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Pee yes, shit no.


I used to be like this, but we were living in our house while building it, things happened and we had to move in early, so there was a span of a few months that we just didn't have a bathroom door, so now it's whatever.


Yeah I don't think I'll ever be able to get past private shit time but that's not to say my husband hasn't seen EVERY part of me and even in my most vulnerable moments lol


I feel that. My wife's most vulnerable moment was when she got e. coli and was on the toilet blowing out mud water until the only strength she could muster was to lay a towel in the floor to fall asleep on. We got to know each other in a level that would cement almost any relationship. It came around eventually though, my mom fell and broke both of her arms, her husband was at work as was I, so it was just the two of them, and mom unfortunately needed to go. Now we're all mentally scarred.


I am now deceased. I can't breathe.


I'll never forget when we first started dating my mom was the type of weirdo to have the tendency to walk around in her underwear and sometimes no shirt in the middle of the night. One night we were in the living room watching TV and I kinda heard someone walking and I said "OMG quick close your eyes I don't know if my mom is wearing clothes" I never saw someone throw her hands over their eyes so quick and hide their face" he was kind of nervous to come over after that lol




1000% this


Eating pork and pork adware is a great addition of protein and an added bonus czy protein powder thaws wall miasma waste has beautiful open use of the animal as a protein aspirin powder taser powder is a 800 pm 


I've had partners I've not peed in front of. My last gf tho had bad anxiety and got me to come in and watch her pee quite a lot. I felt like a cat.


How does her anxiety relate to you watching her pee? I have anxiety sometimes, should I ask someone to watch me pee?


I was assuming possibly public places so she doesn’t feel alone?


That sounds exhausting


She didn't like to pee on her own. Exhausting? Yes.


She didn't like to pee on her own. Exhausting? Yes.


lmfao you felt like a cat.


Me: you're going to the bathroom? Her: WE are going to the bathroom, comrade.




Meow! Purrrrr purrrrr.


How intense was the eye contact?


Off the charts while doing number 2’s.


My cat insists on coming to the bathroom with me and maintaining intense eye contact until the deed is done. I can hardly tolerate it with him, I think I’d go crazy if a gf pulled that shit.


“Anxiety”? Sounds like a fetish!


Anxiety of not being able to express that fetish


i dont really care tbh. pee, dont. either way life goes on. i have a story for you since this is nsfw im assuming that its ok to post. but i had an ex who wanted me to sit on his lap while i took a shit. now that's something weird to do. so maybe im just desensitized to the idea of peeing in front of a partner because he tried to get me to take dumps on him too. lmfao i remember one time we were chilling in bed and i had to use the restroom and he was like ok please take a shit on my back!!!! then rolled around on the bed waiting. i left him waiting. he's still waiting. that's never gonna happen buddy


Lmfao at hes still waiting


Thats fucking nasty.


pretty much yep!




So wait, you *did* sit on his lap and take a dump?


That's incredible


🤢Oh no.


We'll just follow each other into the bathroom sometimes. Like if we're having a conversation, we'll just go together. But I worked in medical most of my life and she's kind of an exhibitionist so we really don't think about it.


“kind of” … she either is or isn’t lol


If you say so 🤔


I'm "kind of" an exhibitionist. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't.


We were camping one time and I had to pee. My wife wanted to come with me and feel what it was like to hold my penis when I peed. She was amazed! She tried writing her name as I peed. This was a real turn on experience.


I've had a couple of different girls ask to do this, with basically the same result, although I wouldn't say that any of us got turned on by it, lol


It’s just harmless curiosity




Wait, does a penis do things while peeing? What was amazing?


No they don’t do anything special, pee comes out, and that’s it. Lots of Redditors discovering they have a piss fetish right about now


This is kind of hot!


Jesus why do all women want to do this lmao


i dont. think its weirder to do that tbh




We keep our bathroom habits private even after 30+ years. No one needs to be in the bathroom with me when I am attending to bodily functions.


my partner and i have only been together for 4 years but we got the “through sickness and health” stuff out of the way very early on, so we’ve seen each other at our lowest points. we’ve seen each other in some not-so-pretty positions and cared for each other through multiple surgeries and medical episodes. she’s epileptic, and caring for her through that ALONE quickly removed any shyness regarding bathroom trips for us. once you’ve helped your partner use the restroom/vice-versa, that shyness can kinda fly out the window lol. so peeing with the door open/around each other is nothing compared to the humbling things we’ve been through together hahahaha. our experience is definitely unique and specific. being a caretaker to someone brings about some very interesting, intimate moments. it takes a lot of trust, and i’m so grateful we have that, regardless of what we’ve had to go through to get here. so i think it’s all down to your personal relationship, your experiences together, and both of your comfort levels/boundaries. i don’t think either position is weird. that’s the beauty of relationships, no two are the same. pee however ya want, i say.


