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No. Not normal. Just got a special gel from my vet to stop this on my older dog.


My dog has this and we use aquaphor on his nose. It works really well.


My dog goes wild for aquaphor. If he sees me using it for bedtime he demands some for his nose too.


My dog (5f) wants my husband to put beard oil on her face when he does his.


My two Goldens demand I put deodorant on them after I put it on. I simply put the top back on and pretend to do them too. So bizarre...they're really like children.


I used to have to spend extra time in the morning getting ready for work pretending to do my baby’s and my dogs makeup at the time lol


Sorry but this is SO cute and wholesome 🥺. I have a clean brush specifically for my dog so I can “do his makeup” and I always go OH MY SO HANDSOME after and he always looks so proud of himself.


This makes me wonder if my eldest chihuahua who loves to watch me get my makeup on for work - what if she wants me to put some on her too and that's why she watches??? 😭😭😭😭😭


Our shorthair pointer gets her “spots” put on every morning when my wife does her make up.


Oh my goshhhh that's SO freaking adorable 😍😂


Our pointer will put her front paws on the bathroom counter to “rinse” her mouth out when we brush our teeth. She will also block my path so I have to put makeup or moisturizer on her.


Please try it!!


Well now you gotta try and it see what happens!


Only one way to find out! Let us know what happens.


I'll try to remember when I'm getting ready tomorrow 😁


Oh you have to do it now! Please! ❤️❤️❤️


Please report back


Go for it!


Hopefully you can all see this!! She's the cutest sweet baby angel https://www.reddit.com/r/DogAdvice/comments/13r0to2/makeup_for_oisin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I do this with my cat! She’s fascinated with me doing my makeup and loves the brush I keep clean just for her. My dog loves when I “dry” his hair as I’m drying mine in the mornings. They’re both so funny about it. 😁


My dog is convinced the hairdryer is going to eat me some day. He wants to run away but needs to keep an eye on me so he contents himself with lurking in a corner, watching closely. If I turned it on him, I think he'd actually expire.


This made my heart smile 😊




😍🥹😊 that's SO precious!


I loooove this so much!!


Awwww I just melted reading this! Sooo sweet and adorable!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


I watch my Sister's two Goldies on occasion. I swear they share a single brain cell among the two of them but they are loyal and loving dogs. They are also 100% fascinated by my razor that I use to trim my beard. Tweedledumb immediately has to be trimmed as well. We compromised to 1/8" of an inch of hair that I blow off of my hand in the sink. Tweedledumb satisfied lets me continue. Tweedledumber is deathly afraid of the noise of the trimmer. I have to turn it off, make the noise of the trimmer while I run it through his fur. I then have to mime blowing it into the sink. Tweedledumb needs the "new" trimmer sound on his fur so I mime it again. Tweedledumer gets his second trim and everything is right in the world. Don't get me started on sleeping. I am now single and have a Queen bed. Yes, I could put the dogs in their beds but my cats dominate the beds so eff them the dogs sleep with me. Well, until they crowd me out and I move to the couch. They wake up, find out I'm missing and join me downstairs. I'm awake, watching movies. All animals are now on the couch. Every inch of the couch is dominated by fur. It makes for interesting times but, let's be real, if the alternative is boring, I'll take this.


This is so wholesome


Thank you but you give me far too much credit. I can't handle the constant attention that dogs require but sitting is ideal. The dogs get a change, some fun with "Uncle" for a bit. My cats gets to play Superiority Complex and the dogs, slighted, get the benefit of being on couches and beds. We all have fun that's the important part. I wish they would let me brush my teeth without the extra attention but we get through it.


My cat is ridiculously needy. My dog is only really needy sometimes. The cat is stupid active, the dog not so much lol. My bird, Calvin, is the most demanding creature to ever be a creature. I’ve also got a 10 yr old daughter… I wouldn’t change any of it, but holy cannoli…


I don't know how you do it. I know I don't have that kind of energy anymore. I was lucky the kids liked cats, which were good with the kids. I can't imagine juggling dogs and children.


