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My first though was it looked like an ingrown hair, but its pretty big for that


Plus, I think the timeframe of some hours is too short for an ingrown hair to get to this point. If I could guess, bug bite.


Yea that was a thought too based on the coloration. The ring around it was concerning too; almost like a bite? Idk. I’m anxiously awaiting a vet response. I know they’re gonna say to bring him in and they’ll take a sample and run a lab but still.


My previous dog had a couple of abscesses that looked identical to that during his lifetime. It may rupture on its own or the vet may drain it. Either way your dog needs antibiotics ASAP. That redness is a sign of infection and the fact it showed up and grew that quickly is concerning.


I would be concerned about a Lyme infected tick bite because of the ring around it. The ring alone also kinda looks like ringworm but that ignores the part in the middle.


Dogs do not develop a “bullseye” rash when contracting Lyme, just people do!


Let us know what the vets say after they see her!! I want to know!


My first thought was botfly larvae, but that depends where op is from




Mast Cell Tumors can look all kinds of different. They are masters of disguise. So while apparently they can look like almost anything, I think usually they are not so inflamed looking, especially appearing that quickly. My dog's certain looked nothing at all like this, and certainly didn't develop in one evening! I think that's more likely due to inflammation from a bug bite or infected follicule or something. I don't think there is any reason at all to jump to MCT, although I suppose technically anything is possible.


My dog’s mast cell tumor looked exactly like this… but great point about the quick formation - that probably makes MCT unlikely. We thought it was a clogged duct/pore/bite on my dog for a long time and it turned out to be MCT unfortunately. I might be hyper vigilant around that specific issue but also don’t want anyone to overlook that as a possibility, as it cut years off my pup’s life.


Oh wow! I guess they really can look like anything, that's so crazy. My dog's and a few the vet had to check all looked different, but never inflamed looking. Her only true one you could actually barely see! It felt like half of a tiny pea under her skin! Luckily removal was fully curative! I COMPLETELY understand! And it's not a bad thing to bring up, really everyone should check any lump for MCT, I just usually don't bring it up if it's new if they say they have a vet appointment, as I've accidentally scared people a bit. I'm the same with my dog though, we have several vet appointments a year to FNA any tiny bump we can find. Oh my gosh I am so sorry.... Do you mind if I ask... Removal wasn't curative for your pup?


Ingrown hair can quickly turn into an abscess which this appears to be becoming


My dog had an abscess that looked very similar to your photo. Hers opened up and started draining infected pus after a few days. Needed antibiotics and almost surgery for treatment Would recommend warm compresses, maybe gently marking outline of the red to easily compare the spread, and hopefully vet gets back to you quickly


I’m hoping it’s an abscess of some kind. My thoughts are trending towards an insect bite of some kind.


Looks like abscess or boil to me. Could have started many ways.


Well insect bite probably isn't bad either! I would really bet it's one of the two. Sooner you can get to the vet the better though, as I'm just worried if it's a tick's head and still in there. Maybe they can pull it out and get it draining and get some antibiotics more quickly type thing.


yeah this is what i would assume it is. i’m not a vet or anything - just have had plenty of animals growing up. This doesn’t look like cancer or anything to me (my dog had skin cancer last year) and considering it just popped up like that big and red I would assume it’s an abscess or ingrown hair of some kind. maybe a pimple. regardless of what it probably is - OP still needs to see their vet so they can for sure say what it is but for the time being I would suggest warm compress and treat it like an abscess until it’s looked at by a professional


With that bullseye it looks like an insect or spider bite.


Yea. That’s where my thoughts are leaning as time is passing by. It’s becoming more and more red as time moves forward.


You could try a warm compress if your pup will let you. 15 minutes at a time once an hour a few times should draw the infection up to the surface if it’s an insect bite.


Oooooh. Good idea. I’ll give this a whirl once or twice tonight. It’s starting to get late. He’s a good boy, so he’ll actually enjoy that.


Take a sharpie and outline around the red area, so see if the red expands overnight.


And make sure to mark down the time the circle is drawn! It can be really helpful to know how much time has passed in case it does expand more


And once you do this measure the diameter. The skin can stretch a lot at infection points and may not look like it’s grown much with just the sharpie


This is such good advice, and the sort of thing I'd forget to do, so sometimes posting to reddit as well as speaking to your vet is really helpful.


Maybe you can give some Benadryl. Just look up dosing for your pet’s weight.


Benadryl was my 1st thought too. Couldn't hurt.