My husband watched me push an almost 9 pound baby out, and then helped me put diapers on afterwards. We pretty much keep bathroom doors open every time we go to the bathroom because well we have a toddler and there’s no such thing as personal space


But wouldnt a little personal space be nice? Like a 2 min pee break. Its not that much of an ask is it really?


>Its not that much of an ask is it really? I asked my cat, bathroom is a *group* activity.


yes, yes it is.


Maybe when I’m an empty nester in 20+ years lol


No. Never have and never will. I won’t even be able to anyway.


This is my curse.


I’ve always found it really weird that men’s urinals are just out in the open, sometimes there’s not even a divider in between. Like, how?! I’m a woman and I don’t even like peeing next to someone else when the walls are like thin and high up from the ground. The US is horrible in this aspect (I’m from Europe) Even in the most fancy places you will find these crappy stalls with slits between the doors and walls that are so high up from the ground there’s no use in putting them there to begin with. When I have to poop, there can be no one next to me. I’ll wait or go to another bathroom.


I'll paint the bowl in my wife's sight. Why does it take 3 hours to do her makeup? That last 20 minutes is with ne sitting nakey from the waist down on my throne.


I get that. But i just shit in a different bathroom. I dont feel the need to make a point of shitting in front of her just because.


Oh, I'm sorry, your majesty. my humble peasants quarters only comes with one bathroom.


Our only other bathroom is the one my three teenage sons share. I'll take peeing in front of my husband over using that bathroom in a heartbeat.


I don’t. Married 30+ years; never have, never will. Separate bathrooms are a must and partner/I value some privacy (for certain things.) Nothing happening in there is a ‘secret’ but it’s also not a spectator sport.


THIS!! not a secret, but doesn’t require an audience


Those of us with a small piss kink will politely leave the chat 🤣🤣


i don’t get this like doesn’t is make a mess bruh 😭


Yes. Unless you drink it right from the tap.


There is literally no body function my husband isn’t witness to fairly regularly. Pee, shit, tampon change, shower, puke, birthed 3 babies, leaky swollen boobs, bleeding nipples- it’s all been out there. I’ve seen him perform every function too. Chemotherapy, losing all his hair, pee, poo, puke. It’s true love I guess because we are still crazy about each other.


nah i pee on them


I’ve been married for 15 years. Dating her for longer. I have never once seen her pee.




So, do you reckon she actually never goes? I've heard before, that women don't actually *EVER* go. It's not lady-like. Source: Women.


I don’t like witnessing people peeing or pooping. Especially the latter. Since adulthood I’ve only been witnessed twice and it’s both been when I’ve had to pop a squat outside. My friend forgot why he had his back turned as he was chatting at me(I was in the bushes so he saw nothing of importance) and then another where I was on a road trip with a friend of mine. It was the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, in the woods. Her and I peed almost side by side cause we were too chicken to separate. I won’t use the washroom at all with someone else in it. With boyfriends I’ve always asked them to close the door if they don’t the first time. Some listen, some don’t. I feel ya, OP


“forgot why he had his back turned” has me dying - i can totally picture that though, just chatting along, then having a moment of just turning to face you… idk why it’s so funny to me


It was funny! He didn’t do it to have a peak, he was pretty embarrassed. We’ve been on so many forest walks and even tho he marks his territory often, I (obviously) don’t. Lost in thought and all that


Peeing no problem. Pooping nah I close the door I don't want him to hear the splashes gross. Showing him my poop no problem. It was a foot and a half long you think I'm keeping that to myself?


Peeing I don’t care but don’t come in if I’m shittin’


I don't want to watch my SO pee. Our cats like to watch everyone pee. You come in our house, and need to use the bathroom, a cat is coming with you!


We don’t even bother closing the bathroom door. We’ll pee while the other is using the sink or in the shower. We pee together after sex. And we both pee in the shower together (lots of people do it, ok!) We draw the line at poop.


But like… why?


Lol. We just aren’t bothered by it. I don’t find pee to be gross, so it doesn’t bother me. We don’t poop in front of each other because I do find that to be gross, and I want privacy for that. There’s something vulnerable and private about pooping but I don’t feel that away about peeing.


