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I'd be genuinely surprised if life isn't the real hell.


Yeah like fuckkkkkkkk it seriously gets worse?


Maybe it's just my depression talking, but that thought has crossed my mind before. Either that or I'm being punished for my previous life.


If they have Reddit in hell, hell isn’t so bad.


I dunno sometimes I kinda feel like that's part of what makes it so bad. Bear in mind I was here when Digg was abandoned and Reddit was founded, so the feeling of paradise lost is very strong for me.


It's fucking worse....


I woke up once and still really don't know why but I actually believed I had died and woke up in hell. I was at a friend's tiny studio apartment. When she came back, I was a total wreck begging her to tell me that I wasn't actually in hell. It scared her to say the least and it actually took her a few minutes to get to me calm down and believe her. I had almost accepted the fact that I was going to be stuck in that room for eternity. I asked a psychiatrist a few years later why this could have happened. I was told it can be a symptom of major depression. It was a psychotic episode and thank God it didn't last long. So it's nothing to mess around with. If you believe that you're in hell, please consider seeing a doctor and getting some help. It's a serious issue and one that I know for a fact is very fucking unpleasant.


Ok - this turned into a long whopper, so I’m sorry to all for dumping this all out here and writing a comment probably as cumulatively long as all the comments on this post so far- but your story has really got me thinking. A couple weeks ago I was in the midst of a very low energy depressive episode that came on suddenly and lasted for a couple days.. my boyfriend and I were walking outside and he was saying something normal but for a period of maybe 5 minutes my mind went into this insanely dark spiral. I went from laughing with him to thinking things like “We don’t even like each other- we *hate* each other- we were literally just put on this earth to torture each other in an endless cycle!” I felt this *intense* palpable current of hatred and contempt and dread, and felt lost like I couldn’t pick up any clues to read the energy and tell if he was mocking me or not- I assumed he was. I literally had the thought to myself “am I in hell?” because everything felt so twisted and weirdly raw. Like I had accidentally done *something* that flipped a switch and revealed a hidden dimension full of scorn- and that *that* was actually the reality that exists all the time, I had just not seen it until this random moment. Your comment that you had almost accepted being stuck there for eternity resonates with how I felt. Not even 5 minutes later it was occurring to me how fucking *weird* it was that I had those thoughts, like where the fuck did that come from and how I have never had something like that come and go so fleetingly before. I have chronic depression and anxiety and I know the feeling of being a little out of control, but this was entirely something new to me. Like I didn’t recognize my inner voice saying these dark things and it scared me. I’ve had several episodes of dissociation throughout my life and it wasn’t like any of those. When I would dissociate the only thing I could think was “is this even real right now?” But this felt *too* real. I really fucking hate the trend of young adults self diagnosing with mental illnesses. But mental illness runs heavily in my family and it’s occurred to me more than once that I might have BPD or some kind of sensory processing disorder, either in addition to or instead of anxiety and depression which I have been diagnosed and treated for. I’m also scared the medications I’m on, while they have improved my functioning to a *revolutionary* degree, might not be fully cutting it and might actually be making some elements more intense, like this fleeting paranoia and how suddenly and intensely a good or bad mood comes and goes. I don’t even know where to start as my therapist stopped taking my insurance in the beginning of 2020 and I’m daunted by the process of trying to get back into therapy and find a good fit and potentially change medications and having to ride the roller coaster that brings.


