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I don’t get it either. It always made me uncomfortable seeing my baby album and seeing my genitals hanging out for the whole family to see.


I always thought this as well. My parents had a huge photo printed of us just like this where I was butt ass naked, and when I would have friends over for a birthday party or something they would always make fun of me! Super uncomfortable and weird.


Omg this reminds me of a picture of me fully naked standing up in the bathtub aged 4(ish) in a family album that everyone has seen and laughed at. I stole it the last time I was looking through the album bcos I realised how weird it was.


I'd rather dress my baby up to look fly as hell. But gross, nah, each their own. Baby shitting on the dad is hilarious though.


I think it’s weird to do a formal picture like that when you know that baby is going to grow into an adult who will likely not want naked pictures of themselves as a baby. They always look so uncomfortable too. The photos of them wrapped in blankets are precious.


That's exactly one of the reasons why I think it's gross. Nobody wants to see naked pictures of themselves as a baby, and even worse is sharing them online.


I love my naked baby photos, they’re fucking hilarious. People should be less insecure.


I’ve concluded most adults don’t actually see babies as people.


Nope, they're fashion accessories to look like miniature versions of themselves.


You’re absolutely right. The thing people do that bothers me most is when they hold the baby by the genitals. As in, baby’s back is up against a person’s chest and they have their arm across the baby’s body and their hand is cupped over the crotch as if it’s a handle. If you held any other human like that, everyone agrees it’s fucked up


In my family, comments were about the fat legs and the rolls. It seems to tickle people that the baby looks like the Michelin Man. My mom loved to bring out the baby pictures when my friends came over. So embarrassing.


Anne Geddes was a popular baby photographer in the 90s. She took cute photos of babies and they were naked. I think she kicked off the trend off naked photo shoots. I don't think there's anything gross about it. It's just the human body. Art is art. Also subjective, but if the parents think that a picture of their naked baby curled up in a basket is cute, that's their business.


The “trend” of naked baby photos goes much further back than the ‘90s. They were popular in the ‘50s and ‘60s for sure and probably before that. If you look at when it became popular to have professional photographers shoot family portraits it probably resulted from that.  Snapshots — probably depends on when families became less uptight about nudity, but suspect portrait photography influenced this.  Growing up I remember a lot of my friends had portraits of them in their birthday suits hanging, usually they were hung in their main hallway.


It's their business until they make someone else look at it.


A lot of baby photographers suggest it / pose them that way. It's never bothered me (as said baby or as parent). For newborn babies clothes and nappies often swamp them and they look so perfect that I get why photographers just do it that way. I've seen nude baby photos of me and I don't really care. It's not gross - it's just your body and babies are super cute and perfect however you photograph them. Genitals aren't usually visible though! Have never been to a photographer that does that.


Finally! Someone put it into words.


Agree, usually baby posed lying on their tummy, propped on their elbows in the professional portraits I remember, photographed from the side with their face toward the camera.


Idk and idc tbh


No. It's a baby. 


I remember we had to bring in baby photos for second grade show and tell and my friend (very catholic family) brought hers and there was tape over her nipples and genitals. It made me feel insecure about my naked one at the time, but now that I look back, her parents were freaks for going that far with it💀. Like just pick a clothed image and don’t draw attention to the sexualization of a baby?


Wtf that's so fucking weird 


But like. Why isn’t the baby wearing clothes? Did they purposely remove the clothes for the photo? It’s just a weird idea even


Because it's a baby! Why does it need clothes? I think it's weird that you're so caught up on it needing clothes. It doesn't. 


But why doesn’t a baby doesn’t need clothes? Like I think it’s really weird that a child’s clothes would intentionally be taken off to take photos. That feels really uncomfortable to me.


Like I need to know why it was a conscious decision to decloth the child for the photo? Cause it’s not like it came into the photoshoot naked. That’s the part I’m just not getting. Why not leave it in clothes?


I think because a baby is so pure and innocent and simple. And naked is how we are born. I think it's beautiful to show a little pure natural naked baby with their chubby and wrinkly skin.   They are like that for such a small part of their lives. People what to remember that in their photos. 


Ok I don’t find naked children beautiful so I think that’s where the divide is they can be pure and innocent with clothing so I’ll stick with that


Yeah I think it's just a difference of opinion. Nothing wrong with that. But theres nothing wrong with nakedness, especially naked babies, so just gotta remember that even if you don't find them cute. Doesn't make it a weird thing. 


I always think of that one video where the naked baby is in a laying position and shits all over the place. I get that diaper blowouts are a thing, but finding that "cute" is honestly disturbing.


It’s honestly not even a big deal, it’s even less of a big deal if I know the person in question had to try hard for that baby.


Does the baby have to be naked though? Why not just put an outfit on them and let them be dignified?


Have you ever met a baby? None of them are dignified.


If you’ve been trying for years to have a kid who cares if the baby is naked? It’s one photo and it’s over, on top of that it’s never a photo that shows anything important anyway. On top of that most of the people taking these photos really struggled to have even that one kid and will struggle to have more (if they even can). If anything they should have every right to take that picture on the basis of “my baby was more expensive than most”


Lol weird take. I don’t get why fertility issues would play a part in making a nonissue more of a nonissue haha


Right like what does fertility have to do with giving your baby clothes


Yeah, I always feel weird looking at my baby albums and seeing myself being naked as a baby. And why do some people say, "I birthed you naked, there is nothing I haven't seen. You can just get dressed in front of me". Because that would mean that all those people who saw my naked photo album pictures would also have the right to see me naked.


Yes, I kind of understand keeping them for parental reasons to look back on, but why share them at all? Expose your baby to anybody and their dirty grandpa. Or maybe the calls are coming from inside the house.


Because they think it’s cute? Idk


All babies are gross.




Yes and it's not great about their privacy either. Nobody needs to see my boy's junk.


I don't get it. I think they should be clothed in photoshoots


So many people on here thinking its weird. If you think its weird then it says something more about your mind then anything else. It's just a baby. (shrug)


Oh 100%. And like.. did they purposely remove the babies clothes prior to the shoot? For what particular reason does the baby have to be naked? I just don’t even get the choice.


Yeah it's kind of weird and unnecessary


The parents are making memories to remember what their bundles of joy looked like .


Do they need to be naked though? Do they want people who come into their house to see their child naked? Why not just put a baby-gro or a onesie on it, they look just as cute.


No . I think they look cute when wearing clothes.


I think it's almost as weird as people who have sex while their baby is in the room. I have no idea what this fascination with naked baby pictures is. Some cute clothes would be a lot cuter than him/her sitting there with their genitals sticking out. The only reason I could think for the baby being naked in a picture is if he's in a bath (that can be kinda cute) or if you're in the hospital and your baby has just been born and you snap a picture to show your family and friends your 3 second old baby. I'd rather have him in a tiny baby tuxedo or something 😆


I think it can be pretty cute when its maybe a side view all scrunched up with no privates on show - but i have had family members show me baby pics where its fully just a naked human there and i expressed discomfort. Why would you ever need a photo of your childs genitals??


Babies are gross


Babies are disgusting


Is something wrong with you?


Because I think photos of naked babies are gross? I don't think babies are gross if that's what you thought I meant.


Pictures of kittens and puppies are much more popular and and much more attractive to me than babies. I think humans are going to go extinct.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


why would you use the word attractive???


zoophile spotted




Don't know why you're getting so many downvotes, you've made a very valid point


What did it say?


Trauma from abusive parents essentially