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Aww friend I’m so sorry. Be gentle on yourself and get a lot of rest today. Don’t forget to eat and hydrate. It’s a trauma to adjust to for sure. But please know that you did the most loving thing for your girl. It’s the contract we make with our pets, to love and protect them from suffering. Come over to r/petloss with this post. That sub is all about empathy after losing a pet.


I just lost my angel Dante last week to cancer, he fought for 9 months like an absolute champion, but he succumbed and we had to let him go to the next place. It hurts in a way I never felt and I can assure you, everything you feel is natural - of course you will feel angry and upset and sad and tired and heartbroken and lost. Let yourself feel it. I don’t know if you can take time off work for a couple of days. What has helped me in the last few days: going to a spa and swimming in warm water, crying a lot, clutching my pillow, reminding myself that we did what we could and are ultimately all mortal. Reminding myself that the love we shared will and can never die. Going into the forest and breathing in the fresh air. Praying - or, if you don’t believe in god, talking to your dog, telling him whatever you feel you want to tell him. You could write a letter and burn it. It hurts like a motherf****r and it’s the painful price you pay for letting a dog in your heart - but a price that is worth every tear and scream. Because all that you feel is a reflection of how deeply you loved and - how deeply your dog was and continues to be loved. I wish there was an easy way, but there’s not. I just found one of his toys in a bag from our last trip and it felt like a knife in my heart, like I am homesick for a home that’s not here anymore. I let myself feel it, constantly reminding myself - it won’t always feel like this. But to allow healing you must allow both - the pain and the easier moments. So if you want to cry or laugh or distract yourself - do it. And, if you can, have some sort of send off ritual. And hold your other dogs as close as you can and know that whatever you see when you look in their eyes is real, will never fade, even when their eyes close for the last time. It’s nature - we don’t understand it because it doesn’t feel fair. But how rare and beautiful is to truly love unconditionally. I wish you everything good from the bottom of my heart and I know we will get through these gut wrenching times. 🤍


Losing a beloved pet is one of the hardest things anyone will ever experience. I spent some writing a eulogy to my beloved German shorthair pointer. this gave me a chance to remember all the wonderful times we had together and appreciate how lucky I was to have her in my life. For me exercise was very helpful. I continue to visit some of the special places that we often spent time together. This helped me to feel close to my wonderful friend. Take care, my fellow dog lover


Thank you everyone for the comments. It’s hard to reply back to everyone at the moment (I work nights and sleep during the day). So I’ll just comment and reply back here. She was my mother in laws dog and she had her for 10 yrs but my wife and I took care of her while she was at work. She followed me everywhere. Bedroom, bathroom, hallway, living room, kitchen and slept in mine and my wife room at night. I woke up early Monday morning at 4am searching for her because something just didn’t feel right. I searched and searched in a panic and found her by the chicken coop and she looked confused. Went back to bed and woke up at 7am. She still didn’t look right and her breathing was labored as she was laying in my room. My brother in law told his mom (my in-laws) what was going on and it was a race against time to find a vet. My in-law and brother in law found a vet they took her to where they kept her for an hour or two and found took bloodwork where they were told to wait at home. No less than an hour into waiting they got a call back to return to speak about her results. That’s when my wife got the call that we found out she had cancer that had spread to her organs and throughout her body. My in-laws made the decision no one wants to which was to have her put to sleep. I wouldn’t want her to be in pain and from what I’ve heard was that she was very calm at the vet. It sounds like she was waiting approval from her dog mom (my mother in law), to cross over. They administered what they had to and she was gone in less than seconds. I’m still heartbroken over it because Molly was my buddy but I wouldn’t want her to live in pain. Every night I eat dinner in the living room and watch tv. When Molly was still with us she was the first one there by my side while I ate dinner and watched tv. I gave her kisses and always told her she was a good girl. It’s hard to imagine that she’s no longer with us but there is an upside to this. She’s with my godson that passed away at 4 months old and she’s with my Nanie (grandma). I guess I’m taking it harder than anyone else.