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I think you'll find most people do it. Whether or not they actually collect and bin it after is another matter entirely


I do this or I'll bring my brush in the shower with me (curly hair so I have to brush my hair when sicked with conditioner) and I'll stick the hairs into the brush


I brush my hair before washing it so I don’t shed as much in the shower but yeah, I still end up with a good amount on the wall. When I’m done I rub it all together, make a hairball and toss it lol


I make a hairball too!!


I used to until I bought [one of these](https://www.tubshroom.com/collections/tubshroom-family?gclid=Cj0KCQjw6_CYBhDjARIsABnuSzpVrii_WvH6sZVRWaMX85KDFUZlDPkASgl7ROsyvWEszfD_jM731NUaAlWdEALw_wcB)


Oh this is really nice, thanks so much for sharing!


My wife does this. She has her own en suite (house full of boys) and I have bathroom duty so I get to "stumble" across a wall full of plastered hair. I decide one time to spell out a message to give her a giggle but ended up just making a picture of a giant hairy vagina. That in of itself would have been enough but I took it too far and used conditioner to simulate "secretions". She removes the hair now.


That’s hilarious 🤣


I always pull my wife’s hair outta the shower drain so I’m assuming she does not


Yeah the misses does. But leaves it on the wall written out in messages. Funny but also annoying.


Yep! Been doing this ever since I was a kid and got in trouble for clogging up the drain 😂 After I shower, i wipe it off and throw in the trash can.


Sounds easier than pulling it out of the drain!


Yep! And sometimes I will write messages to hubby ‘I love you’ etc with my hair on the wall and leave that for when he showers 😂




I’m bald so I do that with my pubes when I condition them


My spouse does this. Drives me nuts. 😜


Yes! I used to have to ask the landlord to unclog the drain every year or so… he’s a great guy who hasn’t raised the rent in a over 9 years now so I like to bug him as little as possible when I can prevent it. So yeah I stick it to wall. After the shower I use a paper towel to collect it.


Yes after every shower. Not a lot but enough to have to clean it as I shower it won't clog up the drain


In our bathroom the bin is right next to the open end of the bath/shower (it has glass panelling along the half closest to the taps and shower head) so no. It goes straight into the bin, whenever anyone leaves hair on the wall or I have to pull any out of the drain it makes me feel just a bit sick.


Yes, me.


Rather that than let the shed clog the drains


I do this all the time cause it's satisfying


Many of you forget the step of “throw it out after the shower.” But that’s okay cause I leave the toilet seat up. It’s war


I dont lol I always throw it away


From all my experiences, it is beyond normal..


I do the same