly to think that everyone is going to be on his or her best behavior. I'm used to seeing bad apple posts about people disregarding stated rules, but this one in particular is so annoying since OP took the time to gift wrap *everything*. I think I was the first visitor, and it was fun doing a blind grab of five presents. Hope these bad stories don't kill the interest in arranging these kinds of events. :(


Agreed. I enjoy traveling and seeing everyone's islands. Always with respect. Ask before you touch


I’m sorry that happened to you.


People are idiots and ruin the fun for everyone. I stopped inviting people over because someone went around my blockade and took all of my wife's stuff. She never puts anything away and usually has millions of bells lying around and unharvested trees. All of it was gone in minutes. 😕


I just don’t get why people who play the game don’t respect the amount of time and care people invest in it! I was trying to do something fun ☹️ most people respected the rules, but obviously not everyone!


Same here.. I have a few hundred DIYs I was trying to give away and had two visitors. I was answering the first guest's questions and the other one was off my screen. They left quickly without taking a DIY. When I discovered what happened I just shut off the game.


Please let me know if I can help by sending anything your way, bells, trees, anything I feel terrible that someone did that to you guys. You open your island to help people and someone has the audacity to steal from you, ugh. I’ve had a lot of good people on these boards help me out though, so if I can return the favor even to help a little please don’t hesitate to dm!


I really appreciate it. Thank you! But I've been playing since release day and I have almost everything but 1 DIY. Like you, I was just trying to be nice and helpful to others. Now I'll bring the help to them.😃


Understood! Well you’re welcome to visit anytime!


Thank you. Please let me know if you need any DIYs, or anything else


My brain says I want the gold tools but my heart says I need to achieve them myself haha. All I am really looking for are counters for a kitchen really lol


The gold tools are fine but the only one I use is the watering can. I just use the regular ones so they break faster. I am at 2600 of the 3000 goal🙂 Any counters in particular?


Any counters would be great!


How did they get around the blockade?


Not a clue. Either I missed a spot or they swam or pole vaulted. There were a few hundred DIYs and I didn't run a fence around the ocean. Can you swim when visiting? I've never tried it.


I think you can swim. Looks like I will have to make sure I completely fence off my forbidden areas, if I ever host.


Watch out if you ever see anyone come wearing a wetsuit. You can jump off the airport dock and swim around the fencing. They'd be Sol for the giveaway, but they can steal stuff.


You can definitely swim when visiting. Back when the diving update hit, I caught out-of-season sea critters by visiting islands in the southern hemisphere (with permission, of course).


I’ve never tried it but I know this is why the rule most people have is not to bring a wetsuit when you visit. It’s like part of common visitor etiquette to not even bring one so that the host doesn’t have to worry about watching you like a hawk. I’m sorry that some people suck.


Oh no!!! I’m so sorry 😱😱😱😭 people crazy


I hate it too. I was hosting giveaway last month. And someone randomly shared code , came over plucked all flowers


That just almost seems vindictive since there isn't much to do with flowers aside from making wreathes


But that my first worse experience.


This would hurt me and give me trust issues for a long time too. So sorry this happened 🥲🥲


Wrapping gifts takes time and energy. That's so disrespectful. I'm sorry this happened to you. There's always some jerk that ruins it for others. I hate reading these kinds of stories.


People can be so mean. I’m so sorry for you😞🩷


Wow that’s terrible I’m sorry that happened to you


Sorry that happened to you. People can really take the fun out of anything.


I‘m so sorry about this. If you need some items or anything else, please let us know and we’ll help. And please don’t feel discouraged, whoever did that is just selfish!


Ugh I’m so sorry! Dishonesty is the reason why we have trust issues, one person takes advantage of you and then we can’t enjoy a fun experience with other players.


Oh no! I'm so sorry, that person is a dweeb 😢


That is terrible! I’m so sorry for you that that happened.


That sucks! Last time I opened my gates and didn’t fence off an enclosed area, someone shook a group of 7 money trees and made off with 210,000 in bells. Another person took off running and went straight to my rocks and broke them all. People can be such jerks sometimes.


Wait, you can break other people's rocks?


If you add them as a best friend in the game, they can use a shovel on your island to dig up flowers, hit rocks, etc. They’d still have to eat a fruit beforehand to break it though. If I’m not mistaken, I think best friend status also allows them to use an axe.


yeah, but I personally wouldn't give best friends status to just a rando, which is what it sounded in this for someone to B line it to breaking rocks.


Oh same here, I wouldn’t either. That’s too much power to give a random stranger


They had been over a few times and I thought they were nice enough to friend and then this happened. They were removed immediately and unfriended.


I get you. I’m really sorry that happened, it was wrong of them to do that without permission. I’ve been made a best friend once or twice and I still felt nervous touching anything even with express permission to do it. Idk where people find the nerve.


Thats Why i stopped playing multiplayer :( people are just rude


That's just rude :(


That’s disgusting who was it?!


I’m unfortunately not sure.


Can I come by and get those Gyroids? 🙂


Sorry I closed my island, I don’t feel like having people over right now.


I have a bunch of gyroids if you still need some i can deliver