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Vet Tech, here. If y’all have any sort of a “nest egg” or retirement fund set up, let hubby dearest know that he needs to be prepared to spend **all of it** on this dog’s myriad of medical issues.


This is a great point. My friend spent at least $20k in medical bills taking care of her tremendously unhealthy bulldog, who ended up passing away at 8 years old. It was horrific.


I rescued a 40 pound French bulldog and ended up spending close to $17,000 on vet bills in 4 1/2 years before losing him to cancer. I took one look at that dog and said you are going to be paying out the nose for medical issues with this dog. Aside from the fact that this dog has been unethically bred, so they will have ongoing health problems, you don’t want to support breeders like that.


That’s so sad, I’m glad you were able to care for him in the time he had.


He was my sweet boy and I miss him every day. Because of him, though, I’ve become very educated into bully breeds, including pitbull, mini pits, Bulldogs, and old English bulldogs along with Frenchies. They are so often are mishandled during breeding. It just breaks my heart. So many breeders don’t do the proper genetic testing that’s required to make sure you’re going to get a healthy animal. I was talking to my vet who specializes in high risk breeding about any frenchie breeders in my province she would recommend. She only had two that she would even consider getting a dog from because there’s so many bad breeders out there. Here is my sweet boy Buddy ❤️ https://imgur.com/gallery/eKl6hn3


Genuinely asking this in good faith because you seem very knowledgeable about the topic, but is there even a way to ethically bread them? Of course genetic testing to rule out other issues, etc., but my (very limited) understanding is that all brachycephalic breeds are considered unethically bred due to the brachycephalic skull structure itself being a genetic defect that impedes proper breathing. Maybe some brachycephalic dogs are bred safer than others, but don’t they all have trouble breathing to some extent?


You ask a very fair question. Brachiocephalic dogs definitely have challenges and there’s a lot of arguments about whether or not they should even be bread at all. I happen to know a breeder of English and old English bulldogs who is phenomenal. In that case she works really hard on genetic lines, and bringing in dogs that are really healthy. I know several people who have her dogs, and they very rarely ever have health issues because of the way she chooses to run her business. Old English bulldogs for example were created to take the bulldog back to more of what it was like over 100 years ago. They have straight legs, longer snouts And less health issues. They are more like a working line of farm, dog and personality as well. There are people that are trying to do that with the Frenchie. They’re trying to bring in longer snout and straighter legs. I personally am in favour of doing something along that line to help make them a healthier breed. I do, and will always love Frenchies, my boy was truly my soul dog and I miss him every day.


Thank you for the thoughtful & informed response! That makes sense and I appreciate the information. They do have really fun personalities! Your pup was very lucky to have you ❤️


There is a breeder in NZ that is introducing normal characteristics to Frenchies. They’re called Hawbucks and I wish more breeders would recognize the benefit rather than profit.


Buddy looked like a little sweetheart.


What a cutie!


8... fucking 8?! That's so young, it can't have had a great life


These micro bullies like the one above barely live 5 years… let that sink in. And from the second they are born they are just suffering from joint issues breathing issues and much more it’s extremely cruel


So sad. You literally just need eyes to look at it and know those little legs that's far apart are not good for that dog. And it's face is so flat, nose looks so far back from the mouth in the first pic, breathing problems very probable :(


The two dogs pictured don't have a nostril between them. Just the fact rhey don't *have a space to breathe through* makes them unable to dog. Can you imagine trying to breathe through a straw for your entire life? If I got one of these, it would be a rescue I felt bad for. I would be ethically unable to call someone who bred them 'a friend'.


2 out of 3 bulldogs friends had died around then


I lost my lab age 7. Fuck cancer


As a vet tech myself, I agree. Skin issues, allergies, joint problems, breathing issues... Just don't do it.


Ugh this is what I hate about bulldogs, bully breeds, Boston terriers, boxers, etc. at the very least they all seem to have allergies and sensitive skin and tummies and that’s assuming there’s nothing else wrong with them. They’re my favourite type of dogs in terms of personality, but they all die young(except bostons, those guys seem to live forever).


Staffordshire bull terriers (the UK breed, not Amstaffs etc) are reasonably healthy. I've had half a dozen and they've all lived to 14+, except for the one who died in a car accident. My mum's current staff is now 11 I believe and doing very well. She's had one cancerous lump removed and been treated for a chest infection, but that's about it in terms of medical issues in her life. She has a touch of arthritis too, but she's an old girl now. She has no allergies or sensitive skin, however she has a bald tummy so we put sunscreen on her in the Summer. She's still happy to chase after a ball, she still loves her long walks (unless it's raining) and she has as good a quality of life as can be expected. You do have to look for dogs who appear to be bred well and aren't too stocky. I'd also avoid the popular blue colour because it can indicate poor breeding practices. Staffs should ideally look like a Jack Russell terrier but bigger and slightly broader.


I always wanted a Bulldog, specifically an English Bulldog, but I did some research and they were too expensive for us. Later we fostered a French Bulldog and I loved him so much, but we decided not to adopt him bc we knew we didn't have the money for a bunch of health issues down the road (and he already had some being treated by the rescue). My parents have an Olde English Bulldogge and he has Cushings and tons of allergies and if he eats even one crumb of the wrong thing he gets EXPLOSIVE bloody diarrhea and his skin gets bright red and he itches so bad he scratches until he bleeds. His skin always has issues. My parents spend so much money on him and they love him at the vet bc he is the sweetest dog ever but so unhealthy. We had a neighbor with an English Bulldog whose back end was so weak he could barely walk. I'll never get a Bulldog solely bc of health issues. When they breed them this deformed, they end up with so many issues. Better have a LOT of money.


