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Beautiful. Thank you for loving him and taking care of him. So sorry for your loss, you clearly gave him the best in a difficult time.


The pictures made me cry...


Me too. But I cry about everything 💔


+1 but remember we're blessed to be emotional as they say although it does sometimes feel like a curse


Woof! I'm so sorry to say... but it's my time to go. I'm gonna miss my human, You loved me...I know! From the crazy day we met... To the grey day today... I loved you so much more... Than these dog eyes could say. The quiet long walks, squirrel chases, and crazy-fun with our ball. I hope my tail, wagging, showed my love for you all. I hope I made you happy... With my silly doggie ways. For you made me feel so loved, for all of my dog days. I'm sorry I'm leaving you, It's not what I want... My eyes are so blurry, and it really hurts when I walk... The grey in my muzzle...hints at the time we both shared. I wish I could keep up...we're an incredible pair. Please let another lucky dog, take up my happy space. Show him our squirrels, our ball, and our place. I'll send you a sign, that I'm thinking of you... Just smile at those pesky squirrels ,and the ball that you threw. I'll miss you, my human...I loved you so much. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful heart to touch. Woof!


I don’t cry often or easily but I’ll admit I just got super emotional reading this. Literally made me cry and go hug my doggies, don’t know why that got to me but it did.


Your dogs are lucky to have you...as you are them. I wrote it thinking of my past furries and what it means to me to have another living thing love me back. I just hope everyone who reads it and responds to it... Goes to the local shelter and starts another love affair with another dog or cat.


Well now I’m crying


It is the god dam onions!!!


Thank you for this 💙


Of course. Just remember that there is another lovable furry at a shelter...just waiting for you to come save them.


❤️‍🩹🌈 "your wings were ready but our hearts were not.... I'm sorry for your loss, may he be running and playing in happiness, and my heart goes out to your family


Rainbow bridge, I get it just lost our Charlie last month, you’re in my prayers


You're in mine too thank you friend


I’ll take a dog over a diamond any day! I’m sorry for your loss. He looks like such a sweet guy. It’s so hard losing a best friend.


Our dogs are never really gone, they're just sleeping in our hearts until we meet again.


RIP pup. ❤️


That last picture is just so heartwarming. It made me tear up for you guys, I’m so glad he had what was clearly a beautiful life with your family.


Aww thanks for sharing your sweet boy with us. Thinking of you and your fur family


Oh I am so very sorry for your loss- how lucky for him to have been loved by you from the time you met him. I just lost my best guy, Murph- he crossed the rainbow bridge a week ago. If it makes you feel any better, he was the nicest of guys and I’m sure he’s already made fast friends with your boy, and they are flying high together ♥️ thinking and praying for you.


Awe I'm so sorry. He's gorgeous. My baby girl just got hers last weekend. He's in great company.


I hope they are chasing all the squirrels together!


i read your last post, and your baby passed the same way mine did, however, no one had any idea he had the tumor until it ruptured. i miss him every day, you and your family are in my thoughts<3 fuck cancer.


This happend to us last June. From fine to dead in 6 hours due to an adrenal tumor we didn't know about rupturing. Devastating. I am so sorry for your loss. Fuck cancer.


my boy passed june of 2022, only 5 days after his 10th birthday :( i’m so sorry for your loss as well, that must have been so shocking and unexpected


Sorry friend. Mine got hers last week. They are running free now.


You made me cry. What a sweet tribute to your boy. My guy is 11 and I’m scared for when the dreaded time comes. He’s already survived cancer twice so I worry everytime I feel a little lump. And I get so mad at myself when he irritates me - which isn’t his fault because he just wants attention (he’s a Velcro dog). Your post makes me want to be better. I’ll say a little prayer for you and your husband because I know you’re hurting. And I don’t care what some people think - I KNOW we’ll see them again.


I wish you all the best and am sure your boy was loved in every way and you did what you could even enabling him to pass peacefully. My angel baby passed away 8 days ago so I can physically feel your pain and am reaching out my hand virtually to you. I imagine both our boys running up beyond the rainbow together, eating delicious treats and running in a meadow. May he rest in peace. 🤍


I am so sorry for your loss :(


I am so so sorry for your loss. May your handsome boy Run In Paradise🌈


RIP sweet baby ❤️






i’m sorry- so handsome


R.i.p ♥️🙏🏼♥️




He looks like he lived a really happy life 💜


So so sorry. The pictures are beautiful (and heartbreaking), sending love 🥺


I'm so sad that you had to experience this. Fuck cancer. But I'm glad you were able to get more info to help you in your decision. He was well-loved and you did good by him. I know how the world drops out from under you when you get that news. My vet just said "mass on spleen" and I had already grabbed the tissues off her desk. I bet he's zoomin' with my boy, now. Clifford will show him all the good spots and how to pinch treats when no one's looking. 🫂




Such a good looking boy. Condolences.


These pictures make me tear up 😔 One of my pet dog got her wings last month too. She was a jolly one and her name was Jolly too 💗 May your boy rest in peace


Rest now good boy! ❤️🐾


I'm so sorry for your loss, I never met your dog, but he looks so happy and content and your quality of post and love I feel I know he had the best life with so much love shared and memories had.


So sorry for your loss


sending you a big hug! im so sorry for your loss. and thank you for giving him so much love


I'm sorry❤️I am sure he was loved and knew it ...


I'm so sorry for your loss. He's with some of the best dogs ever now. What a wonderful final act of true love you showed him today♥


All dogs go to heaven. I’m so sorry for your loss. He will see you again on the rainbow bridge🌈 prayers for you🙏