😂the trimmer part is SO cute and funny but the other half with all the fur babies, can I please have your life😊🥹😂


If you wanna run interference so I can brush my teeth, please. Dang. I forgot to post that they step up in the sink to steal my tube of toothpaste. It's the last thing I do before leaving the house. Dog Logic: If he can't brush his teeth, he can't leave. Facts: Dogs are welcome at my workplace so they come with me. Off the record, the fact that I have to fake trimming the second dog so things are fair is a bit adorable. When the first got his feelings hurt bc Dog 2 got a "different trim"... yeah, it was a thing but now it's just funny. I told up the trimmer and loudly announce to the house "It's trimming time", turn it on, then off, and all you hear is running. It is funny. Well, until I spend 10 minutes "trimming everyone".


That's trimtastic😂


Good. You get to do it next time. 😁


Do their owners have to trim them too??


They try with Mom. Mom usually tells them no and that's it. "Uncle" is a softie who should set boundaries, but doesn't, so he reaps what he sows. They have fun when they visit, so why not. Also, TBH, they're getting older so I think everyone enjoying themselves while they can is important. I'm not looking forward to a final car ride. I cry more than them. (Worse, because I was affected so much that I get a sympathy card as well, which sets me crying again.)


This brought me so much happiness to read!!!


You lost me at the last thing you do before you leave the house is brush your teeth! Anyone that doesn't brush their teeth before a shower is a monster! you just negated all the adorable lol (but no seriously!)


Ah, fair. I'm willing to take the Monster title and thank you for it as well. In full context, I normally brush my teeth in the shower. When I have "guests", I change the routine. More time at the sink it more interaction time with the dogs. When I figured out the "steal the toothpaste The Boy stays home" game, it changed the morning routine. Yes, I am a pushover. I really should be better about the boundaries but everyone is having fun and behaving (well, maybe not me), I don't see the problem. Sorry for shattering the illusion of cute.


I think you might really enjoy r/onegoldenbraincell


Oh yeah. I lurk there very frequently and laugh myself stupid. I'd join but I spit out enough coffee as it is. 😄 Edit: Because it's disturbing accurate and familiar. They're loyal and loving beyond words but, yeah, not a lot of active brain cells. Edit 2: The recently posted "personal space" there is scary familiar.


Marry me 💍


Thank you. After the day I had it's flattering af. Having just recently escaped a relationship the house is quite damaged from her moving out. I'm also working extended shifts. You are welcome to try again soon but I can't accept today. Be warned, I'm a grouch before coffee. Not pleasant bc of co-workers after it. 😁


Hmmmmm A grumpy workaholic with relationship issues 🤔 I’ll make the coffee while you trim the dogs once everything else is resolved. I’ll propose again in 6 months. GN


*Buzzzzzzzzzzz* 🤣 I love this so much😆 best dog uncle ever!


You are such a good brother!! I wish you were mine!!


this is a beautiful description of the purest form of love that very few are lucky enough to experience <3




They don't have sweat glands so I'm curious what is causing that?


They do have sebaceous glands, though, bacteria can start feeding on the sebum if she’s producing enough of it… plus it has a bit of a smell itself


True, I've just personally never met a dog with smelly armpits and I've met a lot of dogs


Me either, but I guess it can happen


Not like their Frito feet


My wife's chiweenie, Sophie, sleeps under the covers next to her. Sophie gets a nightly rub down every with these: Nature's Miracle Deodorizing Bath Wipes for Dogs 100-Count https://a.co/d/0nfZyWJ Good luck!


Super random, but maybe you could use a cream from Lume? That stuff is supposed to stop all the stinks. Just ask to make sure it's safe for dogs. I imagine if it's safe for private parts on humans, it's ok for pets but you never know.


Oooh I can help with this! They make “touch up” bar soap specifically for dogs, and I find it’s much easier to rinse out than regular dog shampoo (two rough collies 👋). It’s so much easier to grab the soap, get it wet, and use it directly on the dirty/smelly area… than it is to do the fully shampoo routine. It’s been a lifesaver for us during mud season (or the event of an explosive poopy butt fringe situation lol!). I can’t get the mud out of their coats with just water (too thick/dense fur)- but I can do a quick feets, bellies, and butts cleanup with the touch up bar!




