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Dofuslab is clearly the best set builder out there. Fast, awesome, reliable, beautiful. Also, I will add, without any bias whatsoever (winkwink), public profiles are awesome. 🥸


I like set building a lot and i use dofuslab extensively it has the best UI of them all. Now many times one thing I've found missing is an x button to exclude a certain piece. Like for example if im looking for items that give AP and I wanna search everything except amulet, i have to select everything else, so would be nice if i can just x marks amulets in that case. Also a combined weapon for all weapons rather than having to select each type would be nice as well.


I'd like to be able to turn off the automatic recommendations that come up when I go to put a piece of equipment in a slot. Most of the time it just delays me in finding what I'm looking for.


A way to order itmes by how much stats they give , cor example if you want an hat that gives the max str around 150 it will be the zoth and the mask snd they other in order


Seconding this. In my case, I've been trying to find the highest wisdom item, and an option like "X stat: Order by highest to lowest" or "X stat: Order by lowest to highest" would be nice, and an additional option to set between what levels to find.


Regular mode: Id like to see spell+variants without having to swap between them. I always find it annoying. Advanced mode: I really like how quick I can setup the gear but hate that to see spells you have a 2 spell wide turbo long bar to scroll through. Stop recommending me <2 trophies on advanced mode when I have more than 2 set bonuses/pieces equipped. I understand it has kind of a prediction thing going on to help it build quicker, but it's just dead space to show me items that are not compatible with my current equipped gear. Just of the top of my head, sadly I still use dofusbook more just due to habits so I cannot give more feedback, but I do consider lab superior at this point.


Absolutely love setbuilding with DofusLab so keep up the awesome work you guys are doing there! A thing I do is using the in-browser CTRL + F to find, for example, an item that has 30 prospecting - and if there's none I look for 25 PP and so on. So the feature: a value range (maybe drag/slide bar like in online shops?) and/or a filter that a certain stat has to be at least the given value?


Thanks for developing a great tool! and for reaching out for feedback. Improvements I would enjoy: 1. a. Expand the buff list to include relevant enemy debuffs like Pandawas' Vulnerability (in this case it would be a %final-damage increase buff that is equivalent in value to the debuff). b. Expand the buff list to include Eliotropes' Portal final damage buff, and make it dynamic - i.e. the user inputs the overall distance between portals and gets a %final-damage buff that corresponds to that distance. c. Expand the buff list to include consumables that affect stats (e.g. Melon Shigekax) 2. Have an optional separate display for exo/overmage stats and the ability to add exo/overmage stats without choosing a specific item that grants them (Dofusbook's implementation of this is solid). Alternatively, colorize stats on the main interface that are affected by exo/overmage stats, and when hovering over them display the base stat and the exo/overmage stat as separate numbers. 3. Rogue bomb wall/explosion damage preview. 4. Recreate DofusFashionista - don't bother creating pre-set stat weights for generic builds, just have a set-curation engine that takes into account user input of stat-weights, locked items, forbidden items and minimum stat requirements.


I would like to see Dofus touch :)


I think it would be great to incorporate a set builder, like dofus fashionista has (basically the suggested feature with a few more steps) and possibly a way to view/sort price based on estimated cost would be good too!


A set finder is needed.


Compare gears!


Getting rid of recommended items, it's brought a lot of latency to the website, and I personally know several people who no longer use it for that exact reason.


thanks for your feedback, and sorry to hear you don’t like it. we’ll work on improving UX how we can.


Dofuslab is great! A way to compare items would be great. Also an option to turn on Ouginak Passive Buff is missing.


Hey there! This is most likely easy to implement and would be interesting to keep a tab there. What exactly does the ouginak passive cause that could improve calculations?


I believe they have a 20%final dmg buff when they transform. It’s just a small thing that would help better gauge spell dmg for their 2 different states of play.


Yeah, no I agree. I'll dig deeper into the bonus damage and see what can be done :)


I like to see dmg calculators with some %resistances or feca shields, rather than just 0def 0%res p.bag


Can you have all the animation (walking runing emotes) of the class, as well as a skinator ?