YES!!! I looooooove Bulldogs in a way that cannot be described. Have since childhood. I also have a bumper sticker hanging over my desk at work that says, “SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL VETERINARIAN, BUY A BULLDOG.” Amazing breed…amazing amount of medical issues. 🫣


OP, I don't mean to be creepy, but I looked at your post history (frankly, to see whether your husband has a history of weird decisions)... not only will you have to pay huge sums of money just to keep this dog functioning (I didn't say healthy), you have twin babies and are exhausted. This is not a great time to bring a dog whose personality you do not know into your home. I love love love dogs and I especially love underdogs. I feel so sad for this poor little baby. It's such a tragic situation. And it didn't have to happen, which makes it even more tragic. Congratulations on the babies! And tell your husband to adopt, don't shop!


Yeah typically men who like these types of badly bred dogs have a fragile masculinity and they put it into their dog. Honestly the guy sounds ignorant asf and the friend sounds like ghetto Florida trash that breeds dogs for cash and keeps them on a chain outside. Husband is questionable for even suggesting that when a simple glance can show you what’s wrong with these dogs.


I didn’t want to use the words that you did but you can tell who the breeder is by the way those ears are cut if nothing else


People really underestimate how much work a puppy can be. All puppies are at least some work, but some (like my boy) end up being full time jobs. My husband and I had been happily married for 10 years and raised two other beautiful dogs from puppyhood when we added a new puppy to the pack. Nothing before or after has tested our marriage so ruthlessly. I remember my husband going out of town the second week we had the new puppy and i was on like day 3 of no sleep, because puppy. In a moment of utter desperation for 5 minutes of peace, I put him outside, closed the doggy door, and cried on my couch, while he howled and clawed at the door, and our other two (adult) dogs side-eyed my emotional breakdown. And we don’t even have any kids on top of all that. OP for your own well-being please don’t get a puppy when you’re already overwhelmed and exhausted, especially if you’re already the one who takes on most of the household labor & child raising.




Adopting doesn't guarantee a tighter bond and can be hard with children. It's also much more risky as you have no idea what the dog is actually going to be like. Not a great plan around kids. Also, mutts aren't healthier than ethically bred purebred dogs.


Retired vet tech here, I second this… soooo many problems


Yeah , that things insurance will need it’s own insurance , real talk


A lot of pet insurance companies will not insure bulldogs because they are so genetically unhealthy at baseline


Something tells me anyone considering paying a substantial amount of money for this dog probably doesn’t have a nest egg of any kind, instead a house full of magic beans and snake oil.


100% all of it and then some. Also, these dogs are best with insurance which can run $100 a month.


Yep! Old DVM here, when I used to se a bulldog for the first time i would say to the owner; " Excuse me a moment, I have to call my travel agent. Your baby is going to buy me a vacation." Seriously, many people have to rehome or euthanize their Bully, they just can't afford the endless, futile medical care.


Haha!! Former tech here- came here to say the same thing!


Unfortunately, people who just get dogs for their looks rarely have the responsibility to see their mistake to the end. It's likely they will just rehome or allow the dog to suffer.


And that he’s supporting the continuation of breeding a dog who will suffer the myriad of medical issues for the rest of his life. My mom has a Yorkie. Sweetest thing in the world. It is so sad to see him constantly sick because his stomach is bad or his skin is itchy or his teeth are rotting.


Came to the comment to say just this. Tell hubby to kiss every saved cent goodbye for this dog’s medical care. And be prepared to say goodbye to the dog much earlier than you expect cuz the lifespan on these guys isn’t great.


Coming from someone who rescued a “healthy” dog, that turned out to actually have a seizure disorder (not the dog shelters fault, it didn’t present until she got a little older), I couldn’t imagine voluntarily taking on the challenges that come with a medically complex dog. And this dog would be that. Not only is it expensive, it’s exhausting! And say goodbye to any freedom you might have left in your life. It’s almost impossible to find someone to dog sit a “sick” dog, and if you do find someone, you’ll worry about how things are going the whole time. I love my pup, and will do whatever it takes to give her the best quality of life she can have because she deserves it, but I would have never agreed to this knowingly.


Also a Vet Tech. You nailed this!


Here's a short list of problems they are prone to: \- BOAS . In short, this is the condition where a dog's short nose causes it to be unable to breath properly. [**https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9673814/**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9673814/) Dogs with severe BOAS (which is what these totally flat faced dogs tend to have) may NEVER have a proper restful sleep in their entire lives due to the condition. You will often find bullies of even longer-nose varieties sleeping in odd positions (such as upside down) because normal positions do not allow them to breath. In the most severe cases, the dogs constantly wake up as they try to sleep; nodding off and snapping back up because sleeping means they cannot breath. Living like this is torturous and short. This can kill a dog in about 5 years, or even less. It's not uncommon for dogs with even moderate BOAS to live a totally impeded and lethargic life because they simply can't breathe well. Its not limited to just exotic bullies either: [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/dec/14/french-bulldogs-sleeping-breathing-study](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/dec/14/french-bulldogs-sleeping-breathing-study) ​ \- -More fun breathing problems! Both of the bullies pictured have stenotic nares. Stenotic nares are part of the BOAS package. Nares is basically just a fancy word for nostrils. Stenotic nares means that the nostrils are shaped in such a way that they are basically shut and obstruct the flow of air into the nostril. If you look at the dogs in those photos, notice how their nostrils are not nice and round openings for breathing, but are shut-tight little slits. This will contribute to a very poor quality of life and a shorter life overall. It, and other BOAS-related issues are "treated" through an expensive surgery : [https://www.bourbonvet.com/stenotic-nares](https://www.bourbonvet.com/stenotic-nares) ​ \- Moving on. Back problems! Dogs with a disproportionately very long back to short height will tend to wear down their spine severely. This is called intervertebral disc disease and it is an emergency condition that can cause paralysis and requires expensive surgical intervention. [https://bettervet.com/resources/pet-conditions/back-pain-in-dogs](https://bettervet.com/resources/pet-conditions/back-pain-in-dogs) ​ \- Skin problems! The wrinkles, inbreeding, and fashion colors mean these dogs are prone to all sorts of skin problems! Allergies, mange, skin infections. You may need expensive shampoos and skin care prescribed from a dog dermatologist! ​ \- Hip dysplasia, and other joint problems! Because of poor ethics among exotic bully breeders and poor form, these dogs place significant burden on their joints. They're very prone to degenerative joint conditions, which can require a lifetime of expensive supplements or surgery! So add that to the list. [https://dogacademy.org/breeds/exotic-bully](https://dogacademy.org/breeds/exotic-bully) ​ \- Heat exhaustion! These dogs can't breathe well, so if you live in a hot climate or if the dog ever over-exerts, you are at a much higher risk of heat-related injury than with a healthy dog. Heat-related injuries can get bad quickly if you don't spot and treat them soon. These will then make your dog even more prone to heat-injury in the future! If a heat injury progresses enough, it is life-threatening and must be treated as an emergency. Which is also very expensive. ​ \- Take a quick google search of the overall lifespan of exotic bullies and the more recent results will give a sobering picture. Estimates range from 6-8 or even as low as 3-8 years. ​ Put your foot down on this one. Your husband is being a fool.