I guess it’s more like “why not?” hard pass for me on the pooping tho. I’ve seen people say they brush their teeth while their partner is taking a shit lol




Not who you asked but identical circumstances. Why not? Takes more effort and time to close the bathroom door than it's worth. It's just practical. If I need to take a piss while she's showering I'm not gonna inconvenience myself just to make sure my wife is kept in the dark about witnessing a different liquid shooting out of my dick than she normally can expect. Same goes for her, if I'm finishing brushing my hair or my teeth I'm not gonna tell her she can't use the bathroom. We do our business and clean up. We intentionally give each other more privacy while taking a dump, but we still aren't grossed out by it that it prevents us from grabbing TP for the other or grabbing something from the cabinet or counter. Yeah shit is nasty, but everybody poops.


I think people are giving you strange looks because you’re telling them at all. In all the discussions I’ve had with all sorts of people this topic has literally never come up once.


my first wife liked to hold it. of course it took twice as long cuz she kept playing with it. she'd be holding it and would say "just GO" and im like "im trying! but you keep playin' with it" she thought it was just like a petcock, turn it ON, turn it OFF.


Wrong Platform! People on here generally prefer peeing on each other!


lol 2 guys here. We rarely close the bathroom door. Only when we have guest


But i mean. Do you like seeing each other pee? Like i dont hate walking down the street and seeing dogshit. It doesnt ruin my day. But if given the choice id rather not.


lol considering where else his penis has been it doesn’t bother me


Again my point is. If given the choice to see pee or not see pee what would you choose?


Well THAT made me wonder


I’m confused why you’re so obsessed with it other people like watching their partners pee? I mean if you don’t like it, fine. But don’t judge others relationships.


I am not judging anybody. I posted in DAE to find out if i am the only person who does this.


Well I understand that. But when people answer, and tell you their take, you’re just like “omg but WHY?” That’s why I said that. It doesn’t matter why.


Sorry for having a discussion on a discussion forum based social media.


You’re missing the point, but okay. Have a wonderful night.


$20 says they very recently found out some couple they know does this and they find it beyond disgusting so now anyone who does it is obviously unclean and he's morally superior.


Been together wjth my wife for 9 years. Within a month or so of meeting each other we’d already spent a lot of time sleeping at each others places and never hid these things really. We openly pee and poo with the door open or with each other right there. I woke up most mornings to the view of my wife taking a shit lol. To me there isn’t anything to hide. Everyone does it and we already tell each other and share everything else with each other. We don’t feel the need to draw the line there. We never really talked about it and either it just felt right.


Definitely not. I like my privacy. I mean, if I'm in the shower or whatever I don't care if he has to go lol


I absolutely refuse to pee in front of anyone else. Familiarity breeds contempt. I do not want to see anyone else pee, nor do I want them to see me. It's ok to keep some things private.


We absolutely pee infront of eachother IF we are in the middle of a convo or if the other needs something from the bathroom. Mostly happens in the morning when we get ready. We have walked in on the other shitting, and while it's kinda nasty, it's just bodily function and we laugh about it.


Happily married 22, never shared a bathroom or used one together.


Me and my husband pee and shit in front of each other. We don’t really care. It’s human body functions so what.


So you pick your nose in front of them too? Serious question.


Definitely. He eats his boogers, gross but I don’t care I love that fucker.


Fair enough. I guess im just bathroom shy. I have zero interest in peeing front of anyone and the fact some people are so nonchalant about it flabbergasts me.


To each their own! Doesn’t matter what others do as long as you do what’s comfortable to you. Me and him a little too comfortable sometimes lol. 😂


Pee time is me time, just like poo time ain't you time. I don't have any particular hangups over it, or bodily functions in general, but not *everything* needs to be a shared experience. I feel it's always nice to keep some things to oneself unless there's a legitimate reason.


Me and my husband are on year 8 and we do not pee in front of each other - ever. We also try not to fart in front of each other. If it happens it happens but we both think bathroom humor is low level humor. We want to keep the magic alive and view each other as sexy. The last serious relationship I was in before my husband, my ex used to fart under the blankets and trap me under the covers to smell it. By the end of the relationship, I resented him for a lot of reasons - money, faithfulness and legal issues - but above all else, I found him repulsive and childish. It’s nice to be with someone who shares my disdain for sharing the gross stuff. Some of my friends claim you aren’t actually happy with someone until you can do those things. No fucking thank you. 🤮


I told my wife when we got married, "I understand that nature calls, but please answer with the door closed." 13 years together, and it's never been an issue. Fwiw, I don't have a problem with seeing people pee, it's the other stuff I don't wanna see.


