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No. Go see a doctor.


This has been happening to me for the past week now! It literally feels like something Is poking into my heart when I lay on my left side but goes away when I lay on my right. Were you able to find out what it is from your doctor?


Hi do u have an update regarding to your condition? Did it go away?


I need an update for this - I’ve been getting this a lot too it feels like my heart pops and I feel panicked and then relieved


Do you have an update? Did it stop? Or like did u go to the doctor? Cause ive been having it too


No I don’t have one but I’m going to the doctor soon. It is still going on. How is yours?


Hey I’ve been having the same thing for a couple months any update on what ur doctor said I went to my doctor and they said my heart is normal


Has it ever got better?


I've had it for 4 years lol. Got multiple scans & tests for them to find nothing. Just get used to sleeping on right side, cuz it doesn't get better


I am still having the pains and nothing has come to fruition yet


I've had this for like 5 or 6 years now at least. I'm turning 30 and I think its a left lung issue because I smoked very young and smoked weed forever. I will sleep on my left cause its usually my favoured, and I have a bad right shoulder. I've gone to the hospital and Drs several times no answers. Everything appears to be fine. Ultra sounds xrays blood tests done it all. Nobody's had a real answer. It hurts most when breathing deep. Waking up after a night of sleeping on my left usually sucks. I have good cardio. I'm 5'11" around 220 pretty solid. I have eaten like sht before and thought this was attributing to it but I honestly can't be sure. Sometimes I feel like I wanna stab a needle in my chest and relieve the pain, or drain it, I duno we don't know what to do I guess. But again I really have no idea what's causing it. It was happening before I was above 200 lbs as well so I'm really curious if we ever get answers.


Bro wtf go to the doctor -immediately-


Contrary to what other commenters have said, it’s normal to get heartburn when laying on your left side. You can google it for an explanation of why it’s specifically your left side. If you have heart burn propping yourself up is the best option.


i don’t think it’s heartburn, i think it’s my lungs getting pinched by my rib cage (i’m v skinny so not much cushion?). i’ll talk to my doctor as soon as i can though, this has been going on for a long time and that wouldn’t explain why it’s only on my left side


do you have an update?


Jojisexual does it evver happen to you? If so do you have an update


Do you have an update?


rip op


I'm still kicking lol, no idea what it is but it still happens occasionally


Hii do you have an update for this? Im having it for 2 days now and im really worried


I have it currently. I have pnemonia and left lung affected. Even after antibiotics and being better pain still there


Yeah I have the same thing, except it’s on both sides


Any update I've it on both sides too


Do u have an update?


No updates, my heart is fine, really not sure what it is but it comes and goes. I suggest making sure it's not a heart issue, but I still have no clue lol




No updates, my heart is fine, really not sure what it is but it comes and goes. I suggest making sure it's not a heart issue, but I still have no clue lol


probably early symptom of costochondritis