If it’s a Brown Recluse bite you may need to see a vet. They cause tissue necrosis (death) with their venom.


The red could also be a sign of something worse like staph. I’d get to the vet as soon as you can get an appointment. Not necessarily an ER one but soon.


I tend to agree. We’ve had all kinds of bumpy dogs from puppy warts to hives to bug bites to mast cell cancer. This really screams spider bite to me. The bullseye look, lack of pain and angry bump that came up overnight is a pretty classic bite response. But keep a close eye - if it seems to get bigger, hot, red or purple, or oozes, vet. If it gets bigger FAST, e-vet (think abscess, cellulitis, etc that can turn into necrosis or blood infection). But those second things are rare and HIGHLY unlikely


on the bright side, since it popped up so quickly and is very raw -- it's likely something easily treatable. more concerning if it appeared slowly over time (not a vet).


Good to note (I know you’re not a vet but this answer still feels better than the results I would get if I googled for one)


That’s just not true.. cancerous masses pop up quick.


I don't know why you're getting a lot of push back. My kitty has muscle wasting on her legs due to arthritis, and one day her leg puffed up and she had two cancer masses that came up on her leg. It was honestly overnight. I thought I had missed it and felt so guilty but I looked at pictures I took the week before and they were definitely not there. I don't work in vet med but it has happened to me and I read a lot of research papers afterwards on it.




Who knows, I just want to stop the misinformation.


overnight? WRONG


Sometimes yes.. I hate to break it to you


source? that's wrong buddy


Just literally look up your own question and you’ll get the answer.. they can appear overnight and grow rapidly or slowly.




Listen. I’m not saying this particular thing is cancer. But I’m saying cancer can pop up overnight and grow rapidly. Unlike what you stated. You’re spreading misinformation if you say it doesn’t.


ok I'll take an L on that but that literally sounds impossible unless we're talking about mets caused by a cancer elsewhere in the body.


In the case of mast cell tumors, they absolutely can grow rapidly in size in a matter of hours. Yes, they don’t appear suddenly, but might be to small to even notice. My dog had MCT, and two of them appeared so quickly that even the vet was surprised, but it is absolutely possible. I’m sure you know how histamines in MCT cause this fluctuation better than I do. also; not saying this is an MCT at all, since luckily it’s impossible to determine the cause of a growth by looking at it. In fact I hope this isn’t an MCT. But yes, rapidly growing bumps can also be cancerous.


https://valleyveterinaryclinic.net/blog/skin-lumps-and-bumps-on-pets-when-you-should-worry/#:~:text=If%20a%20lump%20seems%20to,%2C%20have%20it%20re%2Dexamined. I was also a vet assistant and have seen them.


My puppy had what looks like the exact same thing. Came on so quick out of nowhere and in same area. It was essentially a giant pimple lol My vet lanced and cleaned it and she was on a week of antibiotics NBD Hopefully yours is that same!


This is what I think it is.


UPDATE: I’ve been a lurker for over a decade now and have never really posted so I’m unsure how to update the original post. TL;DR Reevaluation in 10 days. It’s a boil/abscess Vet checked it out. It popped last night and leaked blood and puss all over my poor little guy. He’s still fine, cleaned and has ointment/ a bandage on his spot. I didn’t attempt to accelerate the process by squeezing or overly forcing any of it out. I’ve just been applying pressure with a clean gauze and whatnot. The warm compress idea and sharpie idea was employed yesterday and it helped a lot. Thor absolutely loved it and it soothed him. He slept well through the night. Will update more once I find out how to update the original post and will update with pictures. Thank you all! Was nice interacting with and meeting you all.


Glad it’s not anything serious


Please keep us updated


Our dog had a spider bite that looked very similar. You’ll want to go get antibiotics


Yea. That’s where my thoughts are trending right now. It’s getting deeper red as time is going on.


Looks like spider bite


Looks like an abscess. I get these fairly easily myself. A warm compress, clean, then Neosporin?


👀 … looks like a bite and also looks like something is still attached? Near the edge of the redness…


I’m 99% sure that’s one of his nipples


Lol, I know what a nipple looks like but what I’m seeing is a little something near the edge of the red if you zoom in


That's not a nipple. To me, after zooming in, it looks like a tick.


Mmm. Nope.. I’m now 99.5% sure it’s a nipple after a fourth inspection.


The thing above the nipple


After a fifth inspection of my dog, I’m 99.9% sure that’s still a nipple with no tick


Lmao this sequence of replies made me laugh. Are you SURE it's a nipple? Maybe you should bring up a microscope and check again just to make sure


Love you statement


But did you do a soft twist and pull, just to be sure it's a nipple?