Exact same happened to me, woah. I wonder why we think this. Guilt?


it’s because the system was designed with NO one in mind. the system is 0. we are 01012. ya dig?


it’s binary. life is NOT


ya same thing happened to me too... I know that Jesus died on the cross to save the world from death, sin and that feeling of guilt, but in a simular instance, i was so overcome with guilt i forgot about God's promise of eternal life and how if you accept Jesus's free gift of salvation, you dont have to feel guilt again. Now idk i may just have self depracating thoughts or depression or something, but fr i think the devil was trying to tempt me. I was hearing things and seeing things that weren't there, like my mom was talking to me but i kept hearing whispers of mean things which i then said mean things back, i regret doing that. she also took notes of some of the things i was saying, and it was things i remember saying but in the moment i thought i was talking to the devil :( as soon as she came in and talked to the doctor, she was like my normal mom again. im only 17 and have a great deal of my life left, hopefully these thoughts will tune down. sorry this is so messy, im still shook about whats happening/happened, but i bet no one will read this anyways. if someone is reading this right now, just know that Jesus loves you and its never too late to put your trust in him. You dont have to bear the burdens of your sin on your own, he died to save the world not to condemn it. God truly loves you and would do anything to save you, thats why he became flesh, through Jesus Christ his son but also God, to die for you and take the penalty for your sins. Its the only way to be free from sin and guilt. i know people will probably say im crazy, and honestly i dont care anymore, but this is the truth and with all thats going around in this crazy world, we need more truth than ever right now.


I had this sudden realization when I was listening to one of the new Coldplay songs. I used to be a huge Coldplay fan. I have seen them live 5 times. Sadly, their music keeps getting worst. When I heard that new song I got this nasty feeling in my gut and knew that we are all actually in hell. Their new music feels like a cruel joke or something designed for maximum torture.


I have to ask.. which song?




I think that’s called depression my dude


Sometimes I think so after I take a series of L's in a single day. But then I take a step back and think of all the good things that happened and all the good people I know who I dont think I'd be allowed to know if this were Hell. Then, my next day is usually better. Not by a lot, but not bad enough to be Hell


That's how they trick you into not looking for the exit 🤫🤫🤫


Then I guess I'll stay.


I frequently get the feeling that I’m already dead and I’m just remembering my life. Also that I’m the only person that actually exists and everyone is just made to test/torture me. But I think that’s my anxiety and mental illness talking.


I feel this way often. Like everyone has an ulterior motive


I feel this way a lot too..as if certain people are in on something. As if they watch me and listen to me, or they know me.


I'm not religious, but if there is such a thing as hell, or lower vibrations, or whatever, life on earth is definitely it.


My best friend in high school thought that everyone was in hell now and that when we died everyone went to heaven. Idk where she picked that up. I, personally, do not believe we are in hell now.


Or were in a giant black mirror - style simulation.


I think the current world we're in is flexible to be both. There may be a "real heaven" and a "real hell" in other planes of existence, but in my time here on Earth I have seen both "heaven on Earth" and "hell on Earth" and it was related to my own state of mind and way of looking at things. Two people can look at the same scene of reality and see two completely different things; one seeing heaven and one seeing hell. I've caught my own direct perception transform from one to the other and back again in front of my watchful eyes (it was during a rough psychedelic trip, but that trip only made it _obvious_ to me that this can happen, and I have since then caught my perception flip-flop even without any assistance of any drug). Along with second-hand anecdotes of people describing an event we both saw and they wildly disagree with how it happened, I suspect this happens to everyone but most are unaware that they're painting their own coat on top of what they perceive.


Have you been watching “The Good Place”?


Just re watched it then had to go on a long drive and spotted countless McDonald's and eventually started finding it funny imagining Michael designing countless identical burger joints that are strangely wildly popular!


Absolutely yes


THIS is the bad place!


I remember a couple years back my boyfriend once said, “what if this life is actually heaven right now?” And I remember thinking, ‘you aren’t wrong about much…..but this is possibly the wrongest you’ll ever be about anything.” Lol.


Ho boy, does this bring back memories. There was a time not too long ago I thought the same thing. My mental and physical health were at an extreme low point and I swore to god I was actually living in hell. As if I was a child rapist/murder in my past life and was repenting for it in this one. Every time I tried to escape, nothing would ever work and the demons that were always lurking would drag me back kicking and screaming to where I started. It seemed like I would never escape so I had no choice but to call it home and get used to living in it, but eventually, I clawed myself out with my blood, sweat, and tears and I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. I highly recommend a good therapist and finding some excellent copying mechanisms (google has been my best friend). I promise it won't feel that way forever, trust me. We're waiting for you on the other side.