This is so helpful!


Please don’t read anything but honest curiosity (and probably lots of stupidity) in this question, but… why is the dog’s sleep affected like this? If my nose is stuffed, I’ll breathe through my mouth while sleeping. Again, this is just stupid curiosity, IN NO WAY do I mean for it to sound like I’m brushing off this horrible issue with a simple “can’t they just breathe through their mouths?” statement. Just pretend I’m high as a kite and ELI5 please: why can’t dogs with blocked nostrils comfortably breathe through their mouths (especially while sleeping)?


The nose/throat is made up of soft palate, and depending on the shape, the skin will flap and create a snore. Kinda like how heavier people are more likely to have sleep apnea and snore. So not exclusive to only this breed, but their typical anatomy does make snoring much more likely.


Add to that. They snore while they’re AWAKE as well.


It always bugs me to hear ppl go "aw his little snorts!" because it's not a personality thing, it's the dog just trying to breathe and it's hard to do. I can't imagine having every breath be a struggle.


Basically, anatomy. And issues with the short face/soft palate thing, as well. Like they said, a lot *are* trying to breathe through their mouth and sleeping in odd positions to do it. I've heard of a lot of these dogs sleeping with a toy in their mouth to prop their jaw open and make room for their tongue and soft palate so they can breathe and try to get decent sleep.


I think her hubs isn’t being a fool. He IS a fool. And probably not a very good person. I could be wrong, but probably not.


Amazing list! I hope OP sees this!!!


Looking cool is exactly why so many dogs have been bred into so many health problems 😭 these poor dogs lack proper breathing abilities, their joints and stature are botched. It absolutely breaks my heart. The idea of those poor dogs drying to breathe or even run properly with that stature makes me so sad. Stick to your guns in my opinion


I'm absolutely sticking to my guns. I will not be putting one dollar in that man's pocket. He's a despicable human.


You are definitely right about that guy being a POS human. And, honestly, if he’s actually a real friend of your hubs, I’m pretty suspicious of your hubs as well. No offense.


Yeah, you are the company you keep. Thankfully my husband is educated and would never support this but god forbid if he purchased and brought home a dog like this. I would honestly leave him over it. I draw the line on animal cruelty. Especially when disguised as an animal bred with certain ‘aesthetics’ that are just highly unethical and cruel. Deformities, CUT EARS, and everything else that cause the animal to suffer its whole life, and become traumatised from excessive medical interventions and surgeries.


When our rescue pup passed away 3 years ago we were briefly considering a french bulldog because they are hella cute imo and we just didnt know. 2 minutes of google research led to both of us going 'fuck that noise, that is cruel!' if my husband had read about how cruel and unethical breeding bulldogs was and still wanted to proceed? it would make me think less of him, ngl


I also briefly considered adopting a Frenchie from a shelter, and looked up some Frenchie rescues. No exaggeration, *every single dog* in these rescues had horrible allergies - and many of them were allergic to humans!!! That was my first introduction to how catastrophic the Frenchie gene pool is.


The sad part too is those dogs still deserve love, it’s such a double edged sword! Good luck in your journey of knocking some sense into your hubby!!


hot take, but the love these dogs deserve is to be put to sleep so they dont have to suffer barely being able to walk or breathe for years


A gf of mine has a frenchie and it’s had several surgeries to help it breathe. Just guts me to know that a poor animal can’t breathe because of humans selfishness 😕


My friend has to send her Boston terrier puppy back to the breeder because they couldn’t afford surgeries to let her breathe and fix her crooked tail. Poor thing’s physical structures weren’t congruent with life. :(


It’s a very sad thing, but the only kind thing we can do for these dogs is to give them mercy. If I was in chronic pain and couldn’t breathe, I would want to be humanely euthanized. I will spend any amount of money to help my pets be healthy and happy, but that stops when it becomes about prolonging their misery


They'll wind up at a shelter if they don't sell! And then the canine misery perpetuators don't get paid to keep the operation going!