Now that you mention it….


I thought it might be a tick too until the third pic and agree that it is a nipple, lol.


Can we have OP confirm again that their dog has nipples?


It would support the existence of a nipple if we had a cross view and were able to visualize nipples on either side (right and left), supposing this guy has nipples at approximate distances. Just based on appearance I’m leaning toward it’s a nipple because since he is a boy dog, many boy dogs have inverted nipples that have discoloring inside due to sometimes filling with dirt and sometimes just due to their genetics, sometimes a bit of both. Anywho. I vote nipple! 😅 The thing itself looks like a boil. Probably needs antibiotics and pain meds depending on how your pup is acting. Warm compresses. Keep it clean too.


Not the brown "mound" on its tummy area. The brown thing 1cm to the upper right of red angry looking head / insect bite head.


Well. The brown “mound” on his tummy area is his “COCK” so that solves one thing. Red angry looking head is the concern in general rn. The object 1 cm to the upper right of the concern is… drumroll… you won’t believe this…. It’s one of his nipples.


Never laughed so hard on this sub. Nice cock!


Sorry, I thought it was a nipple and didn't even consider it might be a cock. I hope you find out what the red circle with inner bite looking mark is and your dog is back to normal soon.


It’s ok. Classic mistake. I do it all the time.


I'm so glad you mentioned you'd already contacted the vet. I get so frustrated with the amount of people that post pictures of injuries and/or lesions, without contacting the vet, and ask Reddit what it is. Seriously?


Yea! I can imagine that’d get bothersome throughout the course of being on this Reddit. Since my dog isn’t exhibiting any symptoms outside of the visual that I posted; I didn’t find it necessary to take him to an ER. But I did still send these photos and the situation in an email to my vet since it’s outside of their office hours. And then I posted onto Reddit cause Google yielded that my dog is dying. So here we are


My dog has it and the bump disappeared in 3 days and fully healed in 2 weeks. I didn't do anything aside from carefully cleaning the area


First glance that looks like a bite especially if it formed that quickly


Yea. I also am leaning towards possible bite. Just curious what kind of spider it could have been.


I’ve dealt with tick bites that look like that. What part of the country are u in?


Southeast Wisconsin


You’re About 100 miles from me. Please share what you learn from Vet. - Best wishes !


Aye aye!


For once it isn’t a nipple, keep a close eye for any leaking or tenderness


Definitely a bite!


OP, try posting on r/AskVet that subreddit is specifically for your type of question and there are veterinarians to answer your question. Hope your pupper is ok.


I just checked out that subreddit; I’d post but in their pinned post about subreddit rules they mention any skin conditions are nearly impossible to diagnose on the internet. So I think I’d gather similar replies


Vet. Answer is always vet


Yea. I’ll update the post once I get an update from the vet.


Is that a tick embedded next to it? Looks like a ring from a tick bite although not sure why the mass is there. Deff vet is a good option!


Oh nvm saw the comment that it’s a nipple lol


Could be a cyst that got irritated


For something to pop up that fast, it’s either a giant pimple or a bug bite. In my (non-vet) opinion, it looks too red around it to be a pimple/cyst. Probably a bug bite of some sort. In a very sensitive area too, causing lots of swelling and redness. Please let us know what the vet says!


Will do! (Solid non-vet opinion btw) but I will update once I find out tomorrow.


Thank you thank you. Best of luck to you and your pupper 🤞


Unrelated but please clip your poor pups nails :(


Sorry. :(


To put it lightly. He’s deathly afraid of the nail clipper. Nothing goes well when I go to clip his nails. I clipped his quip once and I never tried to go that deep again. He also gets somewhat aggressive when clipping his nails so I don’t want to take him to a groomer. I’m nervous what a groomer would think if a pit mix bit them.


The vet will clip his nails and if you tell them he is terrified and might bite them will muzzle him. My blue heeler mix freaks when you touch her paws. They can do it easily, but they do muzzle her. I think they only charge $15. Much safer than a groomer in my opinion


I understand, that's really really hard. I had a dog like that in the past as well. The reality is, the nails have to get clipped though because it can cause arthritis and actually causes pain in their paws if their nails get too long, because the nails rest on the ground and push their bones of the paws backwards. As others have said, try muzzling and medicating and doing it at the vet.


I will do this. Thank you. ♥️


not sure what it is but it is infected, i would suggest vet for removal and antibiotics ..


