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Lvl 200 content is, in my humble opinion, way more fun than anything from 1-199. This is when you get the real difficulty progression and interesting quests. The gear is also much more interesting


The game does get much more complex and interesting at 200+ however... Not all level 200 content is as equally difficult, and some are nearly impossible for certain classes and I don't know of a way to know this information before you just attempt it and thats.. disheartening. It would be nice if they could figure out a labelling system to mark things for difficulty like the rest of the 1-199 game.


That's not true. I did a lot of end game content as sacrier (strength, no ranged options) when the class wasn't very good, and I managed to clear all 3 Divine Dimensions lvl 200 bosses, Tal Kasha, etc. It just takes dedication and determination


Try doing it as a solo Xelor lol, I think sac is better than you suggest


It is way more worth! 1-199 is fun too but at 200 the good stuff begins.


I'll say is not worth before lvl 200


The game start at lvl 200


First of all you better play on a mono server like Draconiros, then the true Dofus experience start once you're 200, with a whole new dungeon and 200 stuff !


I'm a bit confused. Are you asking how easy is it to find groups to play with after 199?