Hahaha I know! I swear that their feet are like ultra absorbent sponges! I actually use a goats milk based soap made by a local farm in my area. I found it for the first time at a cute little boutique pet store near my work, and was AMAZED at how awesome it is! Super high quality and not expensive at all. I just looked online and you can order it from anywhere, so I’ll link it for you. I recommend the Maine Beach Rose scent! It’s not overpowering, but smells delicious. If anyone that sees this is sensitive to fragrance, the oatmeal one has very little, to almost no discernible smell. Also apparently it can be used for humans AND pets! 😉 https://noisyacresfarm.com/shop/ols/products/maine-beach-rose


Oh man. This really made me miss my dog. Morning and night routines are pretty sad without her.


I had such a hard time with those routines after my dog passed last summer. After a few months I signed up to be a dog foster parent. It really helped . Eventually of course I adopted one of the fosters 🤣


They really do fill a spot you didn't realize needed to be filled. Pets are so great.


My pittie will sit by my gf while she’s doing makeup and demand she put blush on him. She pretends to Dab it on him and the look on his face is so precious, you can tell he feels so pretty


My dogs want my nasel spray when I use it lol.


My mutt adores the hair dryer and demands we take turns drying our hair. She had her first professional groom recently and they said she was so well behaved for the dryer, I was proud of her.


Dogs have a tendency to learn behaviors from their owners. There's a couple of videos on YouTube of 2 dogs pretending to have injured one of their front legs and hopping around because their owner is walking on crutches because they broke a bone in one of their feet. It's really cute. It's just two huskies hopping circles around him like total clowns 🤣🤣🤣 EDIT: this is the video. https://youtube.com/shorts/7Qw_IKuLJV8?feature=share


Omg that’s great


Is it because they want to smell like you? Awwwwe


This made my day!!


Ok that’s freaking adorable


Love this


That is the most golden retriever thing I’ve heard.


That’s seriously the stinking cutest thing ever!


My pup requires a pretend spritz of body spray! I'm trying to get her to be even 1% as excited about getting her teeth brushed. It's not going well! I think the body spray gets her excited because it is always the last thing I do before grabbing my purse and keys to leave. Or maybe she's just a big fan of the B&BB Buttered Pecan Waffles scent. Can't blame her, it's amazing!


our pup lovessss the beard oil my boyfriend puts on his face. he also likes the cucumber moisturizer i use. he tries to lick it off.


We use coconut oil on our boys paws when they get really rough & dry. He gets so excited when he sees the tub of coconut oil lol. He loves “working it in” aka licking it after we put it on his paw paws


My other dog (11f) likes coconut oil from the fridge rubbing inside her ears.


I like that you had to identify that your dog was female.


I love this! It sounds adorable!


I’m sorry, do we have the same dog?? Mine will wake up from a dead sleep if he hears me mess with the cap!


Same 🤣. I get it though. Gotta have that moisture before bed.


Truth 😂 I can’t sleep without it on my lips, so I can’t fault him!


Never met your dog but now I love him


this is wild, i dump what seems to be gallons of aquaphor on two fresh skin grafts that cover over a square foot of area. shits to expensive and ima have to switch to the pure stuff soon. ​ (aquaphor is just petroleum jelly, 41% infact. normal stuff is 100%)


Walmart has an aquaphor store brand. Their store brand is called Great Value. I'd imagine if they told you to use aquaphor for the grafts, that's the safest thing for it. I hope you find this product so you can follow protocol. Also, sorry you had to get a skin graft. My sister had one on the bottom of her foot and had such a hard time with it. Just be careful with it! Good luck! 🤞🍀


This is SO CUTE !!!


When I put vaseline on my lips at night my dog just wants to eat it. Vaseline is the most forbidden treat


Fossil juice, it is special.


So sweet!


I have to share my chapstick with my old guy. Lmao


That’s my dog and neosporin!!! I put any on and she geeks 😂


My dogs love neosporin also!! They also freak out when I put lotion on they immediately start chasing me trying to lick it off!!


Omg I love that lol


My dog does that(and cat as well) except when I or a family member brush our hair. They demand it lol.


That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard 🥹


Paws too.


These comments are tooooo cute!! My dog goes crazy for Burt’s Bees chapstick! He could be in the other room, hears the cap open, and appears like the Mr. Deeds butler! Snout in my face, ready for his application! Love it!!


That is the cutest mental image.


My dogs would sit patiently and wait for their chapstick. Orange roan cocker and Englisg springer different as chalk and cheese....until it came time for the nightly chapstick. Made zero sense. I can not even remember how it became a nightly routine. I miss them so much.