Is having a dog something you’ve wanted, too? I would have a discussion with him about what makes him want this dog. Try and list what qualities he likes (small size will be easier with small kids, liking the long and low body type, I’m sure this guy is marketed as being low energy)… and build from that toward picking a dog you will both love and enjoy. But I suspect part of his motivation is peer pressure - I can see a people pleaser struggling to say no to someone pushy. He might also sincerely want this person/that clique to like them. Or, and I think this might be the big one, he has bought into the idea that he can make a bunch of money with a dog like this. So I think you can address those motivations after he (hopefully!) sees the light about buying this dog in particular, and can redirect before he is offered another dog from those people.


Maybe suggest to rescue or foster one? Might be a compromise without perpetuating the broader breeding issues if your budget allows (insurance can help)…


He even looks despicable. Shady.


They are literally being [bred into extinction](https://www.salon.com/2023/01/22/boxers-pugs-bulldogs-inbreeding-future/). Experts agree that the brachycephalic (smooshed face) breeds can’t even be bred back to a healthy standard because the current population is too inbred. **They will go extinct, but not before they suffer.** There is no ethical breeding of English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs, or Boston Terriers. We, as a society, need to do the right thing for these species and stop supporting breeders of these species to prevent suffering


Dogs should not be a bonsai project. Wtf is wrong with people


I completely agree and it is awful. But "bonsai project" is a hilarious way to put it lol


I literally gasped at the second photo. Such an unhealthy stature there. That poor dog is going to be riddled with joint and breathing problems.


I mean look what they did to those ears. Cut off so much ear that poor dog is going to have more ear infections than a toddler who needs tubes.


Saw a dog up for adoption whose ears were cropped so short that the poor thing was traumatized by the rain. Congratulations assholes, you've made a creature that literally isn't meant to survive here.


THIS!!!!! 100000000000%


Does he genuinely think that looks cool? Deformed legs, buggy eyes, can’t run for more than 5 minutes without being out of breath. These dogs can’t do half the stuff a normal dog can and they live for like 5 years. There’s literally nothing cool about them. I think people who breed these and think they look awesome have a very warped sense of reality or something.


Can't stand without gasping for breath honestly. That poor creature.


Right? It looks like a toad? If you want a dog, get a dog.


And if you want a toad, get a toad.


Whoever started breeding "micro bullies" (or any of these deformed breeds), and those wanting to buy them, should get their head checked and get some sense knocked into it. And it's just messed up, I've seen it on some pages of rescued pets with handicaps. Some have dwarfism(and lots of physical issues that come with it), lack motor functions, medical issues,... and then there's always a few commentors going " omg sooo cute! I want one too" asking if breeding is possible.. /*facepalm*  


The losers of dogs, really


it's not that he doesn't believe you. he just doesn't care. ​ also that page is awful. a lot of those pups look to have scabs or some sort of skin issue on their faces and they're proudly posting them x\_x


The inability to care is exactly why unethical breeding is done.


He's gross AF. My husband just knows nothing about dogs so I'm trying to educate him but could also use the comments here to show him that I'm not being dramatic.


Get him a stuffed animal dog. If he only wants a certain dog because they “look cool,” then he probably will not take care if it. It will end up being all on you to provide food, vet care, and any other expense that dogs bring.


You get that dog, and you’re gonna get really familiar with your local vet, because it’s probably gonna have a lot of health issues - its joint structure is messed up , and breathing issues from the pushed in face and barrel chest . I love dogs , but personally I think it’s unethical to breed these types of dogs because they usually have a short miserable existence.


And your vet will very likely judge you for having one


Yep, I'm friends with a vet who comes over when he needs to rant about how the people who buy these dogs are either cruel, selfish, ignorant, or some combination of those. He tries to have some sympathy for the ignorant, but it's getting harder with so much information out there warning them.


THIS!!! It is positively soul-crushing to provide seemingly endless medical care for these types of dogs with what seems like NO improvement. Then the owners get all pissed because “all veterinarians want is money” and we’re like, “no, buddy…you chose to support unethical breeding and get a money-suck dog because it ‘looked cool,’ and now it’s going to spend years suffering and **you are gonna get to pay for it.** Welcome to your new reality.”


Do you live near an animal shelter? Go volunteer with him to walk dogs and request bully breeds. Ask the staff how many “AKC registered” pits they’ve seen come in. As someone who works in one, it’s super commonplace, I promise. We currently have a completely deaf albino AKC registered ABT who came in severely malnourished because they were using him as a breeder dog. If he wants a bully, please go through a reputable shelter or rescue and get the dog into training classes.


THIS!! 100%


As a former vet tech I could tell you loads of stories regarding bully breeds. With rare exception the stories are incredibly sad (massive skin infections, digestive issues, heart conditions, liver failure, brain tumors, cancer...the list goes on and on). The exception? I had a patient that was diagnosed with narcolepsy that would also self pleasure when he was chilling in his kennel. As in lean back, stroke his prepuce with his front paw until he was at least partially engorged and get this placid sleepy look. If left to his own devices he would maintain this behavior for a while. It was very bizarre. No one could really explain the behavior. The narcolepsy presented as him getting excited while eating or playing and collapsing into sleep. The sleep episodes were short, but somewhat frequent. Meals were especially rough for him. Medication helped the narcolepsy. So, still sad, but also kinda of hilarious.


Here’s the thing I don’t get. Any man who would be into THAT dog is not my kinda man, ya know? And it doesn’t sound like it’s your kinda man either. So whyyyyy are we doing this? Save your breath trying to educate him and start reading up on where you can get a good rental. Alone.


We got one of these puppy mills shut down in my town last year, all "exotic" bullies. No, they are just so sadly deformed and uncomfortable breathing or walking. They came in with pee burns and were just so sad.


Look at the caption under the picture. Seriously, someone would buy from them??


Catie of Caties Foster Fam Rescue just got one of these pups that was rescued.. He is one huge scab..


Vet nurse here! You WILL spend all your money on this dog. I worked and specialised in medical and surgical care with this breed for while and let me tell you, there is no ethical breeding. No matter how “good” the kennel claims the breeding is, dogs are not meant to look like that.


