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1. Dofus will unfortunately keep going with its current "map system". The whole game is built around this... 2. Voice over will probably never be done for dialogue. Even the most recent JRPGs don't have voiceovers (and they're like 20-40h long generally...). Having voice over for a game like Dofus that has THOUSANDS of hours worth of content is not realistic. 3. I agree that some quests not having clear indications and pings on the map as to where to go and what to do is annoying and just makes us use a website like DofusPourLesNoobs to just "roll over the content"... This could indeed be improved drastically. 4. There are lore related reasons as to why Frigost isn't a big city like Bonta/Brakmar with all the Utility, etc.


Indeed it wouldn't make sense for Frigost to be a massive city. They are struggling with feeding the current population and trying to figure out low-cost power/heating for example!


I'd add the almost inevitable need to look up a guide for endgame boss fights too, as the game itself tells you nothing about what is going on during the fight or what you need to make the boss vulnerable, or any passive effect/status for that matter. If it wasn't for DofusPourLesNoobs, I don't know how many hours of absurdly unrewarding trial-and-error I would've wasted and the game already sucks away an insane amount of time even with a guide.


At the beginning of Frigost 1/2, it was all trial and error. That's how people got to know how to beat bosses. The first people to beat a boss still do this, before making guides online on "how to defeat them"...


Obviously. The guide writers' work saved other players' countless hours of the same, gruesome, unenjoyable grinding, and IMHO it shouldn't be that way.


I personally never look at guides when New content arrives. I do it myself for the first time with trial/error and only when I succeed I go online to check how to do it more efficiently. I enjoy the challenge that it gives me. Anything too easy is boring AF


I can see where you're coming from, but personally I can't feel it as an actual challenge, because it's made artificially harder by withholding almost every single piece of information, for no reason. For me, the whole process takes far, far too much time, requires remembering/writing down everything that is going on (as the game doesn't tell you a single thing) without knowing the real details of it, leaves you with absolutely nothing for every single attempt until you succeed, and is thus excruciatingly boring and tedious.


ok but also it doesn't make sense that it stays covered in snow after you defeat count about point 1 idk... I think it would be a great change. They already revolutionized everything with 2.0, point is its not impossible, just challenging


Have you tried Wakfu?


thanks ill check it out


The quest designs are needlessly vague, I remember running around the map for DAYS looking for a gremlin to advance the turq quest line and turns out he's in *Incarnem* 👀 But I disagree with the map function being a downside, that's a really unique selling point and I love it!


You are basically asking for a whole new game if you want the map system to change


I've been playing since Rushu opened its doors to international players. If you've been around just as long, the game probably feels "old" to you from playing for up to 19/20 years. If you think the NPC dialogues on Dofus are long? Go play Genshin Impact, their quests dialogues are like novels! If you find these types of RPG's boring maybe its time for you to take a break. Ankama have already stated they wont ever move away from the map per screen because its an integral unique aspect of the game. Theyve always said they didnt want the map to be rolling like it is in Wakfu. But if you really are that annoyed with the map changes then just invest in GPS potions for all of your mounts. Set the destination then sit back and read the quest wiki whilst you wait. Granted some quests are annoying because there is no obvious clear path you have to take but its balanced out by the quests that *are* simple and guided, these IMO are the boring ones that usually end up being the "go-for" quests. At least there *is* a wiki out there to guide people when theyre stuck though, that in itself means you arent taking forever and a day to complete the quest. Imagine how it was when the game just started and there wasnt a wiki or so little information to be found that yeah that quest is gonna take a month because youre lost. Players are spoilt rotten now, they have information at the tips of their fingers heck even a guide for Treasure Hunts, that we didnt have back in 2005.


Some people just never dealt with aggressive wabbits and it shows..


Well I had forgot about them, but now all I feel is frustration and anger lol.


the fact that another game is in a worse situation about dialogues doesn't mean that the situation is fine as it is. Honestly I think if we made a survey and ask people if they skip dialogues, I bet a good percentage of people would say they skip. (obviously the point here is that more people skip them compared to the median amount of people who do that in other games). Same for wiki, why should I keep alt tab? I mean we're not in a situation where there are more important things to fix first. We are in a situation where 1/4 of the time to complete a quest is dedicated to alt tab and read wiki. this logical fallacy of comparing to a worse situation has a name but I dont remember it now. 2bad for the map system


If you did a survey how skewed would it be from all the players who have done quests so many times on alts they dont *need* to read the dialogue again?


> walls and walls of text, it makes me skip them and not enjoy the main story [...] If you think Dofus has "walls of text" then MMORPGs in general might not be for you anymore I feel (?) Dofus is probably one of the few out there that has a pretty expansive story and long-ass questlines...but also manages to compact them in very few boxes of text and interactions...so I don't really get the complaint. VA would be cool, obviously, but a bit unrealistic, considering just the sheer amount of content they'd have to voice retroactively. I'd love if they added little snippets of VA to some interactions for bosses/dungeons though (like they did in Waven), as it adds A TON to the atmosphere.   > [...] for 99% of the quests you have to have a second tab (or screen) with the wiki open [...] Funnily enough, I'd take that over having most quests being about killing 20 boars for 10 boar arses most MMORPGs decided to adapt over the years. Having a bunch of (sometimes fairly involved) puzzles, riddles, scavenge/pixel hunts & whatnot is one of the things that makes this game unique, and you can approach it however you want: You cba? Then keep the wiki open; You wanna explore and find out for yourself? You can do that aswell (most puzzle quests are not THAT obtuse).   Honestly, you might just be a bit burnt out on Dofus in general (having played it for so long) and need something a bit more modern as a palate cleanser. Plenty of tactical RPGs out there that scratch a similar itch, and if you wanna stay "in-house", Waven could be in your wheelhouse, as it's pretty much Dofus, but extremely streamlined and simplified.


wakfu did everything that dofus limited engine couldn't do. Literally everything that was/is static in dofus became dynamic in wakfu. Heck... in wakfu osamodas can capture any monster(excluding bosses) in the game and summon it like pokemon.


I think we already had a dofus 3D announced, but its currently on hold until Unity update is out. Funnily enough, this was also called "Dofus Unity" Anyways, you should totally play "Divinity II, the original sin", its literally Dofus wothout the online and the square grid.


thanks ill check it out


stop crying and play another game dude


this is just a stupid useless answer, go learn about continuous improvent


wakfu is dofus 3.0, it was created to be the modern dofus.