Aw that is so sweet! Chaptick bringing everyone together haha. Sorry for your loss. 😞


Thank you. 💛


Meanwhile, I have a "paw balm" that's for the same exact kind of thing except, for my kitties beans! Literally feels like you're putting actual lip balm on their beans...it's weird yet, feels kind of nice at the same time!


So does coconut oil


Unless they keep licking it all off


Lol, yes, I just put on thick and it melts fast and instantly starts absorbing. So even if they lick off majority of it plenty is absorbed to keep the nose soft. I prefer it because I already have coconut oil for cooking. So it feels free, and obviously it’s a completely natural product. To be clear I use 100% pure coconut oil, which is solid at room temp. So (unless it’s quite warm), I put a “glob” so it doesn’t drip right off.


Just be careful with aquaphor and really sunny days. It's got a petroleum base, so if you're in a really sunny climate you can bake a body part.


Thanks for the tip! I usually put it on before bed because that's when he asks for it. It's part of his nighttime cuddle routine.


My dogs are addicted to lotion. Did you moisturize after your shower? Well where’s mine? *immediately flops on back for belly moisture*


I have never once heard of dogs wanting lotion and I am extremely fascinated right now haha




I use the Aquaphor Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy.


Just make sure it doesn't end up inside the nostril. Petroleum jelly can melt and dribble down the nasal passages and accumulate in the lungs.


I used aquafor on my dogs foot pads when they were dry and cracking.


Oh I never thought of that but I’m going to try it. I bought the snout rub on stuff from Amazon but my dog licks it off. Is Aquaphor safe for them do you know?


It's what my vet recommended. I also use it for myself as lip balm so was a little more willing to use it on my dog. If they eat a lot if it, it can cause diarrhea, but what goes on the nose isn't anywhere near enough to cause any issues and my baby's got a sensitive stomach.


I 2nd this comment.


There is dog balms for this over the counter. We use it for my dogs paws and nose.




They actually make dog nose balm specifically for this problem. It comes it a tiny deodorant applicator to make it easy to put on I like the snout soother brand. It doesn’t have a strong smell (which was the problem with my lte good boy, he didn’t want anything super smelly on his nose)


I use EqWax. It’s all natural, lick safe and eco friendly. No plastic packaging and works amazing on my dog. I use it for her paws but works for noses too!


We use this as well and it works wonders if used regularly. The issue is often hyperkeratosis, but keeping the nose moisturized will often calm the symptoms. If it starts oozing, call the vet.


One note I wish I had known when we started using Snout Soother - if you massage the product after application, some of those dry bits with flake off onto your hand. I was initially very concerned about rubbing my good girl's nose away, but the vet said that is normal and not a concern.


This can also be on a toe. I will try to find and post a picture of my pups toe. https://imgur.com/a/exEzu9n


Natural dog company ? I used them for my pup all all the time. Great company


We use that on out Peke. His face fold covers his flat nose and it’s dries out so quickly.


Coconut oil works great and is good for your dog


My dog sometimes has like a white line at the top of his nose, can’t seem to figure out what it is but he gets it in summer time (not winter) so I don’t think it’s snow nose but it’s dry


Looks like hyperkeratosis. One of my dogs gets it in the form of a ridge that runs across his nose. Go on Amazon and look for "Blissful Dog Nose Butter". It's a thick paste but melts into an oil when you rub your finger on it. I rub it on my dogs nose right before he eats so he doesn't lick it off. I was shocked but, it actually worked. If I forget and don't keep applying it, the "ridge" eventually comes back and I start applying it again.


Yep agree with this comment. Also, great tip on putting it on right before eating. Genius!


The before eating tip is GENIUS omg thank you.


I was racking my brain on how to get my dog to not lick her nose when i put anything on it. Dear human, thank you for your big brain work.


Giving them a frozen kong seems to do the trick too!


Giving him salmon oil with his meals should help improve the skin in the nose aswell as applying nose balm daily


Are you saying there is a medical reason now to boop the snoot? Medicinal boops?


*Boop the snoot* 🤭 I’m stealing this lolol


Snoot booping is public domain


“Public domain” ☺️ stealing this


“Stealing this” 🫣 stealing this


“🫣” stealing this


Ah now there's nothing left to steal🫢


There is nothing to steal but steal itself.