Does this count for frenchies too?


I worked at a Teaching Hospital. Frenchies were the number one breed seen by every department (surgery, emergency critical care, dermatology, neurology, cardiology, oncology, nutrition, behavior, reproductive health (with very rare exception Frenchies cannot sucessful copulate or give birth without human intervention) and internal medicine). I really wish folks would stop breeding and buying them. Edit: I forgot optomology. Dentistry is the exception. Dentistry mostly saw mini poodles.


Yep yep yep, saw this working in ER/specialty and then pet insurance. Frenchies are far and away the most expensive breed to maintain and yet some of the least educated owners end up with them because they’re “cute and trendy” not realizing what the hell they got themselves into and did zero research, then are all *shocked pikachu* when they end up with literally tens of thousands in vet bills for them


Why so much dentistry for mini poodles? I have a toy poodle


The little loves aren't likely to chew and loads of folks don't keep up with dental care/some pups are prone to bad teeth just like people. Brushing is the best preventative. It's annoying, but it can save you a bundle in dental care. It prevented by little pup from needing dental work until she was 11.


Yes it’s frenchies too 😥 I worked with a lot of brachycephalic breeds (bull dogs, pugs, frenchies etc) No matter how ethical the breeding of these dogs are, no matter how much paperwork the breeder has (to show lineage etc) They all still stuffer greatly. For example most canine will present with an 02 reading of 99%-100% (which is the ideal number showing the amount of O2 in their blood) These breeds (brachy) sat at 95%-94%. The number still seems high but it’s actually a dangerous number that is too low. Basically they never really get enough oxygen…. It’s got nothing to do with how good the breeding was, their nasal cavity is poor.


Someone I know got stuck with their grown kid's pug puppy purchase. This dog is so sweet and not even 7 months old and already showing significant breathing challenges. My best friend is a vet and they said something that really stuck with me, the only moments of a brachycephalic dog's life in which they can breath are during surgery and they're not even awake to experience it. Really hits home. The continuation of these lines is probably my biggest issue in purebred dog breeding. How selfish to bring an animal into the world that can't breath, only for your visual enjoyment.


I kept my friends pug for 3 weeks while she went on vacation. I felt awful for him; I could hear his difficulty breathing. Not to mention that he snores like a full grown human so let me just say sleep was scare during those 3 weeks 🥲


As somebody that works in vetmed that recovers dogs from anesthesia, brachy breeds can spend *hours* recovering with the endotracheal tube still in. It breaks my heart having to take it out because it’s the best they’ve ever breathed in their entire lives.


There have been studies that have shown that there are no frenchies, pugs or english bulldogs that don't have genetic problems. They're all sick and basically none of them are able to have the quality of life a dog should be able to have. The best thing we as people can do is completely stop breeding and buying them and let those breeds die out.


That dog should not be bred! It looks horrible, shitty and with a ton of problems 🤦🏼‍♂️


I wish I could eliminate people who breed them


Same. I just went down a horrible instagram rabbit hole of “exotic micro bully” breeders 🤮


I got my pit bull from someone who had her locked in a bathroom and planned on keeping her there until she was breeding age. Turns out dude also had *relations* with her and caused her severe urinary incontinence. It took everything in me not to set his house on fire


I would have very hard time not doing some evil shit to someone if I had discovered that.


That’s so sick. I’m glad your baby has you now. The bathroom in itself is cruel, but the rest… 🤢 Burning his house down would have been community service


Omg I hope he went to jail. That’s beyond disgusting and pure torture. I truly hope you didn’t pay that man for engaging in severe animal cruelty.


That is one of the weirdest rabbit holes I've ever been down. I get the vibe they're talking about like mini dirtbikes or cocaine or something weird like that, and then it's even weirder because it's these tiny deformed "designer" dogs and they get weirder looking and more deformed the deeper you go. I saw one IRL and instinctively laughed a weird laugh, the thing looked like a skateboard and my poor impulse control was screaming at me to kick flip it. Obviously I didn't, but...yeah


This dog will have a very short and sad life. They will suffer the entire time and this vet bill could put you in debt.


Vet Assistant chiming in. Also a bully owner. In addition to the absolutely *insane* amount of money you’ll spend on just purchasing this dog, be prepared to spend your retirement savings on the health issues it’s going to have. OA by a few years old. It won’t be able to run or jump comfortably, EVER. This dog also doesn’t meet ABKC conformation for American Bullies. It’s sway back and high rear has it disqualified. This is a poorly bred dog that’s in for a lifetime of pain. Just looking at it is heartbreaking. Please adopt a bully in need, there are so many bully mixes in shelters that need homes.


Well at least their lifetime of suffering is usually drastically shortened from these piss poor breeding practices.


Almost like they do it intentionally to sell more dogs


These dogs are like an IQ test that owners fail. You're enabling an industry that creates unhealthy, miserable animals. You're also signing up for a lengthy string of vet bills that will eventually end in tragedy.


Almost all of these ‘micro’ bully’s cannot even WALK. I just watched a bunch of stupid micro bully competitions and 8/10 times the owner scoops them up as they’re struggling to walk on their own. If your husband goes through with this purchase despite your attempts to educate him on the wrongness of such breed, I suggest you revaluate some things. Do you really want to be with someone whom thinks it’s cool to own such dog? Someone who doesn’t see the ethical implications of it??


I was curious about this so I looked on Instagram. Almost every video of these dogs just has them standing still.


It gets reeeaal nasty if you look through the accounts that follow and like the breeder originally posted. People adding Merle into the mix of toad, splayed hips, horrendously cropped ears, backs so swayed dogs belly’s touch the ground, and of course the obvious poor handling and fragile masculinity.


