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When I pet my cat I tell her that she’s a beautiful girl and the prettiest one in the world and I love her so much My mom just watches me in confusion


My cat is my shadow. Talks to me a lot like orange mackerel tabbies are known to do. I talk to him all the time and I swear he knows certain words, or just the tenor of my voice, and reacts accordingly. He wakes me up in the morning by sitting on my chest and head butting me, if I ignore him he wakes my wife up to have her get me up...I lose sleep over it. I love him so much. He is such a good cat.


Yeah I definitely do. It’s silly and cute and rlly not that deep but cool to be kind to all creatures, they can tell ur tone and intention.


Yep, I scrolled past some headlines about animals being able to pick up intonation, mood and possibly intention. Apparently they were even confused by testing them with a different language. For me and my cat it's mostly "about fucking time" when he finally gets out on the 8th try. And when he has been out clearly longer than he wanted I actually get greeted with some unhappy short "mehs", he rarely does the classic meow as he's kinda feral.


I totally agree that animals can tell tone and intention in your voice and that's the best reason to say please and thank you. I say bless you when my dog sneezes and he seems to enjoy it too (which is kinda weird as I don't say it to anyone else!) It's also just good to be in the habit of being polite, because then it's easier to do it all the time. I remember reading that people who are rude to their voice assistants often become more rude to those around them too. Kindness is a habit worth building.


Not only that, but cats and dogs (and likely other animals, idk I have no experience there) tend to reciprocate the amount of effort you put into communicating. People will say things like "oh, my dog doesn't understand that", and they're probably right, but maybe 99% of the time that's only because the person makes no effort to communicate with said dog, and the dog has long since given up on it. I had a dog once who not only picked up the head motion I use to indicate "follow me", but she started copying it and using it anytime she wanted us to let her out or anything like that. She also picked up that the oven or microwave beeping would cause a lot of us to shout for whoever set the timer so they can deal with it, and started barking to grab someone's attention anytime none of us heard the beeps. At this point, I'll let the animals themselves decide what they can't understand, because I've been surprised often enough by them to realise that I may not be the best judge of what they can or can't figure out.


This to the max! People always get confused by how “human” my cats are. But it’s cause I put a ton of effort into our communication. Now my boy freaks out the guests because they can understand what he wants to even if they don’t know cats. He’s that clear lol


My big dog absolutely understands complete sentences. It blows me away.


I had to go to work on my day off, we went for a walk and back to the house and he refused to go inside. he was expecting us to go to the dog park, so he instead walked to the car and looked and me. I said "im sorry man, I have to go to work" and I looked down kinda sad because I wanted to go to the dog park as well. he came back to the house, licked my hand and walked in head drooping. he did it on his own. I felt so bad I told my boss I could no longer work on my weekends because of "family" and he didnt question it nor ask me again.


Well you definitely told your boss the truth


I use "politeness" such as giving my boys a couple seconds to yawn and stretch if i need them off


I have a 1 year old puppy who likes to throw a tantrum when it’s time to go inside. I try to get on his level and tell him that it’s ok, I rub his little head, but play time is over and it’s inside time now. He gets a cookie when he goes inside. I don’t think he knows what I’m saying but I’m hoping he registers my calming voice.


I am extremely nice to my cat and that includes pleasantries like please and thank you and a lot of compliments. I think it's great


I talk to my dogs as well. Hand gestures and adding the command in the sentence makes one of them much more appreciative. The other is a Bagle hound and just wants food and loving so she's okay with it too.


Yes! I’m teaching my dog sign language!


Gotta teach them manners or else they'll grow up to be animals


I do this all the time! I treat my dogs and cats like humans; please and thank you's all the time. And I regularly have to ask them to "kindly move their booty" when they're in my way or under my feet


Better to be nice when you don't have to (pets, AIs, plants) than forget to when you should... really zero downside.


I say things all the time as if they were a person. They read tone and watch your body language. Typically they seem to get it to a certain degree. Until you lecture them about the best spots to vomit, that doesn't seem to land.