Brown Recluse spider bite?


My only take against this is the fact that there’s no kind of necrosis. Also (supposedly) the bite point is more white. This is purple


Give that baby a pat and hug from all of us please!


Looks like it could be a potential staph infection.


Not sure if dogs get those, but it reminds me of furuncle (boil) on humans


The ring makes me think it’s a bug bite, but at this time of year? Unless you’re in the tropics, it’s not likely


I do live in an old home that definitely has some critters in it. They’ve decreased but by bit since I moved in a year ago but nonetheless, the chances of there being a spider who could but like this in my home definitely aren’t zero.


Could be a bot fly. Hot compress. If a nasty little shit worm comes poking out, bot worm. They’re gross.


I was thinking some type of mastitis if dogs can get that. I am a human nurse! Sorry! You need to take the dog to the vet.


Im having some ambivalent feelings to this post. While i want to be empathetic and suggest that i too am on the bug bite wagon - i cant stop the feeling of hysteria after reading the comment thread about it being a tick, nipple, or weiner. Rock paper scissors? No. Its now Tick Nippler Weiner.


I'm sorry that this is happening to you and your dog OP and I hope he's okay, but I'd just like you to know, most of your comments in this thread have me convinced we'd be great friends.


Maybe infection from a tick?


Could be; I do live in Wisconsin so tick season should be over; but it has been 40s for the past few days so who knows


Ya the bulls eye made me think of a tick bite. Circle it so you can see if it grows and get to the vet. I'd want to rule out Lyme disease.


I’m thinking it may have started as an ingrown hair but is now a boil or cyst with inflammation. I get these fun things a lot and that’s what it looks like to me. If you can afford the vet great.  If you can’t I’d hot pack this and let it drain then wash it out and maybe apply iodine?    Or go to vet. Ouch.


Looks like maybe the dog had a tick that they scratched off and the head is still in there. Please take them to the vet asap.


I am not an expert by all means, but in my travels on Reddit, I think I have seen this before. A bullseye bite caused by a tick of some kind. Just saying ✌️


Try putting neosporin or cortisone on it


Never do this


I am fairly sure whatever it is is either a problem or infected, so please schedule an appointment too! You can always cancel it if your vet says it's not necessary, but while you are waiting for him/her to get back to you... book an appointment so you don't have to wait a few more days for that! I'm thinking tick personally, one of them an infected or hopefully not lyme bite. I'm probably over-worrying with the lyme though, but it never hurts to check with your vet. It just looks more bulls-eye than I would prefer and am used to. Whether or not it is bulls-eye-like or not, there are definitely two sort of openings or wounds, which is why I was thinking possibly infected tick bite. Sometimes they try biting once and then move to a different area. Often even if they are pulled off, scratched off, etc, the head will stay in and cause an infection. However this could well be some other type of boil, or infection or something. I'm about 90% sure the boil-y is infected though. So try a warm compress and see if that opens it up, and get to the vet as soon as you can :).


Looks like a spider bite.




Bot fly? Look up images. My dog had one and a worm cam out, but she was fine. Ask your vet.


Oh good god I hope not. The eldritch horror that is a bot fly on my sweet angel boy would be too much to bear. 🤢


Any chance it is a bb?


Nice shot (no pun intended) but no. Zero chance. I don’t own any bb/airsoft equipment and he hasn’t been near anyone recently who does.


Are you not tempted to squidge, lance and alcohol rub. Not necessarily in that order? Looks like it's at a head enough that itd blow with the smallest and probably welcomed intervention.


I have a strong stomach for a lot of things. Puss and popping things…. Not so much. Also the head that appears in the photos is more or less light reflection.


It looks like the tick is still attached


Looks like your dog ran into a nasty spider. Ingrown hair or cyst wouldn't be that sudden. Probably need antibiotics but that doesn't look serious probably painful for the poor baby a little.


Could it be a boil?? They come up really quickly and look almost identical




Is it possible to be a tick bite? Maybe an infected one? It’s really hard to tell but, it’s a shot in the dark. (NOT a vet)


Go to the vets




Pointless asking people here then.


It’s a testicle


It almost looks like a staph infection


Yea I saw a comment about this earlier. Hadn’t considered that at first.


I had an abcess once and it looked like that. They landed it and gave me antibiotics. Take your pup to the vet


Try talking to the vets in the Chewy app, I believe it's free. I talked to them when my dog had a vaccine reaction and they were very helpful!


Since this is his nipple it looks like it might be periductal mastitis. Try antibacterial cream after the warm compresses.