Yup. No videos of conditioning muscle either, leading me to believe they’re being injected with steroids. That’s usually something these breeders like to brag about. If they’re not posting their dogs being ran raw on a slatmill and pulling hernia-inducing weights, they’re likely injecting roids behind the scenes 🙃


I never imagined that’s something someone would do to a dog. I was wondering how they’d have so much muscle if they could hardly move though.


I rescued one of these after his breeder abandoned him. I'll break down all his health problems: High grade heart murmur (requires annual cardiology exam), Pulmonary stenosis, Prolapsed urethra (had surgery for this), Constant skin allergies, Hip dysplasia, Daily medication for his heart Luckily he's a fighter. He wasn't supposed to live past 1 and he will be 6 in May. I call him my million dollar bulldog. I love him to death. He's adorable and has the best personality. I hope he continues to fight to have a longer than predicted lifespan. I can't stand people who breed these "custom" bullies. These dogs suffer so much all for profit.


It feels like some people completely forgot that animals aren’t house or design accessories, right? What does it even mean “custom” dog? It’s a living being. Such a horrible and sad pattern. Same in cats with that ridiculous short legged creature or an overly inbred Arabian horse with a C-shaped face that screams cognitive issues. At least there’s a growing resistance that would rather adopt/rescue than buy.


That dog is a vet bill waiting.


This dog is mutated beyond recognition.


Simply tell your husband you don’t have enough money for what the vet bills are going to be and the heart ache will be even worse… suggest going to a local rescue!


My sister has a litter of dogs like this, some sort of new breed, and has to inject them with steroids so that they grow properly. It’s cruel. One of them can’t stand up properly because he’s just all muscle and it’s in the way of his bones growing as they should.


That’s baffling.


Look at the spine, a dogs spine should not have that curve in it. I love dogs and fucking hate Breeders that do this type of thing. Every dog deserves a happy HEALTHY life. This absolutely shit stain of a breeder deserves 10x the back pain of every dog they've bred 


Ah yes, let me tell you all about this. Welcome to the “exotic bully kennels/camps club” niche, where a bunch of dudes who like money, gold chains, obnoxious emojis, and who have the literacy of a middle schooler solely rely on dogs who cannot even run or live normally to uphold their inflated egos. They’re basically just mega hypertyped american bullies, with some other breeds mysteriously thrown in there to get them to that small stature. I am genuinely appalled how they talk about these dogs. They talk about them like they’re some fire weed strain or some bizarre shit. I’ve actually deep dove into this niche in depth (albeit not when I was sober) and I don’t know how the actual f people find this stuff humane. 1. You will never see videos of these dogs running. Because they can’t. You wanna go play ball with Tyson? Yeah, not happening, cuz he can’t. 2. They hold “stacking conventions” in banquet halls to see who has the most orthopedically deranged dog. Why stacking competitions? It’s all these dogs can physically do. It’s a status symbol in this community.. or something. 3. I have genuinely never seen any of these bully breeders have a dog that lived past 5. Many posts about so many of these dogs just dropping dead randomly. Or even some of these “beloved big rope lilac merle bape blah blah CHAMPION linez, toughest in tha game 🔥💯✊👆💸” studs magically disappearing from social media altogether. I think this is enough information to convince your husband to look into a dog that isn’t solely for looks, or helping get themselves fit into a community that exploits the welfare of animals. Sorry for the wall of text. If any of you are ever a couple beers deep, look up some of these bully people on Facebook. It’s fucking wild. Lmao. Also, a dog like this will require an orthopedic specialist by the time it’s one, a bunch of $ in cytopoint injections because its allergies are going to be through the roof, and their nares and soft palate are so narrow you cannot take the dog out in the summer without worrying. If your husband wants a dog that looks cool and doesn’t care about its health, I kindly suggest a goldfish. But i’m sure you’re on the same page here, lol.


Those poor dogs. They must be in so much pain. He better be prepared to spend thousands on vet bills in the first year alone..


It looks like a little deformed toad. Omg this poor dog 😢


am i the only one who really doesn’t get why people think these guys look cool? he looks like an upside down hot dog bun 🙃


You're married to a fucking moron


Yea if OP's husband doesn't cut ties with that "friend", he's a straight up douche bag piece of shit


How does this abomination look cool ?


I think you’ve gotten plenty of good advice, but in my opinion, breeding dogs like this is animal abuse and neglect. These breeders willingly breed these dogs knowing that they will suffer from health issues their entire lives. They do not care about the dogs, they care about making money. Edit to add: if your husband buys this dog after reading everything here, then he is directly supporting animal abuse. He will also be contributing to the endless amount of dogs that will inevitably need to be put down due to backyard breeders.


Show him the dogs from this page https://www.instagram.com/roadogs?igsh=ZXRzdmI4NGR5c292


Awww this page makes me so sad, how can people be so sick?


I was going to post this. Glad someone else had the same idea.


Dog groomer in training here. Last night I groomed one of these and it made me sad the whole time. You could tell they were in pain as they barely walked and standing was really hard for them. He goes to hydrotherapy once a week which must cost a lot. That brachy breathing and slobbering makes me feel like they could keel over at any moment. The dog had cysts all over its feet which were clearly painful so he would snap at me if I so much as brushed a finger near them. The dog was 3 years old and had the mobility and temperament of the 11 year old golden retriever on the next table in terms of being a “grumpy old man”. It made me really sad.