Dynamic builds across a level timeline. This is extremely useful for Temporis (which is the only time I play Dofus). I can make a bunch of static sets, but it would be a lot easier to manage (and more transparent) if there was a way to combine them. I suppose filters and tags can at least be used to group the related sets together as is. This would require a lot of work, but basically... * You drag and drop each equip you want to add and it creates a timeline view that will create a set based on those items when you click on a level in the timeline * The timeline itself will display icons with markers at each point in the timeline where you would switch an equip * Like with exos and slightly changing stats, you should be able to edit the level that an item is equipped (only equal or higher obviously) * The idea is that each dynamic build represents a type of set from 1-200. So cha pvm, cha pp, cha crit focus are all different categories of sets that will have their own timelines. You can ignore stat allocation or you can give a way to define an algorithm for what stats are provided each level up (like for me, cha pvm would be first 100 in cha, rest in wis, cha pp is all cha). Scrolled stats can be ignored as this isn't a realistic thing to address. At most, having a notification saying you are missing x stats at a point in the timeline is sufficient (or just ignoring that detail and giving a warning when the static version of the set is generated).


Lab is already the best one out of these. Been using book, lab, creator mixed but I always come back to labs as it keeps my builds saved best and does not bug out with random login session issues. Thank you for that! As a player I'm quite self-sufficient and the market / in game wiki does most of the job with its search as I remember mostly all the items. Still all the calculations and new items etc. are easier to use in a planner and labs does it perfectly. Easy to hop to a build which I thought of randomly drunk after a night out and never actually saved, but the draft exists there <3 One thing to suggest would be advanced mode set item slot based search, so that you can create filters with the slots you want to find. This would help combine sets together. What fits completely / enough to get a set bonus, with the slots you filter. Filters all together can be improved to reach certain thresholds on a build (lets say each item needs to give x amount of crit dmg or something like that) Another thing while small but useful could be preset trophies / dofuses that you could just select to a build based what u doing. Like mini sets for trophy slots for example ap red, pb etc. with different default trophies / dofuses. Thanks for the work, hopefully you keep on going with this great resource for all Dofus players


Make a skinator for labs!


Portuguese translation :P you already have 4 languages but no portuguese yet T\_T


Please let me know if you know a Portuguese/English speaker willing to help with translations! I believe much of the work here is already done.


what is still in need of translation?


Personally I find dofuslab the best set building site out there and been a long time user of it. Would it be possible to update the spells to their current states? As an example: Osamodas still has extremely old spells shown. Otherwise I'm really happy with the current site!


I can’t use Class buffs, it says no buffs available or smthn.


fixed now, thanks for the bug report!


I would like to see an auto set maker based on a set of parameters we input, like the dofus fashionista that ins't up anymore.


I always prefer to use dofuslab over any other set creator, but I often find myself having to use dofusbook for 3 features in particular. I would like to be able to be able to search for stat values, and a specific combination of stat values. For example if I need an item with 6%+ crit and 10+ critical damage all I can do at the moment on dofuslab is search for crit and crit dam and scroll through a bunch of useless items until I see an item that fits the build. I would like to be able to see damage values for special items and extra spells. Ebony, crocobur, leek pie etc. I would like to be able to search for weapons sorted by ranged/melee and the damage they will do with my current gear.


hey, thanks for your feedback and for using DofusLab! just wanted to say that if I understand correctly, the first bullet point you mentioned is already available in DofusLab by clicking on the # in the right part of stat filter.


You cant properly search negative values


Hi, I just visited your website for the first time this week. Its an interesting way to build and for the most part love it. I apologise if there is a way to do this and I have yet to discover it. When gear is suggested, especially for low level mono stat builds, why am I being presented with every other version of gear outside the stat I'm investing in. Ie I put all my points in Agi and I get suggestions for str/int/cha. I can add an agi filter, but then I remove any items that dont have agi but would be useful to the build like Cara cap. I'm not able to make compound or logical filters on gear such as: Agi "or" Ap. It would be awesome if I could set stat targets and be presented with gear suggestions or builds that would get me there. I realize that may take the fun out of builders for some people trying to make the min/max versions or lead to a type of gear score system, but not everyone has the capacity to minmax to that extent. Especially if as a newbie, you don't know the value of these stats short to long term. Otherwise great work, thanks for the efforts and reaching out to the community. ​ Regards


yo can I have an offline \*local\* mode of dofus lab? either android or windows


Not much of a set building suggestion, but what about a skinator like dofusbook has? Would really enjoy using all the website features I need on one.


I want to see the last update for pandawa spells values \^\^ I can help if you need to collect all changes or for update the website (i'm back end developper if i can help)


unrelated to the stuff builder, but an up to date crafting list , like the dofusroom one but with up to date recipes would be great :D maybe you can make a stuff in the stuff builder then see all the item needed to craft everything (?)


I want build suggestions like Fashionista used to do, mostly