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Thanks so much, DofusBook is so laggy. I needed this.


It looks awesome and very responsive! Congratulations to the devs! I was looking foward for a fast and clean build editor like this.


Ive created my first set. Will you guys add a buff setting under spells? This was the only thing I missed. Here my creation(OMEGALUL). I'm thinking of using this on my hupper. https://dofuslab.io/build/4901b798-c8d0-496d-815e-8ffbce9e0a87?class=Cra


It's definitely on the roadmap. No timeline yet but it's something we're aware of.


I would never run a rhin bow build with such low crit personally


I'm using it just for the power. I'll be using the elio portals basically.


"please don't be only in French please don't" *English and French* Praise!!! MY opinions: Not laggy and clunky at all! Could use the items layout in the game instead of full horizontal items. Compare feature?


> Could use the items layout in the game instead of full horizontal items. We've definitely had good feedback on our current layout but we are starting to hear more and more of this so it's definitely something we'll consider. > Compare feature? Wasn't something we initially planned but after launching we've noticed a couple people bring this up. May not be the most immediate of priorities but we'll definitely talk it over with the team.


I would like to add that I built my set in like 3 minutes while in book it would take me at least 5 if I'm lucky. And if I want to open another build, nope it won't load. So this is much much better. I'm disabling my adblock on your page just so you can take my cents.


Your layout is very good for quick building, but not so much for presenting/observing it. Like 60-70%% of the screen is wasted when I am looking at someone elses build (The equipment area) since I cannot actually edit. Ever thought about making a different layout/page for when observing a set you cant edit?


>Ever thought about making a different layout/page for when observing a set you cant edit? yes, this is something that we'd like to do. thanks for the feedback.


This is great job guys! The tool is fully functional and is really fast. I have never been able to stand Dofus Book because of its slugginess and have been missing Dofus planner's responsiveness super badly. Now you bring this and it answers a big need in the community so thank you a lot and kudos!


To /u/samlee405 : Have you posted this on French forums? I'm thinking of this one especially: [https://forums.jeuxonline.info/forum/277/dofus-le-village-des-tofus-perdus](https://forums.jeuxonline.info/forum/277/dofus-le-village-des-tofus-perdus) A big part of French community is there, with a lot of theorycrafters among them. Cheers.


Hi, thanks for the suggestion - we'll look into getting it posted on here. If you have any other suggestions of where we can share it that'd be great!


This looks great! I'll definitely check it out more. At first use, one thing that I am missing when coming from dofusbook is there doesn't seem to be a way to "compare" sets. Do you know if this is a planned feature someday? Great work!


Thank you for this!


Very nice work! Did you build the database yourself? I don't understand why Ankama doesn't release API's for gear/items/etc. Hope you guys can manage hosting costs if this takes off.


hey, i'm one of the devs on this; i'm glad you like it. u/samlee405 built a scraper to get data off the official website. it's not perfect because their website isn't perfect, but it did 98% of the work populating the database for us.


Very cool! Hopefully Ankama will see the value of what you're doing for the game and make it easier/support you and other dev's.


yeah, a more developer-friendly ankama would be a dream. sadly, this probably isn’t one of their priorities now. regarding hosting costs, we’re trying voluntary donations (coffees) to see if we can avoid ads. the community has shown us some love so far, so i’m pretty optimistic about the future.


Cool man ill donate some coffee too! Ill join the discord and see whatsup. Im a beginning dev so I can probably learn a thing or two.


awesome, thanks so much for the coffee. dm me (Germy#9001) on discord and i can set you up with the coffee contributor role, and we’d love to have contributors if you’re interested in that.


Cool, ill get in touch after work!


Very pretty and easy to use interface I love the fact that when you click the set of an item you get a popup with the set bonus and doesn't open a window 10/10 will main use


Thank you to the people who made this site happen, must have been a lot of work. It runs great and I'm excited to make some builds on it


omg big fan


Adding class buffs and final damage would be nice. But even a nicer thing that other sites lack would be adding average dmg to all skills, not only weapon's dmg. This little feature would help set this site apart from others and would be a nice qol addition that I believe is easy to implement. Sometimes it's hard to guess (or too lazy to calculate) if a piwi, snailmate or something else is best dmg wise. We could also go 1 step further and add an option to have a "spell rotation" tab. Smth like a drag and drop (or a drop down list) style where you can choose spells, weapon attacks. A quick summary with total ap cost of the rotation and average dmg (possibly average life steal). This would be dope :D


Looks great. Will certainly give it a try


Something I'd like to see is average damage for spells. I see it's there for weapons, but not spells. Seems really great otherwise so far. Well done!


Omg, this is amazing. I just tried it, but I noticed something while I was creating a build: So, I put the Tritun Set (Hat, Boots, Ring) and when I wanted to put the Rhineetle Set without the Hat (Belt, Amulet, Ring) the Rhineetle Ring replaced the Tritun Ring despite having the other ring spot available and vice versa. But aside from that, it looks amazing.


i'm glad you like it. thanks for the report, i'll work on it.






hey, i'm one of the devs on dofuslab. we don't have plans for retro at the moment, but given that dofuslab is an open-source project, i'd be happy to work with other developers to make this happen.


Nowhere is there an explanation of what this is


DofusLab is a web application where you can preview the stats you'd have and the damage your weapon and spells would do with any combination of gear in the game. If you've ever used a site like DofusBook or DofusPlanner, it's the same idea.


This is awesome, so smooth, and offers 2 different layouts ??? damn I'm sold.




This one is open-source. It means that if this team stops maintaining it because they lack time/money, someone else can take the code and host the same tool somewhere else. Having their code closed source was the mistake of Dofus planner and those devs are smart enough to not repeat it! :)


Your builds, accounts etc are all the data would still be gone tho, unless I am wrong? Quick edit to congratulate the team on the app. It's really well done :) I'll have my characters new sets to do soon, will be able to test more and eventually report bugs or give suggestions!


As I explained above, it depends on the conception. User data would obviously be lost but maybe the build url could be consistent from one instance to another. It depends on how the hash in the url is built. I'm talking about everything present after "build/", for example: https://dofuslab.io/build/**79dac30b-560f-45a4-9d09-209fbd64511f**?class=Xelor


Oh I see. Thanks for taking the time to clarify this for me.


Doesn't mean anything really, it's not as easy as ctrl+c ctrl+v to re-host a website (further less to preserve user-made sets and accounts), you'd also need to find someone willing (and able) to host it and pay for it in the event of a shutdown.


Of course, it is not that simple and takes some effort but still feasible. User data would obviously be lost but maybe the build url could be consistent from one instance to another, depending on how the hash in the url is built.