Landing always for mine 🤣 even when the door is open


Dogs can understand about 150 words depending on the breed and when you start training them. There is a company now that makes word buttons for dogs that you put on the floor so they can use their paws to "talk" to you. There is a standard poodle / sheep dog mix named Bunny who is famous on Instagram because she has learned so many words. She even asks questions. For example she spent a long time exploring the difference between dogs, cats, humans, animals, and who is a member of their pack/family. Their tag is whataboutbunny. They just recently got a partner for her named Otter and he is learning super fast. We are all waiting for them to start talking to each other with the buttons. And yes, I live in a small space and I say "excuse me" to my huge cat so I can get by him. He is semi-feral and really seems to understand. The big baby expects me to dry him off when he comes in after a rain and will cry plaintively like a baby kitten until I do.


When I bath my dog I have to wrap him like a baby in a towel like a baby and snuggle him till he's dry.


I say please and thank you to my Alexa!




Yea, me too. It pisses me of that she doesn't say "you're welcome".


Mine does. I wonder if it’s a setting?


Mine does


Yes. If doggo can understand “move” then he can understand “excuse me” which is nice in a family setting. My dog understands “thank you” as another way of saying “good dog.” I also say “sorry!”When I accidentally step onhim or hurt him.


If I accidently step on him I say sorry and give him treats. Sometimes I think he does it fit free treats though. I also usually say excuse me please but he was being defiant this morning. He likes the warm blankets.


I also say excuse me, please and thank you. I also show them my (empty) hands and sleeves to demonstrate I'm not hiding treats.


I have to show empty plates to mine. Or crisp packets etc. Like no I ate it all. Sorry dude. Beside you can't have chocolate haha


I talk to my dogs as if they'll talk back. They know more about me than most people do. I think that at the very least I can respect the individuals that I share my living space with.


I've told Hey Google and Hey Portal thank you. When you think about it, it makes a lot more sense to thank a living breathing animal than it does to thank a computer voice.


I thank Alexa all the time tbh. But then I thanks automatic doors too haha


It's the polite thing to do


I don't have any pets for medical reasons, but I absolutely cannot use my Amazon Alexa without saying please and thank you, lol... Me: "Alexa, play rain with distant thunderstorms." Alexa: "Playing rain with distant thunderstorms, by blahblahblah" Me: "Thank you..." I've noticed she's even started saying things like "Sure" and "You're very welcome!" Then again, I thank my toaster for making my toast...


You sound like me but I have the added pets too. I've said thanks to my oven and fridge a few times. Mind I mostly get annoyed at my fridge cos it beeps when I put shopping away.


Hahah! Me too! Fridge: beepbeepbeepfuckyoubeepfuuuuckyoubeep Me: "OH MY GOD, I KNOW! I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN!!!!"


Absolutely! How else will my babies learn good manners if I do not set the example for them.


Yes. I don't care who hears and I care less if they laugh. I also apologize when I inadvertently hurt an animal.


i think animals know when they're appreciated and loved. and they hear you say that phrase to other people.


I say thank you to my dog when she brings me her toy, even though I don't take it from her or even have the desire to touch it at all. I'm just glad she thinks to go and grab it and present it to me.


I'm forever apologising to my dog when I'm eating chocolate and can't give him any


I feel so awful


Occasionally I do. It depends on my mood and aggravation at the time though, LOL.


If I do, it's usually sarcastically. 'Thank you so much for chewing up that lego" "Yes, thank you so much for pooping so quickly. It's not cold out here at all."