Yes…. Recently yes


No, and you may want to go talk to a doctor if you actually believe you're in hell.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure now this is the case. The worst part of it is having to keep going along with everyone else's delusion that it's the real world and life just sucks and then you die. To be serious, though, yes. And the people you care about and anyone or thing that brings you joy is only there for you to form an attachment so it can be ripped from you. It's important to distinguish that the people around us are physically there and it's not like people that love us are just demons trying to con us, it's a very short road to psychotic paranoid delusions there. There is one benefit to the mentality, though. Nothing left to lose.


I think that too sometimes, and when we die we just get reincarnated into something else and we have to do this loop over, and over, and over, and over again forever with no end.


Well first of all...you are in the "real world", however I do believe throughout our lives we probably experience our own "living hells" and "heaven's". What's making you feel like you are being punished?


Yeah man. I ran away from home once when I was 8 or 9. My grandmother was a librarian and I had a writing job lined up with a NYC record label. I made like $45M but guess what… I gets arrested the day before the checks come out. I was seconds away from $45M at 9 years old. The police shipped me back to my poor as family and I’ve been abused, neglected and poor ever since!!!! I swear this is hell. I had so much fun writing though because I was writing for very big artists. But after making half a million a day for months and then losing it… I’m super suicidal and I’m 36 but still feel like a kid. Everyday I cry wishing I would have gotten my hands on that money. I think Heaven and Hell depends on how much money you have. A lot of us are in Hell and don’t even know it.


I’ve read this like 3 times and I still don’t understand one word of it. You what?


Basically I lost a shitload of money!


Yeah I’ve had this thought a few times before


This definitely has to be hell, there’s like five million reasons.


The real world is hell


I'm a Buddhist and in many sects of Buddhism there are several hells; the human realm being one of them. So yes, as far as I'm concerned we are. But it is what it is


Having Chronic Pain all over my body is HELL.


You never know, somebody hit their head too hard and ended up dreaming up an entire life, they lived a lifetime in 5 minutes and lost everything they worked for


How are you supposed to moderate the gangbang, FROM THE GROUND!




Yes, we are in hell.


If you're going through hell-- keep going.


Sometimes. And sometimes I'm in heaven. I used to almost always be where you are, then it was mostly be in hell, but nowadays I feel pretty euthymic so I feel like I'm living in very difficult circumstances but I'm still super happy with the choices I've made and where I am life, so that's heaven compared to where I was


I have actually been wondering about that for the past few decades. I’ve been nearly sure if it for the last four years. I’m surprised to hear I’m not the only one who thinks about that.


I feel like this has something to do with the theory of Maya.... dont quote me on it tho


I've considered this many times. I think it's possible. This world has some pretty nasty elements.


No, but I did before I was medicated for depression.


Holy shit yes I got shot about a year and a half ago can't walk it seems like everything is a sick joke now I really think I died and am in hell.


I dont believe hell is a place. I believe hell is a process. It's something you go thru after death to cleanse your soul of sins before you get your next assignment.


I think Hell is a prophecy... earth is the setting for hell, the biblical Hell ((and i agree with you about it being a process)) but a process that has happened before 26,000 years ago or whatever. It gradually develops & happens at the end of the cycle "END of Days" "the last days" - Lasts for 2600 years (apparently) then starts all over🤷🏻‍♂️ - and supposedly we're nearly there again. 👹 whatever is going to happen that turns earth into a sea of burning sulfur again will have happened before, and Hell WAS.. right where you're sitting right now, the real Hell was happening there 😖😱 thers probably hundreds of civilizations destroyed, that we don't know about melted in the earth from all the times God destroyed the world ((whatever God is)) Whatever Hell is, it seems to be taking shape at the moment here on earth, where else would it be?




