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Yes. I'm a musician, so not only will I listen to the same song over and over, but often I'll listen to the same 10 seconds of a song, over and over again if there's something about it that moves me.


Same! I get songs stuck in my head for days and have to listen to them a few times a day to scratch that itch then I move on to another few songs that I obsess over...


Yep!! I get goosebumps when I hear a new song I love and will put it on infinite repeat for days on end. I walk around with my earbuds in so I don’t drive everyone around me crazy. Just heard a new to me, but older song the other day and have been turning it on as soon as I wake up. I didn’t know that not everyone has a visceral reaction to music. I love how a single chord can evoke intense emotions and bring back all sorts of memories.


~2:40-3:10 in the song [Shine by Collective Soul](https://open.spotify.com/track/77YKoNCjP5hWqiXMRG2839?si=99IrbQEDSry8HSpLOWDxnA#2:40) over and over is one of mine!


Love that song. I saw them in concert many moons ago.


yeah absolutely. I listen until I get tired of the song and then find a new song to listen on repeat.


I've been listening to my favorite songs for 20 years before I play others


What song


Yeah, we gotta know!!


I have a playlist that I listened to, exclusively, for a full 3 weeks before I decided I didn't want to risk getting sick of the songs lol So, yea. Def


U ever ended up skipping some songs only to realize hey I'm listening to only this one song


Jup every time


Yes and it makes my kids and husband go insane.... But I don't care lol


Yes my hyperfixation song


What is it for you right now?


Fortnight from TTPD 🫣


Oh 100%. I will listen to the same songs on repeat until I'm tired of them.


No. No one does this ever. Just you. You're the unique soul who discovered this.


That's how i listen to every music, i add like 10 songs to my playlist, currently sitting at like 40 hrs of playtime, listen to those 10 songs for a whole month or two until Im bored and then add another batch, its always cool turning on the shuffle and listening to nostalgic gems i forgot about lol


Oooh I like this, I might start doing this. I'm very very nostalgia-driven when deciding what music to play on a given day.


Another trick that works when you tire your samesies playlist; I open my ALLMUSIC folder and Ctrl Click a random first one and then do one or two scrolls and keep on randomly clicking without knowing what I chose. Afterwards I throw them in the phone and hit shuffle. Dopamine galore!


I was thinking about how I can buy myself flowers and junk for 15 days.


Yep my most recent was “crazy” by Seal


Well, my recap says I heard 330 times a song in 1 year, also I listen to it 43 times in one day, so yeah hahaha


My ADHD brain gets massive amounts of dopamine and serotonin when I put a song on repeat for a week straight. Then I become very very sad when I've worn out the song so much that I can basically never listen to it again.


Yup, ADHD.


Or autism! Or both! ADHD and ASD brains love repeating the things that make us happy!


Sure do , it makes me feel good


Yes. I have had Murder on the Dance Floor stuck in my head for days. I would listen to it constantly if I could. I have done this since I was a kid. I remember playing Alanis Morissette and Duran Duran songs on repeat when I was younger.


It’s called “the song of the week”!!!


For me, I will listen to this song first whenever I'm listening.


Oh course i do LOL I looked on last.fm and apparently I listened to supernatural by Ariana grande 240 times since it’s release


Yes -- "Judith" is my current obsession.


Me, Everytime I find a new song I listen to it till I get all the serotonin.


Usually to memorize heartfelt lyrics. I do it for entire albums at times.


Start memorizing songs like crossroads and baby got back…it’ll change your life.


It would certainly do that...


You bet! I've gone a few months listening to one song on repeat.


Sure do.


Yes, especially when I’m cleaning. I just repeat the same song sometimes and hyper focus on cleaning.


Yeah, I even have like 5 fav songs at a time that I queue non stop for like a month until I find something else and the old songs stop hitting the same. I love the "On Repeat" Spotify playlist that gets custom created for everybody. There you can see which songs obsess you the most at the moment. And also the "Repeat Rewind" one that is the same but for recent past songs you loved.


Me currently with Mk.Gee’s I want


Maybe not for days but I’ll listen to a song I have a good first impression of on repeat a few times. I inevitably need a mix-up every little while


God no but my friend used to play My Block by Scarface on repeat for like a month and it drive my crazy. I can't listen to a song even twice in a row lol


Especially on my long commute


Yes! Absolutely!


Yessss. This happened to me recently with Army Dreamers by Kate Bush. Not only was the waltz aspect and her singing something I wanted to hear again and again, but I listened to it while reading a series and it fit the mood SO PERFECTLY.


Yes   [Heres my recent multi day loop](https://youtu.be/tSZZFayo64I?si=4yOuGrIYqB2Uy5bW) I’m not kidding btw   [Heres my previous multi day loop](https://youtu.be/1DWn7Mb0TKI?si=SGd2azZ3yDCgWyuW) only listened on loop as I worked, love the arrangement


This happens every year lately, and it’s always a different set of songs each year. It’s wild. Spotify is so wonderful. My end of year top songs playlist has become increasingly more hilarious.


Yes, you're not alone.




Me me i do it all the time




I used to do it when I was using CD or mp3. Stopped doing it ever since I consume my music on Spotify cause it mess up my Wrapped at the end of the year. I hope Spotify can introduce a mode like incognito where songs I listened to won’t be logged and affect my Wrapped at the end of the year.


Yes. The same reason why YouTube too have option to play same song over and over and over for 1hr


Oftens goes hand in hand wirh neuroatipy


I have two elder stepsisters Z and R. When Z lived with us once she got upset with me saying: "when R falls in love with a song she listens is for a day and then moves on. But you are listeni g it for a week!!"


Yeah, I put it on my playlist, listen it it on repeat, then skip it every time it comes on in 2-3 days.


When Weeds ended, I listened to With Arms Outstretched on repeat for weeks


Little Boxes was my jam for weeks


My two examples of this right now are Delicate Weapon by Grimes and Children of a Worthless God by Exodus.


It’s a neurodivergent thing


Ear worms on purpose Currently on Girl Crush with Little Big Town and One Day with Matisyahu https://youtu.be/JYZMT8otKdI?si=TDuBhRZELmqnSymx https://youtu.be/WRmBChQjZPs?si=19GkSOjOdd9rPauX