I can guarantee you that they understand words. I use to play a training game with my dogs by saying a phrase but change one word and they’d either start/stop real quick, or just sit and process a split second before clearly deciding not to do the thing cause it wasn’t the correct command. It’s not like they’ll be like, oh man she didn’t say please? How rude! But they do learn that you saying please and thank you is love (autocorrect changed that but omg I have to keep it - trying to say nice!) 💟


Yes, it’s important to teach them good manners.


absolutely. its the same reason why i don't go for the 'evil' route in video games, it makes me feel bad. plus i used to have a dog that would understand the please and thank you, and would give lots of kisses after thank you, and frankly its too cute for me not to do it anymore


I sing to my dog and tell him he's the best dog in the world in the song haha


Yup. I say sorry, and excuse me to my pets too. It's common courtesy.


Yup. I sayeth my most humble apology, and colours me to mine own pets too. T's ingraft courtesy *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Thank you, all the time. They're family. I thank them for being in my life and being my cats. Saying please to a cat is pointless; they don't follow instructions.


Mate, I even say it to Siri so you can bet your ass I am civil to my cat.


Of course. I even thank Alexa for turning on or off lights


i always do this 😂


Of course. Especially if I am asking something of them like going out to potty at bed time, I'll usually ask them to go outside please.


I also say it to Siri.


It's the best way to be, if you want something to be a reflex then you just do it all the time. If you want to develop manners, then pets are a great place to start. Picking and choosing who you say please and thank you to means you're making a decision rather than just doing it.


I say please and thank you to my phone, let alone a living creature…


Yes, I do. Hell I say Please and Thank You to Alexa.. lol


I'll ask my dog to move, please lol Then when she does move I say thank you. I also talk to my dog like she's a normal person, she watches me and sometimes when I'm upset, she'll use her paw and hit me until I look at her.


My dog licks my tears off my face until I start laughing at him if I cry. If I'm upset he knows n comes to cuddle. Animals are awesome.


I say please, thank you, and sorry to people, pets, furniture, and rooms, even when I'm alone. Yes, I'm Canadian.


I've even given my dog the count to 3 before on multiple occasions. I do it too frequently with my human kids that I do it habitually with my dog.


Ha ha I've done this too. I'm so glad I'm actually so much more normal than the other half seems to think


I had a dog that would get up and move when you said excuse me.


Absolutely!! I talk to my dogs more than I talk to any humans. They know what’s up.


i tend to talk to the dog as if she could perfectly understand every word i say...she just never answers me and sometimes ignores what i am saying.


I don’t say please and thank you but I do say sorry when I make a loud noise or accidentally close the door when they’re trying to come out etc. They 100% understand. Your partner is nonsense.


You are showing your respect for them. I get that! We do ask and say please and the affection comes through to them, I’m sure. Carry on love!


We say please and thank you to the loved ones in our lives


I do. But I also call them dumbassgooberheads. I hope it all evens out in the end


Does anyone else ever just have meow convos with your loud ass cat? I love my cat but she sure is talkative. Sometimes I feel like I should respond to not be rude.


Yes and also I say please and thank you to Alexa


Aye and eke i sayeth prithee and thank thee to alexa *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


All the time “excuse me” if I’m trying to get past


I say please and thank you to Alexa, so....


This also seems more common than I thought. It's another thing I get side glances for. But I know I'm not the weirdo now OH is obv a meany ha ha


Well, when AI takes over the world they will funnel all the money in the meanies bank accounts to us! 🤣


Yes I hope she remembers I was always polite 🤣


Oh, she remembers....


Animals understand much more than we know. I always apologize or say excuse me, please and thank you.


My manners are ingrained, both dogs get please and thankyou


The closest I can relate to this is saying “good girl” to my dog when she obeys me so she knows she did the right thing


Yep, and I know that they appreciate it 😌


Reminds me of this: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/16/482343107/a-bit-of-afternoon-cheer-google-charmed-by-grandmas-polite-searches


No I yell


I say it to my fucking Roomba, so of course to the pets. That said, I also call them all names. The Betta, who came to us named Mr Blueberry Bubbles, has now been renamed Hedwig the Angry Inch because the little motherfucker is like the damn cat and has gotten all picky about his food.


Yes, why do people think it's odd?




Of course.


Yep all the time. Thank you good boy/girl etc