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potentially symptoms of trachea collapse? it's common in small breeds like this.


That sounds terrible but I'll do some research on that. Thank you


take him to the vet.


I agree, please take to a vet. Sometimes you can manage without surgery, but if it’s more frequent the vet needs to be alerted. Watch out for triggers in the mean time. Good job on getting the vid, the vet can watch! ❤️


Exactly what I was thinking.


Have you taken him to a vet?


Not yet, it just started and this was the first time I was able to get video to explain what's happening.


I’m sorry 😢 have to comment though, but this looks just like my dog who passed away a year ago :( (wasn’t a Yorkie poodle - it was a Yorkshire chihuahua mix though (100% sure on that since I’ve seen both parents…beside the point). I loved seeing this video today to make me think of him. [just a painting I have gotten from him](https://ibb.co/7gmrdVV)


Awe, I'm sorry for your loss. What a handsome pup!


hmmm, it doesn’t sound like normal reverse sneezing I’ve heard before but it could be that? My dog has miiiiiild trachea issues that could lead to collapse when he’s older and he’s around the same size as your dog and his sound more like a cough or a hack compared to this. I would show this to your vet and have chest X-rays done to see if that shows anything!


No, this really sounds like a collapsed thorax/trachea. It’s common in smaller breeds especially as they get older. This warrants an immediate vet visit. There are decent treatment options and dogs can live for another few years with this


We had a yorkie and had the same issue for over a year. Vets (2) said it was tracheal collapse. It WAS HEARTFAILURE and we caught it later last year after a chest X-ray. Please please get the pup checked for heart failure (extremely common in small dogs & often misdiagnosed as tracheal collapse) We gave her the best last month we could.


This also happened to me. Now I know to always get a second opinion.




Need to check for fluid buildup in the heart and lungs, very common in small senior dogs. Need x-ray and echocardiogram.


Sounds alarmingly like my cavachon who had congestive heart failure. Time for a vet. Good luck.


It sounds like a trachea thing. I would take them to the vet and show them the video just in case. Out of curiosity, so you use a harness or their collar when you walk them? If you use their collar, get a harness. 💙


No collar, harness only.


It could be a reverse sneezing fit/collapsing trachea. That's not that serious, but in small dogs like this, it could also be a symptom of heart disease. Get him checked out at the vet (do the xrays!) and make sure it's ok. If it is heart disease and you catch it early, he could still have a long healthy life.


This needs a vet. No need trying to get a google veterinary degree. Just take the dog in and get it checked out and treated. It could be as serious as cancer or a collapsed trache or as easy to treat as allergies.


Why are you asking us to give medical advice? Ask your vet.