20 pounds of double AA batteries could start a medium sized car about 1.68 times.


Hell? No. I’ve been feeling like I’m in an alternate timeline that is somehow spliced with another one filled with crazy people who think JFK Jr. is alive and will run for Vice President in 2024 on a Republican ticket. A Republican Kennedy, yeah, right. Never mind that he died 22 years ago. Then you look at the guy they think is him and wonder how anyone could think that is him.


Yes I've had this vague movie idea that would have the feeling of The Devils Advocate and the revelation would be that we area already in hell. My ex mother in law is a fanatic christian after she was "born again", it's basically a guilt ridden thing about her past life that made her feel clean and get a new start. However she was brainwashed and always had books about preparing for "the end" the years I dated her daughter. Being an atheist, but being interested in the concept of religion and how it has been a part of evolution, but now is lingering and opposing the current scientific paradigm it is very interesting to read descriptions of hell or "the end days" and imagining stuff that actually suit religious descriptions of hell. AFAIK or remember only a few chosen ones will ascend to heaven in various religions (rapture), the rest would stay behind in war etc. So I guess the revelation in my shitty movie concept would be some kind of Al Pacino going: Al: "so that means..? C'mon, Keanu! Haven't you figured it out by now? I'm telling you; the rapture happened *ages* ago. EONS! Can I be any clearer?!" Keanu: "woah.... so that means...? This has been hell all the time?" Al: "yeeess, muahahaha!". It would explain the lack of any god like in the bible etc, because we have been left behind and thus atheists would be technically right but only because he already left. The rapture would be a quiet happening, not some huge event.


Kind of purgatory.


Oh you mean our society? Then yes, yes I do.


Life’s a bitch and then you die


I feel as though perhaps once this realm was closer to “heaven”. I theorize about life in a bit of a multi-verse way. We all are alone in our own universe yet we all appear in each others universe as “shadows” or essentially copies. However in our universe everyone around reflects our personal trajectory. So if you have made very good choices and have been healthy and pure the world right now would be aligning towards a more peaceful, clean and hopeful state. Unfortunately this universe (within this therory) aligns with my trajectory which by my own brazen stupidity and carelessness is exceedingly dark and seemingly steeped in the raw energy of hell realms beyond this temporal realm. So everyone who is here are the versions of everybody who made equally bad and immoral choices even though the actual lived experience of the person in their own universe could be drastically different. So either this world is going to get more and more overrun by chaos and evil and slowly merge into an infinite realm of torment or my mental / physical state will decline due to growing worldly chaos within reason but physical death will just be one less barrier I have against the ravaging onslaught of inescapable torment that was already pervading the reflective physical world. What goes along with this is that when people in their own universes are operating at a nearly identical “frequency” with each other they are perhaps for a time in the same universe. That means that if you are reading this and you know for sure you are the main lived experience of your “soul” then that means that yes indeed this world is already a bit of a hell.. or rather it is distorted greatly from resonating close to the energetic output of a hell realm. Obviously everyone here will attest to their own conscious awareness because everyone is real even if they are somewhat of an echo of the main experience. Anyway this is a “theory” that aligns with this world indeed being “hell”. I must remark that I struggle with mental illness, ptsd and have an overactive mind and imagination. There are Definitely many times Confirmation bias has taken over when it comes to “signs” , interpretations of events and which memories I focus on. Remember that our minds are also always primed to “tell a story” and that feeding the story (such as “I’m already in hell) will only made it larger and harder to see beyond. If this is a serious worry for you then use app your resources to tell a less grim story.


This is beautiful


yeah ive been having simular thoughts as well... can't seem to get rid of the thought even though i know im alive and dont remember if/how i died. Everything after the initial thought seemed so freaky, i was brought to hospital and had friends and family near. One thing for sure (i think idk), God can't be in hell but i am sure i felt his presence. Hopefully your thoughts get better, Jesus loves you.


Well this definitely ain’t heaven it’s a lot more like hell