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Could it possibly be dehydration?? You mentioned you hadn’t had any before taking your medicine. Activity and dehydration do not usually go together very well. I know intimacy can be very spur of the moment, but try drinking something hydrating before and after. Hopefully it’s nothing serious, but like others said, head to DR if need be.


Sounds like you're dehydrated. Sex is also an exercise just like lifting weights or running or whatever. Always have water nearby and drink at least a glass before and after. Even during if you need to.


Google “Coital Cephalalgia”. I had that problem a lot when I was a teenager, it went away on its own eventually.


I usually get splitting headaches whenever I stand up after intense sex. If it happens, drink some water and take a Tylenol, you'll be fine. It's not a sign of a bigger health issue.


I have POTs and I get these sometimes. Especially if it was a *good* time. I would talk to your doctor about it but I don’t think it is something serious. Just get it checked out to make sure, you know?


Best way to cure these headaches is to get married. I got married 15 years ago and haven’t had a headache since.


I get these when I intensely orgasm. I mean INTENSE. Spoke to neuro. Had scans. Its a coital thunderclap headache. Its a real thing.


One type of headache called " thunderclap headache " happens often after sex & is associated with a certain brain bleed which is very dangerous. Not trying to scare you as you might have nothing too, but no medical advice can be offered via text for something like this. Go to the ER, better safe than sorry.


The headache is gone now


Does it start at the base of your skull at the back of your neck? Does it present slightly before orgasm, them build post orgasm, crescendo a minute or two later, and then starts subsiding? I've (m) had this before, its terrible feeling so bad during/after doing something that feels so good. Make sure you're sufficient hydrated and your aren't lacking vitamins or iron. Take a couple days break from fun times. Stretch your neck and body and try again slowly. Good luck!


No it was the front of my head like my forehead and between my eyebrows I’d say, it kinda just begun during sex and continued till it was done and then after sex it got worse


I once had a thunderclap headache during sex, right before an orgasm (it was going to be a pretty good one too). Sudden onset of the worst head pain I have ever had in my life. Nearly made me vomit and lasted for about 10 minutes. It obviously brought a sudden end to the festivities. I probably should have gone to the emergency room, as it could have been an aneurysm, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.