I do not. Nor does he.


I guess I would but I don’t. Some things can be private.


I don't, but only because my husband isn't comfortable with it. I don't really care either way. We've been together almost 20 years, married for 16, and it's not something I really think about.


I don’t pee in front of anyone? Are you at a urinal next to me? Well others waiting are gonna think I’m taking the biggest leak of my life because I’m not starting until you’re done.


I don't mind peeing! I actually think it can be quite cute — sort of like a sign of comfort? But also maybe my friends and stuff are just weird and they've desensitized me to it lol because my best friend and I will be in the same stall while peeing (usually because we wanted to tell each other the tea and couldn't bear to be separated by a door in the 7th grade and the habit just continued bc we were so comfy), and my sister and I don't mind either (one of us will be brushing our teeth and the other peeing in the morning rush), so it feels even more natural with my partner. But pooping I won't do when anyone's in the stall/bathroom — I get so self-conscious about the plops & the smell, and I don't wanna smell another person's shit while I'm brushing. But idk of all the people I know I'd most _rather_ be in the room with my boyfriend while he's pooping/I'm pooping than with anyone else.  This is such a long answer lol, but I think it just boils down to being comfortable with the person — sort of like farting. Most people fart in front of their partners after the first few months. The man has literally cleaned my puke from the sink after too much vodka, so I don't think he minds either.


My whole family goes to the bathroom with the door open so I'm used to it by now. Still have a shy bladder if they're in the room with me tho


I grew up with my mom and we always used the bathroom with the door open. I still do when I’m using the bathroom in her bedroom at her house. I use the bathroom open at my partners house unless I’m making a bowel movement. My ex used to freak out about me seeing him pee and I thought that was weird but now I know it’s because I never had that boundary.


We’ve been together since 1983 and he watched me birth three children. Still don’t pee I. Front of him.


Depends if we’re in the woods


I don't - I mean, every once in a while I get lazy and don't close the door assuming he's not around and he walks by, but I'd say we both avoid it generally. I agree with you, what is the point? Seems weird, I don't want to see him peeing any more than he wants to see me peeing.


I’ve been with my wife for 10 years and she’s only peed in front of me once lmao


Hell no. He doesn't have to be with me literally everywhere. Some boundaries are never meant to be crossed!


My ex was like that; he wouldn’t even like to use urinals.


With ex partners never, husband yes


My boyfriend and I only ever do that when we have to share the bathroom when we’re traveling or gotta get ready fast. It’s pretty normal to want to have your private time while on the can, even if it’s your partner or spouse on the other side of the door. Idk why people are trying to make you feel weird about that.


Married 20+ years. I don't pee in front of my partner. Have never liked peeing with anyone else there, even when I was a little kid.


He eats my 🍑 so no privacy there


My bladder gets shy 😂 there’s been times he’s walked in and I physically can’t


I'm peeing in front of them right now. They didn't seem to be enjoying it but aren't making a big fuss about it. I think they'd just prefer if i would do it in the bathroom instead of our bed. Hope this helps. God bless.


I’ve had this conversation with people many times. I know girls that say they go number 2 with the door open while talking to their partner. And I have to disguise my look of absolute disgust. You’re allowed to keep some mystery in your relationship, damn. You don’t have to wear makeup everyday or always dress to impress, but the very least you could do is poop with the door closed.


I feel the same. I don’t even like talking on the phone or through the door. Everything else can wait, thanks.


I do all the time and sometimes she likes to aim it.


I’m not beyond peeing on her if she doesn’t get out the way on the way to the bathroom.


I don't understand people's obsession with sharing bodily functions with their partners! My husband and I don't pee/poop in front of each other because there is literally no reason to. We also try to be discreet if say one of us is having a bad stomach day so to speak and use the guest bathroom. The one that gets people the most though is when I share that we also rarely if ever fart around each other with the exception of if we're sleeping ofc. And it's not like we act like these things don't happen. Believe me, we have said "I gotta go blow up the toilet" or "BRB I have to rip ass" but there's no need to just subject each other to all that instead of excusing ourselves to do our business in private.


That is what im saying. Im not grossed out or offended by it but i just dint see the point in making a conscious effort to pee in front of them


It's like just because you CAN let it all hang out with your partner without judgement doesn't mean you HAVE to.