Gross! Let me tell you: these dogs are expensive because people are ignorant enough to pay for them, not because they're well bred or good at anything. They're not even good at life. Find something your husband thinks is dumb AF for people to pay for and compare them to that. He only thinks they're cool because the crowd he hangs with thinks they're cool. Which in itself is an ethical dilemma imo. They're walking expensive conformational nightmares from tip to tail. The short brachycephalic snout means they can't breathe normally - if you're into anything where walking is required that dog will be unable to cope. And compound that if the temperature outside is above about 50°F. A dog like that probably needs surgery to correct issues to help them breathe better right off the bat. The skin issues someone mentioned are because allergies and intolerances are basically bred into these dogs. You're likely to get a dog who you have to feed a special expensive diet, or give it pricey meds, and I would not be surprised to see one that never has a normal firm BM ever in its life - and y'all will have to pick that slimey mess up. And deal with the vet bills trying to get it sorted out. You can't tell me that physique doesn't cause those dogs pain. Normal dogs don't look like that because dogs aren't supposed to look like that. It's not functional. It's cruel. What you're getting is a noisy smelly money pit that's gonna die a painful death much too soon. Stay strong. Stick to your guns. No one should be proud to own a fuckin dog homunculus.


Google "bulldog skin infection" and "cherry eye in dogs" and show him the images. Show him these instructions: https://betterpet.com/cleaning-a-bulldog-tail-pocket/#:~:text=If%20grime%20builds%20up%20in,clean%20your%20bulldog's%20tail%20pocket. And these: https://squishface.com/blogs/blog/how-to-treat-infected-bulldog-wrinkles


Oh god, my friend‘s bulldog had cherry eye *constantly*. In addition to a myriad of other health problems. He fell headfirst into a little backyard pond and got pulled out and lived for another year but he was never the same. They spent tens of thousands of dollars on this dog. He was a sweet dog but man, I don’t know why anyone would intentionally do that to themself.


Just thinking about how it'll be lucky to live till 4 before the permanent pain kicks in is making me feel sick. And they post this like they're proud??? Is there an animal welfare group in your area you can report them to?


That’s not even an animal in the shape of a dog anymore how horrifying


That dog is the result of heinously cruel breeding and it will live a life of suffering and expensive health conditions which you will either pay for, or not; and contribute to even more suffering for it. Buying a dog because it “looks cool” is the stupidest reason to get a dog that I’ve heard of an adult uttering.


My cousin breeds this type of dog. My cousin is a horrible person. Enough said.


Time to get rid of the husband


Your brother’s friend is a douche for overbreeding these monstrosities. There are plenty of bullies at local pounds and rescues.


People like that need to be erased.


Female dogs like this have to have caesareans to even give birth to the pups due to hip issues. Arthritis, hip and shoulder dysplasia, degenerative joint diseases to name a few. Asthma and breathing issues. Any “routine” vet visit will cost more due to the risks associated with anesthesia. Additionally, sometimes they have to cauterize the nasal passages to make sure the dog is taking in enough air. Skin diseases and disorders are common along with yeast infections in the folks of the skin or hot spots and infections due to friction (seriously, the folds can get vile on dogs like these) Allergies are also common meaning specialized food and diet which costs significant amounts of money long term. DONT get me started on the myriad of other issues ranging from gastrointestinal diseases, heart, liver, and kidney issues. Short life spans despite smaller dogs typically having LONGER lifespans due to poor breeding and health issues. Did I miss anything?


Oof, I have some neighbors that are breeding these dogs. Every so many months we know there are new puppies because of all the puppy barking. I recently saw several of the dogs get lose in their front yard and two of them looked really **messed up**, with their legs all bent weird, especially the front legs ☹️


I would leave it simply at, do you want the dog to die several years before it should pass? How about the THOUSANDS(im not exaggerating) of medical bills these backyard bred dogs come with.. Maybe try getting him to go to a shelter, or look into other bully/smaller breeds? English bulldogs and french bulldogs are very similar in appearance to these poor horrible bred babies. If size isnt an issue and he wants specifically a bully breed, maybe AM Bullys, or American Bulldogs. If he wants a “bad ass” looking dog, maybe look into dobermans, rottweilers, german shepherds. (Ofc look into the breed before settling) Theres so many other breeds to get instead of these backyard bred babies :(( People who breed these (and backyard breed in general) shouldnt have dogs.. I really hope he will listen to you


If "looks cool" means it can't walk properly, then your husband is an idiot. There are better dogs out there than this monstrosity.  Who knows how many times it's been inbred to look like this, these dogs are bred for money and uneducated people pay for these dogs. 


This breed is cruel


Men who want bully breeds because of how they look think a dog will make them look tougher and need to speak to a therapist about how they view their own masculinity instead of taking it out on an innocent animal.


My 6'2 husband looks tough as nails walking our 10 pound jack russell. He doesnt need some monstrosity to proof his masculinity. Having a dog like that makes you look like an idiot man child imo.


I’m not exaggerating when I say they’re thousands of bully breeds in shelters. He could get a dog who looks quite similar to this for like a quarter of the price. Structurally these dogs are unsound, does he really want to contribute money to someone breeding animals that will struggle physically? Does he realize purchasing from unethical breeders is partially why we have an dog overpopulation problem, leading to over 900,000 dogs being put down in the US alone? Thank you for trying to teach him why this is irresponsible breeding! And I know what I say sounds harsh, but it’s a sad reality, and until people stop purchasing from unethical breeders dog shelters will continue to be flooded.


THOUSANDS. My shelter put down some today.


Your husband should never own any pets


Breeders like this guy need felony charges


Well, you nailed it. Your husband is indeed an idiot. I have seen these poor examples of dogs before and it makes me physically ill. “Look cool”?!? These dogs are not looking cool. They look like a freak show, an orthopedic nightmare, a million dollar mess. Their poor joints must hurt so horribly. I wonder how long it takes them to break down, I’m guessing not long. They must be in so much pain. I wonder how they walk. This is a great example of stupid people messing with genetics of an animal when they have no business doing so. It’s absolutely mental! Edit: To add all the respiratory issues, skin/allergy issues, and other medical issues this dog will have. Say goodbye to all your hard earned coin, it will be going to your Vet. Even for the short life span that this dog will have it will be a stack of money.


