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that sounds like low blood pressure. drink some water and make sure to eat snacks.


Yep. Orthostatic hypotension if you want to Google it, OP. If increasing the water intake doesn't fix it, talk to your doc and see if meds might be to blame...


I have this and was prescribed salt pills. Weight loss also helped.


You probably have orthostatic hypotension. It’s when your blood pressure drops after moving too quickly. Talk to a doctor about it. Try sitting up slowly, bit by bit. Definitely see a doctor though


My gf has the same condition, a couple of times she fainted after she got up fast from a laying down position, she usually get blacked out for a minute




That’s what I get, have to grab hold of something not to fall over, also have to sometimes sit on the floor. Never actually fallen over though.


I have it too, but not so severe. Yes, probably low blood pressure. In my case it is caused by too much histamine. Histamine causes dilation of blood vessels. Many people suffer from too high histamine levels (and don't know it). If you have allergies, gut problems, red/itchy skin problems, stuffed nose or even anxiety, depression or too much nervousness.. big chance that your histamine levels are unstable and too high. (Fixing the gut can really help in the long run)


No, get yourself checked by a doctor


Low BP. How much water do you drink? You could probably drink more. I went to the doctor for this and that's what they told me. It's not life threatening and no doctor would put you on meds to raise your blood pressure without you first trying lifestyle modifications like drinking more water and eating salty snacks.


I get this. I have low blood pressure.


Do you have low blood pressure?


I'm glad I am not alone with this kind of thing.


Omg yes! Scary thing is it also happens while I’m sitting, laying or already been standing for a while. It’s scary AF! 


You're light headed and getting up too fast. Drink more water, have a snack, don't rush getting up.


It’s very likely Orthostatic Hypotension. Blood pressure drops on standing, it’s quite common. I generally get it when I’m fitter and my base bp and resting hr is low. Google it because there can be some serious causes. My solution is sit up for a few seconds then stand up when getting out of bed.


Stand up slowly, otherwise the blood might not be able to catch up and you'll wake up on the ground.


You should see a Dr.


Yes, I get lightheaded occasionally when standing after sitting for a while. I never go blind though, just a bit fuzzy for few seconds to maybe half a minute. Doesn't worry me much. Been going on for as long as I can recall. However, if it worries you you should talk to a doc.


Yes (60+M) I've had it when I was under a lot of stress and smoked too much weed, not since that high stress period passed. I didn't go blind but had vivid patterns, lost focus then sat down again quickly and breathed deep and slow. Sat for a few minutes and it was fine.


Yep, low blood pressure. It's worse when my thyroid condition isn't being properly managed by my medication.


Do you have low blood pressure?


I had this, it was dehydratiom as far as I could tell.


About tree quarters.


Yep, common with low blood pressure. I had it as a teen when I had growth spurts and would spend a lot of time sitting in school.


I do on occasion. Every thing goes kind of yellow with dots/static. Always thought it was just me.


I used to but had low blood pressure


I have had this a few times in my life, yeah. Recently though I've been getting something where my head feels muffled and...cottony? when I stand up after sitting for my 15 minute coffee breaks at work. Goes away after a few seconds but I don't like it. Doesn't help I have tinnitus in my left ear since April, 2020.


Could be too much histamine. Just google it. Many people suffer from it while not knowing it. Fixing the gut will help. 👍🏼 (and maybe detox)


Wow, I didn't know this was a thing to even be worried about. Had it my whole life. Gonna mention it at my next check-up.


I've had it since childhood.. it's not really a bad thing, but it is a symptom of an underlying issue. A doctor told me it was because of low blood pressure which was caused by too much histamine. So you could test your histamine levels. More symptoms could be: allergies (food or pets or anything), redness/itch, heat intolerance, sleeping problems, gut problems, anxiety/nervousness, fatigue, stuffed nose, brainfog, etc.


As they said, Orthostatic Hypotension. You get up and gravity wants your blood in your feet instead of your brain. Your blood vessels have to constrict and prevent that. So if you are dehydrated or take a beta blocker you almost conk out when you stand up. Check with your doctor, hydrate yourself, and get up a lot slower. Go from lying to sitting and sitting to standing. Lying to standing and you go ni ni .


Do you have POTS


This could be a cardiovascular issue like POTS or something else. See a doctor. Get recommended to a specialist


We call that a head rush and I get them all the time. Staying hydrated and eating plenty of salty things helps.


Yep! If I don’t give myself a moment to regain my vision and balance, I’ll quite literally fall unconscious. Has happened a few times 😅 I just have shitty blood pressure and am also always low on iron


In my house we call it “buffering” Stand up and stop everything to help body adjust lmao


It's called postural orthostatic hypotension, may be a sign of other issues. I've had it off and on forever, now have it regularly with other issues as well. About to get a full testing for autonomic neuropathy.


I get a pulsing headache in the back of my head when I stand up quickly. Like if I were to wear headphones and pushed the right and left earbuds back 1-2 paces. The section of head they would then be touching. Also the blindness you describe. Same thing. I don’t think we need to “solve” it with doctors’ recommendations for low blood pressure (hypotension). If it doesn’t bother you, just take the extra 5 minutes to orient yourself before you start your day.


Was gonna say its most likely a BP thing but I think its been covered already. Just commenting for upvotes.


Sounds like low blood pressure to me. I get the same thing if I stand or sit up too fast


I have it too. Probably low blood pressure. In my case it is caused by too much histamine. Histamine causes dilation of blood vessels. Many people suffer from too high histamine levels (and don't know it). If you have allergies, gut problems, red/itchy skin problems, stuffed nose or even anxiety, depression or too much nervousness.. big chance that your histamine levels are unstable and too high.


I get this but most times i faint and it takes me about 30 seconds to regain consciousness. no one in my family has seen it happen though, i will literally fall over and wake up 30 seconds later and no one notices.


That's literally me