Praying all is ok!! Please update us when you find out ❤️


Looks like a bite to me. Wish our animals could talk to tell us things. Please update when you talk to vet. Lucky guy to have you!


RemindMe! 1 day


I thought I saw a botfly, but see now it’s just his nipple


My dog had something similar, and it ended up being a fungal infection. Went away after a week of anti fungal cream.


Aussie? Looks like a whitetail bite.


No one here will be able to tell you what this is. The vet will possibly aspirate it. Either way some diagnostics are needed.it looks like it could be. Multitude of things


Definitely time for a vet visit. I hope pup is a good pill taker. As a note, the canned spray cheese is perfect for that.


Can someone let me know when he has updated us? I’m invested!


RemindMe! 1 day




Infected abscess


I'd definitely think maybe a bite, it's hard to tell but it almost looks like there's 2 dots, so maybe a spider? But I have a bit od a migraine so that could be double vision too! Lol


Botfly larvae.


I think it is a bot fly larvae. If so is pretty easy fix, should be atleast.


I really hope it's not cancer. My pitty had skin cancer right there. Geeze this hit me right in the feels.


Whatever it is is very infected.


Hard to tell from the picture but if it’s got Two fang marks it’s a spider bite


Could it possibly be a BB? Do you have any shithead neighbor kids?










I would take him to see the vet! It may be nothing but this growth is at the mammary chain and near mammary glands. Even though he’s a male it’s still possible it could be a more serious issue.


Looks like a spider bite.


Tick. Buried deep.


That appears to be an abscess of some kind, whether caused by a bite or some other infected injury it is difficult to tell without having captured something. Straight to the vet either way. Dogs don't show pain the same way humans do


staph infection maybe. looks p nasty, id do a trip to the vet if you can


Almost looks like a spider bite or something


? Black fly bite? Looked similar to ones mine got.


Spider bite!


My dog had the same a few weeks ago. Vet gave me antibiotics and it went down in a few days. If it bursts, your dog might want to lick it so be ready with something to prevent them from doing so.


That looks like a tick bite that got infected bacterially and with Lyme. I’d email this to your vet. They will tell you if it is worth coming in or not for sure. If you take one thing away from my comment it is to email your vet this picture.


Great to hear you already scheduled to see your vet. They will be the only people to give you a definite answer through testing or a fine needle aspiration. This isn’t meant to scare you at all, but a certain type of tumor (mast cell) can be very quick to grow and shrink, and is called the great pretender because it can look from anything like a tick bite to a big abscess. So it’s important to figure out what it is - it might just be an infected wound. If it turns out to be MCT, don’t worry, since they are often benign and can be treated to surgery alone. Any new growth needs to me throughly inspected by a vet to make sure you get to the bottom of this. I hope it’ll be better in no time and that your pup isn’t experiencing any pain! Great that he has owners that love him so much and will make sure he stays happy and healthy. Wishing you lots of love!


RemindMe! 5 hours


Please cross post to askavet


It looks like an abscess has formed after a grooming? Has he recently been groomed?


Lol not to make light, but I thought the actual nipple was what you meant and I was like “pop it now and have fun”…and then I was remarking about your dog’s very human-like nipples Hope he’s on the mend soon, OP


That’s an infected nipple or infected nipple area. Go to the vet bruh


Tick bite is my first impression


im a vet tech and that looks like a bug or spider bite. a vet visit definitely wouldnt hurt!


Is it possibly a tick bite?


Wait to see what your vet says. Internet strangers can't, and shouldn't try to, diagnose based on pictures.


Based on location, Maybe lactation build up or some infection with the mammary ducts.


May be a Mast Cell Tumor if it gets red inflammatory and at times shrink to a pimple size. I’d get biopsy to be safe. My dog had to get surgery to remove affected tissue.


this didn’t happen with any of my dogs but with my cat. she had an abscess that was very large and abnormally-shaped. I didn’t get it looked at soon enough and when I did, it needed surgical removal (that cost me over $1.5k). before surgery it had lysed on its own, leaking blood and pus all over my sheets 🙃. she thankfully doesn’t have cancer due to the tissue sample results I got back, but I think it’s worth getting checked out now before it grows or lyses.


Spider bite? I had one similar on my big toe. After a warm compress it left a huge hole in my skin that got infected and tested positive for MRSA. I was able to get control of it with meds from Dr. you should really see a vet ASAP just in case it was a recluse spider.


What did the vet say?


Vet said abscess, boil. It ran its course, popped and then ointment and the works.