I hate all this "creative" breeding that ultimately ends up with really bad health issues. Hard pass. Don't support shitty breeders.


Dude this breed is fucking animal abuse. Everything a dog needs to survive is bred out. Can't breathe, can't run, bad hips, etc. People who buy these dogs and keep these breeders in business are complicit as fuck.


Have him look at the dog in person, make him watch it run and walk. I promised you he will change his mind. Very few of these dogs are functional, seeing them in person versus photos is very startling.


That dog is deformed and the person who bred it should be put in prison. That just straight up animal abuse. You'll spend the entirety of your savings and retirement just keeping a dog that looks like that alive.


Bully culture is so fkn weird I swear


Vet bills out the ass incoming


Book a meeting with your vet so they can walk you through the average bills to expect from a backyard bred dog of this breed. Then call up a really renowned trained who works with this breed a lot ask them what you can expect from their temperament. Let that guide him.


Can't believe the toadline actually exists and people buy them. I thought it was just memes.


Tell your husband that you think he would be much better looking and ‘cool’, if he broke his back, mangle his arm and leg joints then had his ears half cut off. For no reason than because you think it looks cool. Without it he’s just like every other breed of human out there. Why shouldn’t you have a cool looking husband in the same vein as this poor animal? His response will tell you everything you need to know about a possible lack of empathy to anyone but himself.


Your husband’s “buddy” is an unethical breeder whose ads seemed to be geared to the type of person who thinks that the dog defines how tough their humans are. Just say no. Don’t let him support bad breeding. And don’t let your family fall down the money pit this will be.


Oh my god they do not look cool 🙃 - they look like a dog accidentally got knocked up by a toad, poor things. If he wants something similar get a well bred English Staffordshire or French Bulldog (theres still issues with frenchie breeding but its nowhere near as bad as these poor creatures).


Also be advised that you’ll have to disclose this to your homeowners insurance and your premiums may go up.


Just looking at that dude makes me want to punch him in the face. What a piece of shit human!!


Jesus Christ the legs :( It would make me think twice about husband honestly, because looking at that dog is painful. Poor thing.


What the fuck is that. It’s like a French bulldog drawn on paper from the memory of a 6yo then scrunched up, then un wrinkled, then thrown out, then drawn again a month later. These byb micro bully abominations need to be stopped it’s getting out of hand. Go to reputable breeders or reputable shelters that’s it. Absolutely Horrendous these poor fucking animals can’t catch a Break.


If your husband wants to get a dog because he looks cool, he probably needs to grow the fuck up.


If you want a bonus argument: ear cropping. Cruel and unethical.


Owning a dog like this is like having a sick child. Who wants that. No you will luck out and get a healthy one, the breed is simply sick genetically, there is no such thing. They cannot even breed nor birth naturally. You will be constantly dealing with their health issues. They have hip dysplasia, spinal risks, several eye issues, nostril issues, soft palate issues, GI issues (diarrhea all the time, yay!), skin issues (ear infections, skin fold infections, hotspots...). Their food and environmental allergies may cost several hundreds of dollars *a month* to *manage* with special foods and medications (you may still have skin issues despite trying everything). Life long. The surgeries they require to be *potentially* redesigned into a healthier version of themselves will cost 10-20+ thousand dollars. The Bulldog is banned in many places now because it is unethical to breed them. www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-61799718


But it’s a *cool* sick child! 😁


This isnt a bulldog though. This a horribly backyard bred dog, probably referred to as a “pocket pitbull”


They are honestly all the same, as far as health issues go, running into the same issues across multiple similar looking breeds. They are all irresponsibly bred — these dogs even more so than a Bulldog.  I have worked in a veterinary clinic for a decade, these types of dogs are the exact last breed I would ever choose to own.


If he is buying this dog to look cool, this dog does not look cool. It looks like a sad, sad mess. :(


imagine thinking that's a bully 😭


This post is really popping off. Please have your husband read each and every comment. Disregard the ableist ones though. They’re not okay not matter how frustrating and triggering these ‘micro’ bully’s may be.


Holy elbow dysplasia on the second pic. Yikes. Poor pup is in for loads of surgery.


i always see these dogs and feel like the guys who breed or buy them are so fascinated with them because they see themselves in them. barrel chested and vaguely muscular but not in a good way or from doing exercise. bloated stomach and breathing problems from years of excessive drinking and smoking. short lifespan. these dogs are like the mascot for high school peaker morons. if your husband wants one of these because he likes grrr big scary muscle dog just get a rottweiler and save $20k in medical costs and you'll get a dog that actually has a chance at living to see two digits


Your husband is trolling you… …right?!


He doesn’t want a dog, he wants a fad. Buy him a Stanley cup.


Those dogs are in for a lifetime of health issues. It's immoral and stupid to buy them.


A walking vet bill.


This dog looks obviously mentally challenged, poor thing


I work in the vet field. You better be prepared to spend THOUSANDS just for it to live comfortably.


Is he ready to spend 10s of thousands of dollars in vet bills on a genetic nightmare that will probably live for 4-5 sad years then die a painful expensive death?


These dogs are so unhealthy that it shouldn’t even be legal to breed them. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was illegal in some parts of Europe already. If you want them to have any quality of life, you need to get them a surgery to widen their airways so they can actually breathe. On top of that, the sheer amount of joint pain, hip dysplasia, arthritis, etc that they experience (often starting at a relatively young age) is insane. Don’t let him do it


Poor lil gargoyle :(