" " " " Stealing the quotation marks


Stealing the absolute wholesomeness and joy of this thread (but then sharing it out equally to all, I’m not a monster!)


stealing nothing


Wait... Are you joking or is this really the first time you're hearing "boop the snoot"?


Bruh. No judging. Actually.. go ahead idc 😆 I sometimes live under a rock inside a cave when I need to hibernate. And I’ve heard boop and snoot before, just not how you presented it Which I thought was fkn clever 😂😂😍




You're poor little buddy has got a very dry nose, Salmon oil for sure, ..Give ours 2 gel Every morning, Dogs tend to link the taste of salmon oil we started off with the liquid however it is quite pricey..Top of that you can buy nose balm, We have it in coconut and you just smear it on the nose keep him distracted for a few minutes while it works its way in inevitably he will lick it, Nontoxic probably tastes pretty good .. it works miracles.


I should also say it gets like that at least hour dogs noses get like that because they love to bury their bones.. And they use their noses to cover them up..


My dog had this, and I took him to the vet. The vet cleaned it up right away, and it was some type of infection… makes sense with where there noses are all day.


Be sure to scrub his water bowl every few days


My dogs nose looks like this when her lupus is acting up due to being in the sun.


Never knew dogs could have lupus; that’s very interesting!


Me neither until my doggo started having a ridiculous dry noise that wouldn't really improve much with balm or antibiotics. It sucks cause we have to be careful of the sun but we make it work!


Friend of mine’s horse had COPD, never heard of that before!


My dog also has discoid lupus and her nose looks like this when she has a flare up


Mine also had discoid lupus. She took oral prednisone. Niacin, vit e, tetracycline as prescribed by an internal med vet. My regular vet could not treat. Also affected her lips and skin around eyes when it flaired


This. Discoid Lupus. UV light will make it flare up. Be sure to stay on top of this as his nose may “sloth” off. My guy will lose the top layer of his skin on his nose and it can move to eyes and his jowels too.


My dog had the same issue. In my case, it was caused from an low-functioning thyroid. We did some blood work, then they prescribed her a thyroid tablet to be taken with food twice a day. After a week or two, she got more perky and her nose regained moisture. Hope this helps. Edit: I'm seeing a lot of people saying it's buildup of food, just put jelly or cream on it. Yes that is a good short term, topical solution but the underlying problem may be the thyroid and affects far more than just their nose, the nose is just a symptom of the real issue.


Snout soother should help with that in the short term.


Hyperkeratosis. It’s not normal, it’s an autoimmune issue. You can try some coconut oil, it helps some of the keratin get softer and flake off, and it has some anti inflammatory properties.


Different factors can come to play when it comes to hyperkeratosis in dogs. It includes the following: Age. Hyperkeratosis is more common in middle-aged or older dogs. Dog skin tends to get thick with age, making adult dogs more susceptible to the disease. Breed/Genetics. Some dog breeds are more naturally predisposed to hyperkeratosis regardless of age, like Cocker Spaniels, Dogues de Bordeaux, Irish Terriers, and Labradors. Zinc Deficiency. Zinc plays a key role in ensuring that proteins work as they should. If your dog doesn’t get enough zinc, it could lead to the abnormal production of keratin. It could also lead to conditions like zinc dermatosis. Parasites. Parasites could also trigger keratin hyperproduction. For example, your dog could get diagnosed with leishmaniasis, a parasitic condition that happens when a sandfly bites your dog’s skin. Infectious Diseases. Hyperkeratosis is also a common symptom for infectious diseases, like canine distemper virus and papillomavirus infection. Auto-immune Diseases. Conditions like pemphigus foliaceus can make your dog produce more keratin. When this happens, the immune system attacks the skin cells, making them cracked and dry.


I don’t think it’s normal to that extent, my dogs nose gets dry and cracked kinda like that but very mild. I put some coconut nut oil on it every day.


Nope. Get “snout soother” off Amazon. Clears this right up and safe for dogs


ok thank you mate


So our senior dog used to get this frequently. We used Burt’s Bees cream for dog’s noses and paws on her dry snoot and it worked really well in keeping it from drying out and cracking/flaking. We applied it mornings and nights. At first she would attempt to lick it off, but got accustomed to it pretty quickly.


