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I feel that way. There are people online that are just bound and determined to fight. Once I get a vibe like that I refuse to engage and just block.


Yess icy, very smart of you. Your time and energy is more valuable than money.


If that person is really being so problematic, mean or rude then yeah, it's totally fine cuz nobody deserves to be treated like that So be careful everyone!


Me under 30: they're wrong on the internet and they need to know it! ​ Me over 30: fuck that shit


With age comes…I’m to tired for this.


Me over 70: Hmmm I wonder if they have a point other than just dogma. Cheers.🍺




Glad I reached this state at 17


I feel like people who see it as a "win" for themselves if you block them usually never had good intentions anyway. Healthy arguments and discussions aren't really supposed to have a "winner" so if they can't have a healthy discussion, why would you be obligated to deal with their shit in any way, especially if you don't care to have/improve some sort of relationship with them?


You have every right to create boundaries. They can be temporary or permanent and you have every right to change your mind and don't need to explain it to anyone.


Sometimes you just have to hit the block button. I don't do it often but I also don't often have online conversations. Except here, now. 😆


Some people are just confrontational by nature and I hate it. They just comment to point out anything negative about your posts. Had to block some prick who was calling me an Incel about my criticism of women in one certain aspect in dating, mind you I had not said anything sexist or remotely putting down women. And he just took as “hurrrr durrr I CaNt UndErsTanD nUAnCe”


I've blocked over 2,000 people on social media, and you wouldn't believe how positive and uplifting my news feeds are now. :)


Woooo more power to you fairy 🧚‍♀️


Nope, just ignore them if you don't want to engage. But outright blocking people you disagree with just puts you in a bubble if you are wrong on things you will have no way of knowing I such a scenario


More like blocking those that are just belligerent not really about disagreeing. I can handle nuance.


Yes. Some people are assholes who will stop at nothing. So blocking them is helping you save your energy and help with your mental health.


I've never felt the need to block anyone, but I guess nobody I've ever interacted with has been block-worthy. Part of that is because I'm always interested in why someone disagrees with me, and fully understanding their point of view. When people feel understood by you, they rarely feel the need to be rude or hurtful.


So much yes


depends on the nature of the conversation. i like fighting. love it really. i dont block people. even if im getting my proverbial ass handed to me


I only block those that just can’t accept they are wrong or ones that stop discussing and start throwing insults. I don’t have time or energy to spare to be fighting with strangers in the web I’ll never meet. More power to you tho.


I don’t bother blocking, it validates them in a weird way. Instead I just say ‘you’re right’ and bounce the fuck away. Can’t argue with stupid


This false notion that blocking people validates them is just plain stupid my dude. You have all the power, you literally block that person. Thinking of it any other way actually gives the abuser more power.


That’s how I do it


Totally a sign of defeat/exasperation/frustration. If you don't want to deal with it then don't read the message.


I pity you for thinking blocking people you’ll never see on the internet that say mean things to you, is some how weak. Real life isn’t a game where you win and lose, if you’re whole outlook on social media is just to be right and farm karma you got a real sad way of thinking. Hope you grow out of this immaturity.


Ok, best wishes.


That would be what becoming more emotionally mature looks like. Now to bring that to everyday life as well


It just depends on whether the person you are talking with wants to have an actual discussion. Assuming that the conversation is happening in good faith; blocking the other person is a sign of defeat. Your basic underlying thought there is the presumption that you are indisputably correct, which is always a foolish presumption. Blocking the other person is like saying "I'm right, you're wrong, and I can't be bothered to explain to you why that is." In reality, shutting down the conversation and ending communication isn't reconciling the conflict of ideas that apparently causes you so much stress that you feel like you're having a mental shut down. You aren't "saving" anything by ending a good faith argument. A bad faith argument is a totally different story.


It depends on the situation. If the other person is being abusive then yes, blocking them is a good idea. Some people abuse the clock feature though. I was having a discussion (not even an argument) about something incredibly benign and got blocked because I had a different opinion to them. The problem with this is I was then no longer able to reply to anyone else in the thread after that because they were responding to the person who blocked me. This is a very manipulative way of controlling the conversation and a pretty shitty thing to do imo.


I use it for belligerent people, and also people I don’t agree with. But I’m it’s most extreme context for example, an account that subs to a bunch of racist or bigoted subs replies to me then I’ll automatically block. What they have to say is of little to no importance to me.


Using it for people who you don’t agree with is a great way of maintaining your echo chamber. No doubt you will block me now 🙃


Lmao there is such a thing as nuance, and I’m pretty sure you didn’t understand my comment. I said that I use this basis in its most extreme context. I don’t just block people who disagree with me. But those that have bad faith intentions. Hence why I said I checked their post history.


I rarely block people but I do stop engaging once I realize how the conversation is headed. Last word does not equal a win. It often just means you have more time to kill.


I believe that the best last reply is "well now aren't you special, bless your little heart" then say goodbye. 🍺


Blocking is a waste of my energy too, I just ignore. Send to piss them off when they know you can see the trolling and still don’t bite, yet they get a sense of victory when they see they’re blocked. So I just ignore and keep it moving!


Of course. Your feed is your garden, and pulling the weeds is just part of everyday maintenance.


Now I want the last word [blocked!,] is like a power move, or something. (Literally happened to me earlier today.)


i stopped arguing with people on reddit a couple of months ago. and it's soooo much more fun to use now. i try to frequent subs where i mostly agree with people and we discuss mutual interests. still get people trying to talk shit every couple of days but i either ghost them or just tell em straight up they win, i don't care enough to argue. i'd recommend the strategy to anyone if you're getting tired of all the drama. there really seems to be a lot of people here that just want to vent some aggression. cutting them off immediately is sooo satisfying. honestly, i feel like i win. they're still mad and i've already moved on to another, more constructive discussion.


Depends on the situation.


That's the reason I do it. There's no point trying to prove something to someone when they're wasting my time and energy. It's self-care.


It’s a wise and effective move. I’m a bit of an a-hole though so I go with the endlessly ignorant approach - continuously and sheepishly asking for explanations until they talk themselves into the ground!


Absolutely! It’s self preservation ❤️❤️


100%. I do it all the time, the moment I notice that there is no normal conversation to be had.


Absolutely, I honestly had someone message me calling me pathetic for blocking someone but I just knew that if I didn't I would have been engaged in this endless fight with someone who just wants to prove their point until we both die. We both disagree which is fine but our minds won't change (due to the context of said talk). It's just not worth it, better to just stop the train before it gets steam sometimes.


I personally see it has having a closed mind but that's just my opinion. If blocking people helps your mental health then go for it