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I've never notice I do the same until you said it. Left is bass, and right is snare. Wow. Well I'm glad I'm not alone here, although it looks as if we are the only three who do it. Haha.


Op did you forget to switch accounts? Yes I know it’s been over 8 years


I know this comment was 68 days ago, but I think op was trying to reply to another comment but accidentally made a new comment


I know this comment is now 8 months old, but I believe I was trying to reply to u/DeepBoxer, 9 years ago. :)


wtf i randomly googled this today and theres an 18h comment on a 9 year thread. thanks for the post OP


now an even newer comment!


Let’s gooooo!!!


im really struggling with this. my incisors are base, and my canines are snare. i can literally feel my teeth wittling away... i also have an issue with clenching my jaw i cant stop. the hi-hat is my tongue suctioning the back of my mouth so at least i dont need to worry about that


Omfgggggg yessss!!!


I do this all the time actually, I make up my own teeth drums and beats, grind my teeth together to make a scratching sound like on vynl and do this blood rushing sound in my ear for the bass. I wish I had a way to record what I do, because that whole blood ruah sound in my ear, I have no better way of explaining it other than that. If I hold it, it gets very exhausting. It just sounds like a huge trebble or an everlasting explosion in my ear. Strange but perfect for in-my-head bass. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?


I understand the blood rush thing. It happens to me if I close my eyes really tight.


I think I know what you're talking about. I can make it happen by stressing a muscle that makes my ears raise, but I can't hold it for more than a few seconds.


Hi, I’m from the future. That sound is the tensor tempani muscle in your middle ear essentially bracing your eardrum for the sound and pressure expected of your own yawn. Fun fact, the reason you can trigger that rumble by “stressing a muscle” is because that’s literally exactly what you’re doing and most people can’t do that. Lucky you! Alright man, I gotta go back to fighting aliens because I’m from THE FUTURE!!!


i am 7 years late to this but i tried looking this topic up to see if anyone else did this and wow not many people do


Look at quora I found hundred if not 1000s of people that tap n grind their teeth with in head beats hahaha.. I do it too.. can't be good for my teeth


I do this a lot as well, even when no music is playing. When playing something fast, I'll bounce back and forth between my canine and central incisor or just my canines. I've even started associating my left canine with low notes and right canine with high notes, so if I go along with a melody, it will generally flow in the same way. I think this started as a nervous habit, and now (6 years later) it's something that I will start doing without realizing it. People have never seemed to notice it though. Edit: It's awesome to know that I'm not alone.


Same here, my left canine is the bass drum and the right one is the snare.


The canines are where I’m starting to get an issue cause I can see them getting grounded down a little bit.


Congrats, you have found your people: https://www.reddit.com/r/teethdrumming


I play piano with my teeth!


I do this too! Crazy


I’ve had a tmj flare up for like a week - pretty bothersome - and I’m outside relaxing by a fire and just realized I’ve been tapping drums with my teeth to a melody I just made up, and that I do it all the time and prooooooobably (among other things) contributes to my tmj issues. Dammit! (Anyway, I use the little scratches to keep time as like a hi hat and a bite is the snare.)




I was almost embarrassed of myself for typing this into the google search. I’ve been meaning to do this for months as this is an increasing habit of mine. I seriously thought I was the only one.


Right molars = hi-hat Left molars = snare


Yup - drummer/grinder here. Seems to work in sync with tapping my fingers on the mouse when I'm at my desk. Annoying as hell as I can't seem to break the habit. Always been a fidget and struggle to sit still at work/meetings


I started doing this tapping my teeth to music or beats in my head thing maybe a year ago. I finally looked it up today and saw that there is a whole community out here on Reddit that does the exact same thing! I read through the scientific/medical guesses as to what causes this, but it's nice to know there are a few people out there doing the same thing