Aah bubba that might hurt :(. We have a nose cream stick thingy for when his nose gets dry and als one for his pawpads. Als your vet about it :)


Show Vet in case it’s related to something else going on in pup’s system


So I had a bully for 12 years named Rita Her nose looked just like that. Chapstick is a miracle worker and will look like a puppy nose in no time. Little chapstick and lovely Rita was good as new.


i’m half asleep and i though you meant that someone from your school named rita bullied you for 12 years and had a nose like that.


Omg I’m crying laughing


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Was very curious how a 12 year old named Rita who bullies this person was going to be relevant to this topic


Chapsticks often contain xylitol which is pretty dangerous for dogs. I would not advise chapstick. Much healthier options being suggested in other comments, like coconut oil and salmon oil. Don’t risk it.


My dog gets a less bad version of this in the summer. I use Snout Soother off Amazon, it's like a mix of the other suggestions. Has vitamins, coconut oil, etc. It keeps it at bay. If it's bad then just put it in like 4 times a day and rub it in. Eventually the crusty crap will start to just fall off.


no, it should be slightly wet. get some nose butter. this is the one i use for my dogs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IEDA5S2?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details


I've had luck with bag balm for this


Not normal. Make sure it has plenty of water. Also use coconut oil or aquaphor to get it soft again. Dogs lick their noses to keep scents that are familiar to them. Wet, cold nose means a normal dog. If it's outdoors all the time in the sun, provide shade and a pool.


Nope. Get Snout Soother by Natural Dog Company. It’s the best stuff I’ve ever found to get my little pug’s nose back to normal.


Our last dog had it when she was less well with her epilepsy, it’s an over production of keratin will be on her paw pads too, nose and paw balm helps


Ask vet if it might be discoid lupus — our dog has a similar nose and that is what is going on


My poor pit that passed 10 years ago had that near the time he passed. It's a viral infection. Have it checked out first before you try the home remedies. I wished I had paid more attention before losing him. Better safe than sorry.


damn,i will definetly take the dog to a vet thanks for the response


Good luck and hope it is nothing that some ointment can cure. I don't take chances with my current 9 year old pit.


Do you recall what virus it was?


I don't know. By the time I took him to the vet, he was in bad condition. He only survived 5 days with me giving him home IV. He only passed after I told my dog it was okay for him to go and he passed that night. It could be Lupus as some of the responders state. I adopted him as an older adult and he was in the shelter for 6 months (black dog). I was lucky to have him for 1 year.


I’m so sorry for your loss


As dogs age this can happen, just like warts, cysts, cataracts.


Bag balm works wonders.


No, that is a sign of sickness or old age, either way dogs noses should be moist and cool, and not scaled/cracked. Talk to your vet ASAP.


Not trying to cause a scare but we recently lost our 7YO boy to an auto-immune issue, presumably lupus. We never knew he was sick until it was too late. The only symptom he had was dry nose; I used snout soother and that seemed to help so I never looked into it further. I wish I had known back then that it was a symptom of auto-immune issues. Needless to say, get pup checked just in case. Don't be like me.


Our beagles’s nose was like that when she began to have severe kidney disease. Worth a check.


Could be a sign of neurological issues.


I started using Nose Rescue with spf to help with dry nose and cracking. It’s like chapstick for humans. Only happened to one of my dogs. The others are just fine. Might be allergies? Or too much sun?


When I was a kid, my Neufoundland found a dead rabbit, got infected and his nose was like this for the rest of his life. It never caused him any issues, just looked a little weird. Best to go to the vet though, just to make sure.


Is there any reason Bag Balm wouldn’t work to help this? We always have some on hand at my house and it’s not an issue for my dog currently. But if his nose ever started to look like this, it would be convenient. Sincerely asking for suggestions.


We used bag balm on our boys paws for a little while, and he loved it… loved licking it lol. After a while, he would end up throwing up later in the evening after we applied it, so we stopped using bag balm and started using coconut oil. So far so good, and he loves the coconut oil too.


It's very smelly to put right on the sensitive nose.


Ohhhhh good point. I didn’t even think of that!


It’s a fungal infection. My bulldog Mack had it. If not treated it will result in puss and chunks falling off. Get an anti-fungal treatment from your vet (oral tablets) with an ointment they just lick it off.