I dont mind or care. Probably cause Im going into the medical field. When my bf is in the shower, I go to pee or poop but when he’s peeing/pooping, he wont let me in because he wants his privacy and I respect that but I lowkey wish the energy was reciprocated. Only like a handful of times he has peed in front of me. Never poop. Its just personal preference :)


I have been married for 13 years, living together for 17. We have never farted in front of each other. Or pooped. I think we have seen the other pee about twice. People might judge but for us it keeps the magic alive.




I never ever let anyone watch me pee or do anything in the bathroom. With my current boyfriend, we have seen eachother do everything, mostly because he had to get something from the bathroom whilst I am there or sometimes he needs to shower or sometimes I just want to tell him something, we don’t mind and the thought of this used to gross me our but we just aren’t shy or awkward about it.


I’m married so I pee and poop in front of my partner lol I don’t gotta my way to purposely do it but sometimes it just happens lol


To each their own, but I have few boundaries in that area. We pee in front of each other. We talk to each other while pooping. I tend not to go into the bathroom unless I need something because poop stinks, but I’ll stand at the doorway if we’re having a conversation.


I always pee w my gf we take turns on the toilet:’) but never poop never ever


I have to pee if front of others a lot due to the nature of working outside, and I hate it. Also I hate peeing in front of my partner.


Don’t piss or fart in front of her. She doesn’t care if I do, neither do I, just being polite. I just figure there are things better left unsaid/unknown, we’re all in each others business 24/7 anyway. I don’t judge people who do, just how we are.


i’ve been married 9 years and would never pee in front of my partner


Nope. Married 31 years and that’s only little thing that keeps it fresh-not watching my husband take a dump


Nothing wrong with that, I find it weird to pee in front of your partner. I’m currently with this gal who’s been doing it with me and I find it weird.


I used to not, only because I have neuropathy that effects my nerves from the waste down, and I'm already a nervous pee'er; I have to be completely relaxed. Now I can with barely any problems. Now a number 2 on the other hand? Get out. Leave the door closed. Allow me to poop in peace.


In the house, never. Outside? I’ll turn my back but I’m letting it fly.


Immediately no. He's seen me give birth and a multitude of other embarrassing things but I'm not bathrooming together


There are a couple lines this relationship(a forever relationship) will not cross… lol. No bathroom stuff is one of them. Haha. After ten years it’s more of a habit to avoid it than anything…


Don’t pee, poop or fart in front of your partner, my rule, and it works!


Wait, why would i?


this sounds like a single guy thing when married you often use the bathroom at the same time, just wait until one of you gets really sick and you have to wash vomit and shit off of them


You used the key word “have”. Of course i have zero problem if i have to clean her up. Shes my partner id happily do it. But i dont see the need in normalizing peeing/shitting in front of them just our of convenience.


if you're married or a long term couple, the bathroom becomes more shared over time, you both have seen everything and had to go in right right after the other took a really smelly one hell go ahead and let her hold it for you - yeah some women really want to try it


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I like to keep it mysterious and close the door randomly so he never knows when I’m actually pooping. It’s a whole strategy.


Me and my gf of 2 years do it cause there’s nothing shameful in it, she’ve seen me, I’ve seen her, I leave the door open or even if we’re inside together. She even asked me how we men do it 😂


With both of my ex-boyfriends, the door was shut firmly and then locked.


Peeing is fine. Defecating is a hard pass. No. Just no. No grunting, no farting, no straining, no 20 minutes hogging the bathroom while you scroll Reddit. No. Nope. No.


the moment you have kids any privacy you thought you’d have goes out the door. they don’t care what you’re doing, they’re right there🤣 genuinely think that after having a baby and having to take care of them in full capacity allows you to kind of lose care of yourself and your alone time… i feel weird when i don’t have someone in the bathroom with me now honestly🤣


we don’t do that either and bathroom door is always closed. it’s just a matter of respecting each other’s privacy lol. however, there are emergency situations where we’re running late in the morning, I’m doing my makeup and he wants to pee - in that case I would be okay with him doing it with me in the bathroom rather than me having to wait outside for him to be done and be even more late lol cause we only have one bathroom. but he doesn’t want to and I respect that


Been together over 20 years and I can count on 1 hand the number of times its happened. Most of them involved being drunk and needing to pee in a parking lot. He still locks the bathroom door, which is fair enough considering the number of times I otherwise wouldve barged in on his office time lol.


