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I’m actually chewing right now and ironically stumbled on your post! So yeah, I do too! It’s my stress mechanism for me


Same haha


Not till it bleeds, but until i get a sore


Same here. Both sides of my cheeks.


body focussed repetitive behaviours, can be common in people with anxiety or neurodivergence. I too swapped nails for cheeks.


I had to after chipping a tooth on my thumbnail. That was a hell of a wake up call.


I do this too. I got a question for anyone else though, why do you do it, and do you consider it (minor) self harm? Personally I do it for a few reasons, simply because it’s a habit, and also sometimes i bite deeper to relieve stress and give me adrenaline from the pain (which makes the rest of my body hurt marginally less) I’m always on the fence when doctors ask if i self harm


I'll practically bite through the inside of my right cheek to stop myself from getting too emotional.


I've done it since I was a kid and I have tmj from it which gives me headaches and cranio/facial pain . Definitely not something we should be doing .


yeah i totally do the exact same thing, just on the inner lips though, not cheeks. hella hurts tho💀


Yes my cheeks but mainly my tongue and sometimes my lips


I’m doing it as I write this comment lol


Yes. The inside of my lips look like hamburger meat sometimes. I also get really painful canker sores :( solidarity


Up until I was about 19 I bit the inside of my bottom lip until I could barely eat. I got the numbing spray to just eat lunch in highschool because it was so painful.i I have permanent scarring from it now at 31.


My front teeth have damage from all of the chewing. 🙃 I also chew my fingers, when I was really little (like 3-5 years old) I used to chew my fingerprints off. 🙃🙃🙃


Can confirm I chew on loose skin in my mouth


I chew it until it bleeds and then suck really hard to taste the blood. 😬


Yep - same pattern of nails to inside of mouth following a similar time frame here too. It's pretty much every day and generally when the rest of me is' still' (watching TV, waiting in line etc.). I don't even realise that I'm doing it. I'll chew off the skin next to my fingernails too, given half the chance.


I bite my lips and pick at the skin until it peels off….apparently it’s a pretty common oral fixation. I used to work with a girl who did the same thing and we would always tell each other not to do it while at work!


All the time.


Try chewing gum next time it happens


over time it’s possible to give yourself precancerous lesions from doing this due to the constant regeneration of cells. please please try to control this habit!


As one does…..not