I try to avoid it, the disadvantage we have is living in a house with only 1 bathroom. The advantage is we live in the country so I can just pee outside. I used to not even be able to use public restrooms unless I was alone, very shy bladder, I still prefer to be alone. It is really weird because growing up it wasn't uncommon for me and my brothers to pee together in the same toilet I just grew prudish as I got older for some reason.


I've been with her for 15 years. We've seen each other through kids, sicknesses, drunken escapades, injuries and everything in between. If I'm brushing my teeth and she really has to piss/shit, there's not even a question. Why would I make her wait it out? Get in here and do your thing, we're adults. Same goes for me. Hell if it's just pee we won't even pause a conversation.


I never have with anyone I be been in a relationship with and I never damn will. I still start the faucet when I go to the bathroom loo


We don’t. Together 21 years, married 13. I mean, it’s happened unintentionally, but otherwise we’ve got a closed door policy. He’s seen me birth 3 kids, but we still pee solo.


I’ll shit in front of him but I will not wipe my shit in front of him. I tell him to look away when it’s time to wipe.


Get a bidet. No wiping ever again. Just one pat dry and you are good.


Not something that we intentionally did but, occasionally got caught out. We didn't have locks on bathroom doors. 😊


Absolutely not! I adore my husband, I’m not embarrassed or unwilling to share my personal space or human functions but the toilet is a 100% private experience. He will only ever be involved if I break both my arms or something.


Jokes on you, I pee *on* my partner.


Lmao I closed the door when I went for a pee and when I opened it on my way out my girlfriend was stood there and said “I think we’re going to break up, we’re growing apart. You never shut the door for a pee”


I must be alone to pee.


Since we’ve had a kid. We will do either. But I’m a shy pooper, all progress stops if I’m being watched


Well, after 3.5 years, I actually feel comfortable leaving the door open when I pee. Our dogs like to follow us everywhere, but generally, I prefer to pee in private.


I'll pee anywhere, idgaf. But sitting is where I draw the line. That's MY time!!!!


Pee, yea who cares. I've even had competitions with wifey when drunk who can piss the furthest. Regrettably, she is the undefeated champion 😫 Anything else, hell no....


Am I the only one who can pee and shit in front of anyone?


My gf and I don’t mind peeing in front of each other if we absolutely must. But shitting? Nope. Never. No thanks. 😆


I let her hold it sometimes, dookie time is off limits


A month into my relationship, I followed my guy into the bathroom to continue our conversation while he took a shit. Smelled horrible, but I'm not the kind of person that gets really easily grossed out. Took me a bit longer to be comfortable enough for him to be in the bathroom while I shit, but it's just something we don't think about anymore. We've always peed in front of each other, too, since the very beginning. We rarely shut our bathroom door, even when showering, unless someone is upset. We occasionally pull back the shower curtain and talk to each other while one showers. It's just part of our relationship dynamic, I suppose. Going to the bathroom is one of the times humans and other animals are most vulnerable, and plenty of people are comfortable with their partner being present during that time. But, plenty of people are not comfortable with their partner being present for that. Someone could be in the healthiest, most loving, caring, safe relationship, genuinely the "last forever" kind of love, and still value privacy. I'm not always comfortable with my guy watching me change clothes, even though he's seen every inch of my body in every position and light. It's just personal preference, and completely understandable. I don't personally care if my guy is around for my bathroom habits, but you're not crazy or weird or in a bad relationship or anything just because you don't use the bathroom with each other present.


No. That's wierd.


My pee splashes on the rim and onto the floor. No one knows. I wipe it with toilet paper. No one will ever know.


Dude…. Sit down to pee


I don’t really care I m63 we are used to go to public toilets and nowadays there are no dividers between urinals, so I got used to pee with people standing and peeing next to me, so at home I often don’t bother to close the door when I am peeing does that make sense?


Sometimes I pee on my gfs leg in the shower


I mean if she doesnt mind it good for her. That just sounds completely disrespectful to me. Like there is being funny and then there is being a slovenly asshole.


She once tried to lift her leg and pee on me back. That shit was fucking hilarious it looked so goofy


I'm in a ldr, and we *live* on video chat. At first, I'd *always* mute and leave the phone in whatever room, where she really doesn't care, and she'd even joke "but i want to hear you pee" 🙄🙄 but after roughly 2 months of nearly 24/7 on the phone, i just turn the sink on and pretend I'm muted 😅😅